Hogwarts Kryptonian

Chapter 136 Werewolf

"Meow, don't listen to Snape."

"I do feel that I need to reflect on why I can't seem to keep any secrets. Even you know that I am from thirty years in the future..."

"Meow!! I know it's nothing!"

"I understand! But now Daphne's father and Blaise's mother know about the system. This is always a problem, right? Even if there is an oath that cannot be broken..."

Lu Yunkai shook his head and sighed.

After returning to the dormitory from Snape's office, Lu Yunkai told Chris about the "stupid thing" he did today.

But Chris had a "you did a good job" look on her face.

This only made him feel more depressed.

Maybe I am just as simple-minded as this broken cat?

"Meow, you! If this is really a problem, I would have warned you a long time ago." Kris shook the cat's head speechlessly, "I think it is a good thing that you are doing this."

"...I just thought you were complimenting me."

"Meow, it's true. Let's put it this way, does Snape now think that you are a troubled person with big secrets?"


"Even Snape, who knows you best, would think so. What about Dumbledore? Where's Voldemort?" Chris spread her cat's paws, "But your biggest secret is that system! Meow! As long as no one is If you discover the existence of your system and target it in advance, not even Voldemort can kill you."

"That's what I said..."

"You are so heartless and simple-minded now. You can even tell others such important things as your plan to infiltrate the Death Eaters to find out about Voldemort. Why would people be wary of you?" Chris Seriously, "Just like me, I am a money-grubbing cat in front of everyone, but in fact I am not..."

"Aren't you?" Lu Yun gave Chris a blank look.

"I am the great hero who swallowed Voldemort's soul!!"


Although Lu Yunkai laughed speechlessly, he also understood what Chris was going to tell him.

"I think it's good for you to do this." Chris saw that Lu Yunkai's heart had opened up a little, and she continued: "It is far better to have a few trustworthy partners who are willing to share your secrets than to share everything with you." It's better to keep it to yourself. Snape... he's just jealous."

"Okay!" Lu Yunkai sighed and jumped out of bed, "I'm going to class."

"Meow, let's go! Is the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the afternoon?" Chris sat down again and wanted to continue the nap she had just been woken up by Lu Yunkai.


"Actually, I suggest you tell Lupine about meeting Sirius." Chrissy continued.

"Why? Lupine...may not believe Sirius, right?"

"Which one is more trustworthy, Sirius or Peter? Lupine has a lot more say than you! They are old friends. Can you let him help you check again?" Chrissy yawned and closed her eyes. As if talking in his sleep, "And don't you still expect Hermione to persuade Harry to accept his godfather? I think Lupine is more suitable for this matter than Hermione."

"Well, you're right."

Lu Yunkai's eyes lit up and he quickly walked out of the dormitory.


"Well, I suggest you go find it and learn."

"Why?" Hermione looked at Lu Yunkai with a confused look on her face.

The classroom was very noisy. Lupine was leading the students to practice the new spells they learned today. Lu Yunkai took advantage of the chaos and came to Hermione.

"What I told you was known to Snape. He reminded me not to tell so many secrets to people who don't know how to do Occlumency."

"...Snape?? Using Legilimency on students is against school rules..."

"Are you going to sue him?" Lu Yun gave Hermione a blank look.


"I'll check it out later."

"Well, I also plan to practice Legilimency again. Let's go back together." Lu Yunkai glanced at Daphne who was following him and said.

"...Okay." Hermione smiled a little apologetically at Daphne. She was about to leave, but suddenly remembered, "No, Legilimency does not require passing the Ministry of Magic's personality test first..."

"You're going to sue me?"


Hermione rolled her eyes at Lu Yunkai and left.

"You're such a bold person." Daphne, who was standing next to her, smiled and chatted.

"...Aren't you curious about what I said to Hermione?" Lu Yunkai looked at Daphne's indifferent expression and suddenly felt a little guilty.

"If you are willing to tell me, then you must tell me! If you don't want me to know, you must not want me to worry, and it is for my own good. Then if I insist on pestering you to ask, isn't it a waste of your good intentions?" Daphne It's reasonable to say, "But why do you want to practice Legilimency with her? I can also help you..."

"How dare I use Legilimency on you!" Lu Yunkai shook his head quickly, "Legilimency will detect a lot of your thoughts, even memories you have forgotten..."

"I'm not afraid!" Daphne said firmly, "There's nothing I can't let you know."

"...Are you trying to make me cry or something?" Lu Yunkai rubbed his nose, feeling a little sore.

"Hehe..." Daphne gave Lu Yun a big smile.

Just at this time.

"Lu Yunkai! It's your turn!"

Professor Lupine's voice sounded.

"Yes! Professor!"

Lu Yunkai walked to the front and drew his wand in front of Lu Ping.

"Lu Yunkai."

"Professor Lupine. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be distracted during class..."

"If I can't even see through this, I won't even think about being your teacher."

Lu Ping interrupted Lu Yunkai's apology with a smile.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class is over. In the class just now, Lupine taught a group of students a spell that can be used for proper self-protection, the Vadivasi Launching Charm. But during the practice session, Lu Yunkai messed up.

Not only did the spell fail to be launched successfully, it even almost hurt Neville who was watching the fun on the sidelines...

Of course, just a little bit.

However, Lu Yunkai was still kept by Lu Ping after class.

In Lu Yunkai's memory, this was the first time that he was detained in class for causing trouble!

As for why this is the case...

"What do you want to say to me alone?" Lu Ping looked at Lu Yunkai, who was avoiding his eyes, and could only continue.

"Um...Professor Luping...I don't have any hostility, but..." Lu Yunkai took a deep breath, "You...are a werewolf, right?"

"..." The smile on the smiling Lupine's face froze.

"In the first two months of school last year, you would be unable to attend class for a few days. Later, although the situation got better and Professor Snape no longer came to teach, your mental state would be worse on the second day of the full moon night. Very bad...I guess it's a side effect of the Wolfsbane potion? After all, this potion was invented not long ago, and... Professor Snape doesn't seem to be very concerned when he prepares the potion for you. Have a grudge against you?" Lu Yunkai continued.


Lupine's face became extremely solemn.

"Snape told you that he helped me prepare the Wolfsbane potion?"

"No. But as an extracurricular assignment last semester, he asked me to write a paper on wolfsbane potion." Lu Yunkai shook his head, "I discovered that the potion is somewhat toxic and can cause some mental malaise, physical weakness, and even hair loss. Although the consequences of turning yellow will disappear in a few days, and the danger is negligible compared to when the werewolf loses control, this feeling is definitely uncomfortable. "

"...You are really a potions genius." Lu Ping sighed, "Are you going to publish this paper and then ask me to help you with recommendations and supporting evidence?"

"No. Professor Snape told me that the wizard who invented Wolfsbane Potion is still alive and a member of the Order of Merlin. Writing such a paper will get me into trouble."

"Then why did you suddenly tell me this? You must have found out about this for some time, right?"

"When I was in class, I was thinking why all your friends would brave the huge wind to practice Agmanis. Maybe... it's because werewolves don't actively attack animals, right?" Lu Yunkai said to himself, "So …They should be your most important friends, right?”

Lupine said nothing.

He looked at Lu Yunkai and squinted his eyes, as if he wanted to see through Lu Yunkai.

But Lu Yunkai was not afraid either, he looked at Lu Ping with a calm look on his face.

For a while.

"Snape taught you the brain defense technique? I have to say that he is indeed an expert in this area." Lupine sighed softly, "Have you... met Sirius?"

"Oh? Did you guess it?"

"James and Peter are both dead. He is the only one who knows about it."

"Hmm... But if I hadn't met Peter and Sirius, even if I was 100% sure that you were a werewolf, I wouldn't dare to say it rashly." Lu Yunkai nodded.

"...Have you met Peter??"

Lu Yunkai's words made Lu Ping, who had already calmed down, his expression instantly become extremely exciting.

"Shouldn't you be shocked that I've met Sirius?"

"Isn't Peter already...dead?"

"He is indeed dead. Last year, he died at the claws of Chrissy." Lu Yunkai nodded, "He plotted against Chrissy, causing it to be almost killed by a basilisk attack, and then..."

As he spoke, he waved his hand like a claw.

"Are you sure?" Lu Ping seemed extremely shocked.

"I think you have more faith in the friendship between Sirius and James Potter than I do. Right?"

"...But I can't believe Peter either... Are you so sure that your cat killed Peter? Have you seen his body?"

"Oh, he died as a mouse in Chrissy's mouth." Lu Yunkai talked about this matter calmly, "Although Chrissy told me about Ron from the first day he entered school. The pet rat was an Agmanis, but I didn’t believe it until Sirius came to me and asked me if Chrissy was actually a rat, and I realized that it was telling me the truth.”

"Peter...he is actually still alive?" Lupine sighed longly and shook his head.

"Already dead. But because of this, Sirius can no longer clear his grievances." Lu Yunkai continued, "Especially for Harry..."

"What did Sirius tell you? Why are you sure he won't lie to you?"

"I used veritaserum." Lu Yunkai shook his head and relayed the story Sirius told him to Luping, "I told you exactly according to what he said. He told me twenty times, one word. not bad."

"...Twenty times?" Hearing this, Lupine suddenly laughed, "You actually asked Sirius Black, who hates trouble the most, to repeat a sentence twenty times! Hahahaha!"

"So the Veritaserum must have worked, right?" Lu Yunkai nodded, "Now it seems that Peter was not dead but did not come to find you as a good friend, so I completely believe what he said."

Having said this, Lu Yunkai stopped talking.

He did not continue.

Lu Yunkai was waiting for Lu Ping's statement.

After all, as Chrissy said, perhaps there is no living person who knows better about what kind of person Sirius is, except perhaps his good friend Lupine.

Lu Ping stared at Lu Yunkai again for a long time.

"Veritaserum...you are really a good student of Snape!" Lupine smiled bitterly, "Are you telling me this for Harry?"

"I think it's quite pitiful that Harry has to sneak away to Hogsmeade every weekend. If there was a godfather who was willing to sign for him and allow him to go to Hogsmeade openly... he would also be very happy, right? "

Lu Yunkai breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Lupine, without any evidence, chose to believe Sirius between Sirius and Peter...

This can be considered a vote of confidence!

"You really don't look like a Slytherin. I've never seen a Slytherin believe so strongly in friendship."

"I just think Harry is a friend worth making. After all...he is the one destined to destroy Voldemort!"

"I will try to communicate with Harry." Lupine nodded and made a promise.

"Well. Then I'll leave first."


"By the way, Professor Lupin, there's something I didn't tell you. In fact, Sirius went to see Harry last summer. Harry said he had seen the big black dog..."

Lu Yunkai originally turned around and planned to leave, but then he looked back and said as if he remembered something again.

"...You don't need to say anything anymore, I know what I should do."

Lupine smiled and shook his head.

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