Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 69: Course selection (please recommend)

After bidding farewell to the twins, Wright returned directly to the Ravenclaw common room. But as soon as he opened the door and walked into the lounge, someone secretly cast a spell on Wright.

Wright deflected a red light that came towards him, and the spell was cast on a first-year student who had just passed by. His legs immediately closed together. Wright immediately apologized to him and helped him. This leg-locking spell was broken.

"Chang Chu, can you stop playing?" Wright walked up to Chang Chu, who was pretending to be nonchalant, and knocked her on the head. Chang Chu was the only one in the school who didn't directly cast a spell without saying hello, " Especially don’t play in the lounge, there are too many people here!”

"But I just want to see how the famous Wright makes a fool of himself!" Chang Chu covered his head and said with a bulging mouth.

"For you, a newly made little toy." Wright sat next to Chang Chu and took out the pink pig-changing helmet from the mok bag again. "After putting it on, you can change the shape of the pig in sight. Everyone’s image turned into a pig.”

"Really?" Chang Chu took the helmet and put it on his head in surprise, and soon burst into laughter.

"Lite, Chang Chu, you are all here!" Penello suddenly came over, holding another pile of parchment in her hand.

"Senior, why do I feel like every time I see you, I always see you holding a document like this?" Wright took a piece of parchment handed to him by Penello and suddenly asked her .

"Actually, I don't know why." Penello shrugged and handed a piece of parchment to Chang Chu who took off his helmet.

"What is this? The list of students staying at school during the Easter holiday?" Chang Chu asked Penello.

"No, the list of students staying in school will probably be sent out tomorrow. This is a new course you will learn when you are in third grade, that is, course selection." Penello said.

"Choose courses?" Wright looked at the parchment in his hand. There were indeed several courses written on it: Divination, Arithmetic Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies and finally the study of ancient runes.

"That's right," Penello explained, "choosing courses will actually affect your entire future life to a certain extent."

"That's it? Affecting the entire future?" Wright weighed the parchment in his hand and looked at the corner of the common room with strange eyes. "Did you use eggs to divine what my future life will be like?"

Recently, there was a third-year student in Ravenclaw Academy who was confused by Professor Trelawney for some reason. He was obsessed with doing only one thing all day long, and that was: Egg Divination.

The so-called egg divination method is to break the egg and perform divination according to the shape of the falling yolk.

In Wright's opinion, this is completely a divination technique that only one would be crazy to believe!

"Well, it's a bit exaggerated to be like him." Penello also looked helplessly at the corner of the common room, and the observers noticed that the student was breaking his 233rd egg of the day.

"But Wright, you two must pay attention to this." Penello said, "Each student must choose at least two courses, and there is no upper limit."

"At least two?" Chang Chu frowned. She looked at the parchment in her hand, then at Penello, and said pitifully, "I can't think of anything to choose from, Senior Penello. Any good suggestions?”

"In fact, within our Ravenclaw academy, most people have their own opinions on these elective courses." Penello sat down next to the two of them, "Just like the student Wright mentioned just now Likewise, he should think that divination class is the best class in the world."

"What do you think, Senior Penello?" Chang Chu smiled and took Penello's arm.

"I don't recommend that you choose the divination class." Penello shook his head and said, "I don't recommend that you choose either the arithmetic divination class or the divination class. But I want to state again that this is just my personal opinion. "

"Why?" Chang Chu asked.

"Our Divination professor, Sybill Trelawney, always said that only students who truly have 'sights' can truly understand the significance of this course. But whenever students ask her what 'sights' are, But she always hesitated and took the topic elsewhere, refusing to say anything clearly," Penello said.

"As for the arithmetic divination class, this is a class that teaches students how to explain a person's character and destiny through numbers, or predict the future of others." Penello said, "Whether you believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway."

"But the good thing about the arithmetic divination class is that Professor Victor, who teaches this course, always leaves very few homework assignments." Penello said, "But relatively, those assignments are also very difficult, including requiring students to Writing professional papers that require the use of complex tables of numbers, etc. ”

Wright and Chang Chu looked at each other, and Chang Chu turned his head dryly.

"What about the other electives?" Wright asked, "Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies and Ancient Runes."

"If you want to mix grades, choose Muggle Studies!" Penello said bluntly, "But if you want to really learn something, I suggest you choose Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Demons. Literary Studies Class.”

"Why not choose Muggle studies?" Chang Chu asked.

"As far as I know, the most recent homework assignment in the Muggle Studies class is to study how Muggles live without using magic." There was an inexplicable expression on Penello's face. look.

"Actually, I have long thought that this course needs to be banned." Penello suddenly put his arms around Chang Chu and Wright's shoulders, brought their heads to his mouth, and said in a super low voice, "Like us Students who come from the world of ordinary people will never understand how people in these wizarding worlds view ordinary people."

"Just like last year's Muggle Studies final exam paper: "On why Muggles need electricity." Why do ordinary people need electricity? Why not ask why wizards need magic?" After Penello finished speaking, Only then did he let go of Wright and Chang Chu.

"Then let's take the course of protecting magical creatures and the course of studying ancient magic texts." Chang Chu said with a wink.

"Actually, that's what I mean," Penello said. "The two professors who teach these two courses are Professor Sylvanus Kettleburn and Professor Basilica Barbling."

"Compared with professors of other elective courses, these two professors are the most reliable and qualified, at least in my opinion."

"Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts!" ​​Chang Chu handed the two completed forms to Penello.

"You're welcome!" Penello patted Chang Chu's hand, then stood up and left with a smile.

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