Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 442 Conversation with Grindelwald

Tina's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what was happening in front of her.

Graves looked at Obscurus with fascination, his eyes filled with desire for power. The black thing lay quietly on his hand, letting Graves spin it wantonly.

"This is the Obscurus." Newt turned to Tina and explained.

"But it's not what you think, I took it away from that eight-year-old girl, to save her.


"I wanted to take it home and study it carefully, but it wouldn't survive outside."

As a dark parasite, the Obscurus will automatically dissipate when it leaves the human body. The reason is that in a different dimension, the Obscurus is completely unable to adapt to the current living environment.

"It won't hurt anyone, trust me!"

Newt's tone increased, as if to emphasize that the Obscurus that had left the human body was harmless.

"That is to say, without a host, it is completely useless?"

"It's useless?" Newt turned his head in confusion, confirming the words Graves just said.

"It's useless? It was precisely because of the encroachment of this dark creature that the child lost his life. Who would use such a thing."


. "

Newt suddenly stopped talking. He looked at Graves with a slightly strange and questioning look, as well as a bit of anger.

"You can't fool anyone, Mr. Scamander."

Graves stood up, avoiding eye contact with Newt, and quickly changed the subject.

"You brought Obscurus to New York just to stir up trouble, trample on the Statute of Secrecy, and expose the wizarding world to danger."

"It's harmless, you know."

There was a hint of crying in Newt's words, and he argued weakly and hastily.

"You have committed the crime of treason and betrayed your compatriots. Therefore, you will be sentenced to death and will be executed immediately."

"Miss Goldstein, because you assisted Mr. Scamander in committing a crime, you are also sentenced to death and will be executed immediately."

"As for this gentleman."

Graves pointed at Louis and thought for a moment.

"You are of unknown origin. Being an accomplice of Scamander will also lead to the death penalty. However, I am very curious about your origin."

"In this case, you two take them down first. I want to have a good talk with this gentleman."

"No, this matter has nothing to do with either of them, you can't!"

Newt's expression suddenly became panicked, and the wizard in white had already put the wand against his head. Tina was frightened and completely at a loss. She cried with a few tears.

"Take it down, quickly!"

Graves seemed a little impatient. He seemed to be displeased with the exchange between two people who had feelings for each other, and it seemed to touch him.

The wizard in white escorted Newt and the others out, leaving Louis and Graves alone in the room.

"Sit down, sit down." Graves breathed a sigh of relief, as if he wanted to forget the words Dumbledore from his mind.

Louis was sitting in the position where Newt had just been, but he was not Newt. He also knew what cards the other party was hiding, and he did not feel any fear of the Dark Lord sitting opposite him.

"I can't find any information about you in my files. Judging from your appearance, you must be British."

Lewis didn't answer, he just watched Graves speak quietly.

"But I don't know about you." Graves closed the file on the table. He didn't like this feeling of not having control.

"You don't know me, but I know you." Louis leaned forward, "In order to get the power of Obscurus, you stirred up trouble at all costs and wanted to put the blame on Newt, because you know his Dumbledore The purpose is to weaken Dumbledore's power."

"Your desperate pursuit of power and control of the world is to conquer the Muggles and let wizards stand at the top of the world. According to your words, it is for greater interests. I am not wrong, Grinder. Mr. Waugh."

Graves was startled, and he finally began to look seriously at the underage child in front of him, tapping his fingers on the table.

"You are brave." Graves did not deny it. "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?"

"You won't." Louis smiled, "You are not someone who kills innocent people indiscriminately. Although you are called the Dark Lord, you are much more attractive than the noseless one."

"Who are you talking about?" Grindelwald was confused.

"Nothing." Lewis prevaricated.

"Weird kid.

He muttered, "But you are wrong about one thing. You know why I want to conquer the Muggle world. Let's take a look." "

He threw a document to Louis, which included several studies he had done on Muggles in recent years, the most prominent of which was technological data.

From the ancient feudal dynasty to the Renaissance, the industrial revolution took thousands of years, but the second industrial revolution from steam to electricity only took two hundred years.

Human science and technology are growing exponentially, and human desires are expanding with the growth of technology.

The most obvious result of desire is war. When the gunshots in Sarajevo shook the sky, it marked the official outbreak of the First World War. Various gun battles and firearm bombings took turns. Finally, a torrent of steel broke through the final chapter of the war. A line of defense.

"Is this the world you want?"

Grindelwald asked, "Muggles are becoming increasingly sophisticated in technology. Now we wizards are no longer able to compete with them. We must strike first. If we wait for Muggles to develop again, we will never have a chance to compete with Muggles." The force is counterbalanced.”

"You are right, but have you ever thought that wizards should not be above Muggles." Louis pushed the document aside. No one was more familiar with the contents of the document than him.

"I'm sorry that I don't agree with your idea. Wizards and Muggles should live together as equals. No one can conquer the other. You said that human beings are full of desires, but in fact there are still many beautiful things."

"Stupid, as stupid as that guy Dumbledore." Grindelwald shook his head. He hoped that the child would agree with her idea, "Beautiful? What on earth are you thinking? Do you think Muggles will show mercy to us? ?”

Louis didn't expect to change a Dark Lord's mind in such a short time, otherwise he wouldn't have seen Grindelwald seventy years later in that prison.

"But I have some questions." Louis looked at him, "How did you know that Newt came in with magical animals?"

He believed that it was not Tina who brought them to the Magic Congress this time, because Tina was not present at the trial at all, and according to Grindelwald, they had already controlled Tina before Newt was tried.

"Because there will be a feeling between Obscurus."

Grindelwald didn't hide it, he simply revealed the secret. Since he was going to be executed, there was no need to talk to them anymore.

"I can know your location. Yes, that's right. I led you to Central Park, and I also brought you back to the Magic Congress."

"Okay, it's almost done. Let's take it down."

He clapped his hands, and two wizards in white opened the door and came in.

They took Louis out and when they were almost at the door, Louis suddenly turned back and said to him:

"I would like to remind you that the power of Obscurus is not something you can control. It will corrode your mind. If you insist on having your own way, we will definitely stop you."

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