"Concentrate Potter, this is no ordinary lesson."

In the potions office, Snape was looking at the students in front of him impatiently, as if he was staring at a guy with extremely poor understanding.

"I told you, if it hadn't been for the strong request of Mr. Headmaster, I wouldn't have wasted so much time teaching you this magic." Snape paused, "So, you must call me sir or sir at all times. Professor, this is the most basic respect for me.”

"Yes, Professor."

Snape still had a dead look on his face and was not satisfied with what Harry had done.

This was not the first time he had taught Harry Occlumency. Judging from the training results at Grimmauld Place, it was not satisfactory.

"The principal is worried that the Dark Lord will steal memories from your mind. You should be aware of this. He may use you to achieve his goals, just like the dream you had before..."

"But how did he do it?"

This has always been something Harry couldn't understand. Except for last year's Triwizard Tournament, he had never had any direct contact with Voldemort.

"Legilimency, this is the simplest method, just like I used to deal with you during training before." Snape waved his wand, "Of course the Dark Lord has his own more unique method. It can be said that he is the best in this aspect. An expert, no one can lie in front of him, conventional methods may not be effective against him.”

"But then why should I learn Occlumency?"

Harry was becoming increasingly confused as to why he was trying if it wasn't working.

"You are a special Potter, and the connection between the Dark Lord and you is also special." Snape said, "Since the day he failed to kill you, you have established a certain connection. Whenever your mind is at its lowest point, When you are relaxed, it is the perfect time for him to start the invasion. Just like Greengrass was attacked before, the principal believes that this cannot continue, so he needs to train you to be prepared for some defense. "

"But I..."

"Okay Potter, you have too many questions. The Q\u0026A time is over!"


Snape was already impatient and didn't wait for Harry to ask any more questions.

He struck quickly, giving Harry no time to react or resist.

For a moment, he felt a dizziness, the scene in front of him disappeared, and the memories of the past kept flashing before his eyes.

From the Dursleys who were bullied since childhood, to the joy of entering Hogwarts, from catching the Golden Snitch for the first time, to fighting the basilisk with Louis, this diary. . .

"Stop! Stop it!"

He yelled in his head, but Snape did not let go. Instead, he intensified his efforts to explore deeper things, such as his relationship with Qiu Zhang. . .

It was uncomfortable to be spied on, especially the more private parts. Harry was now naked and exposed to Snape, defenseless.

After an unknown amount of time, he returned to the office again and lay down on the floor. Snape looked at him coldly.

"No progress, Potter."

"You need to get rid of distracting thoughts and all emotions..."

Snape's demonic voice lingered in his ears, but it was impossible for Harry to completely put aside his feelings. He tried not to think about anything, and then he heard Snape reciting the memory acquisition spell. Then the office scene left him again. . .

. . . . . .

"That's it for today. I hope you'll come back at the same time next week and we'll continue practicing."

After being tortured by Snape for five rounds, he finally let Harry go. The boy rubbed his head hard, and his brain was feeling tingling after being invaded.

He couldn't wait to leave that place now and find Lewis and the others.

"When you go to bed every night, you should clear your mind of any distracting thoughts, do you understand?"

"Understood, Professor," Harry answered, but he hardly listened.

"Careful, I'll know if you practice again."

He exited the office, and the fatigue caused by Legilimency made him want to go to the dormitory and sleep for the first time.

But he didn't do that. The common room was almost empty. He heard from others that everyone was studying in the library now, the O.W.Ls exam was approaching, and the fifth grade students were at an important point in their school years.

Harry sat opposite Hermione and the others, his face looking very bad, even a little pale.

"Are you okay Harry?" Hermione looked at him worriedly.

Harry nodded slowly, but he was so exhausted that he could barely read anything.

Snape's method is indeed the fastest, but it requires inhuman torture. Judging from the effect, it is not very good.

"Harry, if you are willing, I may have another way." Louis said beside him. Legilimens and Occlumency are magics involving the soul level. If the most effective way is to find a A master of ghost magic.


Before Harry could say anything, Ron held up a copy of the Daily Prophet and spread it out in front of everyone with a look of great interest, completely ignoring the dissatisfied look of Mrs. Pince who was patrolling by.

"Look, Fudge finally can't hold it back anymore!"

The newspaper reported on the Azkaban prison break a few days ago.

The following is filled with the Death Eaters who escaped from Azkaban, including Antonin Dolohov, the Death Eater who killed Mrs. Weasley's brother and his family, and August Rookwood. , Louis had seen him in the giant tribe, and he should still be imprisoned there.

What makes Louise the most chilling is the photo in the middle. She is also the only woman in this prison break.

Bellatrix Lestrange.

Her long black hair was scattered around, and her eyes revealed madness and arrogance, which was completely different from the other Death Eaters who escaped together. Bella is a complete lunatic. Like Voldemort, she has no worries and is an extremely dangerous being in battle.

He is also the last knight of Voldemort as Louis guessed.

Listed below are her crimes, including the brutal torture of the Longbottoms, which left them both permanently disabled. .

"There's no Peter Pettigrew? Didn't he escape?"

Hermione's words caught Louis' attention. They looked at it from beginning to end again, and there was indeed no sign of Peter.

Rather than saying that he did not escape, it is better to understand that he was abandoned by Voldemort. .

Among this group of people, there is a name that is particularly unfamiliar to Louis, and her appearance has not been fully reported by the Daily Prophet. She only knows the figure of this witch, but there is very little information about it, and even No one knows the crime for which she was imprisoned in Azkaban.

Just left a string of names in the newspaper:

Serena Cassandra

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