Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 109 Regret (5500 monthly ticket plus update)

Xu Chunliang massaged the Yifeng point for about five minutes, then stopped.

Although Yan Huiyi was better than before, he still hadn't completely stopped hiccupping.

Xu Chunliang said: "Your hiccups are not simply caused by the rise of stomach qi, it is the inverse of lung-stomach qi."

He grasped Yan Huiyi's wrist with his palm, bent his thumb, pressed down vertically with the pad of the thumb and the tip of the nail, this point was Taiyuan point. Too big too. Abyss, deep also.

This point is the original point of the lung meridian, one of the eight meetings. It is said that the general assembly of its pulse and qi is broad and deep, so it is named Taiyuan, which belongs to the lung meridian of hand Taiyin.

Massaging the Taiyuan point can achieve the effects of regulating blood and unblocking the veins, clearing the lungs and relieving asthma, and clearing away stomach heat.

As Xu Chunliang massaged the Taiyuan acupoint, Yan Huiyi's hiccup gradually subsided, and it disappeared completely after five minutes.

Tang Mingmei and Jin Yonghao watched the whole process. Tang Mingmei was full of confidence in Xu Chunliang. Since what happened last night, she thought that Xu Chunliang was omnipotent, and the facts proved this.

Jin Yonghao only knew Xu Chunliang when he landed on the island. Although he didn't know Xu Chunliang well, it can be seen from Xu Chunliang's performance after he arrived that it is not for nothing that this kid can get Zhao Feiyang's respect at such a young age. of.

Yan Huiyi was like waking up from a dream, and took a few breaths very carefully, for fear that his breathing would cause hiccups again. After breathing for about half a minute, he felt that his breathing had completely recovered, and he didn't even hiccup halfway, so he was relieved Come, thank Xu Chunliang quickly.

Xu Chunliang told him not to be polite, and the task of the subordinates is to solve problems for the leader.

Yan Huiyi took a sip of tea, and now he feels similar to being reborn after a catastrophe. His body has returned to normal, and his mood has also returned to ease. He asked about today's quality control meeting.

Jin Yonghao briefly said that all the employees are now waiting for their salaries to be paid. After their promises and persuasion, they all returned to work. It is already very good that the hospital can officially operate, and it is not yet possible to make too high a requirement. .

Jin Yonghao emphasized that the sooner the repayment of wages, the better. Only when the wages arrive in the account can the morale of the army be completely stabilized.

Today the town called them to talk about this matter. The town leaders took a very serious attitude and hoped that similar incidents would not happen again.

Yan Huiyi said: "The same kind of incident will not happen again. Zhao Yuan has already promised that the salary will definitely arrive within two days."

Xu Chunliang sighed inwardly, you don’t know that Zhao Feiyang has changed his mind again, Zhao Feiyang must have wanted to give this money at first, but after hearing that the staff of the branch went to Hushan Town to protest, he got inspiration from it and thought that he could use this money This incident put pressure on Hushan town.

I have to admit that Zhao Feiyang is a smart person, Xu Chunliang has spent an afternoon understanding the ins and outs of the matter, knowing that Zhao Feiyang is playing a big game of chess, and he is also taking a risky move.

Xu Chunliang didn't tell them the fact that the salary could not be paid into the account. Zhao Feiyang's doing so was tantamount to expressing his seriousness. The purpose of blocking the news was to create an accident and arouse a stronger reaction from the branch staff.

Xu Chunliang felt more and more that Zhao Feiyang was an adventurist and an opportunist, what if the situation got out of control? Isn't he afraid that their personal safety will be threatened?

But I might do the same thing myself. Since ancient times, Huashan has always been a road. If you don’t show the determination to break the boat, you can’t deter your opponents. The intrigue in the workplace is similar to that in the Jianghu.

Judging from Zhao Feiyang's current situation, the Hushan township government most likely wants to overturn the original contract, and they don't want to give Changxing the property rights of Weishan Island Hospital for nothing.

The location of Weishan Island Hospital faces south, with Shiliang Mountain at the back and Crescent Bay, the largest and most beautiful lake in Weishan Lake in front. The geographical conditions here are unique. As long as the development of a national resort is officially announced, this place will surely become The hottest land in Weishan Island.

Weishan County merged Huanhu Town and Shiliang Town into one and established Hushan Town, which is to prepare for the construction of a national resort in Dongzhou City.

Although Dongzhou is a famous historical city with many historical sites, it has been fighting for years in history. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it was also a heavy industry base in Jiangbei, with many coal mines. In recent years, with the depletion of resources, the city is facing transformation, and the development of tourism has become a top priority.

What Dongzhou lacks most is a resort center that integrates leisure, entertainment, tourism and sightseeing. Several leaders of Dongzhou City have thought about this, but they have not been able to implement it. The early planning was limited to the urban area. With the rapid development of the city, it was soon realized that the site selection was not suitable. After several changes, it was finally settled in Weishan Lake.

With Weishan Island as the center, the planning of a national-level tourist resort that radiates to the surrounding five provinces and eight cities has taken shape, thanks to the cooperation and linkage between Dongzhou City and Jeju City.

Zhao Feiyang received accurate information that the plan for launching a national-level tourist resort and developing global tourism will be announced next month at the latest, and investors from all walks of life will come to hear the news. The property rights of the Shanhu branch will be more difficult in the future, and this matter has become an urgent matter.

Zhao Feiyang has contacted the relevant departments of the city and Weishan County to solve the historical problems from the top, but the matter is more difficult than he imagined. Signed, it is recommended that he go directly to the town government to solve the problem.

The government of Shiliang Township has now been merged into Hushan Township. Gu Houyi had approached Hushan Township before, but the Hushan Township government pushed him to the county because of historical issues.

Gu Houyi didn't have time to solve this problem in his tenure, nor did he have time to explain it.

Zhao Feiyang thinks that Gu Houyi is selectively ignoring, in fact, he planted a minefield for himself.

If Gu Houyi slightly emphasized the property rights issue of the Weishan Island branch during the handover of work, maybe the matter has been resolved. This kind of matter should be rushed sooner rather than later. The closer to the official announcement of the national resort, the more passive Changxing will become .

From the point of view of the contract itself, the merged Hushan Township Government has the responsibility to assist Changxing in handling the transfer of property rights of Weishan Island Hospital.

However, when the contract from that year was placed in front of Secretary Kong Xiangsheng again, the first thing he thought of was unfairness. This contract was not a win-win cooperation, but a transfer of benefits.

Mei Ruxue kept her promise, and handed over the information left to her by Changxing Hospital to Kong Xiangsheng that afternoon. After all, she had just arrived in Hushan Town, and Kong Xiangsheng used to be the secretary of Huanhu Town. Her uncle is even older.

He has worked in Weishan Island for seven years, and continued to serve as secretary after the merger of the two towns. Judging from his age, he no longer has any advantages, and there is no room for follow-up improvement.

According to the practice that the upper age limit for township cadres is no more than forty-eight years old, Kong Xiangsheng still has a one-year term at most.

The arrival of Mei Ruxue made Kong Xiangsheng's situation a bit awkward. The 23-year-old mayor and deputy secretary, everyone thought she was here to replace Kong Xiangsheng.

Kong Xiangsheng finally looked forward to the great development of Weishan Island, but his remaining tenure is running out, and it is not so easy to form a team with young people. Mei Ruxue can become the mayor of Hushan Town at such a young age. It is enough to prove that her background is by no means simple.

Kong Xiangsheng also tried to understand, but his ability is not enough to find out Mei Ruxue's background.

In Kong Xiangsheng's eyes, Mei Ruxue was a Guanyin Bodhisattva, and he had to be careful not to offend him and keep a considerable distance. It was not easy for him to be a secretary.

Mei Ruxue said, "What does Secretary Kong think?"

Kong Xiangsheng said: "This contract was led by the county, and the Shiliang Town government signed it for them. I was still in Huanhu Town at the time, so I really don't know the specific situation."

Mei Ruxue understood what he meant, and continued: "Changxing Hospital now requires us to cooperate with them in completing the property transfer of Weishan Island Hospital."

Kong Xiangsheng said: "It seems that they have already owed the employees two months' wages?"

Mei Ruxue said: "Just now they promised that they will complete the salary payment within two days."

Kong Xiangsheng habitually went to pick up the cigarettes on the table, touched the cigarette case with his hand, and remembered that Mei Ruxue was still there. It's a little embarrassing, like smoking, and you have to take into account Mei Ruxue's feelings.

Kong Xiangsheng said: "Isn't it what they should do to pay salaries? Weishan Island Hospital is in their hands, and it has not changed at all from the past, and it is even worse than before. The government is coming."

"Secretary Kong, you can't really say that. I looked at the operating conditions of Weishan Island Hospital in recent years. Before Changxing took over, the hospital had already experienced a serious financial deficit. At that time, the salary was suspended for three months. If It’s not that the county contacted Changxing to intervene, it is estimated that Weishan Island Hospital will not be able to survive now.”

"If there is no owner, there is still the West family, and if there is no Li family, there is still the Liu family. Our Weishan Island has great potential for development. Even if they don't come to Changxing, someone will take over." Kong Xiangsheng also had the confidence to speak.

Mei Ruxue has judged Kong Xiangsheng's attitude. He obviously does not approve of the transfer of property rights to Changxing. In fact, they all know that Weishan Island Hospital has a unique location, which can be said to occupy the best lake and bay resources on Weishan Island.

However, Shiliang Town and Changxing signed an agreement on the transfer of property rights three years ago. As long as the hospital has been operating normally for three years, they will assist in the transfer of property rights. If they go back on their word, what is the credibility of the government? What's more, when it was signed three years ago, the city hadn't put a plan to develop a national-level resort on the agenda.

Mei Ruxue said: "Secretary Kong thinks how should we respond to Changxing?"

"Shiliang Town doesn't exist any more. Let's talk about this kind of thing. Let them go to the county." Kong Xiangsheng thought to himself, Mei Ruxue is still young after all, and she doesn't even know the most basic Tai Chi pushing hands in politics. , let's practice slowly, the road to the system is a long way to go.

Add the first chapter to send, thank you for voting for my monthly ticket, I hope everyone will continue to support and vote!

The monthly ticket update is currently in arrears for four updates, and I will complete the update as soon as possible! There are many prohibited words now, so some positions have been modified without affecting everyone's reading as much as possible.

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