Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 43 Godzilla: My lizard man wants to think with me

At the same time, among the Dark Eldars captured by the Lizardmen, there was a female Dark Eldar who could no longer bear it.

Her body was shaking, as if she was suffering from some kind of addiction.

This female Dark Eldar had not sucked the souls of pain for a long time. The Dark Eldars were different from other Eldars. They did not have a device called "Soul Stone". Because of excessive indulgence and lack of protection, their souls were sucked by Slaanesh every moment.

The way the Dark Eldars dealt with this situation was to absorb the energy of the souls of pain and replenish their own soul energy.

In Comoros, the tortured and slaughtered captives were as common as roadside snack stands, full of the energy of the souls of pain, but on Godzilla, there was no soul energy of pain for them to suck.

The Dark Eldars were all very hungry and depressed.

But when they were extremely hungry, the soul energy of six dark eldar women was suddenly replenished. Their dry and wrinkled faces due to lack of psychic energy became moist and smooth, and they began to emit an alluring fragrance, sweeter than any incense.

The other dark eldars fell instantly, leaving only these six dark eldar women.

If you look closely, you can vaguely see the soul energy of those dark eldars flowing into the bodies of these six dark eldar women.

‘Go. ’

In the ears of these dark eldar women, a voice seemed to ring.

‘Let that ‘beautiful’ existence fall. ’

Slaanesh wants to make Isis fall.

These six Slaanesh maids are just the first step of her plan. She is different from Khorne, the barbarian who only has killing in his mind. Like Tzeentch, she prefers to watch the target fall.

Slaanesh, Slaanesh, the focus is not on sex, but on evil.

This is just the beginning. Slaanesh is waiting for the opportunity. At a suitable time, her Slaanesh demon army and the Keeper of Secrets will come forward to personally make Isis and even Godzilla fall, which will bring her the ultimate pleasure.

She, ah, just likes the existence of "extremely difficult positions".

Back to Isis, after learning about the birth of the second lizardman priest, Isis also immediately rushed to greet her compatriot.

"It's really rare. There are two priests in the same era. It seems that the big plan has really arrived."

The past priests all have powerful psychic powers, including those sleeping ancient priests. They are much older than Isis, and their lifespans are so long that they need to hibernate to relieve the neurological problems brought by the long years.

But this time Isis did not detect psychic power from the newly born priest. On the contrary, it was a kind of power that was more in line with Godzilla's current thinking.

Godzilla was thinking at this time.

'I think I need something to board. ’

【First, the planet under your feet can fly, similar to the greenskins' battle moon. Second, Isis can throw continental plates into the sky. 】

‘This is WAAAGH, but not WAAAGH enough. I think we need something more WAAAGH. ’

Godzilla never forgets to board a ship. To be honest, with the size of the ships in Warhammer 40K, Godzilla can board a ship without any problem.

Not to mention the Blackstone Fortress and the Phalanx, even ordinary frigates are several hundred meters long. This length is a bit crowded, but if it is a cruiser above the frigate, Godzilla can easily board a ship.

Battleships and space stations can make Godzilla make a big fuss.

‘Godzilla has a long range, but the attack strength is not enough to break various energy shields. At this time, loyal boarding is needed. ’

【You still have the lizardmen. ]

‘They can, but I can’t just let them board, I want to fight too. I’ve traveled through time and space and become Godzilla, why don’t I fight and let my younger brother fight? Is there any difference between my travel through time and space and not traveling at all? ’

Godzilla can’t wait to join the next battle.

Having already fought the Tyranids, Tau, Necrons, Dark Eldar and Khorne, it’s time for that, the only happy race in the Warhammer 40K world.

‘I think I should fight the Green Orcs once, are there any Orcs WAAAGH nearby? ’

[You are really not afraid of death. ]

The Green Orcs are a race with a very low lower limit and a very high upper limit in Warhammer 40K.

If they are low, they may not be able to beat the Tau Kroot Warband, but if they are high, they can compete with the Tyranids, Necrons and the Empire in the 31K period.

I explained what WAAAGH means before.

As for the WAAAGH of the green-skinned orcs mentioned by Godzilla, you can understand that when the fighting enthusiasm of the orcs reaches a certain level, they will spontaneously gather together under the induction of WAAAGH energy to form a big WAAAGH.

When several big WAAAGHs are combined again, they will become a WAAAGH at the level of a star region.

When it reaches this level of WAAAGH, it is really powerful.

If there is a slight mistake, the green-skinned orcs may push to Holy Terra, and even the Tyranids may not be able to stop them.

Even if the boss is strong enough and powerful enough, it is not impossible to have a galaxy-level WAAAGH, but there is no such a powerful green-skinned boss at present.

‘I remember there are green-skinned orcs in the Ultramarines star field. ’

[There are two or three WAAAGHs of orcs, but you can still cope with it at the moment. Oh no, there happens to be a WAAAGH for you, but you not only have to face the green-skinned orcs, but also the Eldar and Tyranids, and possibly Demonic troops will appear. 】

‘The old tradition of Warhammer 40K: big chaos. ’

Warhammer rarely sees battles involving only two races. Often when the two sides are fighting, third and fourth parties are attracted, mostly Chaos and Dark Eldar. Now the Tyranids have arrived and another Tyran is coming. Zerg clan.

‘Where is the location? ’

[The planet on the edge of the galaxy is some distance from the Ultramarines star field. 】

'Okay, the further away from the home planet of the Smurfs, the better. I'm not ready for the Thirteenth Black Crusade yet. That guy Abaddon not only has the Blackstone Fortress, but also the Planet Killer. Damn, that's enough. disgusting. ’

Planet Killer, as you can tell from this name, it is something capable of destroying planets with one strike.

The beam produced by this thing is many times thicker than Godzilla.

Can't stand it, can't stand it.

‘Okay, it’s decided, let’s go fight! ’

[You need to wait for a while. This time we will not take the webway, this time we will take the subspace channel. 】

'okay. ’

Godzilla is not in a hurry. He walks on this planet that belongs to him and patrols his territory.

As for Isis, although she is aware of what the big plan is going to do next, it does not affect her progress. In any temple, she can let the planet enter the subspace.

When she arrived at the temple, she first found the new lizardman priest.


Isis looked at her strange fellow. In the time she had just rushed from her temple to this temple, this fellow had already built a huge mechanical skeleton ten meters high. It could be vaguely seen as a lizard-style skeleton. A tail also extends from the spine.

The lizardmen around were carrying Tau weapons, power armor, and shipwrecks while discussing animatedly.

"I'm thinking about adding big claws to this thing!"

"Fire-breathing, you must be able to breathe fire!"

"The Katata Technician (Priest) is so awesome, our gods will definitely like this!"

The technician named Katata, despite being covered in oil, was still assembling the machine in front of her. She still put in the parts that clearly seemed inappropriate, and finally added local plant and animal skeletons as fittings. device.

After this series of actions that angered the machine soul, the parts started to work in harmony.


Isis scratched her nose, and it seemed that her compatriot was a little different from herself.

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