But the moment Li Er's body completed refining the three faceless statues, a huge traction force appeared again.

When Li Er's ontological consciousness recovered again, his consciousness actually appeared in a very strange space.

In fact, it's not very strange, because Li Er can tell where this space is located at a glance.

Through the translucent outer wall outside the space, Li Er could clearly see the entire Blood Spring Cave outside.

Yes, it's in the Kingdom of God's flying boat floating on the blood spring.

Li Er's consciousness actually appeared in the Divine Kingdom flying boat for the first time.

Next to him were the three faceless statues that had just been refined before.

In fact, it should be said that his ontological consciousness is now attached to the three faceless statues.

Well, that's actually not true. The most realistic situation is that his consciousness is currently located in the abdomen of the three faceless gods.

That's not right, it should be said that it is above the fetal position of its abdomen.


Li Eryi couldn't care about the outside world for a while, because he found that his consciousness was not only located on the belly of the three faceless gods, but this thing similar to the fetus was now slowly but firmly emitting bursts of energy. of fetal movement.

Fetal movement?

Li Ermeng is pregnant, can the idol also be pregnant?

It wasn't until an unknown amount of time passed that Li Er, who recovered from the shock, began to really look at this so-called fetus.

Compared with the metal material used in the entire statue of the outside world, this fetus is undoubtedly more special. It looks like this so-called fetus is more like a complete heart, and the current beating is more like a heartbeat.

Of course, Li Er couldn't be mistaken. There was an oval-shaped egg wrapped in the middle of this heart-like object.


After careful inspection, Li Er found that it was not similar. It was just an egg in shape, but its material looked like an extremely ordinary stone.


Li Er would not think that something so tightly hidden by a god king could be a stone.

Obviously, this stone is the real backbone of God King Youquan.

The three faceless statues outside are just a means to choose the successor.

Of course, this three-headed faceless statue is anything but ordinary.

Just looking at the three faceless statues, it can be seen that they are devouring the power of faith in the Blood Spring Cave.

Moreover, the three faceless statues did not swallow the power of faith indiscriminately.

Basically, if you look closely, you can see that the dog head swallows the faith of the Hell-Suppressing Dog Demon clan, and the sheep head swallows the faith of the black demon sheep. Moreover, the two actually connected the faith of their respective races from the Kingdom of God. Feizhou took it over, and now the belief pools of the two tribes have obviously turned into three faceless dog heads and sheep heads.

The bases of the three faceless statues are typically open to all comers. Not only are they extracting the pure power of faith from the Divine Kingdom's flying boat, but also the energy crystal faith power and blood spring blood energy in the blood caves outside are also being used by them. Regardless of the extraction.

Through the hazy outer wall of the Divine Kingdom flying boat, Li Er could almost see with the naked eye that the entire Blood Spring Cave had returned to its clear appearance.

The smoke and blood of faith were completely drained away.

Including the huge piece of Star God Gold in the blood spring seems to have dried up.

This speed is simply far faster than any before.

Feeling the changes in the entire three faceless statues, Li Er determined a fact almost instantly.

That is, this three-headed faceless statue became the foundation of his divine kingdom without his knowledge or initiative, and even when all the elements and conditions were completely substandard.

Although the foundation of the Kingdom of God can indeed be prepared at the demigod level.

But this preparation is actually just preparation.

Because it is simply impossible for a normal demigod to own the kingdom of God before opening the door to the true God and becoming a true God.

Without the Kingdom of God, it is natural that even if there are various components in the foundation of the Kingdom of God, it is completely impossible to use it.

At most, it is to use the power of faith to continuously nourish and purify it before the true God, so that it can better match its own divine faith.

Therefore, the vast majority of demigods can actually prepare only one or two pieces of the foundation of the kingdom of God in the entire demigod level.

After all, the load of the God Realm of the Demigod level is limited.

Of course, there is no other way.

That is to find suitable parts by excavating ancient ruins and temples in the chaotic space. This is the largest and most mainstream way.

The other is to launch a war, especially to launch a war against the original ancient gods in the chaotic space, plunder the opponent's temple, or even directly kill the opponent.

This possibility is extremely low.

It's even better to exchange city merit or credits directly to the city lord's mansion or school.

Of course, the city lord's mansion here will never be a small town like Wucheng, and the school will never be a high school like Wucheng No. 7 Middle School.

However, the foundation of the Kingdom of God obtained through this method is often of extremely poor quality.

Even if you exchange it, you will often only exchange it for a certain item.

And this one will basically be a divine throne.

As for why it is a divine throne, it is very simple.

One is the difficulty of obtaining the throne, and casting is the lowest.

The second is that compared to the accessories that are the foundation of the entire Kingdom of God, the God's Throne has the smallest role and has the lowest requirements for quality and other aspects.

The most critical and most important accessory of the entire Kingdom of God is undoubtedly the Eternal Life Pool.

So generally speaking, the semi-god level really needs to prepare, and only two pieces of the foundation of the Kingdom of God can be prepared.

A divine throne stabilizes the entire divine kingdom and is also the anchor of the coordinates of the divine kingdom. This is a necessary item when building a new divine kingdom.

The purpose of the eternal life pool is to better and faster lead the dead believers into their own Kingdom of God. After all, the establishment of the Kingdom of God cannot be separated from believers.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the steps for establishing the Kingdom of God should be to first have the God's Throne, then the Eternal Life Pool, and then to establish the statue of the God in the Kingdom of God, because the statue of God requires believers transformed from the Eternal Life Pool to perform several large sacrifices before it can be truly established. Completed, finally, is the Holy Transformation Platform.

Having the Holy Transformation Platform can basically be regarded as the true establishment of the Kingdom of God.

But now, regardless of whether he has entered the Kingdom of God space or not, under the great sacrifice of believers who have not been transformed by the eternal pool, it is really abnormal for these three faceless statues to directly become his statues of the Kingdom of God.

But if all this is associated with the God King, then everything seems so normal.

In fact, what Li Er was more curious about was the Black Demon Sheepman's line of faith.

Because before, not only the Black Demon Sheep, but also the Hell Demon Snake and the underground Black Rat Man had their faith lines directly connected to the flesh and blood god puppet.

After all, as a flesh-and-blood god puppet transformed from the remains of an ancient god, the flesh-and-blood god puppet is not only a completely divine body in body, but also an ancient god in essence.

Therefore, he still maintains many of the characteristics of the ancient god.

Even now, the faith of the Hell Demon Snake and the Underground Black Rat Man is still in front of the Flesh God Puppet.

In the past, Li Er naturally not only did not object to this, but actually supported it with both hands and feet.

But now, it is actually the same, so the belief in the Black Demon Sheep clan has been inexplicably transferred to the three faceless statues. Li Er said that he is not worried, which is definitely a lie.

Does that mean that if there is an eternal life pool in the future, will the Black Demon Sheep clan also enter his kingdom of God through the eternal life pool.

Thinking of this, Li Er couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

I'm sorry everyone, my whole family won the bid, but I really didn't put much effort into it, and I felt like I was stacking BUFFs. The first thing I considered when entering the hospital was whether there would be cross infection! But it’s impossible not to go, I’m struggling every day~! Our pediatric department now has hundreds of accounts per account!

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