Glory of tactics

One hundred and ten Shang Lue Chou

Chu Yunxiu, Li Hua, Sun Liang, and Xu Ru have four All-Star-level main players. Even though Misty Rain does not have the Five Saints, it is still closely chasing Blue Rain, Tiny Herb, Tyranny, and Samsara in the standings. The four giants are the ones that keep the other mid-tier teams away.

In comparison, Feng Xiangming, Misty Rain's priest, is their weakness in the team competition.

This is not to say that his level is poor, but compared with the priests of other strong teams, Feng Xiangming's skills can only be said to be average. He has rich experience, is stable and makes few mistakes, but rarely has outstanding performances.

Hand speed is Feng Xiangming's biggest shortcoming. When the battle is very intense and there are many targets that need treatment, it will be difficult for him to take care of everyone.

However, Yanyu is not without solutions to this shortcoming. Their position-changing skills and awareness are among the best in the league.

As soon as they sense that the opponent is concentrating fire, the team member at the front—usually Sun Liang—will alertly activate the steel and iron bones, and use the attack skills as secret skills in a more unusual way.

Li Hua, another player who prefers close combat, will intervene at the right time to share the pressure for Sun Liang. The ninja's blood is thin and his defense is not thick enough, but he has many life-saving skills. As long as he still has breath, he can run back and wait for treatment.

Li Huaren is very low-key and his playing style is also quite low-key. But in his rookie season, he was as famous as Sun Xiang because of his miraculous performance of dancing on the edge of a knife once or twice every game, but never dying.

If the opponent's firepower is too strong and Li Hua can't withstand it, then he can only rely on Xu Ru's performance.

Summoner is the most unpopular profession in the league. There are many players in online games, but masters are rare.

The most similar one is the gunner type mechanic.

Both professions have the same characteristic, which is to give him time and opportunity, and when he exerts his full strength, he can become an army by himself.

What is slightly different is that the mechanic's own combat effectiveness is also quite good.

The summoner's combat power lies entirely in the summoned beast. Because there are so many skills that need to be upgraded, summoners are eager to invest all their skill points into babies. Therefore, even the low-level general skills of the mage system must be used with caution when lighting them up, and avoid them if possible.

Summoners are classified not according to the magic system, but according to the type of summoned beast. The Four Beast Styles and the Elf Styles both include the four elements of light, darkness, ice and fire. In addition, common summoned beasts include Goblins, Demonic Flowers and Black Knights.

Shululu is the alchemy work of a magician, not a summoned beast. But this is the only low-level shared skill that summoners will always click on. This skill is useless when PKing with real people, but if the opponent is a summoner or mechanic, then it will be of great use.

Xu Ru's summoned beasts follow the meat shield route. She mainly selects summoned beasts with high defense and physical strength to increase their skills, specifically to block the swords of teammates at critical moments. It doesn't matter if the summoned beast is maimed. If it dies, it will die. There is no need to bother Feng Xiangjun to take care of it. However, when Feng Xiangjun is too busy and starts group healing, these summoned beasts can also benefit together.

The Summoner profession places high demands on players. Hand speed, technique and experience are all short and you can't play any of them. This is also the reason why this profession has never produced an All-Star.

When Xu Ru debuted, she had good hand speed and good skills, but her only shortcoming was experience. Summoned babies often die of natural causes when the summoning time comes before they have fully exerted their fighting power.

After she had honed her skills for a year or two, her skills matured, and she gained some experience, she and Chu Yunxiu created Mianyu's best results in the playoffs.

However, when the golden generation joined, it was a chaotic era when all the heroes in the alliance were rising up and new kings were ascending the throne one by one.

In the fourth, fifth and sixth seasons. In the first round of the playoffs, Yanyu met Excellent Era, Hundred Blossoms and Tiny Herb, and all suffered defeats. Coincidentally, the teams that defeated Yanyu all lost the finals that year.

The mist and rain are not weak,

The mist and rain are not strong either.

Veterans retired one after another and newcomers joined one after another, but Yanyu never got rid of the fate of being eliminated in the first round of the playoffs.

Being unable to hold on at critical moments seemed to be Misty Rain's label.

However, as the leader of the first team and the designer of game tactics, Lin Jingyan would not make arrangements based solely on hearsay and public impressions. However, just the arrangement of the singles candidates was a headache for him.

The individual strength of Yanyu's players is relatively average. Except for Chu Yunxiu who will definitely appear in the group competition, the others' positions in the group competition and individual competition are erratic. And in addition to the four main forces, the sharpshooter Lu Yining and the swordsman Bai Qi are also very powerful and not easy to deal with.

What's more, this round is on Yanyu's home court, and the opponent has the advantage of choosing the map. If they encounter an opponent whose playing styles are incompatible, on their pre-designed battlefield, no one, including Fang Rui and Qiu Fei, can securely score points.

How to arrange it?

Lin Jingyan held a marker in one hand and a small magnet representing each team member in the other. He placed it in front of the whiteboard and did not move for a long time.

Sun Leshi had an affair in his family and took leave to go back; Fang Rui had a cold and was isolating himself in the dormitory. For a moment, Lin Jingyan didn't even have anyone he could discuss with.

After pushing open the door of the conference room and returning to the training room, Lin Jingyan slowly shook his head as he looked at Song Qixuan and Lu Yiming, the substitutes and sparring partners, who were training seriously.

The investment in Wuxiao's youth training camp is not small, but the output is really lackluster. Originally there was a Zhao Yuzhe, and although it still had many shortcomings, I felt pretty good about it.

But when compared with other rookies horizontally and vertically, I feel that he is still a little behind. Especially after Qiu Fei arrived.

We can’t recruit good seedlings!

Although Jinling is the center of Jiangnan Province, it is on the fringe among the wealthy large free shipping areas.

E-sports relies on high-tech industries and is more developed in areas with better economies. However, talents are also concentrated towards economic highlands.

Those who had a way either went south to Excellent Era, or went east to Samsara. Most of those who couldn't afford to leave the province went to Yanyu. The e-sports talents left for Wuxiao have been screened several times, and they can only pick up the taller ones from the short ones, practice them as they please, and use them as they please.

However, with Wu Xiao's background, if you want to get along well, you can still make do with it. But if you want to achieve results, you can't make do with it.

It seems that Wuxiao's future route may shift from focusing on youth training to focusing on transfers.

After being the captain for seven years, Lin Jingyan is quite well-informed about the club. Some rumors from high-level officials, many twists and turns, will still reach his ears.

There have been rumors that the club boss is not very satisfied with the team's results and wants to increase investment, but there has been no real movement. But now it seems. Introducing Qiu Fei may be the beginning.

Thinking of this, Lin Jingyan stopped his eyes on Qiu Fei, and then shouted: "Qiu Fei, come with me.

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