Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 49 Turtle Sleeping Place

The fat man said: "Isn't this simple? Use a knife to chop off his head. If you still don't trust, cut him into big pieces and throw them into the sewer." Lao Yangpi said: "If you find zombies in Shaanxi, you must be careful. Use fire to burn, and before burning the zombies, you must first cover them with fishing nets to prevent them from entering the ground and haunting them."

I said to Lao Yangpi: "There is a similar saying in the northeastern mountainous area, but it is about hanging people. Wherever people are hanged, if you dig three feet into the ground, you will be able to find a black object shaped like coal. That is the hanging man. The resentment left by a person before death will cause harm to others sooner or later if it is not dug out, but I have never seen it with my own eyes."

No one wants to look like this after death. Destroying the corpses of zombies that have transformed into corpses will benefit both people and themselves. But as for the method of killing corpses, should they be burned or broken into pieces? And why did this corpse become so weird and ferocious, with bird feathers on the upper body and animal hair on the lower body? I don't understand why, but I don't want to act rashly yet.

As far as I know, there are several reasons for the appearance of zombies in a place. The first is the variation of Feng Shui. The corpse energy cannot dissipate after death, and becomes withered and waxy over time. The second is that before death, in order to prevent corrosion, people take chronic food on their own. Poison, or zombies filled with wax and mercury after death. If there is mercury in the corpse, there will be large black spots on the corpse. If a mixture of arsenic, lead and mercury is taken before death according to the secret recipe spread by the people, the corpse will show signs of mold; Another type is due to the effect of electricity. The surface of the corpse is dead and does not rot. When encountering biological electricity or lightning strikes, it will rise up and chase strangers.

These three are the most common reasons. There are also some rarer phenomena, such as the corpse being attached by spirits, or the cause of death being bizarre. In places with unique Feng Shui environment, the corpse of the deceased will not rot for a long time, and the skin and flesh will be fresh. It's like life, but the kind of feng shui auspicious soil like a cave heaven and a blessed land is really rare.

I took out the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" and flipped through it, and found a legend about "the place where turtles sleep". The book records that someone was at the seaside and saw a black mountain suddenly emerging from the sea. It turned out that dozens of old turtles came out of the sea carrying a dead giant turtle on their backs. These old turtles carried the dead turtle to a cave under a cliff and hid it. Then they left one after another and swam back to the sea to peek. The person who saw all this was good at the art of selecting acupoints based on the ground. He knew that this acupoint was favored by the four spirits, and that the "dragon energy soared to the sky" in the cave. At that time, an ancestor in his family had died, so he discovered the turtle in the cave. After seeing the corpse's condition, he buried his ancestors naked in it without coffins. From then on, this man rose to great heights and achieved great success. The Guimian Cave later became the special tomb of his clan. Hundreds of years later, Long When the energy was gone, the ground collapsed, revealing countless corpses. Local people rushed to watch. All the corpses were covered with bird feathers and dragon scales. After being blown by the sea wind for a day and a night, all the corpses turned into nothing at the same time.

When I saw this record, I was quite disapproving and didn't pay much attention to it. But when I saw that the zombies in the basement had bird feathers, which was exactly the same as what was recorded in "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique", I felt shocked. For many years Only later did I learn the truth. It turns out that in some places with special environments, there are microorganisms that nourish the body and keep it from decaying. But over time, the body will mutate. If you break a branch in such a place and insert it on the ground, the branch will The leaves on it can last for months. In ancient times, such an area was regarded as a "lucky land" by Feng Shui masters. Countless people spent their entire lives traveling across thousands of mountains just to get such a treasured Feng Shui land, but they couldn't. have to.

Lao Yangpi and Fatty saw me flipping through a shabby book and couldn't make up my mind for a long time, so they kept asking me questions. I closed the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" and said, "I am also eager to learn and use it." I'm not very sure about how to use it. The reason why this zombie became like this is probably related to the underground environment. We have neither fishing nets nor black donkey hooves, but we do have sheets. If we want to get rid of it, we can only wrap it up. Get up and pour foreign wine on it and burn it." Now, taking Lao Yangpi and Fatty with them, the three of them found some cloth to cover their mouths and noses, and wrapped their hands with cloth. They then pulled off the bed cover from the bed in the back room, and put the clothes on the wooden chair Russian zombies were wrapped up and dragged into the sewer.

I asked the fat man to bring a few bottles of foreign wine. We didn’t know if it was Votka that Russians like to drink, but the wine was indeed very strong. I broke the bottle mouth and poured the wine on the body. I was afraid that there was not enough wine. The burning was not complete and he wanted to pour out the remaining bottles. The fat man felt distressed and quickly tried to dissuade him: "Old Hu, we have to be frugal to make a revolution. We have to be diligent and frugal in all our undertakings. That's pretty much it."

I had no choice but to give up and lit the corpse with the torch in my hand. The flames shot up as high as a person and burned loudly. The wrapped corpse in the fire was burned so hard that its muscles and bones twitched, as if it suddenly became alive. It was so shocking that we stared there with frowning eyes. After burning for a long time, the body was only reduced to a section of char. It seemed that it was almost impossible to completely burn it, unless it was dragged to the incineration room and used The fire would have to be extinguished, but it would be enough to burn it to this extent.

We returned to the Russian's room. Ding Sitian had read most of the contents of the suicide note. In order to save light, we only lit one candle. The four of us sat at the table around the candle. The fat man poured a cup for each person. After drinking a glass of wine, everyone's mental state and physical strength were close to the limit. Although this room is by no means a good place, compared with the crematorium and the sewer, it is like heaven. We need to take this opportunity to take a break. By the way, get some important information about the Hundred-Eyed Cave, and then you can make a plan to escape from this place.

I said to Ding Sitian: "If you eat in a hurry, you will burn your mouth, if you walk in a hurry, you will fall. We have no idea what to do right now, so there is no need to rush into anything. Please tell us carefully, this Russian is coming." What did he write before he died? The contents inside will never be useful to us."

Ding Sitian calmed down, looked at the pages by the light of the candle, and translated to us bit by bit the parts she could understand, but some of the content was really incomprehensible, so she had to skip it for the time being. The record goes something like this:

A squadron of the Japanese Kwantung Army mysteriously disappeared in Hulunbuir near Mobei. As the search work unfolded, the reconnaissance team discovered some mysterious supernatural phenomena near Baiyan Cave, a stretch of land between the desert and the grassland. The hilly area has an extremely special geographical location and environment. The interior is not only densely forested, but people and animals often disappear at the mountain pass. Many people say they have witnessed the existence of dragons there.

At that time, Japan and Germany were on the same front. The Nazis had always believed in mysticism. The Germans learned about this mysterious phenomenon in the Manchuria area from a certain channel, so they provided some technical support to the Kwantung Army, hoping that the Kwantung Army could thoroughly deal with this matter. Investigate and unravel the origin of this mysterious phenomenon.

At that time, the strength of the Japanese army was no longer able to cope with the long front, and they were preparing for the world's largest germ warfare research institute, which would become the notorious epidemic prevention and water supply unit in later generations. The Russian who wrote this suicide note was a descendant of the czar and later went into exile. In Germany, he not only made unique achievements in the field of medicine, but was also an expert on bacteria. He was under house arrest by the Germans for many years. He was later seconded by the Nazis to the Bozi Research Institute under the "Kwantung Army Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department" and was forced to assist in Baiyan Cave. A secret study.

During the investigation of Baiyan Cave, the Japanese dug out a huge cave from the ground. There were many well-preserved ancient corpses stacked on top of each other at the bottom of the cave. There were so many corpses that it seemed that they would never be able to finish digging. The female corpse wearing a mask and wearing a strange costume is particularly prominent. After expert investigation and comparison with ancient books, they came to a shocking conclusion. This is the legendary Xianbei witch from the Han Dynasty. A deified figure, the place where her bones are buried is filled with dragon energy. Like the Gaxian Cave in the Xianbei Mountains in the Xing'an Mountains, it is also regarded as a holy place by the Xianbei people. Ceremonies of burying stones and offering sacrifices to the mountain are often held in the cave. In the legend of the Xianbei people In the book, the weasel is the god of death in the underworld, and this cave where the corpse is hidden is also the entrance to hell.

This so-called "dragon energy" only exists at the mountain pass of Baiyan Cave. It is invisible, sometimes disappearing, and elusive. It can devour all humans, animals, and beasts. It can only be seen when there are clouds, thunder and lightning. Near the mountain pass, there is a black dragon-shaped shadow rolling in the clouds. The Japanese believe that this is the "Female Wind" recorded in the Buddhist scriptures that monk Jianzhen traveled eastward and spread to Japan. This evil ghost-like gust is the The creatures blown out of Abi Hell will be immediately reduced to ashes. If one can master and use this "Foehn", it will be a weapon with powerful destructive power.

But human beings are too insignificant and powerless in the face of natural phenomena, and it is impossible to grasp the mysteries of it. However, the phenomenon that Xianbei female corpses do not decay even when exposed to the air can be studied in the field of bacteria, so in the mountains Such a half-above-ground, half-underground secret research facility was established. A large number of highly poisonous things such as rats and centipedes were bred in the institute. At that time, many Japanese soldiers fighting in the tropical theater of the Pacific Theater were poisoned by poisonous insects in the jungle. Therefore, the institute took advantage of the unique natural environment here and established a test area for cultivating tropical poisons, using special ingredients in the soil of the corpse cave to conduct detoxification tests.

After the establishment of the institute, as the excavation progressed, more and more grotesque corpses were dug out of the corpse cave. Suddenly, the Baiyan Cave was haunted by ghosts. At night, ghost fires were seen flashing everywhere, and during the day, ghosts began to appear. Fog rises, and the clouds on the hillside change erratically. Some of them are vaguely like the shapes of towers and palaces. A little closer, they are lush and green, and they are like smoke and huts. All things are gathered together. Once you look at them, they are all missing.

The Japanese in the research institute panicked because the phenomenon of ghost markets also existed in Japan. They thought they had released all the resentful spirits in the corpse cave, so they found an onmyoji from the mainland and followed his instructions to conduct research in a building. Inside the building, a hidden and semi-underground corpse crematorium was built. All rooms and windows were sealed. The only few exit doors also had special requirements for their orientation. Then a large number of corpses dug out from the corpse cave were sent in. Burning them in the crematorium, they thought this could calm the spirits in the corpse cave, and it did have some effect.

The Russian who wrote this will lived in the basement all day long. He would only be allowed to leave the basement when he was needed to work on site. The Japanese knew that he would be shot even if he escaped back to the Soviet Union, so they did not monitor him. It was very strict, but personal freedom was still greatly restricted. Later, he got acquainted with a Japanese medical officer who had anti-war sentiments. With the help of that medical officer, he learned about some external situations and learned that Japan's defeat had been achieved. The doctor gave him a map and all the items he needed to escape. When everything was ready, he secretly dug a tunnel to get out of the sewer, but he dug at the wrong angle and failed. He was able to bypass the iron gate. Just when he was about to dig again, some bandits from the Northeast brought a newly unearthed copper box. That night, the alarm sounded loudly throughout the institute.

The Russian who wrote this suicide note had a very terrible premonition. After the sirens, there was no movement outside. He was locked alone in the basement and could not get out. He did not know what happened outside and wanted to dig new ones. When escaping from the tunnel, he realized that his life was about to come to an end, so he wrote down his experience in the hope that someone could read this letter. The box was extremely dangerous...

The will stopped at this point, not even the date of signing was left. Apparently the Russian died at this point. We don’t even know his name. We can only speculate that the time was probably when the Soviet army sent troops to attack the Kwantung Army. Eve, so after the emergency, this secret research institute did not have time to be destroyed by the Kwantung Army.

As for what was in that copper box, and where did its danger come from? What happened to this Russian before he died? We still have no way of knowing, but the escape supplies he left behind are exactly what we need urgently, especially the map of the institute mentioned in his suicide note. In addition, his suicide note also solved many mysteries in our hearts, but once we get there The Russian's knowledge is limited. Secondly, Ding Sixian's translation is not comprehensive. There are still many secrets in the institute that we cannot know.

At this time, the four of them drank some strong alcohol and were extremely sleepy. They didn't want to move at all. They wanted to take a short rest, then go find the Russian map and tools, and then escape from here as soon as possible. But Ding Sitian and the others were really tired. After a while, they all lay down on the table and fell asleep. Lao Yangpi and Fatty snored loudly. I wanted to wake them up, but I also felt sore and sleepy all over my body. My eyelids started to fight. I knew it was not the time to sleep, but I convinced myself that after staying in this research institute all night, even if there were any bacteria and viruses here, those who should have been infected would have already been infected, so it was useless to be afraid. , now my body is reaching its limit. If I don’t rest for a while, it will be difficult to cope with anything else. So I made up my mind, held the Kangxi sword tightly, calmed down, and fell asleep on the table.

I didn't know how long it had been since I had slept so soundly, but I suddenly woke up. The long candle on the table had already been extinguished, and the room was dark. As soon as I moved, I felt my elbow touch the dining table. Some things on the table, I subconsciously touched with my hands, seemed to be the burnt Russian zombie lying on the table.

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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