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Chapter 305 The mastermind behind the scenes is a space system above SS level

Scheme against his cousin...

Fu Jingyuan couldn't help but look at Tang Shubai with contempt, and then continued...

Tang Qingqing arrived, Tang Shubai came out of the kitchen, two glasses of juice...


The drugged cup was placed in front of Jiang He.

Fu Jingyuan was surprised and even more contemptuous of Tang Shubai. Is he so stupid? Can this be all wrong?


Thinking of what happened next, Fu Jingyuan's face was full of doubts.

As he continued, the confusion on Fu Jingyuan's face deepened.

Worried that he had seen it wrong, Fu Jingyuan specially 'rewinded' and followed Tang Shubai into the kitchen again. After watching it again and again, he was very sure that Jiang He drank the glass of juice with the ingredients!

So, why is Tang Ranran sleepy?

But Jiang He has no symptoms at all?

Continuing to look down in a strange way, Fu Jingyuan followed Jiang He and Tang Ranran upstairs and into the bedroom.

Tang Ranran fell asleep. When he saw Jiang He sending a message to Zheng Kun, Fu Jingyuan couldn't help but frowned, feeling disgusted in his heart. Zheng Kun, that scumbag, is really nothing! This Jiang He is not a good guy either.

At this moment, Fu Jingyuan's eyes paused, and he was highly concentrated, staring at Jiang He without blinking.

Jiang He suddenly fainted!

It’s coming, it’s here, it must be here!

Pause immediately.

Jiang He must have been controlled at this point in time!

But where is the mastermind behind the scenes?

Time froze at this moment, Fu Jingyuan searched the room carefully, even the bathroom, but unfortunately, he didn't find anything at all.

Walking out of the room with disappointment, Fu Jingyuan searched the entire villa, but found nothing in the villa.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Fu Jingyuan went out again and walked around the villa.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

Normally, mental control cannot be done too far away, so where is this person?

Is invisibility turned on?

But even being invisible leaves some clues, such as indentations in the carpet!

Returning to the bedroom where the two of them were, Fu Jingyuan conducted another carpet-like search, but unfortunately, he still couldn't find any clues.

Could it be... With his eyes fixed on Tang Ranran on the bed, it was hard for Fu Jingyuan not to suspect that this matter had something to do with her.

Tang Ranran has B-level mental power, and Jiang He has C-level mental power. Theoretically speaking, B-level Tang Ranran can control C-level Jiang He.

Of course, this is just a theory. In fact, mental control is a difficult skill, and the possibility of self-taught is extremely low. Only higher education institutions have professors. Tang Ranran, who has not studied in higher education institutions, cannot possibly master mental control. .

What's more, it's just one mental level away, and the difficulty is relatively high. If Tang Ranran moved his hand, Jiang He would not be able to resist, and he would have to go through a struggle.

Could it be that the sleeping pills worked?

Without any useful discoveries, Fu Jingyuan could only continue to recreate the scene with many doubts.

In his surprise, the fainted Jiang He stood up as if the fainting just now had never happened.

Pause, play, pause, play...

After many pauses, Fu Jingyuan carefully observed Jiang He's expression. It was perfect, really perfect! There is no trace of control at all.

Tang Ranran is a B-level person. Even if he knows how to control, it is impossible for him to reach this normal state.

If it weren't for Jiang He's subsequent abnormality, Fu Jingyuan would have suspected that she was actually aware of her conscience.

After Jiang He left the room, Fu Jingyuan stood beside the bed because he still had some doubts about Tang Ranran.

If there is a problem with Tang Ranran, she will definitely take action after Jiang He leaves.

But, no.

Tang Ranran slept soundly until Jiang He entered the room again and woke her up.

Tang Ranran woke up, and there was no problem in the conversation between the two. Then, Tang Ranran left the villa and walked all the way to the basement. Fu Jingyuan didn't notice anything unusual until Tang Ranran's hover car left the basement.

Nothing unusual? Has nothing to do with Tang Ranran?

So where is Jiang He?

Fu Jingyuan had basically dispelled his doubts about Tang Ranran.

Rewinding the tape again, this time Tang Ranran fell asleep. Fu Jingyuan followed Jiang He to the study room next door, and then he saw Jiang He open his smart brain and start recording a confession video.

At this moment, due to Jiang He's abnormal behavior, Fu Jingyuan was almost certain that Jiang He had been controlled by someone, and his guess was correct.


Tang Ranran left, almost before Zheng Kun arrived.

Fu Jingyuan couldn't help but despise Zheng Kun's anxious look again. If the Zheng family wanted to protect this trash like Zheng Kun this time, he would be the first to refuse!

Go on, go on, go on...

Zheng Kun's performance was considered normal until he turned on his smart brain and found that the indoor monitor was connected to the live broadcast.

Zheng Kun dragged Jiang He down the stairs. When Jiang He bit him, the furious Zheng Kun strangled Jiang He's neck and said, "Bitch, go to hell!"

Pause, right here!

Although Zheng Kun was a scumbag, he believed what he said, that is, it was impossible for Zheng Kun to kill people knowing that he was live broadcasting!

Pause, play, pause, play...

Fu Jingyuan carefully observed Zheng Kun's expression, and then concluded that it was someone who disturbed his emotions, a kind of deliberate emotional amplification, which greatly amplified Zheng Kun's inner anger, so that he lost his mind, and under the impulse of rage, he killed Personally, it's so normal.

When Zheng Kun took out the knife, through his dull expression that lasted for less than a second, Fu Jingyuan was absolutely sure that Zheng Kun was controlled at this point in time.

The mastermind behind the scenes must be here!

After a pause, Fu Jingyuan once again launched a blanket search. This time, his hard work paid off and he was discovered.

Here, right here!

At that time, the invisible controller was standing here, at the stairway of the second floor, looking down at the farce below!

After finding this suspicious person who was suspected of having SS level or above, Fu Jingyuan waved his hand, and the scene flowed again, and then... nothing happened.

Why can't I find it?


As long as there are people, they will leave traces! !

Light and shadow fluctuations, air flow, breath residue, etc., even if you are invisible, these are all traceable!

But unfortunately, no!

Fu Jingyuan reluctantly rewinded the video dozens of times, but he still didn't find out where the controller appeared from or where he left.

This person seemed to appear and disappear out of thin air, just like that without a trace!

Come on, come on! Are you from the elite counter-reconnaissance company? !

In the end, Fu Jingyuan came to the conclusion: the person behind the scenes is a space system SS level or above superpower!

After Fu Jingyuan's conclusion was conveyed to Zheng Dingguo, Zheng Dingguo was immediately startled, and his old heart, which was not very healthy, was almost frightened.

Zheng Dingguo made the decision on the spot: Kill Zheng Kun’s grandson and calm down the space master in the dark!

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