Get rich all over the world starting from growing vegetables

Chapter 224 The worst sufferers are indeed women and children

Faced with the pleadings of one large and two small children, Tang Ranran was inevitably moved, but...

"What medicine?"

Are there any cures already?

She doesn't know! And she didn’t stock up on medicines!

"Sir, as long as it contains vitamin K1 and can be eaten, it is fine. Please show mercy and save my child." Alan quickly replied. This was what she heard from others. It is said that some people died after taking K1. He'll be fine if he saves his life.

Tang Ranran contemplated, vitamin K1?

Uh, this is included in fruits and vegetables, right?

Tang Ranran carried the almost weightless little carrot head, took two steps, stepped forward and returned the child to Alan.

After Alan took the child, Tang Ranran took out a fresh food box from the space buckle and handed it over.

For symptoms of black and purple, such as bruises due to massive internal bleeding, would blood-activating fruits and vegetables be more effective?

So, a box of red blood fruits.

As for why she didn't just go to treatment?

She has a bottom line in saving people, and she will never put herself at risk of being exposed for the sake of a strange child.

In front of the public, she is just an idiot.

Yeah, wood type.

"I don't have any medicine on me. This little fruit should be rich in vitamin K1, but I'm not sure if it has any effect."

The child can be rescued only because the child is dying. If he cannot survive, there is nothing he can do.

"Fruit, fruit?"

Alan's eyes widened in shock.

In all her life, this is the first time she has seen edible fruit!

"Thank you, sir, thank you!"

Looking at her mother, she was stunned. Although she was also shocked, Xiao Yi quickly took the fresh food box and held it in her arms.

After kowtowing to Tang Ranran three times, Xiao Yi quickly opened the box and urged Alan.

"Mom, give it to your brother quickly, hurry up!"

Alan came to his senses, quickly grabbed a handful of small fruits, put them into his mouth, chewed them, and then fed them to Douding, who had long lost the ability to swallow on his own.

The people who were still at the scene had already tentatively gathered around Tang Ranran when she took out her things. Seeing her generosity, they all knelt down and begged.

"Fruit, it's fruit! Life-saving fruit!"

"Sir, please save us!"

"Please show kindness and save us!"

"Sir, please save my child, please!"

"Alan, please give me some of my Xiaomao's, please!"

The people who were pleading with their mouths couldn't help but stare at the box of fruits. Their eyes were like hungry wolves. If Tang Ranran hadn't been there, they might have been furious because of this box of red blood fruits.

Tang Ranran glanced around at everyone.

Most of the able-bodied men in the crowd that originally numbered hundreds had already run away, leaving only a dozen or so people, almost all of whom were old, weak, sick, disabled, women, and children.

They are all poor people.

That’s all.

Tang Ranran took out the cheap nutrient solution as a reserve food from the space button, and took out a box of red blood fruits. Then he pointed to a woman with an honest face in the crowd and said, "You, give it to everyone. Divide it up, three bottles of nutrient solution for each person who is healthy, and ten fruits for each person with symptoms. Queue up, if anyone dares to grab it...ha!"

Tang Ranran ended with a sneer, and the threat was self-evident.

A dozen people quickly lined up and thanked him profusely.

"Yes, yes, thank you, sir!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"My lord, have mercy."

Taking advantage of this little time to distribute supplies, seeing that Xiao Yi was very clever, Tang Ranran asked, "Why are you still here?"

Xiao Yi, who was being questioned, hurriedly spoke and described everything in detail.

Three days ago in the morning, government officials used loudspeakers to notify everyone to move to the nearby scrap yard.

Because the manpower of the government was limited, there were very few military police to maintain order. On the one hand, they were deeply afraid of being robbed, and on the other hand, they had a bleak future. Out of worries about the future, they chose to stay.

I originally thought that life would be better with fewer people, but I never expected that there were more and more big black bugs, and they were everywhere in just a few days. The big black bugs that originally ran away from people only appeared late at night. , even dared to openly attack lone humans in broad daylight. Only those who stayed realized the seriousness of the problem.

People who originally insisted on staying also left one after another.

They also gathered together and walked together in groups, preparing to leave here during the day.

Unexpectedly, I was surrounded by insects in this passage through the shantytown.

This is the case.

Xiao B doesn't know how radiation lesions appear, and he just follows what others say. Xiao Yi's hearsay version is that there are unscrupulous profiteers from other planets secretly emitting high-radiation pollutants, causing the big black bug to mutate.

As for the death toll, Xiao Yi only knew that many, many people died. The specific number was probably three out of ten.

Obviously worried that someone would rob them after Tang Ranran left, Alan was so fast that he fed almost all of the box of red blood fruits with beans, while Xiao Yi and Er Ya were also asked to eat a few by her.

The same was true for the others. Those who received the fruits ate them all without exception, and those who received the nutrient solution also drank two. Only one was left, and two or three were even three. All wiped out.

It’s exactly that sentence: What you eat into your stomach is yours.

A batch of relief supplies was distributed, and Tang Ranran was entangled.

People here who are not blind know that it is because of Tang Ranran that the insects are scared away. If they want to leave alive, they can only rely on her.

"Sir, can you help us?"

"Please save us! They are all big black bugs, we can't get out!"

"What goes around comes around, and you will be blessed!"

"Okay, let's go."

Being treated as a life-saving straw, Tang Ranran decided to be a good person to the end and send Buddha to the West.

Among the people thanking each other, Tang Ranran took the lead and led the group of old, weak, women and children away from the garbage dump and the waste industrial park.

Although they were all old, weak, sick and disabled, they all knew they were running for their lives and were afraid that Tang Ranran would lose patience and leave them behind, so they walked very fast one by one.

Even Alan, who was holding Doudin in his arms, showed no sign of falling behind.

After eating the fruit, the beans still looked lifeless, but the breathing seemed to be a little stronger and no longer vague.

A woman with three children is quite admirable. I wonder where the irresponsible scumbag is.

"Where's their dad?"

Tang Ranran couldn't help but ask Alan.

"They don't have a father..." Worried that Tang Ranran would leave them behind, Alan deliberately betrayed him and told his own experience.

Alan grew up in a shanty town. She has never seen her mother since she can remember. She has been living with her father. When she grew up, her father used her to start a business.

The skin and flesh business, and the business of passing on the family line.

The garbage pit they live in has the fewest garbage boat flights and the worst garbage. It is the bottom of the entire garbage dump area and a poor area in the shanty town.

The men living here can hardly even afford to support their wives.

Therefore, carrying on the family line is also regarded as a business.

Alan was treated as a commodity by his father and rented out to one man after another. Each man would take as short as one or two years or as long as seven or eight years. Each man would eventually end the lease after having children.

After being in business for more than ten years and giving birth to seven or eight children, her father died in an accident. Without a man to protect her, Alan found a few "clients" to live together.

The men gave her shelter and she addressed their needs.

Life is not easy, let alone contraception. As the weakest person, Alan gets pregnant from time to time.

If a child can be born alive, if the men recognize it as their own based on their appearance, they will take it back. If they do not recognize it, they will leave it alone.

As a mother, Alan couldn't bear to throw away her child, so she raised her by herself.

Alan is in her sixties this year and has given birth to more than 20 children. She has raised seven of them by herself, and now only Xiao Yi, Er Ya and Douding are left.

Most of the women living here are like Alan. The only hope of the women is probably that one of their many sons can stand out and lead a worry-free life.

After listening, Tang Ranran sighed.

As Wu Lihua said, the vulnerable groups at the bottom, women and children, live the most miserable lives.

Hey... (End of this chapter)

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