Genius club

Genius Club Chapter 50 Dream Plan (1/2)

Lin Xian is very concerned about this issue.

After all, Xu Yiyi is still lying in the hospital. With her long-term vegetative state... Lin Xian is very worried whether she can live to the day when the hibernation chamber is available.


Professor Xu Yun is not worried at all about this. He laughed and said:

"It will probably take a long time. Maybe humans will never be able to make the kind of hibernation chamber that can hibernate for hundreds or thousands of years in science fiction movies."

"But it's harmless. For normal people like us, we don't need the kind of hibernation chamber that can sleep for hundreds or thousands of years. It's not a long-distance interstellar travel. Why sleep so long?"

"Just like vegetative patients like Yiyi, or many patients with advanced cancer, they just need to let them hold on for ten or even dozens of years, waiting for medical progress. It's OK."

"According to my estimation..."

Xu Yun held his chin and looked at the jumping white mouse and thought:

"I expect-"

"If the country invests enough, it may be possible to develop a prototype of a hibernation chamber that can reduce human life activities by 10 times within two or three years."

"In fact, reducing it by 10 times is enough. Take Yiyi for example. She slept in the hibernation chamber for 10 years and only grew 1 year older. In these 10 years, medicine will progress, science will also progress, and perhaps there will be more advanced hibernation chambers. "

Lin Xian nodded.

Indeed, Professor Xu Yun's considerations are still meticulous.

"Then, Professor Xu Yun, when do you plan to publish your research results?"

"It will take at least a week."

Xu Yun said casually:

"I still have to organize the papers, experimental data and so on. But as for the news and information, it will probably be released in the next few days."

He seemed to suddenly think of something, picked up a piece of material from the side and handed it to Lin Xian:

"By the way, during my research, I accidentally got a by-product. I have sent it to my friends at the Longguo Aerospace Research Institute and they have verified the same results."

He took out a few pages of information for Lin Xian to see.

There are very complex molecular formulas and various chemical structures on it, which Lin Xian can't understand at all.

"What is this?"

"This is a hafnium compound, a brand new substance. This compound can produce a hafnium alloy with high hardness, corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance. It may be useful in the aerospace field."

"Lin Xian, if you don't mind... I want to publish the experimental data of this hafnium alloy. Although I don't know what its use is, it can promote the development of certain technologies."

Lin Xian nodded, of course. The impact and progress between disciplines are mutual, and they can all promote the development of science and technology.

"Then I'm leaving, Professor Xu, and I won't disturb your research. I look forward to the day when your paper is published."


A few days later.

Three good things happened.

First, the news that "Professor Xu Yun of Donghai University overcomes the key hibernation problem" became a hot search, shocking the world.

No one expected that the hibernation technology, which is considered advanced technology even in science fiction novels... has achieved a breakthrough in reality so quickly!

During this period, all the headlines were about Xu Yun:

"The Longguo Aerospace Research Institute confirmed that Professor Xu Yun will announce a new type of aerospace material in the near future, and the institute has received samples in advance. 》

"The United States announced the establishment of the top laboratory to study hibernation technology, aiming to lead the hibernation era. 》

"The Nobel Prize review team highly praised Professor Xu Yun's research results and said that if the public paper is true, he will be nominated for the relevant Nobel Prize. 》

"A father's ten years: telling the story behind Xu Yun. 》

Professor Xu Yun, who has been working silently for more than ten years, has finally made it.

From a "rat crossing the street" in the scientific research community.

He suddenly became a "bright pearl" that attracted worldwide attention.

Another good news.

The new product launch conference of MX Company and the new brand launch conference of Rhine were a complete success.

Not only did the pre-sale amount of the first single product moisturizing cream far exceed the overdue, but even the Rhine cat doll given with the first gift box became a hot topic, triggering a new round of cute craze.

Thanks to the word-of-mouth fermentation of Professor Xu Yun's golden signboard.

This dimensionality-reducing moisturizing cream... The pre-sale orders have been scheduled until the first half of next year, and it seems that there is a market but no stock. The Rhine brand became popular overnight and became the hottest beauty brand at the moment.

As for the third happy event... That is the improvement in the treatment that Lin Xian himself enjoys.

22nd floor.

Zhao Yingjun's office.

"Lin Xian, I think you have also seen the discussion about Rhine Cat on the Internet. All of them are praised and loved. Your design really amazed the current fashion circle."

"We have received many joint authorization requests, not only in China... but also many famous companies abroad want to do joint design."

"Therefore, in order to meet the huge business needs, your Rhine Cat IP development team must expand its personnel and functions. My current plan is to expand your team to about 30 people."

"And you, Lin Xian..."

Zhao Yingjun leaned back in the chair and folded his arms:


"You have independent personnel and assessment rights. The recruitment and dismissal of the entire department are decided by you, and the salary and annual assessment of the department staff are also under your full control."

Lin Xian felt a little surprised by this news.

If the team members are expanded to 30 people, then his team will be the largest department in the entire company and can be called a small company.

What's more, he also gave himself the power to recruit people, manage personnel, and determine salary and assessment... This is a unique situation in the company.

Currently, only three vice presidents and Zhao Yingjun have independent personnel and assessment rights. Is it a bit too much for a team leader to have such power?

As if he had read through Lin Xian's thoughts, Zhao Yingjun smiled and continued:

"This is also the trust and recognition of our management in you. As for your position...since you like the work related to Rheincat, just continue to be the team leader."

"But your salary will be in accordance with the vice president's standards, and you will enjoy equity incentives every year."

Is this the vice president’s treatment?

I haven’t received my first salary as a team leader yet, but I’m about to get a salary at the vice president level?

Lin Xian felt like a 999-dollar game character in a web game advertisement. The golden light on his body was constantly upgraded, and his various attributes increased at the speed of light.


Lin Xian knew it in his heart.

Zhao Yingjun made an exception and gave himself such great power... The main purpose was to keep him and was afraid that he would run away.

In fact, even if she didn't do this, Lin Xian wouldn't run away.

He really likes MX Company and appreciates Zhao Yingjun's style.

And, there’s one more thing…

If he leaves MX Company, he will only get further and further away from the invitation letter to the Genius Club and this mysterious organization hidden in the fog of history.


Before seeing the contents of the invitation letter, he would definitely not leave MX Company easily.

"In addition, there is one more thing." Zhao Yingjun looked at Lin Xian:

"I guess the logistics department has also sorted out your new office. The new office is on the 20th floor. It's much bigger than your previous one. You can take a look."

"There's nothing else to do. You can go back first."


After walking out of Zhao Yingjun's office, the heavy coded door behind him closed automatically.

Lin Xian blinked.

I just spent a few minutes in Zhao Yingjun's office...

But after I came out, I felt like the world outside had changed drastically.

The scale of Rheinmao IP development team has expanded and it has become the largest department of the company;

He has obtained independent personnel rights and assessment rights, and can be called the emperor of a country;

In terms of salary and remuneration, he also enjoys vice president treatment and annual equity incentives;

The private office was not warm yet, so it was immediately replaced with a larger one, which was also equipped with a safe.

Not to mention the licensing fees and sales royalties for that magical chemical to look forward to...

"It's a bit exaggerated, it escalated too quickly."

Lin Xian rubbed his neck and walked to the elevator.

The elevator opened on the 20th floor, and Lin Xian quickly found his new office.

The area is three times the previous size, and there is an additional lounge compartment, but there is no time to place a bed or clothes hangers in it.

In the office area, there are a large coffee table, a couch, two bookcases, some green plants, a luxurious wooden desk, a new desktop computer, and a new laptop.

In every aspect, it is much more advanced than the previous office on the 17th floor.

Lin Xian spent some time moving up his personal belongings from his office on the 17th floor. There was a bit of fireworks in this huge office.

Lying on the comfortable boss chair, Lin Xian closed his eyes:

“No more overtime and late nights.”

"Tonight I can finally go to dreamland... and cut open that safe!" 39288181.

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