Game of Thrones Overlord Conquest

Chapter 86 Tribal Conference

When Meng Ge announced that a clan meeting would be held soon, everyone began to talk excitedly.

The legendary story about Kaa quickly spread throughout the tribe with the help of the old tribe members.

Hasha, known as "Lingbi", can be said to be the leader of this trend. He often talks loudly while hunting in the wild or drinking in the camp.

But this person is by no means an unfounded boast. He witnessed Menggo's transformation from a bandit to a khao. He was one of the six thousand warriors who rushed to attack the Undercurrent River. He was also the warrior who first climbed the walls of Kohol, and later followed Kosolo to stop Zhuo. Ge.

"Kao Mengge is a person blessed by the sky, the earth, and the horse god. He has a body as hard as steel and endless wisdom. He is the horse riding the world in the prophecy. Victory is like the wind, always accompanying him. Therefore, we will do whatever he says to reform, and there is nothing wrong with that." Hasha always declares this to people.

No matter what he said, people were willing to believe that this was a true fact. The huge wealth he brought back from the war alone was convincing enough.

What's more, Harsha also made many outstanding achievements with his keen sense of smell. Even the tribal legend Kosoloko respected him very much during his lifetime and wished him to live in the blessing of the horse god in all his life.

Time passed day by day, and the weather was still very hot. The day for the tribal conference was getting closer and closer, and reform-related measures began to spread everywhere. This was the news released by Ofer, the affairs officer appointed by Meng Ge.

One morning, when everyone woke up, they found that a large open space to the east of the camp was filled with various ropes and materials needed to build a site.

More and more carriages drove out of the camp and drove to the open space to begin unloading. The surprised tribesmen walked over to watch.

Craftsmen from Kohol drew many white lines along the open space, and then many white tents were slowly erected.

There is a particularly huge dome tent, big enough to accommodate hundreds of people living in it at the same time.

What makes the Dothraki even more happy is that fences are set up on the east and west sides of the open space. They look like two huge racecourses for competitions. There are also many dummies and archery targets placed inside. Everyone is looking forward to it. The highest point has been reached.

Although this meeting is called an all-clan meeting, there is actually no such a large venue that can accommodate 200,000 people for the meeting at the same time. Only tribesmen elected as heads of ten households can actually attend, and others can only stand outside and watch. This event.

On the day of the conference, a brilliant golden sun was embedded in the clear sky. Everything was covered with gauze, and every blade of grass was decorated with a thin golden edge.

The vast grassland stretches to the sky, and the wind blows lazily in the sea of ​​grass. The white tents and clouds are like sails floating in the blue sea and clear sky. The galloping gilded paper on the top of the tent emits bright golden light and flutters in the wind.

The low and long horn sound resounded throughout the world, and dense crowds poured out of the camp one after another, surrounding the entire venue.

Meng Ge, along with the affairs officer Ofer and the bachelor Bas Potter, stood on the high platform in the center of the venue. From then on, he looked around and saw that it was so dark that he could not see the edges.

He formally announced all the reform measures, and at the same time, there would be people in the audience who would deliver these decrees to distant corners.

Most of the ordinary people seemed not to be interested in these measures. Just seeing Kaa standing on the stage, they couldn't help but get excited.

Deafening cheers suddenly burst out, pierced the sky, and spread across the entire grassland. It was not until the horn on the stage blew three times that the venue became completely quiet.

Of course, there are many warriors outside the venue who are very concerned about this reform. These people are already familiar with the relevant measures. The honor of being the leader and bloodrider is irresistible to them, not to mention the sharing of the spoils.

Harsha was one of them. After Kaa read out all the reform measures, he went directly to the scholar in charge of the registration list and signed up to be elected as the head of the ten households.

Then, he began to look for support from others, because being elected as the head of ten households required the recommendation of his tribe of thousands of households.

There are also people with special skills such as horse training, tracking, and tanning, including more than 500 craftsmen and scholars brought from Qohor, as well as Volantis slaves who have just become free people. They are all looking forward to joining Kaa's bloodrider guard Qianhu.

After the lecture came to an end, it was time for selection. Most people who did not pay attention to the reform listened to other people's discussions and were no longer in the mood to experience this joyous scene of the whole clan, and began to worry about their own Benefits, but anyone who has the ability decides to give it a try.

With Hasha's influence, he quickly gathered many tribesmen from his Qianhu household and shouted to them:

"Everyone, please be quiet. I won't delay you for too long. I have brought you all here for a purpose."

Seeing that the noise of the crowd had quieted down, and some people nervously raised their ears to listen, he continued:

"Yes, there are two purposes. The first is to tell you that I want to run for the election of Ten Household Leaders, but my ultimate goal is to join the bloodrider of Kaa or be elected as the leader of Thousand Households. Many of you know me. , knowing my achievements, it will not be a wrong choice for you to recommend me.”

This statement aroused cheers from everyone, and some people frowned. Hasha amplified his voice and said:

"Secondly, for you, I hope that all capable people will try to sign up for the election of the Ten Household Heads, and all the tribesmen in the Thousand Households must support them. You can see these decrees. The condition for selecting the Thousand Households of the Blood Alliance Guard is to be elected as the Ten Household Heads first. If someone is lucky enough to be selected into the Blood Alliance Guard, it will be of great benefit to our Thousand Households in the future. If they are not elected, they can come back to be the Ten Household Heads."

Everyone fell into silence, thinking about these words. After a moment, everyone agreed with this method. At the same time, they all recognized Hasha's wisdom. The other party's achievements were not just luck.

At this time, in the central tent of the meeting, a group of freemen were standing there to ask for orders from the khal. After listening carefully to their words, Mungo said to the official Ofer in a very stern tone: "Why don't you allow freemen to join the army and run for the ten heads? Which word in my decree indicates origin, and which word restricts race? This problem must be solved immediately." "Khal, it's not that we want to restrict the freemen. The main reason is that the freemen can't ride horses, and no thousand heads are willing to accept warriors who can't ride horses." Ofer said stubbornly. "Ah, khal, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with saying that." The freemen's expressions became a little ugly, and they were a little hesitant when they spoke. The light flashing in their eyes revealed their uneasiness. Mungo stood up and paced back and forth. The atmosphere in the tent became extremely solemn. He thought carefully for a moment and said: "Let's do this! I will first form a separate battalion for the freemen. I hope you can prove yourself and truly integrate into the Dothraki country."

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