Game of Thrones Overlord Conquest

Chapter 36 No matter black or red

In the Merchant's House, Malachor, the Volantis Tiger Party Consul, has bid farewell and left. The west bank of the Rhoyne River is not his place to stay for a long time.

"My lady, will the Dothraki really attack us in Volantis?"

Seeing that the widow at the waterside did not refuse the consul, the guard couldn't help but ask.

"The human heart is like sea water, difficult to measure, and the same is true for the Dothraki." The old woman frowned tightly, and the scars on her face were crowded into a ball, which was hideous and terrifying. The deliberate deception of her old friend made it difficult for her to accept for a moment: "Tiger Party A consul is never a person who is content with his duties and has nothing to do with the world.”

The Waterside Widow, who had a huge intelligence network, naturally knew that the Golden Company had rejected Malachor's mission to eliminate Benero, the High Priest of R'hllor, and his supporters.

The Tiger Party Archons did not dare to send the "Tiger Robes" guards to perform tasks, because most of the guards were followers of R'hllor.

She also knew clearly the number of soldiers in Volantis, and these troops, relying on the defense of the Black Wall, were enough to resist the Dothraki attack.

But if Malachor wanted to take the initiative to lead an attack, his troops would be slightly outnumbered.

"According to the sailors of Volantis, the Golden Company is heading west, and they have signed a contract with Myr."

The widow at the waterside heard the guard's reminder and nodded calmly, then stood up slowly and said:

"A Lys captain told me that they tried to persuade the Golden Company to break the contract, promising twice the reward of the Myrs, plus a slave for each soldier in the Legion, and ten slaves for each commander. The leader of the Golden Company Harry Strickland will receive a hundred beauties. Harry did not refuse sternly, but told the Lysians that they would consider the offer carefully.

Perhaps because of a promise, the Waterside Widow was willing to sincerely help Malachor broker this mercenary contract.

At this time, the alternating light and dark candlelight enveloped her body, and the shadows in the corners gave off a mysterious atmosphere, deeply reflecting the memories that will never be erased in her life.

She seemed to really see the man who recited the oath in a low voice one afternoon.

"It seems that the mercenary group that speaks like gold is no longer reliable and is about to decline. They actually let a financial officer serve as the leader."

Hearing that the Golden Company did not refuse the Lysian's inducement, the guard couldn't help but taunted them.

Harry Strickland, the current leader of the Golden Company, is not a brave warrior. Before he was promoted to leader, he served as the group's financial officer.

The widow at the waterside ignored the guard's sarcasm, took the pen and paper, and took advantage of the candlelight to lean on the desk with a solemn expression and carefully write down two identical letters.

He sat down quietly and waited for the pen and ink to dry. After sealing it, he gave instructions to the guards in the room:

"Immediately rush to the dock to take the fastest ship, take the Rhoyne River and sea route to Pentos, and give my letter to Governor Illyrio Mopatis."

The two guards stepped forward and took away the wax-sealed letters. They bowed respectfully to the old woman and then quickly exited the room.

"Can Governor Pentos help us convince the Golden Company?"

The widow at the waterside patted the arm of the guard who asked the question. This was her loyal son, and then smiled patiently and said:

"In his governor's garden rests a dragon."

After hearing what she said, the other guards couldn't help but started talking about it.

"The Beggar King?"

"Even with the crown, he is still a beggar. Even if he is the most dazzling beggar in the world, he is still a beggar after all."

"I heard from the sailors of Pentos that the Beggar King once hosted a banquet for the commanders of the Golden Company, hoping that they would help him regain the throne, but after they enjoyed the banquet, they laughed at him mercilessly."

"Of course, he can only be regarded as a red dragon at best, and the golden group is a descendant of the black dragon."

The comments of the guards did not affect the decision of the widow by the water. She looked at her sons with a smile, her dark eyes shining with wisdom and love, and whispered softly:

"It doesn't matter whether it's black or red, a dragon is a dragon."

Viserys Targaryen, an exiled prince, is a descendant of Aegon the Conqueror, who conquered Westeros on a dragon. He calls himself Viserys III, the legal heir to the Iron Throne, and is known as the Beggar King. .

Because the Targaryens' three-hundred-year reign on the Iron Throne ended with a rebellion they called themselves the Usurper's War.

The coat of arms of House Targaryen is a single three-headed fire-breathing dragon in red on black, known as the Red Dragon.

A century ago, the Targaryen family had a famous "Blackfire Rebellion". The rebel was named Daemon Blackfire.

The coat of arms of the Blackfire family is a single three-headed fire-breathing dragon with red background and black, known as the Black Dragon.

Daemon Blackfyre was the illegitimate son of King Aegon IV Targaryen and his cousin Princess Diana Targaryen.

In order to ensure the orthodoxy of the bloodline, the Targaryen family has always adhered to the tradition of maintaining intermarriage within the family.

From this point of view, Daemon Blackfire's bloodline is extremely pure, but it is not legal.

But when his father Aegon IV died, he made up for all the deficiencies of Daemon Blackfyre. Aegon IV legalized all bastard children.

This is one of the important reasons why the Blackfire family can cause great chaos. They are legal and have pure blood.

Before the Usurper's War, although the "Red Dragon" Targaryen family and the "Black Dragon" Blackfire family had the same blood, they both claimed to be the legitimate heirs to the throne.

The brutal battle between them lasted for nearly seventy years, until the last Blackfyre male heir who coveted the Iron Throne died in battle, and the Targaryen family's hatred and anger towards Blackfyre completely ended.

But the Golden Company was founded by the "noble bastard" Aegor Rivers. He was also the legalized illegitimate son of the "Mediocre King" Aegon Targaryen IV, and chose to side with the same people in the "Blackfire Rebellion". The bastard brother Daemon Blackfyre.

The purpose of his creation of the mercenary group was to gather strength to support the Black Fire family. The members of the Golden Company were all exiles or their descendants who supported the Black Fire family.

At the same time the messenger from the Widow by the Waters sailed to Pentos.

At the source of the Varanna River, dusk is approaching.

Nohat led a group of cavalry, guided by the sunlight, to find the scout camp where the tribe had stayed to keep watch.

Fortunately, there was no enemy pursuit along the way, but after traveling day and night, everyone was already exhausted and exhausted. Even two horses were exhausted.

After a moment of rest, Nohat lay on the grass, looking at the rushing river not far away with a worried expression.

As a leader among the reconnaissance cavalry, he couldn't help but imagine a complete topography in his mind.

The enemy's advance route seems to be slightly off, but if their destination is not the Saihoru River near the wasteland, it is as accurate as predicting the future.

After thinking about all this, Nohat no longer planned to stay in the camp to rest.

He immediately stood up, woke up the whole team of exploring cavalry, took the water bags and food supplies prepared by the camp scouts, and hung them on the spare horses in the camp. Then, the whole team got on their horses silently and continued to go west.

But Nohat didn't know that at this time, Khal Menggol had led 30,000 cavalry around the Valanna River and headed south to approach Volantis.

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