Game of Thrones: I loaded the Witcher system

Chapter 213 Troops, the more the better

The Valley people's offensive was in vain under the three cities of the River Land, and they finally restrained themselves after losing hundreds of precious, lumpy cavalrymen converted into infantry.

After all, Lord Petyr is just a person who is good at dealing with golden dragons and conspiracies. Matters on the battlefield are really beyond the scope of his abilities.

Faced with the accusations from the powerful families in the valley headed by Yohn Royce, Littlefinger had no choice but to reluctantly agree to stop the attack, which also meant that his fishing plan for Riverrun was completely bankrupt.

Edmure Tully just wasn't fooled and kept hiding in Riverrun as a tortoise. The three eastern cities probably knew they wouldn't get reinforcements, so they took the courage to fight to the death. The people of the Vale were good at fighting in the field but not good at attacking cities. , and therefore suffered a loss.

Further south, the old lion Tywin Lannister surrounded Robb Stark's remnant army of more than 3,000 men at Harrenhal, and attacked Harrenhal with all his strength. He must capture Harrenhal as soon as possible. Take it.

For him, the great alliance of the North and the Riverlands has always been a problem.

You said that the Northerners have any ambitions and want to compete with themselves for the Iron Throne. Tywin Lannister has no such worries. The Northerners have always had one request, that is, I want independence, and you in the south should take care of it.

The Riverlands, on the other hand, clearly sided with them because of their marriage relationship with the North.

But here's the problem. The Riverlands are stuck on the main road leading out of the Western Territory to the east. Moreover, these tens of thousands of people are not on the right path with me. What if someone is deceived one day and attacks behind my back?

Frankly speaking, Tywin Lannister actually doesn't want to do anything to Robb Stark and the entire North. As far as he is concerned, as long as you surrender, kneel down and recognize Joffrey as king, you can go back. You can do whatever you like in the north, as long as you don't bother me.

Of course, if you have a conscience, come and help me fight Stannis and Renly. Oh, and the South, Daenerys Targaryen, the daughter of the Mad King who has declared herself the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Wen is also very welcome.

He didn't know what other plans Lord Petyr had. Lord Petyr's original condition for the valley to participate in the war was to ask Tywin to make him the guardian of Robert Arryn, regent of the valley, and at the same time obtain Harren. Take the castle as a fiefdom and become the Duke of Harrenhal.

In Tywin's view, this condition is actually a reasonable request, because the people of the valley are fighting this battle, on the one hand, for the assassination of Lysa Tully, and on the other hand, they are taking the opportunity to take sides in the entire chaos. .

Now it seems that the effect is very good. Robb Stark, a little wolf cub, was unprepared and the northern army, which was accustomed to fighting, was surprised by the valley people's cavalry and fell into a complete collapse.

Therefore, Tywin is now eager to defeat Harrenhal. After defeating it, he will first hold Robb Stark in his hands, and then he can demand a lot of money from the people of the North.

And he and his army can quickly free up their hands to reorganize the army. Maybe they can also ask James to bring out his own army and merge it with him.

Then they would wait quietly for the Baratheon brothers in the south to decide the winner.

In fact, Tywin has always been concerned about the situation in King's Landing. After all, he personally directed the extreme house-changing tactic, so he also accompanied his son Tyrion Lannister, whom he didn't care about at all.

Tywin knew that Renly would not kill him, he was a qualified politician, and he knew that a living nobleman was more useful than a dead one.

He was impatient, and the Lannister offensive was fierce. However, because the walls of Harrenhal were too high and thick, the Lannister had no siege equipment, and it would not be possible to build them overnight.

The soldiers set up long ladders, supported rolling wooden boulders, and continued rain of arrows, and launched wave after wave of attacks against the outer walls of Harrenhal. However, after such a long time, Lannister did not attack once Climb the walls of Harrenhal.

Tywin Lannister had nothing to do about this situation. If he couldn't get in, he couldn't get in. Even if he picked up the guys and attacked the city together, it would be useless.

He was helpless here, while some people were happily accepting the arrival of their latest reinforcements.

Dorne, Sunspear

"Your Majesty, this time, we have received another two thousand Unsullied. They have already landed and are currently resting in the military camp outside Sunspear City."

In the large square in the center of the Water Garden, Prince Doran Martell smiled and said to Daenerys Targaryen, who was communicating with the green dragon Rhaegal.

Daenerys turned around, put a hand on the green dragon's neck, and nodded to the Prince of Dorne.

"Very good. In this case, we now have 24,000 men. As soon as news of Clay comes, we will send troops northward from Prince's Pass."

When Daenerys said this, her tone was very calm, not at all like the excitement she used to get when she mentioned this matter.

The four dragons plus the Unsullied Legion gave her great confidence.

At the call of the Martell family, noble lords of all sizes from the Dorne territory gathered in Sunspear City.

And when Galesos led three little dragons to circle and roar above their heads, they all swore allegiance to Daenerys Targaryen. As a result, Dorne in the Seven Kingdoms officially became the Targaryen Restoration. country’s logistics base.

Of course, this news cannot be concealed. After all, even if the Seven Kingdoms become a mess, it cannot interrupt normal communication among the people. Moreover, everyone is more or less keeping an eye on each other's territory.

So, the dragon returned and the news of Dorne changing its banner spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms in a short time. Everyone was nervous for a while. After all, when Aegon conquered it, there were only three dragons. Now you have four dragons. The pressure is too much.

The Riverlands and Stormlands bordering Dorne are currently busy fighting Stannis, and all their elites are pressed into King's Landing.

However, after hearing the news, they had no intention of sending troops back.

Everyone knows what the dragon can do. Do you really think that bringing your own army back will be useful?

No matter how many people there are, it is just a matter of a few mouthfuls of dragon flames. The two hundred years since the Targaryen Dynasty had dragons have told everyone with the fact of blood and fire that all living beings are equal before the dragons.

So, after everyone was nervous for a while, they were completely open.

You should eat and drink, but what can you do if a giant dragon flies overhead one day? Just take the whole family and kneel down on the ground. No one will think that this is a sign of spinelessness.

Of course, this is the idea of ​​the middle and lower class nobles. The big nobles, especially the big nobles who have the ability to touch the seven crowns, still want to struggle.

However, now everyone's enemies are still alive and well, and the conflicts between them are irreconcilable.

Besides, everyone has been waiting for a long time, but they haven't seen anything bad like Dorne doing to spread the word to the Seven Kingdoms that your Targaryen dynasty (pronounced baba) is back.

Over time, everyone got used to it, and began to focus all their energy on the opponent in front of them, selectively blinding themselves, and not reading news about Dorne.

If this had been the case in the past, everyone would have been good brothers in the rebellion. The Mad King's daughter has returned, and although everyone dislikes each other, at least they can still fight together under Robert's leadership.

But Robert died, and the Seven Kingdoms were shattered. Everyone fought their wits out for the throne. Many nobles from various families died on the battlefield, and they were all determined to fight against their enemies.

Now, do you still expect everyone to stand together again, holding hands and holding wine glasses, smiling at each other and letting go of grudges? Go ahead and dream!

Several months have passed since Clay went north, and Astapor has become much more honest under the governance of Oberon Martell.

By now, he had transported two thousand Unsullied troops to Sunspear, and Daenerys had more than six thousand direct troops in her hands.

Oberon had never felt that he was so close to avenging his sister Illya. He never slacked off every day, and there were a lot less women and wine. He was not at all like the Red Viper of the past.

At present, in addition to continuing to train the Unsullied, he is also eyeing several large mercenary groups that are renowned in Essos.

After all, it's all wool from the iron treasury. His job is to spend the money and bring back an army capable of fighting.

The training of the Unsullied does not happen overnight. Since there is a ready-made one, why not give it a try?

Therefore, after obtaining Daenerys's consent, the Prince of Dorne began to contact large corps such as the Golden Company, but he encountered unexpected resistance.

He checked for a long time and finally discovered that the resistance came from Pentos, to be precise, from a Governor of Pentos named Illyrio.

The Governor-General seemed to regard the Golden Company as his own, and would never allow others to take advantage of them.

Moreover, it seems that this governor has some relationship with Targaryen...

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