Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 204 The perfect marketing advertisement (first update in March)

"The conclusion that can be drawn from these two sets of information is," Ian continued, "Motec's army actually had basically no arrows to use when facing the Unsullied. Why? Anyone who has used bows and arrows You know, it is easy to damage the arrowhead when shooting at an iron plate, let alone shooting at the magic-doped metal of the Qohor people?

The Dothraki, who were already short of arrows, damaged a large number of arrows in the process of fighting against Qohor's heavy cavalry. This was a key factor in why they could only rely on charging to resolve the battle against the Unsullied. "

"Even if the Dothraki only rely on charging, the Unsullied can defeat 20,000 Dothraki with three thousand people. It is already an unprecedented victory!" Instructor Fermor said loudly.

Ian could feel him getting anxious.

"It is a victory, but it was not accomplished by the Unsullied alone, let alone a field battle! We have already come to the conclusion that the defense of Qohor did not happen the day before the city was broken. There are still defenders in Qohor."

Who the hell has come to a conclusion with you? Instructor Fei Moer roared in his heart.

"Therefore, when the Unsullied arrived at Qohor, they did not rush to meet the enemy. Instead, they had time to prepare. They lined up behind the city and built defensive positions to solve the two most difficult problems when facing a cavalry charge - the cavalry. The kinetic energy of the impact and the impact of the cavalry outflank on the infantry formation.”

"Kinetic energy? What is that?" Fermor suddenly interrupted Ian, and then looked at the little translator Missandei beside him, thinking that this was just some common language vocabulary that he had never heard of.

But the little black girl helplessly shook her head at him, saying that she had never heard of it either.

"It's the force generated when cavalry charges." Ian didn't bother to explain, so he just changed it to a word that the other party could understand.

"The first is the impact force. Even the light cavalry weighs nearly half a ton with both men and horses. Just relying on a few spears cannot absorb the force generated when it strikes with a strike. In this case, even if Wu Guan The attacker stabbed the oncoming Dothraki warriors to death, and their corpses smashed into the Unsullied phalanx, killing and injuring some lucky ones, and causing the phalanx to scatter, making it impossible for the Unsullied to effectively attack. The defense was followed by the rear ranks of cavalry that rushed into the phalanx through these gaps.

Even if the Unsullied did not retreat even half a step with absolute courage and discipline, the 2,400 Unsullied would not be able to replace the 12,000 Dothraki cavalry under such a charge. Therefore, they must have deployed in front of the formation. Horses were held back or trenches were dug to absorb the force generated by the cavalry charge and significantly reduce the opponent's final impact speed.

The second is outflanking. There is a detail in your description of this battle that says 'the Dothraki charged eighteen times in total'. What does this mean? Anyone who knows military knowledge knows that no army can break up several times and then regroup. Therefore, the Dothraki attacked in batches like a wheel battle.

This means that the Unsullied formed behind the city and built sufficient fortifications on the flanks, forcing the Dothraki to give up the idea of ​​outflanking, and could only launch an attack with a width equal to the width of the Unsullied formation. The maximum number of troops that could be invested at one time was only one or two thousand, and their numerical advantage was greatly offset.

At the same time, there may be many longbowmen on the wall of Qohor behind the Unsullied to provide fire support for the Unsullied, using arrows to consume the Dothraki troops.

Therefore, when 'the Dothraki have almost no arrows left and cannot annihilate the Unsullied from a distance', 'the Unsullied are arrayed behind the city and the Dothraki cannot outflank', 'the Unsullied are preparing to resist the horse and reduce it. After all the subjective and objective factors such as the speed of the cavalry attack and the support of archers on the walls of Kohol were ignored by you, this battle was turned into a legend and a military myth.

And the slave traders crowned the Unsullied with all the glory of the Battle of Qohor, just to greatly increase the value of the Unsullied, am I right? "

If it were before formally understanding these Unsullied Ones, Ian would not have made the judgment he made today, because for the Unsullied Ones in the TV series, even if they have so many favorable conditions, it may not be possible. A roaring warrior capable of turning over twenty thousand Dothraki.

But when Ian saw this enhanced version of the Alexander Guards infantry, he finally figured out why the Battle of Qohor could be won.

Of course, the most important factor in the Unsullied's victory was the Dothraki's lack of brains.

Don't invite the flag of righteousness, don't attack the majestic formation.

Everyone knows that cavalry will not get any benefits if they attack the pike phalanx head-on. However, in the entire history of war, there are very few cases of pikemen defeating cavalry (most of the battles in which infantry defeated cavalry relied on crossbows). Why?

Even the most brain-dead cavalry commander knows that thing can't be charged head-on. Unfortunately, the Dothraki are not among them.

After listening to Ian's words, Instructor Fermor's face turned pale. As the trainer of the Unsullied, he naturally knows the combat effectiveness of the Unsullied best.

Because of this, he himself has always felt weird about the outcome of the Battle of Qohor. He once rehearsed the Battle of Qohor on a sandbox a hundred times, even though he spent all his life learning to direct the battle of the Unsullied. , but the result a hundred times is still failure.

Ian's words finally solved his long-standing doubts. It turned out that the good masters of Astapor kept modifying the original version of the story in order to raise the price for the Unsullied, so that today, 400 years later, they have I have successfully deceived myself.

Therefore, although Fermor's eyes at Ian were mostly wary, he could not help but look at him with reverence.

The great benevolent Lord Krazny's face was equally ugly. The little translator had just translated Ian's words to him verbatim. Although he didn't understand anything before, he did understand Ian's last words about raising the price. Got it, and he knew it was true.

For hundreds of years, although prices throughout Slaver's Bay have not changed much, the price of the Unsullied has been increasing. One silver coin can buy four to six healthy boys, and an Unsullied can be sold today. Offer a high price of 12 to 20 gold dragons (completely relying on on-site bargaining).

Now that Ian suddenly revealed this matter, Krazny had to wonder if this guy was here to cause trouble.

"Ask this damn Westeros barbarian if he wants to buy it?" Krazny felt that he had lost his patience.

However, before the little translator could speak, Ian spoke again: "Okay, let's continue introducing the Unsullied."

The little translator had to stop temporarily and translated Ian's words to Krazny.

"Then introduce him!" Krazny suppressed his dissatisfaction. His servant had previously verified Ian's financial resources and several large boxes of gold.

If he can close the deal today, he will make the biggest deal in Astapor's history, which is worth his patience.

So he poked the little translator with the tip of his whip: "Tell that Westeros barbarian, these guys have been standing there for a day and a night. As long as I don't order them to disperse, they will continue to stand until they die, even if the nine hundred and ninety-nine helpless people... The Fouled Ones fall dead on the brick floor, and the last one will stand motionless until death comes. They are absolutely fearless and absolutely obedient! Tell him this!"

So the little translator once again took over the task of introduction and translated the slave trader's words to Ian.

Then she continued to introduce: "The Unsullied you see in front of you are all elites who have passed countless tests to obtain the pointed helmet. It takes an average of 20 castrated boys to grow into an Unsullied.

Those who can't run with full load all day are already killed in the training process. Then there are those who can’t climb a mountain in the dark, walk across burning coals, or kill a baby.”

"Kill the babies?" Daenerys interrupted the little translator. She felt herself shaking, and she barely felt better after grabbing Ian's sleeve with one hand. "Where do they go to kill the babies?"

"Before earning the Spiked Helm, the Unsullied must take a silver coin, go to the slave market, find a crying newborn, and kill it before its mother's eyes. Only then can we be sure that nothing remains in his heart. Weakness." The little translator quickly explained.

Daenerys felt dizzy, and her hand that was holding onto Ian's sleeve slipped directly down, and she simply squeezed Ian's hand to gain strength.

"They snatch a baby from its mother's arms, kill it as she watches, and then pay her a silver coin for her pain?"

"It is to compensate the slave's master. The Unsullied are not allowed to steal," instructor Fei Moer said again, "You are too merciful. You can't take back a country like this." He said and looked at Ian, as if hoping that this A true general convinces his queen.

"In fact, I can also tell you that the number of Unsullied who fail the baby-killing test is far less than the number of Unsullied who fail the dog test." Fermor continued,

"On the day each boy is castrated, we give him a puppy, which he must keep until the end of the first year and then strangle it with his own hands. Those who fail to do so are immediately executed, and their flesh is fed to the surviving dogs. Eat. We find that's the most important lesson for them."

"That's enough!" Daenerys interrupted Fermor, then pulled Ian and pulled him to the other side of the high platform.

"Can we not buy it? We are buying not only these Unsullied ones, but also the babies and dogs they killed!" After making sure that the slave traders could not hear her, Daenerys pleadingly said in a tone of voice.

Without her experiences as Khaleesi and her subsequent betrayal, Daenerys is nowhere near as strong as she was when she arrived in Astapor in the original books.

At this time, her first thought was not to save these slaves, but to escape from this dirty place of right and wrong.

But when she saw Ian's unchanging expression, she realized...

"You already knew all this?" Daenerys exclaimed.

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