Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 667 Years of War

Near the plane void of the Sil civilization.

The Alliance has built a new base here to serve as the Alliance's observation station for Sil civilization and a related scientific research base.

Song Guangzhi and Mochizuki Shigeliang observed the strange form of the Sir people, and many Sir researchers also joined the research base.

[Guangzhi, what are your thoughts on upgrading creatures from the original three-dimensional space-time to ours?]

Song Guangzhi waved his tentacles: [I can’t figure it out either. ]

The problem currently facing them is that it is difficult for creatures in three-dimensional space-time to ascend to four-dimensional space-time. This situation is what Song Guangzhi and others call the "space-time exclusion phenomenon."

Moreover, there is a very scary phenomenon in the small universe - high-speed time. The speed of time here is almost tens of thousands of times that of four-dimensional space-time.

Living in a three-dimensional small universe for ten thousand years, one year has not passed in the four-dimensional universe. This time difference will cause an unimaginable sense of space-time chaos.

Of course, the high flow rate of time in the small universe is an accelerator for those who conduct theoretical research.

However, if there is gain, there will be loss. High-speed time will not only act on the small universe, but also the four-dimensional space-time creatures that have entered the three-dimensional small universe will suffer from quantum soul failure, although this failure may not seem obvious.

According to the research of Song Guangzhi, Mochizuki Shigaro and others, a depletion loss rate of 1:365 was obtained, which is a very wonderful number. That is, if one stays in the small universe for 365 days, the quantum soul of the four-dimensional space-time will deplete for one day.

A true year on earth is a day in heaven.

The problem is that this loss will be very fast, because the time flow rate ratio between three-dimensional space-time and the small universe is 1:10950. If a four-dimensional creature stays in the small universe, its quantum soul in the four-dimensional space-time will deplete at a rate of 30 times per day.

If you stay in the small universe your whole life, it is equivalent to shortening your life span by 30 times. Human beings currently have a life span of about 180,000 years. If they stay in the small universe, their life span in the four-dimensional space and time will become about 6,000 years.

But if you stay in the small universe all your life, your life in the small universe will be very long. Pay attention! This refers to the life span in the small universe, not the life span in the four-dimensional space-time.

If a person stays in the small universe for his whole life, the life span of his small universe is about 65.7 million years.

For those theoretical physicists, mathematicians and the like, the high flow rate of time in the small universe does function as a spiritual time room.

Generally speaking, staying in the small universe, in the right amount, has more advantages than disadvantages.

Many theoretical physicists and mathematicians in the alliance are taking advantage of the high speed of time in the small universe to learn and deduce quickly.

Song Guangzhi and Mochizuki Shigeliang have stayed in small universe No. 8 for more than 10,000 years, and only one year has passed in the fourth-dimensional space-time. They have spent 30 years of their lives as a result.

But the price is worth it.

Ten thousand years of research have brought a lot of gains to their research. For example, Mochizuki Shigeryo completed "Three-dimensional Space and Time - Fundamental Physical Rules", "Three-Dimensional Space and Time - Hierarchical Physical Rules", "Hierarchical Physical Rule Transformation Technology" and so on.

Song Guangzhi completed "4-3 Dimensionality Reduction Technology" and "Three-Dimensional Space-Time Spaceship Technology".

Song Guangzhi's two technologies are very powerful together.

Galaxy 557.

Three hundred years have passed since the alliance and the Zerg faced off against each other.

The years are silent and the running water never returns.

At this time, the alliance is more powerful and prosperous than before, controlling hundreds of the Great River Galaxy Group (Local Galaxy Group level) in the Canis Nebula.

The Zerg control the 63 large river galaxy groups in the Canis Nebula.

Obviously, the Alliance has been compressing the Zerg's living space to prevent the Zerg from getting bigger.

Over the years, large-scale wars have occurred from time to time between the two sides, not to mention small conflicts, which take place almost every day near the border.

Alliance Frontier - New Orleans Galaxy Cluster.

In this galaxy group, the Alliance occupies two-thirds, while the Zerg occupies one-third.

No one thought that the two settlements in the cantilever region of the Milky Way would develop step by step to the point of competing for hegemony in the universe.

Among the main galaxies of this galaxy group.

"Report, the Alliance Council has sent a batch of new space battleships and weapons. This is the list."

Lin Zhiqiu looked at the list.

[Ten thousand dimensional battleships, 1 million copies of two-way foil...]

"Two-way foil!?" Lin Zhiqiu was from the AD era. Of course he knew about this famous science fiction weapon, but he didn't expect that the Alliance would develop such a thing.

He quickly clicked on the details and browsed them carefully. Judging from the detailed information, the alliance's two-dimensional foil and the three-body world are very different.

The three-body two-way foil is irreversible and its speed cannot exceed the speed of light.

The alliance's two-way foil is time-sensitive and very fast, millions of times faster than the speed of light.

This two-way foil must be launched by a dimensional warship, because ordinary warships may not be able to withstand the dimensionality reduction of the two-way foil.

The dimensional battleship is actually an energy particle.

After transforming the three-dimensional small universe in the nengzi, it becomes a dimensional battleship.

This kind of battleship is almost unobservable and undefendable, because energy particles are the smallest particles that cannot be changed in four-dimensional space-time, so all attacks are ineffective against energy particles.

What's more, there are so many energy particles in the entire universe, how to select which one is a dimensional battleship?

The alliance's transformation of the nergon actually uses dimensionality reduction technology to flatten the nergon, and then adds some hierarchical physical rules to the nergon plane. As for the fundamental physical rules of the nergon itself, Qiu has no fault.

After Lin Zhiqiu read it, he immediately became eager to give it a try. He summoned a group of officers and prepared to attack the Zerg.

A dwarf galaxy inhabited by the Zerg.

Unlike humans who protect the ecological balance of the universe, the Zerg are cold-blooded and ruthless. Wherever they go, all the indigenous people will be wiped out by them. Except for the genes, which will be recorded by them, everything else will be destroyed.

Therefore, in the Zerg's territory, there are no other living things except Zerg or Zerg. Maybe some bacteria and viruses can survive, but the animals and plants are absolutely finished.

In the cold, dead void, an energy particle arrived at this dwarf galaxy almost instantly from a distance of 370,000 light-years.

Because the speed of the dimensional battleship is equal to the speed of the dark wave, even without a space jump, the speed is incredibly fast.

In the dimensional battleship, all the soldiers operate the battleship through dimensional robots. Building a universe into a battleship, even a small universe, is a very grand project.

At this time, all kinds of bugs in the dwarf galaxy are working in an orderly manner.

Stellar tumor bugs are adsorbed on stars, greedily absorbing the star's energy and mass;

The Dark Matter Devouring Insect is wandering around, opening its huge mouth along the way, constantly sucking in dark energy and dark matter along the way, leaving behind the needed dark matter;

The carpet of breeding bugs is spread on the surface of the terrestrial planet. It uses the material of the planet, the energy of the stellar tumor bugs, the dark matter of the dark matter-devouring bugs, etc. to quickly generate insect cysts one after another. Inside the insect cysts are the edited bugs.

It can be seen from this that the development of the Zerg is a predatory and destructive development.

This is also the reason why human civilization hates the Zerg and mercilessly exterminates other civilizations. If the Zerg advances to the fifth level civilization, then human beings will only die.

For the future of mankind, it is inevitable to suppress the Zerg.

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