Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 583 The Essence of Space (I’ll add more when I suddenly think of you)

Galaxy March 1, 2018.

South Pole Star Region of the Solar System, Gansu Mountain Star Base—Space Research Institute.

Song Guangzhi and others control the stand-in robot in the space laboratory 500 units away through the quantum communication system.

At this time, around the space laboratory, layers of gravity bombs formed an airtight space minefield. In addition, the three squadrons of the Allied Fourth Army were also waiting in the surrounding void in case of an emergency. condition.

"Wangyue, David, are you ready?"


"That's it."

Song Guangzhi looked at the time, and then ordered everyone: "The first experiment has begun, everyone should take their places."


Everyone got into work according to the previous arrangements.

At this time, in the space laboratory, each piece of equipment was activated, as if a huge beast from the wild had awakened.

The low gravitational field generator with a radius of 80 kilometers was instantly injected with surging energy. More than a dozen large Golden Crow reactors were supplying a steady stream of energy to the low gravitational field generator.

Immediately, the low gravity field generator was started. After the low gravity field was deployed in the hollow sphere, the staff slowly lowered the gravity while observing the parameters of the detection equipment.

"everything is normal."

"Continue." Song Guangzhi ordered calmly.


Half an hour later, the low gravitational field inside the hollow sphere finally reached its lowest value, which is the lowest value that humans can currently achieve: 1/40 million G.

Mochizuki Shigeiro turned his head and asked: "It has reached the lowest level."

"Start the strong magnetic field generator at 10% power." Song Guangzhi ordered.


The staff set the parameters of the strong magnetic field generator to 10%. This strong magnetic field generator is also the pinnacle of mankind's current work.

The energy supply department immediately started another 15 large-scale Jinwu reactors to deliver surging energy to the strong magnetic field generator.

An invisible Lorentz force instantly poured into the center of the low gravity field of the hollow sphere.

The very fragile space expanded by the low gravity field was like an inflated balloon being pressed down by a hydraulic press. Under the dark wave monitoring, the space was obviously distorted.

However, space still resists tenaciously, and the 10% strong magnetic field power seems to be unable to cope with space.

"Increase the magnetic field strength to 15%." Song Guangzhi calmly ordered.

"Received." The staff pushed the power push rod to the 15% position.

The magnetic field strength increased again, but the space crack still did not appear. Song Guangzhi and others had already expected this situation. They slowly increased the power just to test the critical point of space crack activation.

Two hours later, the magnetic field strength has increased to 65%, but space is still resisting the tearing of the magnetic field.

"Continue to increase to 70%."

The staff slowly pushed the putter 70%, the magnetic field became more violent, and the distortion of space became more intense, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.



75% power...

The space membrane is distorted to almost the limit by the magnetic field.

80% power...

As if a breaking point had been triggered, a small black crack appeared in the low gravity field.

"Successful!" Mochizuki Shigeharu exclaimed excitedly.

Others were also smiling. They did not expect that their experiment went so smoothly. After a while, Song Guangzhi calmly ordered: "Adjust the power back to 75%, and then slowly increase it by one percentage point. We must accurately determine the cause of the space crack. critical point."

"no problem."

The staff slowly adjusted the magnetic field power. After some testing, the critical point finally stopped at 78.65% power.

"Song, the critical point has been reached, what are you going to do next?" David opened the holographic projection and asked.

Song Guangzhi thought for a while and replied: "We will do three things next. The first is to launch protons towards the opposite side of the space crack; the second is to figure out the generation rules of the space crack; and the third is to study the nature of space."

David nodded: "I agree."

"Okay." Mochizuki Shigeharu also agreed to this arrangement.

The experiment continues.

A proton launcher is aimed at the center of the low gravitational field, because this is the area most prone to space cracks.

As the strength of the magnetic field increases, space becomes more and more easily torn apart, and proton launchers also intensively fire proton micro-robots into the cracks in space.

However, the success rate of proton microrobots passing through space cracks is very low, about one in a million. In other words, only one of a million protons fired can successfully pass through the space cracks.

In addition, the dark wave radar, gravitational wave radar, and electromagnetic wave radar are all fully powered, scanning space cracks at 360 degrees without blind spots.

Everyone was working excitedly and nervously, and facing the unknown starry sky across the space rift, everyone was cautious, fearing that an alien would accidentally rush over from the opposite side.

"Report, three protons successfully passed through the space rift."

"Locate the position of the proton." Song Guangzhi ordered nervously.

"Leave it to me." David accepted the task.

"Then I'll trouble you."

David was familiar with the communication delay and three-point positioning method to determine the spatial position of the proton, but when he saw the positions of the three protons, he became thoughtful.

"Song, Wangyue, look at the positions of these three protons."

Song Guangzhi and Mochizuki Shigeliang looked at the data. After pondering for a while, Song Guangzhi said: "There is no pattern in the direction of the position, but the distance of the position is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field."

[Magnetic field power 82%—distance 468 light years]

[Magnetic field power 84%—distance 708 light years]

[Magnetic field power 87%—distance 1068 light years]

Obviously, for every percentage point increase in magnetic field strength, the distance on the other side of the space rift increases by approximately 120 light-years. This is a very obvious direct proportional relationship.

"This is a big discovery. We should not increase the power too much for the time being, just within 90%, so that the space cracks we create will not exceed the cantilever zone. Civilizations in the cantilever zone generally will not exceed the early stage of level three. We can Take it easy,” David suggested.

"According to David's wishes, we are now trying to figure out the principle and power of space cracks, rather than taking risks." Song Guangzhi nodded.

Next, through hundreds of experiments in more than a week, they finally figured out the relationship between the distance of the space crack and the strength of the magnetic field, and accurate the distance to 0.3 light-years.

In other words, the space laboratory can now accurately create a space rift 0.3 light-years away, but they are temporarily unable to locate the direction, only the distance.

In addition, there have been some results in the research on space itself. Space has thickness, but no length and width. In other words, space is one-dimensional. Anything entering the space will become one-dimensional, which is the state of a line. .

The cracked state it presents is actually the contact between the one-dimensional space and the three-dimensional space where humans are located, and the rules of the universe force the projection of the one-dimensional space to manifest.

The essence of space is one dimension. Countless space lines are woven into a space membrane (two dimensions), and the space membranes are accumulated into a space body (three dimensions). Adding the dimension of time is the dimension in which human beings live. As for the fifth to eleventh dimensions, this is the human dimension. Dimensions are currently difficult to observe.

A low gravitational field is equivalent to flattening the three-dimensional space and lowering the three-dimensional space into a two-dimensional space membrane, while a strong magnetic field tears the space membrane, exposing the one-dimensional space lines.

This is the nature of space.

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