From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 305 Particle Swarm Controllable Algorithm

Yuan Universe, in a small square!

Everyone from the Institute of Nuclear Energy Physics gathered in the metaverse. Ye Fei stood in the middle of the small square, and the researchers were scattered on the steps of the surrounding small squares.

Ye Fei pointed with his fingers in front of him, and as he pointed, many formulas appeared in the air in front of him.

Everyone looked at these formulas with curiosity.

A few days ago, they heard Ye Fei say that he had discovered that particles were controllable.

And now, Ye Fei wants to teach them why particles are controllable? How can it be controlled?

Ye Fei is not afraid that they will spread the particle controllable technology.

Because this technology was blocked by the country a long time ago and became the number one national document.

Anyone who dares to spread the word will be imprisoned.

Ye Feidao: "Everyone, please take a look!"

"Particles can be made controllable through this formula."

"To learn this formula, we need to understand what a particle is?"

"From a physical perspective, it means that the smallest component of matter that can exist in a free state is a particle."

"There are many types of particles, including molecules, atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, nuclei, mesons, quarks... etc. These are all particles."

"With the current development of scientific research, quarks are the smallest particles, and the largest particles are molecules."

"So are there any particles smaller than quarks?"

"A great man in our country once said that matter is infinitely divisible."

"I think he is right. Matter is infinitely divisible, so particles are also infinitely divisible."

"So there must be particles smaller than quarks."

"Particles are controllable. In principle, all particles are controllable at present. As for the particles that have not been discovered yet, I don't know whether they are controllable."

"Huh..." Everyone exclaimed when they heard this.

According to Ye Fei, all particles discovered so far are controllable.

Molecules are controllable, and so are quarks.

Nowadays, whether it is physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and many other fields, most of the research fields are microscopic field research.

The most studied research in the microscopic field is particles.

If particles can be controlled, research in many of these fields will be easier to overcome.

Many people exclaimed: "If particles are really controllable, Academician Ye's discovery will put research in countless scientific fields on the fast track!"

"This is a discovery that can win a Nobel Prize!"

"Academician Ye made this discovery a long time ago, but it has not been announced yet."

"Academician Ye has no regard for the Nobel Prize at all!"

Many people don't know what to say.

The Nobel Prize is the dream of countless scientists. If a scientist does not even think about the Nobel Prize, then this person’s ideological level is not comparable to that of ordinary scientists.

Ye Fei said jokingly: "If any of you can discover particles smaller than quarks in the future, you can use my formula to experiment. If there are results, you must tell me."

Everyone laughed when they heard this, knowing that Ye Fei was joking.

If any of them could discover particles smaller than quarks, it would surely cause a stir in the entire scientific community.

But they know that they are not even world-class scientists, let alone trying to discover particles smaller than quarks.

Ye Feidao: "If you want to make particles controllable, you must start with algorithms."

“Only algorithms can make particles controllable!”

"Everyone, please take a look!" Ye Fei pointed to the formula in mid-air in front of him and said, "This is the algorithm for controllable particles."

"I call it particle swarm controllable algorithm."

"I think everyone must be wondering at this moment whether this algorithm is related to the particle swarm algorithm."

The particle swarm algorithm is one of the most popular algorithms and is often used in fields such as mathematics and computers. When Ye Fei was creating the algorithm as a Ph.D., he studied the particle swarm algorithm.

Everyone smiled, as Ye Fei said, they did have this idea.

Ye Fei smiled lightly and said: "You are right, it is indeed related to the particle swarm algorithm."

"But it's not a big deal."

"Because in particle swarm controllable algorithm, it is not only related to particle swarm controllable algorithm, but also related to many algorithms, including my own algorithm."

"Don't look at this algorithm, which has less than two hundred words."

"But in this, I incorporated thirteen algorithms that have been published in the world and four of my own algorithms."

Everyone looked at the algorithm in mid-air in astonishment. This algorithm of less than two hundred words was actually created by seventeen algorithms.

Ye Feidao: "The particle swarm controllable algorithm is derived from artificial life and evolutionary computing theory."

"As you all know, I used to study mathematics and computers."

Everyone nodded.

“My research in the computer field is blockchain, quantum computers and carbon-based chips.”

“In these fields, I can’t help but study artificial intelligence.”

"Since artificial intelligence includes artificial intelligence and intelligence, it must be related to the human body."

“So, for a while, I looked at books in the medical field.”

"Of course, I didn't study it in depth, I just got a general idea."

“The medical knowledge I had at that time was not as good as even a medical undergraduate.”

"Later, I read some books in the field of philosophy."

"At this time, I suddenly had an idea based on the books I read in the fields of medicine, artificial intelligence, and philosophy."

"It would be interesting to create an algorithm based on human genes."

“So I used my knowledge in mathematics to create this algorithm.”

“It took me a long time to create it.”

“After I created it, I didn’t know what the algorithm did, so I just put it there.”

"It wasn't until I was studying carbon-based chips that I suddenly wondered if I could make particles controllable."

"After my multi-faceted research, I came up with an algorithm that I created a long time ago and improved it to make this algorithm controllable particles."

Everyone took a deep breath.

This is too scary. I just read some books and created an algorithm to make particles controllable.

Many people were shocked: "This is a world-class genius, this is Ye Fei!"

"We mortals are far behind him."

I don’t know if I don’t compare, but I’ll be shocked if I compare.

Ye Fei's talent made them despair, it was an out-of-reach field.

Natural science is a field for geniuses, and it is impossible for people with an IQ below 120 to enter.

Ye Feidao: "Okay, let's get down to business. Without further ado, let's officially enter the explanation of the particle swarm controllable algorithm."

Everyone listened attentively. After Ye Fei's explanation just now, they were very interested in the particle swarm controllable algorithm.

If they can learn it, it will not only be helpful for their research on controllable nuclear fusion, but also for their other research in the future.

Ye Feidao: "I often said something to my students and my researchers before, and I will give it to you today."

"There is wisdom in mathematics."

Everyone wonders, is mathematics intelligent?

Isn’t mathematics a dead thing? How come he has wisdom?

Ye Feidao: "After I finish explaining the particle swarm controllable algorithm, you will know why I say mathematics is intelligent."

"The particle swarm controllable algorithm completes optimization by following the particles to find the best solution themselves and the best solution of the entire swarm."

"What this sentence means is that the particle swarm controllable algorithm does not require us to manually control the particles. It can automatically find the optimal solution to make the particles controllable."

"This sentence is an introduction to particle swarm controllable algorithm."

"Actually, the particle swarm controllable algorithm is very simple. I believe you can learn it soon."

The current particle swarm controllable algorithm is much simpler than when Ye Feigang created it.

The particle swarm controllable algorithm that was just created at that time was very cumbersome, but after so many years, Ye Fei continued to improve and simplify the algorithm.

Therefore, the current particle swarm controllable algorithm is more advanced and simpler than back then.

Ye Feidao: "I will explain to you the basic principles, changes, improvements and applications of the particle swarm controllable algorithm."

"First of all, the principle!"

"I use a very vivid animal to explain this principle."


"The way birds flock to hunt is very similar to a small part of the principle of the particle swarm controllable algorithm."

"The bird just tracks it..."


Ye Fei pointed his finger, and a dynamic picture of a flock of birds hunting appeared on the right.

Dynamic pictures of birds hunting, combined with formulas and Ye Fei's explanation.

It is easy for everyone to absorb the particle swarm controllable algorithm.

Ye Feidao: "Let the particle swarm controllable algorithm be initialized as a group of random particles. In each iteration, the particles are tracked..."


For the next week, Ye Fei explained the particle swarm controllable algorithm to the researchers from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

In the evening, these people had to review what Ye Fei said.

If you don’t understand anything on the second day, you can ask Ye Fei and he will answer them one by one.

Ye Fei explained it in great detail so that they could learn the particle swarm controllable algorithm more easily.

After a week, Ye Feicai finished explaining all the particle swarm controllable algorithms.

Ye Feidao: "That's what the particle swarm controllable algorithm is. I have already explained all about the particle swarm controllable algorithm."

"If you don't understand anything, you can always come to me."

“That’s it for today!”

After saying that, Ye Fei left the Yuan Universe.

Ye Fei's office!

In the quiet office, Ye Fei was half-lying on an office chair wearing virtual glasses.

At this time, he took off the white virtual glasses on his eyes and put them on the table.

Ye Fei took a long breath and thought to himself: "I haven't given a lecture in many years. This lecture lasts for a week, which is quite tiring."

After saying that, Ye Fei sat up and took a sip from the water glass on the table.

"However, for these people, the harvest is very great. Not only does it allow them to understand the algorithm better, but also they will use the particle swarm controllable algorithm in many future studies."

"To me, it will be more convenient for them to learn the particle swarm controllable algorithm and study controllable nuclear fusion safety technology."

After Ye Fei taught them the particle swarm controllable algorithm, many people knew that Ye Fei had indeed developed particle controllable technology.

Although they have only learned the algorithm, it has not yet been verified.

But they are all very capable researchers. If they don't even have this bit of vision, they don't deserve to be very capable researchers.

Because the Institute of Nuclear Energy Physics is a confidential unit, food and accommodation are usually provided in the institute.

Moreover, all computers in the institute cannot connect to the external network. The only means of communication with the outside world are public telephones and the telephone number in the director's office.

Of course, they don't have entertainment options.

Although the computer cannot connect to the external network, the institute's database contains tens of thousands of popular movies, TV series and animations on the market, as well as many large-scale popular stand-alone games.

The institute also has a bistro and many sports facilities.

They can watch, play and drink these for free.

Seven o'clock in the evening!

After dinner, the two team leaders took a walk on the plastic playground.

These two people were the group leaders who refuted each other at the meeting more than a month ago, Lao Zhou and the round-faced group leader.

Although the two have argued in the academic field, this does not rise to the level of personal grudges.

The reason for academic debate is just to seek a better research direction.

At this moment, the plastic playground is brightly lit, and many people are wearing sportswear and running sweaty on the playground.

In many people's minds, researchers should be people with strong minds and industrious limbs.

In fact, this is all taken for granted.

Researchers are just like normal people, except that they are more diligent and smarter in their studies.

But this does not mean that they are not diligent.

It is common for them to work during the day and exercise at night.

Lao Zhou said: "How are you learning the particle swarm controllable algorithm?"

The round-faced team leader said: "Although there are many things I don't understand, if I study it by myself for a month or two, I will almost absorb it all."

The round-faced team leader looked at Lao Zhou again and asked, "What about you?"

"I'm almost the same as you." Lao Zhou said.

Then, Lao Zhou looked at the energetic young bodies on the playground and said with shining eyes: "Academician Ye really discovered particle controllable technology."

"This is research that can win a Nobel Prize."

"If his research is published, it will cause a big stir in the entire scientific community."

"Almost all natural science research will not skip the particle swarm controllable algorithm."

"But he didn't publish the research."

"This is how you treat money like dirt and fame and fortune like clouds of smoke!"

The round-faced team leader also looked at those young and energetic bodies, with a smile on his lips and said: "With Academician Ye's current achievements, it seems that there is no need to decorate them with Nobel Prizes."

“For some people, the highest achievement is winning a Nobel Prize.”

"But for some people, the Nobel Prize does not represent their highest achievement."

"Yeah!" Lao Zhou nodded slightly.

The round-faced team leader looked at Lao Zhou and said, "You've got a chance this time."

Lao Zhou looked at the round-faced team leader in surprise and asked, "What chance do I have?"

The round-faced team leader said: "The distribution network load technology you proposed is now coupled with the particle controllable technology. The two are combined."

"Then it will be very convenient for research on controllable nuclear fusion safety technology."

"I believe that after this research is completed, someone above will notice you."

When he said this, the round-faced team leader was very envious.

If he had come up with a better plan at that time, particle controllable technology would have been added to the plan.

After the research on controllable nuclear fusion safety technology is completed, he will also be noticed by the above.

Researchers like them will not be noticed by the above unless they have a major research breakthrough.

But there is another way, which is to hug your thighs!

This thigh-holding is to study with a heavyweight and play a very important role in it.

And now Lao Zhou is holding Ye Fei's thigh, and the main research direction is also based on the plan proposed by Lao Zhou.

When Lao Zhou heard this, an imperceptible smile appeared on his lips.

Being noticed by the above, his future academic path will be smoother.

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