From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 252 National A-level scientific research project 973 Project Quantum Computer

Chapter 252 National A-level scientific research project 973 plan-Quantum computer

With an investment of tens of billions, it is a very large project. This project cannot be established just by talking about it. It also requires many procedures.

All such projects are national-level projects.

National-level projects are divided into three levels, Level A, Level B and Level C.

Level A and B projects are divided into natural and social science categories.

The natural category is further divided into 973 plan, 863 plan, science and technology support plan and major national science and technology projects.

The social science category is divided into National Soft Science Research Program projects.

Level C only has the natural category, which is divided into National Natural Science Foundation general projects, Youth Science Fund projects, National Natural Science Foundation Overseas, Hong Kong and Macao Scholars Collaborative Research Funds, and national major projects.

Among these projects, the 973 plan is the best, and the A-level 973 plan is better than the B and 973 plans.

Ye Feixin said: "The first person in charge of the 863 Project and the 973 Project must be an academician."

"The B-level 863 program is for academicians of the Academy of Sciences or the Academy of Engineering."

"The B-level 973 program is an academician of both academies."

“The A-level 863 program is for specially appointed academicians of the Academy of Sciences or the Academy of Engineering.”

"The A-level 973 program is a specially appointed academician of both academies."

"It's just that I'm special, even though I'm not a specially appointed academician of both academies."

"But because of my strong research ability, I am not a specially appointed academician of the two academies, but I can be responsible for the A-level 973 project."

Next time, Ye Fei began to apply to the Department of Science and Technology for project approval.

The Department of Science and Technology acted very quickly. Ye Feigang applied and it was approved in less than half a month.

You know, a major project like this will not be approved for a year or two.

This is not just about the approval of words, but also the mobilization of money and talent.

Kyoto University!

The president of Kyoto University shook his head and exclaimed: "The Department of Science and Technology is cultivating his son. Ye Fei is not yet a specially appointed academician of both academies, but he has already established an A-level 973 project for Ye Fei."

The vice principal sitting on the sofa drinking tea said: "Who says otherwise? Even Mr. Qiu Chengtong is not eligible to apply for the A-level 973 plan, but can only apply for the A-level 863 plan."

The principal said: "But it's understandable, because Ye Fei is a talent completely trained by Xia Guo, and he also proved the Riemann Hypothesis."

"With such special treatment, it is understandable."

"Yeah!" The vice principal nodded.

The principal said: "Ye Fei is researching quantum computers. Will the country specialize in this project next?"

The vice president said: "Last time I went to the Department of Science and Technology for a meeting, I heard that Beili Country has completed the theoretical part of quantum computers and is expected to develop a quantum computer within five years."

"With the advent of Beili's quantum computer, they can create a metaverse and create a third world."

"This is a bigger trend than Web3.0."

"If Beili Country is allowed to create the Yuan Universe, we will be very passive in many aspects."

“The Metaverse must have 5G, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain, digital currency, Internet of Things, artificial interaction, Web3.0 and quantum computers.”

"As for our country, except for quantum computers, we have almost everything else."

"Coupled with Ye Fei's proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, we have great advantages in studying quantum computers in terms of theory."

"So, the country must also start to develop quantum computers."

The principal said: "That's true. No wonder it is best to hand over such an important project to Ye Fei. It is indeed the most appropriate thing to hand it over to him."

The principal asked: "Do you know how much the country has invested in this?"

The vice president said: "The investment in quantum computers is tens of billions, and the total investment in the Metaverse is expected to be 500 billion."

The 500 billion here is not an investment in one year, but a total investment divided into several years.

When the principal heard this, he was surprised and said: "You actually want to invest 500 billion? How many years will it be invested?"

"Five years!"

The principal exclaimed: "This... this is too cruel!"

The vice-principal chuckled and said: "That's the Yuan Universe. The emergence of the Yuan Universe will completely change everyone's living habits. I think 500 billion is not bad."

"I heard from Director Geng that the 500 billion is just an estimate and will be increased later depending on the effect."

The principal's eyes widened and he said, "Are you going to add more?"

"Yeah!" The vice-principal nodded: "I don't know how much more we will add."

The principal shook his head and said with a smile: "Ye Fei is under a lot of pressure. He just proved the Riemann Hypothesis and is taking on such a major project."

The vice-principal smiled and said: "It must be stressful for others to take on such an important project, but Ye Fei is different. After all, he is Ye Fei."

The principal said: "That's right, after all, he is Ye Fei."

Many universities and research institutes in Xia State knew that Ye Fei was in charge of the A-level 973 program, and they all sighed: "He is the true son of the country!"

Beili Country, Department of Science and Technology!

Hatton looked at the information given to him by his assistant and frowned: "Ye Fei actually wants to develop a quantum computer?"

Hatton attaches great importance to Ye Fei's scientific research ability.

"Perhaps only Einstein, one of those perverted geniuses, can compare with Ye Fei in terms of scientific research."

"Ye Fei proved the Riemann Hypothesis, which has great advantages for Ye Fei in terms of theoretical research on quantum computers."

“As soon as the theory is complete, software and hardware can be developed.”

Quantum computers are divided into software and hardware.

Software includes quantum algorithms and quantum coding.

Hardware includes quantum transistors, quantum memories and quantum effectors.

The research and development of all these software and hardware are developed based on theories such as quantum bits, superposition principle, quantum entanglement and quantum parallelism principle.

"But!" Hatton gritted his teeth and said, "Even you, Ye Fei, can't develop a quantum computer within a few years."

"The Riemann Hypothesis is a mathematical theoretical study that you can complete alone."

"The difficulty of carbon-based chips is not at the same level as quantum computers."

If the difficulty of carbon-based chips and quantum computers is measured digitally, carbon-based chips are at level one, while quantum computers are at level ten.

"Furthermore, Xia Guo has been studying carbon-based chips for many years and has accumulated a lot of experience. This allowed Ye Yefei to develop carbon-based chips in such a short period of time."

"However, quantum computers are different. This cannot be developed by one person."

"Even if you have many people, you can't develop a quantum computer in a short time."

"Beili Country invested a lot of money and talent, and it took decades to achieve today's results."

"The scientific research environment in Xia Country is far worse than that in Beili Country. Beili Country has been using it for decades. If you want to develop a quantum computer within a few years, it is absolutely impossible."

Hatton sneered: "Ye Fei, you are not God. No matter how genius you are, even if you have Einstein's IQ, you will not be able to develop a quantum computer in a few years."

"This time, you will definitely make a big mistake."

"You Ye Fei are not the undefeated God of War. You are also a human being. As long as you are human, you will fail."

Hatton thought for a long time and said: "No, we must speed up research and increase investment."

Half a month later, the Beiliguo Science and Technology Department increased its investment in quantum computer research from US$5 billion to US$10 billion.

And invited many Turing Award, Fields Medal and Nobel Prize winners in physics to join.

This has greatly accelerated quantum computer research.

The research that was expected to be completed in five years was shortened to about three years.

Jinling, Academy of Sciences, in the lecture hall!

In the lecture hall of more than 500 square meters, top scientific research talents from all over the country are seated.

Mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists.

Ning Wen is a Ph.D. in physics who is about to graduate from Kyoto University.

A few days ago, he suddenly received a notice from his mentor asking him to come to Jinling Institute of Science.

After that, he attended an interview again, and he came here in a daze.

Later, Ning Wen discovered that it was not only him, but also many people who were about to graduate or had already graduated with Ph.D.s in mathematics, physics, and computer science.

They all received the notice in a daze and came here.

Although they knew where this place was, they had no idea what the purpose of coming here was.

Ning Wen said to his companion: "Do you know what you are doing here?"

My companion is called Qiu Ji, and he is also from Kyoto University, but he majors in mathematics.

Qiu Ji pushed up the large-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingers and said, "I heard that there is going to be some major project, led by Academician Ye Fei."

"Academician Ye Fei!" Ning Wen's eyes widened in surprise: "Is it really Academician Ye Fei?"

"Yeah!" Qiu Ji said: "Yes, I listened to what my mentor said. My mentor is the consultant of the Meta Blockchain Research Institute, and the senior management of the Meta Blockchain Research Institute told him."

Ning Wen said happily: "That's great. I am a die-hard fan of Academician Ye Fei. I was his fan when he was teaching at Zhonghu University."

“It’s been almost five years of this journey.”

"Watching him grow step by step to prove the Riemann Hypothesis."

"Haha..." Qiu Ji glanced at Ning Wen and said with a smile: "Who is not? I am also his die-hard fan."

The two seemed to have found a common topic and started chatting familiarly.

Not only them, many other people are talking about it.

After a long time, Ye Fei walked in carrying a black computer bag, walked up to the stage and sat down, then connected the computer to the big screen behind him.

When everyone saw Ye Fei coming in, the voices of discussion quickly disappeared.

Ye Fei patted the microphone in front of him and said, "Hello everyone, I don't need to introduce myself, you should all know me."

Everyone in the audience smiled.

Ye Feidao: "I know many people still don't know what the purpose of coming here is."

"It's very presumptuous to invite you here in this way."

"All of you are the top talents in mathematics, physics and computers in Xia Kingdom."

"You are called here to conduct a major scientific research project, a quantum computer."

"Well..." everyone exclaimed.

"It's actually a quantum computer. This is very cutting-edge research!"

"Yes, I heard that quantum computers can process information very fast. The more information there is, the more advantageous it is for the quantum computer to perform operations, and the accuracy of information processing is extremely high."

"The most important thing is that because the information of a quantum computer is unclonable, the information will not be leaked."

"This effect is similar to Web3.0."

"And it has great advantages in finance, biochemistry, scientific research, etc."

"If Xia Guo has a quantum computer, it will greatly speed up scientific research, and there will be no need to worry about information being stolen. Financial crises will be greatly avoided, and drug development will be faster."


Many people are very excited and full of pride and honor to be able to join such cutting-edge research.

They are scientific researchers and naturally want to study cutting-edge research.

Money, on the other hand, is mainly cutting-edge research. Any achievement can shock the world.

The more cutting-edge research, the greater the help to the country, society and mankind.

This can greatly enhance their sense of pride.

Ye Fei watched the people in the audience talking and didn't let them stop.

After a long time, Ye Fei felt that they had almost finished their discussion, so he patted the microphone and signaled them to stop.

After everyone stopped, Ye Feidao said: "Our Xia country has advantages in developing quantum computers."

"Quantum computers are cutting-edge and extremely difficult research."

“It uses a lot of math and physics.”

"Especially the knowledge of quantum mechanics."

"And the Riemann Hypothesis is specifically about quantum mechanics."

Everyone had smiles on their faces when they heard this.

Yes, the Riemann Hypothesis is specifically about quantum mechanics.

The Riemann Hypothesis was proved by Ye Fei.

Therefore, they are very confident in the study of quantum mechanics led by Ye Fei.

"Quantum computers are based on a type of high-speed mathematics that follows the laws of quantum mechanics (that is, high-speed mathematics, not high-mathematics)..."


Ye Fei talked about a lot of quantum computer knowledge eloquently.

The people present were all professionals, so they could naturally understand what Ye Fei said.

Ye Feidao: "We develop quantum computers, which are divided into theory and application."

"Theoretically, we need to study qubits, the principle of superposition, quantum entanglement and the principle of quantum parallelism."

Ye Feidao: "We will study theory first. I will divide you into four groups based on your abilities and expertise, and study qubits, the principle of superposition, quantum entanglement and the principle of quantum parallelism at the same time."

Everyone was talking about it. They felt that such research would lead to a slowdown.

Each of these four problems is very difficult.

If they attack the monsters one by one, they can solve the problems faster.

This is like the difference between multitasking and multitasking.

Multitasking is not as efficient as multitasking.

Ye Feidao: "Quiet!"

"The reason why I arranged it this way is of course my own consideration."

"We must prove these four difficult problems in the shortest possible time, because we are running out of time."

Everyone looked at Ye Fei in surprise.

"According to the information I received, Beili has completed some theoretical research on quantum computers and is beginning to conquer its applications."

"I don't need to tell you what the consequences will be if Beili Country is allowed to develop a quantum computer!"

Everyone's expressions instantly became solemn.

Regarding the country of Beili, even ordinary people are aware of the country's urinary nature.

If Beili Country were to develop a quantum computer, it would definitely be a disaster for Xia Country.

Even though Xia Guo now has Web3.0, 5G, carbon-based chips and other technologies.

But as long as quantum computers appear, these technologies combined will not be able to defeat quantum computers.

Ye Feidao: "With Beili's technology and talent base, they may develop a quantum computer within five years."

"So, we must develop quantum computers before they do."

Everyone felt heavy in their hearts when they heard this.

Beili Country puts too much pressure on them, and quantum computers are an extremely difficult research.

"Moreover, in the past few years, our country has embraced 5G, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain, digital currency, Internet of Things, human-computer interaction and Web3.0."

"All we need now is a quantum computer to open up the metaverse."

Everyone looked at Ye Fei in surprise, yes, the Yuan Universe, this is something that can only appear in science fiction novels.

"The Metaverse is a technology that can change human life more than Web3.0."

"If Beili Country is allowed to develop a quantum computer, they can open up the Metaverse."

"At that time, global technology will still be respected by Beili."

"Don't forget the conflict between our country and Beili Country."

"If Beili Country is allowed to own the Yuan Universe, you should be able to imagine the consequences!"

Everyone was horrified to hear this.

They could naturally think of the consequences, but that consequence filled their hearts with a strong sense of crisis.

Ye Feidao: "So, everyone, we have a great responsibility. I hope you will work with me to develop a quantum computer as soon as possible."

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