From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 239 Big changes in the chip market, Beiliguo panicked

Beili Country, White Palace! (To prevent river crabs, you should know something about Baidian!)

Xie Lu is the top of Beili Kingdom.

The assistant is reporting news about Xia Guo to Xie Lu.

"Xia Guoxin International held a product launch conference yesterday and announced the successful development of a 12nm carbon-based chip lithography machine."

"Xia Guo's CCTV and many official media in various countries have released this news."

"Moreover, Xiaxin International gave every reporter a 12nm carbon-based chip at the product launch."

"Reporters from various countries have tested it and it is indeed a 12nm carbon-based chip. Its performance is ten times that of TSMC's 12nm chip and 8.3 times that of 7nm chip."

"At the same time, Xia Xin International's photolithography machines and chips are completely domestically produced and independent."

"No matter the parts, technology and materials, they are all manufactured by Xia State itself and do not rely on any foreign countries."

Xie Lu's face became more and more ugly after hearing this.

When he heard that the lithography machines and chips were completely domestically produced, his face changed drastically and he exclaimed: "How is this possible? Could it be that Xia Guo has already reached the world's top level in terms of lenses, optics and precision machinery?"

The manufacture of a top-level photolithography machine requires hundreds of thousands of parts, which are provided by parts manufacturers from all over the world.

For example, in ASML's high-end chip lithography machine, the light source of the core components comes from the North American company Cymer, the optical lens comes from the German Zeiss company, the composite material technology comes from Japan, and the high-precision automation control technology comes from other European companies.

If Xia Guo manufactures a 12nm carbon-based chip lithography machine that is completely domestically produced, all parts and technology will come from Xia Guo itself.

So the meaning here is very scary.

It is equivalent to saying that the manufacturing industry of Xia State compares with the manufacturing industry of all countries in the world.

Although Xia is a great manufacturing country, it is not a strong manufacturing country.

There is a huge gap between big manufacturing countries and strong manufacturing countries.

A large manufacturing country refers to a large number of products produced every year.

A manufacturing power means that the quality of manufactured products reaches the world's top level.

Beili, a big manufacturing country, will not panic, but Beili, a strong manufacturing country, will panic.

A big manufacturing country + a strong manufacturing country, Beili is even more panicked.

The assistant said: "I don't know about this. The people below didn't report it."

Xie Lu's face turned red and he gasped continuously, as if he had difficulty breathing.

He roared angrily: "Check it for me. You must know whether Xia's manufacturing industry has reached the world's top level."

The assistant said: "Yes!"

The assistant added: "Also, Xia Xin International's 12nm carbon-based chip was developed under the leadership of Ye Fei."

Xie Lu frowned for a moment: "Is that Ye Fei who developed Web 3.0, which led to the collapse of many securities companies and almost caused a financial crisis on Wall Street?"

"It's him!" the assistant said.

Xie Lu said: "I remember that there must be someone responsible for dealing with Ye Fei!"

The assistant said: "Yes, Boyi is in charge. He was originally the deputy director of the Security Department. Later, he separated from the Security Department and established the Xiaguo Technology Counterattack Department, with him as the director."

Xie Lu asked: "Has he achieved anything in this long time?"

The assistant hesitated and said, "It seems that there are no results."

Xie Lu had veins popping out on his forehead: "Now Ye Fei is riding on our heads, and he hasn't achieved anything yet, so what's the use of him? Get him out of here immediately."

"Yes!" said the assistant.

The assistant hesitated and asked, "What about Ye Fei?"

Xie Lu said: "Call Dipu."

Purdy is director of the Foreign Security Division.

Internationally famous executioner.

In countries all over the world, our hands were stained with blood in order to safeguard the security and honor of Beili.

When the assistant heard the word Dipp, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, and he lowered his head and said, "Yes!"

After that, he walked out of the office.

After a while, a tall, thin, middle-aged man in a suit and a round hat, who looked very elegant, walked in with a cane in his hand.

Dipu walked in, took off his round hat, placed it on his abdomen, bowed and said, "Mr. Shelu, it is an honor to serve you."

Xie Lu said: "Dipu, do you know Ye Fei from Xia Kingdom?"

Dipu asked: "Is it Ye Fei who developed Web3.0?"

"It's him!" Xie Lu said, "I want you to be responsible for everything he does next."

"Do you want his life?" Dipper asked.

"You can take action when the time comes."



Intel is one of the three giants in the chip field.

The other two giants are TSMC and Samsung.

These three giants are also shareholders of ASML.

meeting room!

The atmosphere in the conference room was heavy, and everyone looked solemn.

The chairman said: "Xia Xin International has developed a 12nm carbon-based chip. You should all know it!"

"This is the biggest crisis our company has ever had."

"An hour ago, I had a phone call with the chairman of ASML. ASML is developing photonic chips, and I want to break the situation from this."

"However, photonic chips have not yet been developed."

"It's probably going to take another five or six years to develop it."

"However, even if photonic chips are developed, they will not be able to compete with the carbon-based chips developed by Xiaxin International."

"In terms of performance, there is a certain gap between photonic chips and carbon-based chips."

When all the directors heard this, their hearts went cold.

A director asked: "Can't we continue to cooperate with Xiaxin International as a foundry as before?"

There was a trace of self-mockery on the chairman's face: "How can we cooperate with Xia Xin International?"

"Even if we want to cooperate, will Xia Xin International agree? Will Xia Guo agree?"

"For so many years, Beili Country has pushed Xia Country's chips so hard."

"Now that Xia's chips have become the best in the world, it's good that they don't target us."

One director asked: "Then what should we do now?"

The chairman said: "It is impossible to imagine what it was like before. According to my discussion with the chairman of ASML, we still have ten years."

"In the past ten years, our global business will be quickly eroded step by step by Xia Guo's chip manufacturing companies."

"We will also lose the Xiaguo market quickly."

"The company's market value will be cut by half, or even more."

All the directors felt as if they were being pressed down by a mountain.

It is easy to go from simplicity to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to simplicity!

As the three chip giants, they would definitely be very unhappy if they wanted to lose their glory in the chip field and live their lives relying on others.

However, reality forced them to bow their heads.

At this time, the chairman raised his wrist and glanced at his watch and said: "It's half past nine, turn on the video and take a look at our company's stock price today."

But everyone knows that the stock price must be very bad.

Someone opened the video and tuned to Intel stock price.

An hour later, everyone turned pale and looked at the stock price on the video in horror.

In just one hour, Intel's stock price fell from $29 to $27.

It's only been an hour, and it's just the beginning.

At this rate, it is possible for the price to drop to $20 this day.

Then, on this day, Intel's market value will drop by US$27.5 billion, from US$600 billion to US$572.5 billion.

Moreover, this is only the first day, and it has fallen like this, and it will definitely fall again in the future.

People at Intel knew that their company's market value would definitely fall, but they didn't expect it to fall so hard.

The chairman said: "Look at TSMC's market value."

Soon, someone adjusted the market value of TSMC.

Seeing TSMC's stock price, they felt very uncomfortable.

Because TSMC fell less than them.

The stock price fell from US$85 to US$83.3, and the market value only dropped by US$22 billion, from US$590 billion to US$568 billion.

The chairman said: "Look at Samsung!"

After reading Samsung's stock price, they felt even more unhappy.

Because Samsung's market value only fell by $20 billion.


After seeing the market value of ASML, they felt very unhappy.

ASML's market value fell the least, falling by US$19 billion.

When he is miserable, he always wants to find someone who is worse off than him to seek psychological comfort.

However, the people at Intel found that no one was worse off than them in this crisis.

Whether it's TSMC, Samsung, or ASML.

The market value has fallen less than them.

The chairman muttered to himself in confusion: "How could this happen? Why has our market value fallen the most?"

In fact, it is easy to understand.

Because Samsung is from Korea, TSMC is from Bay Province, and ASML is from the Netherlands.

Only Intel is from Beili.

Given the relationship between Xia and Beili, once Xia's chips rise, it would be unreasonable not to suppress Beili's chips.

If Beili didn't dominate Xia in terms of chips, Intel wouldn't be in such a miserable state.

As there is a saying, if you do evil by God, you can still violate it, but if you do evil by yourself, you will not live!

This is all retribution for what Beili Country did in the past.

Xia Xin International, conference room!

The conference room of Xia Xin International was filled with joy.

Qu Guangfu said with a smile: "There are still a few hours until the stock market opens. Our company's stock will definitely rise after the market opens."

"In the next half month, we will slowly release the stocks in our hands."

"All the money earned is invested in the chip industry."

A director asked: "Chairman, how will our company develop next? Should we develop photolithography machines, chip manufacturing, or both?"

Qu Guangfu said: "Someone above has already discussed this matter with me."

"The idea is to make more chips as quickly as possible."

"So, our company is going to establish a photolithography machine company."

"Xiaxin International is still a chip manufacturing company. The lithography machine company is based on the lithography machine research institute as the core. It is called Guanglong Company."

"The relationship between Xiaxin International and Guanglong Company is a cooperative relationship. Xiaxin International is an investor of Guanglong Company."

"Xia Xin International holds 70% of the shares, and Ye Fei Scientific Research Institute holds 30% of the shares."

The directors nodded.

Before the development of lithography machines, Xia Xin International and Ye Fei Science Research Institute reached a cooperation.

Xia Xin International makes 70% of the profit from the photolithography machine, and Ye Fei Research Institute makes 30% of the profit.

Now Guanglong Company is established with photolithography machines, Xia Xin International holds 70% of the shares, and Ye Fei Scientific Research Institute holds 30% of the shares.

From this point of view, there is no need for Xia Xin International to give 30% of Guanglong Company's shares to Ye Fei Scientific Research Institute.

But the directors understood the chairman's good intentions. The chairman wanted to tie Ye Fei Scientific Research Institute, or Ye Fei, firmly to Guanglong Company.

Indirectly reach the relationship between Xia Xin International and Ye Fei.

Qu Guangfu said: "Also, Guanglong will cooperate with high-quality chip manufacturing companies across the country and sell them photolithography machines."

The directors were not happy to hear this.

One director said: "Chairman, you can't do this. Wouldn't it encourage other chip manufacturing companies?"

"Xiaxin International can completely manufacture its own chips, so that we can become the most powerful chip manufacturing company in the country and even the world."

Qu Guangfu shook his head and said: "This is not something I can decide, it is decided by the higher-ups."

"As mentioned above, chips are a huge industry. We cannot be independent and must share some profits with other chip companies."

"Hey..." The directors sighed inwardly.

They couldn't resist the demands from above.

Qu Guangfu raised his wrist to look at the time and said, "It's time, turn on the video to watch the stock market."

After everyone heard this, they dispersed their depressed mood and began to watch the stock market with anticipation.

Soon, the video opened and was tuned to the stock price of Xiaxin International.

An hour later, everyone's face was filled with joy.

Xiaxin International's stock price rose from 20 yuan to 55 yuan in one hour, and its market value increased by 28 billion in one hour, equivalent to more than 4.6 billion US dollars.

Qu Guangfu said with a smile: "Haha... It's only been an hour. Look, this trend will continue to rise."

The directors nodded with smiles.

Half a month later!

Several major international chip companies in the world seem to be experiencing a storm.

Intel's market value plummeted from US$600 billion to US$300 billion.

TSMC’s market value plummeted from US$590 billion to US$310 billion.

Samsung Electronics' market value plummeted from US$430 billion to US$150 billion.

ASML's market value plummeted from US$400 billion to US$200 billion.

The market value of Xiaxin International surged from US$45 billion to US$450 billion.

In 2028, Xiaxin International's market value was US$100 billion, but it was later troubled by ASML and TSMC.

Coupled with Xia Xin International's lunatic behavior in the eyes of outsiders, the market value plummeted to US$45 billion in more than a year.

But now, due to the emergence of 12nm carbon-based chip lithography machines, Xiaxin International's market value has made a desperate counterattack, rising sharply in half a month.

The market value surpassed ASML, Samsung, TSMC and Intel in one fell swoop.

Become the company with the highest market value in the global chip field.

It has become one of the top 20 companies in the world by market value and the second most valuable company in Xia State.

Everyone is stunned to see this major change in the chip market.

Beili Country, White Palace!

The assistant said: "Because Intel's market value has dropped so sharply, it has carried out large-scale layoffs, and many of the company's businesses have been cut off."

"Except Intel, many domestic chip manufacturing companies have suffered heavy losses."

"Bigger companies can survive, while smaller companies will go bankrupt."

"This chip revolution has caused Beili to lose US$500 billion."

When Xie Lu heard this, his face was very ugly.

Five hundred billion US dollars is already fifty-fourth of Beili's annual GDP.

"Professor Eamonn Carbone of MIT predicts that this is just the beginning."

"In the next ten years, if we cannot regain our position in the chip field, the losses will continue."

"It could end up costing more than two trillion dollars."

"Many chip companies will go bankrupt, and even companies like Intel will only survive in the future."

"Furthermore, Xia Guo, in addition to Xia Core International, has given birth to at least two chip manufacturing companies with a market value of over 100 billion US dollars."

"Also, in the future, Beili Country will no longer be the chip seller of Xia Country, and the positions of Beili Country and Xia Country on chips will be exchanged."

"Xia Guo is the chip seller of Beili Guo!"

When Xie Lu heard this, his face became even more ugly.

He was very panicked and said: "We can't go on like this, the loss is too great."

"This is only a direct loss, the side losses are even greater."

"Many chip companies have gone bankrupt, and the money earned from chips in the future will be significantly reduced."

"The most important thing is that Beili Country can no longer dominate the chip."

Cymer Company, Chairman's Office!

The chairman of Cymer Company is talking to the chairman of ASML Company.

Cymer is the No. 1 company in light source technology in North America and the No. 1 company in light source technology in the world.

ASML's lithography machine light source technology has been cooperating with Cymer in the past.

Chairman of ASML said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Hansen, our company's cooperation with your company has to come to an end."

Chairman Cymer said: "What do you mean?"

Chairman of ASML said: "That is to say, ASML will not cooperate with your company in the future."

"What?" Chairman Cymer's face changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "Don't you want light source technology? How can you create a lithography machine without light source technology?"

Chairman of ASML said: "In the future, we will cooperate with Xia Guo's company. Xia Guo's Guanglong Company also has light source technology."

"And the technical quality is better than your company's."

Chairman Cymer gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I understand."

He also knew that Guanglong Company was a company invested by Xia Xin International and Ye Fei Technology Research Institute, and it mainly researched lithography machines.

The 12nm carbon-based chip lithography machine belongs to this company.

After hanging up the video, Chairman Cymer punched the table hard and said angrily: "Asshole!"

The Cymer incident is just one of them.

The influence of Xia Guo's possession of a photolithography machine goes far beyond that.

Chip companies around the world have changed their previous cooperation methods.

In the past, almost all chip technology was in the hands of Beili.

But now they have a new choice, no longer cooperating with Beili State, but with Xia State.

First, judging from past events, Xia Guo will definitely not rely on chips to achieve hegemony.

Second, Guanglong's photolithography machine technology is indeed very good.

Because countries around the world have left Beili Country and will no longer cooperate with Beili Country.

This has led to the accelerated bankruptcy of Beili Country's chip industry.

Many chip companies in Beili Country closed down and countless people lost their jobs.

Originally it only lost US$500 billion, but in just two months, it lost more than US$200 billion.

And, this is just the beginning, the losses will last for a long time.

After seeing this situation, Xie Lu and many people in Beili began to panic. They didn't know what would happen if it continued.

Xie Lu roared at the conference: "We must curb the continued deterioration of the chip industry, and Beili must regain its position as the world's number one chip industry."

"Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

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