From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 805: Fire during the day

After watching her father, mother and co-workers get on the rail car leading to the mine tunnel, Gloria raised her head and glanced at the safety tower built on the round mountain.

This sentry tower can have a panoramic view of every move for dozens of miles.

At this time, under the gradually brightening skylight, the light of the sentry tower still did not go out, but kept moving back and forth on the dam in front of the mine.

When the searchlight moved to herself, Gloria smiled and waved towards the end of the light, and then she quickly walked towards the stairs going up the mountain.

The light understood her intention and began to illuminate her path along the way.

Xiaoyuanshan is not high, only about a hundred meters, and Gloria soon climbed to the platform on the top of the mountain.

From a distance, a voice laughed and joked: "Gloria, are you not going to be the sales girl today?"

"It's off today. Uncle Kedar, open the door."

The door opened with a creak, and a middle-aged Kra man walked out of the outpost with a smile on his face.

"You don't want to come and help me guard the post, do you?"

"May I?"

"No." The guard named Kedar shook his head regretfully: "Recent drone inspections have been strict, and I don't dare to leave my post."

"Then...can I play in it?"

"You can play, but what's fun here?"

"I'm going to use that."

Gloria pointed to the telescope set up in the window: "The teacher gave me an assignment of astronomical observation. After much thought, I realized that only you have a telescope here."

The guard was startled and laughed: "This sentry telescope can only magnify eighty times at most. Besides, it's almost dawn, can you see the stars?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

"But if you use it, what should I do?" Kedar smiled and poured a glass of water for Gloria: "I have nothing here, so I just rely on the telescope to kill time."

"How about I lend this to you?"

Gloria untied her backpack and handed a palm-sized optical screen device in front of him.

"The handheld game console produced by Froststar contains 3,000 games of various types, ensuring that you will never get tired of playing them."

After Kedar was startled, his eyes immediately straightened.

The sentry tower is not big, only about twenty square meters. It also contains a bed, a file cabinet, a desk and a pile of daily necessities for making a fire and cooking.

The telescope was placed in the window, with the lens facing the city ten kilometers away.

Gloria moved closer to the telescope and took a look, and found that in the center of the camera was the window of a bar bathroom.

"Uncle Kedar is so elegant."

"Cough...cough...this is made by those little bastards - why is this different from the game consoles in the city?"

"This is a high-end product with a system. I'll find one for you."

After calling up a game for Kedar in a few clicks, she raised the camera and pointed it at the eastern sky.

Of course, an eighty-magnification optical telescope could not clearly see the battlefield hundreds of light seconds away, but she could determine whether those bright spots that were gradually dimming under the sky were warships.

Holding her breath, she slowly adjusted the focus, and then...

She saw those bright spots begin to move slowly towards the base.

"Gloria, how do you play this game?"

"You just click blindly."

Gloria replied without looking back. She raised her head and looked to the west.

That is the direction of the base, and the telescope can no longer reach it at this time.

"Uncle Kedar, I want to move the telescope to the roof."

"That's not possible - what will happen when the drones check the posts later?"

"It's okay, I have a work badge."

"If something goes wrong, you're responsible."

"Stingy, I'll take the blame!"

The guard raised his head and said with a smile: "You are a student of the Temple Prophet. Even the men of the Temple will not do anything to you. You should indeed be responsible."


Gloria climbed up to the roof holding the telescope and the frame. As soon as she set up the telescope, a gust of cold morning wind blew by, making her shiver.

But she didn't mind. She sat down on the roof and pointed the telescope at the base.

Through the gap in the clouds, you can see the base on the top of the clouds.

She slowly adjusted her position and began to rely on her memory to find the base's dock and jump tower.

Time passed minute by minute, and finally, when the sun rose completely and dispersed the light mist and thin clouds in the sky, she saw the jump tower hidden behind half of the clouds.

I also saw the passage ship parked in front of the jump tower.

Although the passage ship was extremely small, she still recognized that this ship... belonged to the base.

Are you leaving?

The moment this thought came up in Gloria's mind, the backpack behind her suddenly vibrated with a buzzing sound, and her thoughts were suddenly pulled back.

After taking a deep breath, Gloria quickly opened her backpack.

She knew that this was a message from the communicator.

Sure enough, when she took out the communicator, she saw Lianna's name displayed on it.

However... just when she was about to reach out for the button, she stopped and looked at the sky.

Her heart began to beat violently.

——If she guessed correctly, the teacher should have... called her for the last time to ask her to leave!

In silence, Gloria bit her lip hard and stared at the name on the communicator, but her whole body did not move at all.

She knew that if the teacher finally proposed to send her family away at this time, and then refused... she might not be able to justify it.

The communicator finally stopped vibrating after ringing for a full minute.

Gloria closed her eyes and took a long breath - this was the first time she refused Lianna's call.

After taking a few hard breaths, she put away the communicator and continued to observe the sky at the base.

The sun gradually rises and shines warmly on the earth.

Gloria saw that in the sky, one spaceship after another began to enter the jump tower, and then disappeared.

She also saw that those star-like battleships finally appeared in sight, and then began to reorganize with the base as the center.

But Gloria still did not leave the telescope. She used the telescope to patrol the eastern sky almost greedily, trying to see the battleship in the sun that she had been looking forward to for countless days and nights.


Just as her eyes were stung by the sun, shining points of light appeared from the east.

Above the planet Ella, the Mercury space carrier.

In the combat command room, Yang Wenzhi stood beside the conference table, supporting the table with both hands, and he looked very imposing.

In fact, it wasn't just him, the entire war room was filled with an indescribable atmosphere - of course there was joy and happiness, but more importantly, there was a pride that was visible to the naked eye.

Yes, pride!

"Aita, how much damage have been confirmed to the enemy ships?"

"Reporting to Commander, it has been confirmed that 3,485 enemy ships have been destroyed, and the remaining enemy ships have left the planned attack airspace of the 'Ghost'."

"Well, is the remaining quantity okay?"

"The remaining number has been confirmed, and the enemy is evacuating in an orderly manner."

Following Eta's voice, Yang Wenzhi's eyes fell on the star map lowered on the table.

This star map is exactly where they are currently... the Ella galaxy!

——After five hours of cleaning, the "Ghost" completely cleared the warships in the entire airspace set up by the jump point, clearing a safe and even quiet starry sky for the warships of the human coalition.

At this time, the sides of the Mercury were all covered with the remains of enemy ships. Their close distance and dense arrangement made people feel infinite emotions when they saw them.

Such a powerful fleet was completely defeated by a small human "proton"...

In the past, how could you dare to think of this?

Of course, it’s not accurate to say it was completely cleared.

Because the enemy is not stupid.

When they realize that the opponent they face is a powerful unseen ghost, the enemy begins to retreat.

But even so, they left behind the wreckage of more than 3,000 battleships.

"It seems like the enemy still wants to fight with us?"

Yang Wenzhi looked towards the location of Base 31 - the enemy's remaining thousands of warships were forming a defensive formation around a space city located in the orbit of the planet Aila.

Obviously, the enemy still wants to resist.

"It stands to reason that they should retain their strength, right?"

"I also think they have some kind of trap?"

"What kind of trap could there be? Of the thousands of ships they have left, even if we don't have any ghosts anymore, we can destroy them with just the more than a thousand warships we have now..."

Everyone was chatting with each other, but they couldn't explain why.

Of course, none of this matters.

Completely clearing out the Ella Star Territory is a task that must be completed today!

Because once Base 31 of Ella is completely captured, humans can logically and even take down the other four slave galaxies without any blood. For this purpose, humans have left a fleet of hundreds of warships as backup. Using Frost Star as the frontline base camp, we set off towards several other servant galaxies.

According to Crozier, if Aila is completely captured and Base 31 is completely destroyed, it means that the power of the empire will disappear from the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster. The remaining so-called slave galaxies... will naturally return to their rightful destination.

On the scale of the universe, a large supercluster of galaxies is not even as good as a small town on the scale of a country.

We are all fellow villagers.

At this time, the eight fleets of Group A, with a total of more than 1,500 warships, were heading towards the enemy's position in a mighty manner.

Time passed slowly, but the enemy still showed no sign of retreat.

At this moment, Silver Moon Fleet Governor Azshara suddenly frowned: "Old Yang, is it possible that the enemy doesn't want to run away, but that they can't run away?"

"How to say?"

"If they want to retreat through the jump device, they won't have enough time and energy."

"And asking them to fight guerrillas... is obviously even more impossible - if we stand on the enemy's side... a few hours ago, half of the warships were killed by unknown weapons. How dare they fight guerrillas? ?”

"Now our fleet has appeared. Why not pick up the remaining troops and fight!"

Azshara said while pointing to the location of the base on the star map.

"The enemy still has super battleships. At the very least, they still have the capital to fight conventional warfare."

Yang Wenzhi looked at the enemy's formation, pondered for a few seconds and then nodded slowly.

But then, he snorted lightly.

"Is this considered capital?"

"Smil, wait for the second-generation rice grains to lock all the super battleships."

A smile appeared on Yang Wenzhi's lips: "Let's stop pretending and let's show our cards."

At this moment, the new War Ceremony of the Kra tribe, who had remained extremely calm since entering the Ella galaxy, and Helko's deputy and successor, Bolali Reisi, suddenly raised his head.

"General Yang, can you guarantee the safety of...the planet?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was startled! At the same time, he looked towards Yang Wenzhi.

Yang Wenzhi's brows instantly wrinkled.

He knew that entering the Ella planet and saving the Kra tribe... was not only the "great cause" of the entire Allied Forces operation, but also from a human emotional perspective, ensuring the safety of the planet and the safety of the entire Kra tribe survivors was also the top priority. Heavy.

Ye Ming has reminded him many times.

In fact, the "Ghost" could have completely emptied the entire star field, including the Executor Base.

But it only cleared the star field outside the jump wormhole.


Or for fear of accidentally hurting the ground.

If that kind of surprise rescue happened and all the hostages died...then they would really be criminals.

The conference room was quiet.

A few seconds later, Ye Ming's voice sounded calmly.

"As long as the firepower is strong enough, the wreckage of the enemy ship will at best turn into a meteor shower, and there will be no asteroid collision with the planet."

"Then let's..."

"let's go!"

On the roof of the sentry tower, Gloria stared at the camera with her eyes wide open, holding her breath.

In the lens, she could even see those human battleships that looked like silver bugs!

She clenched her fists nervously, her mind completely focused on the human battleship. At the same time, she began to think about the arrival of humans.

Well...the human teacher will definitely come!


Her father's voice sounded from below, awakening Gloria from her reverie.

"It's lunch, what are you doing?"

The father held a lunch box in his hand.

Gloria stood up, but stumbled suddenly.

"Silly child..." Her father glared at her dotingly, then glanced hard at the sky, his face full of anxiety: "Did you see anything?"

"Dad, I saw it." Gloria stepped down from the wooden ladder, took the lunch box, and looked back at Kedar who was still playing the game. She took a deep breath, and whispered softly: "Here he comes."

"Really coming?"

"Well...and..." Gloria clenched her fists and raised them to her chest. The excitement on her face was incomparable: "It's really amazing!"

"...Then..." Father looked up at the sky and frowned deeply: "You'd better go down with us."

"No, I want to see it with my own eyes..." Gloria said and looked at the sky.

Then... before she finished speaking, she saw an indescribable flash of light rising in the sky.

Even on a sunny day, this flash of light is unparalleled.

After being stunned for a moment, she immediately put down her lunch box, climbed to the roof in a few steps, and looked into the telescope.

In the lens, there was another flash of light...

Then... countless rays of light rose.

"A bolide is falling!"

In the sky, bolides began to streak across the sky.

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