From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 795 Heart to Red Flag

Special ward of provincial hospital.

After a day and night of rest, Grena finally regained two points of energy.

She stared at the baby who was sleeping soundly beside her without blinking, and her face showed an unprecedented tenderness, as if just looking at it like this, she could spend all her years with peace of mind.

At this time, the door was gently pushed open, and the sleeping baby moved slightly. Grena quickly reached out and gently stroked the baby's little hand, and then glanced at Crozier, who had a sunny face, with some displeasure.

The pheromones were quietly released, but Crozier laughed and lowered his voice: "A too quiet environment is not conducive to the growth of the baby, and the baby's sleeping environment does not need to be so quiet."


"Look, is he awake?" Crozier set up the multi-functional dining table for her and put the special maternity meal on the table. He sat on the edge of the other bed and motioned to Grenadier to eat first.

Grena frowned, but sat up carefully and started eating.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, you eat first."

Grena nodded and filled her stomach with the maternity meal as quickly as possible. Crozier did not leave after clearing the tableware, but looked at Grena quietly.

Grena, who was turning her head to stare at the baby, felt Crozier's gaze. She turned back, just in time to meet Crozier's hesitation in speaking.

The sensitivity of a first-time mother made her immediately realize that Crozier had something on his mind.

"Are you trying to say something embarrassing?"

"Well... that's it." Crozier sat down again. After a few seconds of silence, he turned on the indoor projection light screen.

Grena has been expecting to give birth for the past few days, and has been resting in a daze after giving birth. Therefore, she knows nothing about what is happening in the outside world.

The light curtain came down, and the voices of countless news channels rang out in an instant.

"The combined fleet of this super galaxy group achieved its first great victory in the enemy's home galaxy, destroying more than 2,000 enemy main fleets..."

"The super battleship Mars showed its might and was invincible under the main gun. The enemy fleet fled..."

"The carrier-based air fleet of the USS Mercury played a huge role..."

"Currently, the combined fleet has successfully controlled the airspace of the Frost Galaxy. The enemy has only a small force left to gather on the ground, trying to use the mantis as a chariot..."

As the sound of each news channel sounded, scenes of space battles continued to appear. With every ray of light flashing, a legion's warship fell.

Grena grabbed the sheets tightly and looked at Crozier: "Frost Star..."

"Yes, humans have cleared all the fleets in the Frost Galaxy. Judging from the painting of the battleships, this should be reinforcements from Base 33. The chief commander is Mika." Crozier said with a calm expression: "Because of the battle It ended too quickly, and humans destroyed the man-made jump device immediately, so the Governor-General's agency deployed in the Frost Galaxy failed to leave."

Grena's pupils shrank: "Brandy?"

"Well, Brandy and his subordinates evacuated to the ground of Frost Star."

Grena took a deep breath: "Then what?"

"Then..." Crozier lowered his eyes and whispered softly after a few seconds of silence: "Nana, you already know... humans have orbital ships."

"The orbital ship is not a Star Destroyer!" Grena clenched her fists: "Frost Star also has a defense system on the ground, right?"

"There are not only defense systems on the ground of Frost Star, but also ground troops. forgot, humans also have atomic weapons. And...there are many, many...enough to cover the land of Frost Star five times."

"So... I might have to leave for a while."

Grena's eyes widened instantly, and she stood up almost subconsciously: "Where are you going?"

"Go to Froststar."

"Don't come back!" In just a moment, Grena almost shouted: "Don't come back! Use all means to escape back to your home planet!"

Crozier was stunned for a moment, and after a moment, a smile appeared on his lips.

He walked slowly to Grena's side, held her shoulders with both hands, and his voice was gentler than ever before.

"Silly, how could I not come back?"

"You are here, and our children are here."

As soon as his words fell, the baby's cry also sounded.

Two days later, Crozier took off silently from the apron of the provincial hospital on an Earth-lunar commuter ship. After arriving in Guanghan City, he went to the Taiyue Command Center to report for two hours, and then boarded the ship without stopping. A multifunctional shuttle ship set off from the moon to the huge artificial star gate in space.

After arriving in the Frost Galaxy, Crozier didn't even have time to reflect on his hometown before the shuttle flew towards the Mercury floating quietly in the starry sky.

"Mr. Crozier, welcome to the Mercury."

Looking at the imperial people in front of him, even though Yang Wenzhi had known about it for a long time and had done some psychological preparation, but when he really saw Crozier's iconic spiritual touch and appearance, he still felt an indescribable feeling. Feel.

In the eyes of the commanders of the former enemy headquarters, this Crozier was Wang Zhaoming of the Holy Empire, a typical "traitor of the gods".

According to the temperament of these frontline soldiers, such a character... would not be looked down upon.

But despite repeated warnings from the former enemy headquarters, this person is of great use and the CNY department has put a lot of thought into it... Don't mess around.

Therefore, Yang Wenzhi had no choice but to hold his nose and show a warm welcome.

"Hello, Commander-in-Chief Yang." Crozier also got to know the members of the former enemy headquarters on the way here. At this time, he responded and greeted them one by one.

After a brief meeting, Yang Wenzhi placed Crozier opposite him, and then said straight to the point: "Mr. Crozier should already know our current situation, right?"

"Yes." Crozier nodded calmly and looked at Yang Wenzhi intently: "If the Governor's Mansion had not had time to evacuate, then there should be a total of six imperial officials in the entire Governor's Mansion. Among them, the Governor is named Brandy, who leads the entire Han Dynasty. Everything in the Frost Galaxy, including the indigenous civilization of Frost Star."

Someone immediately asked: "Can only six people rule a planet?"

"Yes." Crozier nodded: "In fact, in normal times, there are not many Imperial people in an execution base. For example, Base 31, in addition to CEO Hall, there are seven other executive officers and two Administrative officer, two coordination officers. Other than that, there is nothing else - of course, the personnel relations of the slave system are also included in the base."

Everyone immediately smiled when they heard the word "personnel relations" coming out of Crozier's mouth.

"Then... there are only six people living in such a big space city?"

"Of course not. Most of the people inside are indigenous races who serve these six people. As for why less than a hundred people can rule several galaxies, I think everyone must understand the reason behind it."

Yang Wenzhi nodded with a smile.

With overwhelming military power, if it were a human being, not to mention six people, even one person could rule a galaxy submissively.

As long as the indigenous people are not treated as human beings, various high-pressure policies can be implemented arbitrarily.

Crozier continued: "Frost Star is a very special servant planet. It is not only the largest battleship assembly platform in Base 31, but it is also the only planet that maintains ground armaments."

Olaf asked curiously: "Why do we still retain ground troops when we have such a powerful fleet?"

"Because..." Crozier pursed his lips and carefully considered his words before explaining: "Because sometimes, executing a mission does not require planetary destruction of the target civilization, but only requires destroying the technical path."

"Yo?" Olaf was startled for a moment, then laughed out loud: "Does it mean you will still show some kindness? But what does this have to do with the ground troops?"

"Ground troops are used to ensure racial migration." Crozier pretended not to hear Olaf's sarcasm and added: "A civilization can only completely destroy its technological path if it is completely controlled."

Everyone suddenly realized, and at the same time, the strange meaning in their eyes became stronger.

To talk about complete control is nothing more than to capture all people and turn them into slaves, sin descendants!

Yang Wenzhi nodded slightly: "According to your judgment and understanding, what do you think is the probability of the indigenous civilization of Frost Star surrendering? I think you should also know our bottom line and goal."

Crozier hummed slightly.

At the Taiyue command center, he met the supreme commander of Taiyue, and also met Ye Ming.

From the mouths of these two men, he obtained clear ideas about human beings.

That is... the Frost Star is completely under control. This is the bottom line of mankind and does not allow any change. And if the servant civilization of the Frost Star wants to resist, then humans can use any attack method and means - what humans want is cold. Frost Star was controlled, not surrendered by a certain civilization.

But this does not mean that humans will not try other milder methods.

Such as persuading surrender.

"Brandy is Hall's loyal ally, and he will not betray Hall. And he has control authority over the entire mechanized equipment of the ground forces... Therefore, Brandy did not choose to leave, but chose to go down to the ground. He wanted to rely on Frost Star’s ground troops and defense systems are here to hold back human energy and buy time for Hall’s side.”

Crozier paused and looked a little more serious: "We must remember that the empire's fleet still has an absolute advantage in numbers - humans can fight one against ten, but can one fight against a hundred? What if? The fleet supporting Frost Star’s defense is not two thousand ships, but twenty thousand or two hundred thousand ships. Does humanity still have a chance of winning?”

"So I suggest that Brandy be dealt with quickly, and then I come forward to negotiate and recruit the indigenous leaders of Frost Star." Crozier looked at Yang Wenzhi with a calm face: "If I were to try to persuade Brandy to surrender, there would be almost no chance. Not to mention the probability of success, it will also let the empire know my position instantly. This will raise vigilance and complete psychological construction, which is not conducive to the development of future work."

Yang Wenzhi and his colleagues looked at each other, and everyone had a strange look in their eyes.

This person... really wants to raise the red flag!

"Then how do you want to solve it?" Yang Wenzhi thought for a moment and then immediately agreed with Crozier's judgment: "We don't know where the governor is at now."

"I know." Crozier breathed out softly.

Yang Wenzhi's eyes narrowed and he quickly activated the satellite map.

The human fleet has been surrounding the Frost Planet for three days. During this period, countless letters of persuasion were sent to nothing but nothing. With no other choice, they released a number of detectors to act as satellites and began to model the planet.

It must be said that although the human fleet is invincible in space, when facing a planet... it is really beyond its capabilities.

Even with the most powerful Mars main gun, as long as the enemy is hiding three hundred meters below the ground, you can basically sit back and relax. And there is an easier way - hide under the tunnel at the bottom of the mountain.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that humans have nothing to do.

Not to mention that humans can send an army of robots, and nuclear bombs can also be used to clean the ground. They can even use second-generation rice grains to continuously throw planetary materials into high-dimensional space, and eventually cause tearing and collapse.

But these are all time-consuming.


The map unfolded, and Crozier, who was already familiar with the structure and form of human maps, pointed to a certain location on the satellite map with almost no effort.

Yang Wenzhi handed over map control to Crozier.

The map continued to zoom in, and the final location was locked on a snow-capped mountain.

Crozier did not stop zooming in on the map after making the tactical marks. He directly expanded the scale to the maximum.

As a result, a steel fortress that looked extremely solid appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"This fortress is made of steel, but it is only part of the overall defense. Brandy's real command center and base is in the mountains."

Looking at this very "familiar" base structure, all the commanders present showed a knowing smile.

It seems that all armies of any civilization are the same, building their final base in the mountains.

Hmm... I can understand it. After all, rocks that are thousands of meters thick are stronger and more reliable than any man-made structure.

But after laughing, everyone's expressions became serious again.

Since they all know that such a fortress is the safest... is extremely difficult to attack.

"It seems we still have to send ground troops." After pondering for a few seconds, Ikarovic said with a constipated expression on his face: "Would you like to bring some tanks over?"

"Wouldn't it take up too much space for a tank?"

"What about all the mechanical troops? But the mechanical troops only have light weapons... Look at this cannon... Aren't the mechanical warriors going to die if they go up there?"

"This gun must be destroyed first. Just let the main gun of the Mars fire one shot, and everything will be blown up by it. Besides, if we need to dispatch ground troops, it must be a coordinated operation between the ground and the air. With so many warships in the sky, we can't Just shout "Come on, right?"

Yang Wenzhi also frowned, constantly thinking about plans in his mind.

At this time, Crozier suddenly coughed slightly.

Yang Wenzhi immediately looked at him.

"Commander Yang, I think...nuclear bombs can be used."

"Huh?" Yang Wenzhi raised his eyebrows instantly: "Nuclear bomb?"

"Yes, nuclear bombs." Crozier nodded heavily.

"Only nuclear bombs have enough destructive power and deterrence. It can eliminate Brandy and at the same time make the natives of Frost Star surrender as quickly as possible."

"Strength makes people obey, and absolute power makes people obey absolutely."

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