First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 729: Differential Treatment

Second update arrived.


Listening to her youngest daughter's accusations against her and her favoritism towards her husband, Liu Jinli was so angry that she was shaking all over. She grabbed the ashtray next to her and threw it at her youngest daughter.

Li Xinli, who had long been accustomed to this kind of violence, turned slightly and ducked the heavy ashtray. With the sound of glass breaking, cigarette ashes were scattered all over the floor.

"Lili, how could you do this to your mother?" Li Xinlan glared at her sister and ordered, "Quickly find something to clean up, so as not to hurt anyone."

"It's not like you have no hands, why can't you sweep it yourself?" Li Xinli snorted coldly, hugged the book and returned to the room. The moment she closed the door, tears flowed down unconsciously.

Growing up, her mother treated her and her sister completely differently. At one time, she thought she was not her mother's biological child, but she asked a few people indirectly, and the answers she got were all - she and her sister were biological. sisters.

As she grew up, she gradually understood that her sister looked like her mother, and she looked like her father, so her mother would prefer her, while her father seemed to love her more.

However, her father has a dull personality, is not very expressive, and cannot be the head of the family. Therefore, she has always been the one bullied since she was a child.

In other families, little ones are favored, but in her family, it's just the opposite. She must do the dirty work. As for my sister, she just needs to be the hands-off shopkeeper.

Everyone has a temper, and no matter how good her character is, there will be times when she can't stand it.

Generally speaking, she will tolerate it at first, and if the times are too many, she will resist once, and then endure it again, resist again, and the cycle starts over again... What she looks forward to most is to be able to make money independently. Leave this home.

Even though she looks like her father, she is still her mother's biological daughter. Why doesn't she have any place in her mother's heart? It really comes down to looks. Is she not worse than her sister?

The reason why my mother was able to be with my father was because of his appearance and job. At that time, my father was the crush of many female workers in the factory. He was good-looking and a skilled worker. Many people envied my mother for being able to marry her father.

Moreover, my father did not treat my mother badly just because she was the one who actively pursued him. From the moment they got married, the task of cooking fell on my father.

My mother always said that she didn’t know how to do housework or cook. But when she went to her grandma's house, she learned from her aunt that when she was at her parents' house, her mother cooked the food.

What’s more, it’s extremely delicious!

a woman. In order to let her husband do housework, she pretended to know nothing and never cooked a bite for the sisters for so many years. In her opinion, it was really selfish!

Biologically, my sister not only looks like my mother. The character is similar too.

She has never worn new clothes in her whole life. Even if her aunt doesn't like it and tries to make her new clothes, her sister will always find an excuse to go and return them when they are old.

She is also a girl. I also love beauty, so how can I not feel aggrieved by being treated like this by my mother and sister?

Initially, she protested and complained to her mother. I hope she can seek justice, but unfortunately, my mother’s answer is always, ‘You are still young, why are you wearing such beautiful clothes? What's wrong with letting my sister wear it? How can you be so selfish at such a young age? ’

Who is selfish? !

She had quarreled and argued with her mother, but every time the quarrel ended with her admitting her fault, so after a long time, she accepted her fate. This was her position in this family.

Her father felt sorry for her and would come to comfort her every time she was wronged, but what's the use? A father who has no status in the family, apart from giving her some verbal support, what else can he do?

Just like this time, my father knew everything about the plan of his mother and sister, and he particularly disapproved of it, but he didn't even dare to say a word of objection!

To be honest, sometimes she looks down on her father, but who makes him her biological father? Therefore, all she can do is work hard to become stronger, hoping that one day, she can make her father feel proud too.

Sniffing, she picked up the book in her hand, but she was so confused that she couldn't read a word. After sitting in silence for a while, she picked up her coat and got up and walked out.

Her mother and sister were still sitting in the hall doing various analyses, and her father was still reading the newspaper as usual. She sighed slightly, opened the door and walked out.

The sky was already a little hazy, the wind was strong, and snowflakes were falling. Due to her bad mood, Li Xinli couldn't feel the cold, so she walked forward with her head down.

Her head suddenly hurt, and then she heard a muffled groan. When she raised her head to see clearly, she quickly stepped forward to help Fang Dajun, who was sitting on the ground: "Uncle Fang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see you."

"I don't blame you, I didn't look at the road either." Fang Dajun had a good impression of Li Xinli, so his attitude was also very good. Moreover, he was indeed too absorbed in his thoughts just now, so he bumped into her, and he felt uncomfortable in his heart. I feel ashamed and panic.

"Ring ring ring..."

The clear ringing of the car bell came, and the two people quickly got out of the way and turned to look over. Fang Dajun took the initiative to say hello: "Jiang Jie, are you still here to deliver the letter at this hour?"

"Yes, Uncle Fang..." Jiang Jie suddenly stopped and stretched his neck in the direction of Li Xinli. Being stared at by others, Li Xinli frowned and looked at Fang Dajun, "Uncle Fang, I'm going home."

"Wait, wait..." Jiang Jie quickly called her, "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare at you. The light was a bit dark and I couldn't see clearly. I came here specifically to deliver a message to you." He said while handing a letter to Li Xinli, "I guess you've been looking forward to this for a whole day, right?"

Li Xinli took it in confusion, squinted her eyes, and her breathing suddenly became rapid. She opened the letter with trembling hands, took out the letter paper and opened it. After just a few glances, tears welled up - she was happy!

"What is it?" Fang Dajiang stretched his head to look over curiously, saw the red print on the letter clearly, and his eyes widened immediately, "Lili, you were admitted to the Medical University!"

"Yeah! Yeah!..." Li Xinli kept nodding her head, unable to say anything else.

"Why did it arrive just now?" Fang Dajiang looked at Jiang Jie in confusion, "Lao Wang's children also took the exam in the second batch, but he received the notification letter years ago, why did Lili receive it only now?"

"This is really dangerous..." Jiang Jie looked at Li Xinli, "Look at the address on the envelope."

"...No. 201, Unit 8, No. 26 Xishui Street?" Looking at this line of writing, Li Xinli looked in disbelief, "I can be sure that the address written in the address is No. 201, Unit 5, Dongping Road!"

Jiang Jie shook his head: "I don't know about this. If I hadn't gone over to do something, they were processing returned letters. I glanced at them and happened to see your name, so your letter was returned."

"Thank you! Jiang Jie, thank you!" Li Xinli looked at Jiang Jie with a grateful face, "If it weren't for you, my college dream would be shattered again. When I save up the money, I will treat you to dinner."

"There is no need to eat. You study hard and bring glory to our district more than anything else. Moreover, if you become successful, I will also have glory in my face. Then I can tell others, if it weren't for me, how could Li Xinli be where she is today?" ..." While speaking, Jiang Jie had already turned the car around, waved to the two of them, and left.

"Uncle Fang, I'm admitted to college, I'm really admitted to college!..." Li Xinli still felt like she was dreaming, repeating this sentence over and over again.

"Lili, you have a lot of potential!" Fang Dajiang gave her a thumbs up and said with a smile, "Go home quickly and make your dad happy too."

"Yes!" Li Xinli nodded vigorously and ran home. She hoped to exchange her achievements for her father's enthusiasm for life. She hoped that she could become her father's pride!

Fang Dajun, who was originally in a bad mood, now has the urge to share his joy with his family. He doesn't like Li Xinlan, but he likes Li Xinli because the child is sensible and filial, so when he sees her potential, he is also very interested. He was happy, and he believed that his wife and daughters would be particularly happy to hear about Li Xinli's future.

Because of Li Xinli's unexpected surprise, the atmosphere at the Fang family's dinner was quite good. Even if Fang Jingwen didn't come out to eat, it didn't affect everyone's mood.

It wasn't a wedding, and the Fang family didn't notify other relatives. Therefore, the only ones who came over early the next morning were the Fang family's immediate relatives, Uncle Fang's family and Aunt Fang's family.

Fang Jingwen was never seen, so everyone understood the final outcome of yesterday's incident. However, it was a good ending. No one wanted to be uncomfortable on the big day, so everyone tacitly didn't mention it. thing.

When the car arrived at Lin's house, it happened to be an auspicious time. At 9:09, a large family came out to welcome them. Firecrackers went off. In a joyous atmosphere, the Fang family was welcomed in.

Although they have been to the Lin family before, the newly renovated Lin family today still makes everyone in the Fang family feel a little restrained. After all, a family with such a background is too far away from their lives!

Seeing everyone's nervousness, Mrs. Lin and Uncle Lin and Mrs. Lin deliberately talked about some light-hearted topics, and others followed suit. After half an hour, everyone's mood finally calmed down.

Seeing that the time had come, Grandma Lin said: "In-laws, considering that they will get married soon, we didn't ask many people to come today. We just want our family to be lively. Do you mind?"

"I don't mind, I don't mind!" After saying this, Fang Dajiang realized that Mrs. Fang should answer, and quickly looked at the old lady who was still a little weak, "Mom, please express your attitude."

"What Dajiang means is what I mean. We have all seen the sincerity of the Lin family. We are very relieved to hand over Jingzi to the Lin family."

When she said this, Mrs. Fang was full of energy, and she didn't look like she was seriously ill yet to recover.

Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, they planned to make the engagement ceremony more grand. It was Chu Xia who suggested that the engagement ceremony should not be too grand to give the Fang family a chance to adapt.

In fact, everyone didn't agree with Chu Xia's proposal. However, considering the previous grudge with Chu Xia's family, they were afraid of estrangement, so they didn't have the nerve to deny it. In fact, they were a little uneasy in their hearts. Now that it's better, they can finally put their minds to it. Put it in the stomach.

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