"Chu Xia..." Looking at Chu Xia from the rearview mirror for a long time, seeing her in a trance, Jing Zhe finally couldn't help but tentatively said, "If you don't want to continue, brother can help you deal with this matter. "He was locked outside, and he couldn't hear what the two of them said. After opening the door, Zhou Mikang didn't give him a chance to talk, and he walked away. His heart was hanging in the air all the time. .

"Ah?" Chu Xia reflexively said, and then understood what Jing Zhe meant, and quickly waved his hands, "No, no, I don't intend to leave Zhou Mikang, I'm just thinking about some problems that I can't figure out."

"Tell me about it, maybe I can help you." After a pause, Jing Zhe gave a supplementary explanation, "Chu Xia, my brother really treats you like his own sister now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it." thought."

"Brother, I know." Chu Xia nodded quickly, "I just don't understand the so-called feelings. You see, Zhou Mikang used to be single for Ye Meiru for so many years, and even refused to marry, but today, he exposed Ye Meiru like that for me. Such as scars, so, I was thinking, if one day he doesn't like me, will he treat me like that?" Without waiting for Jing Zhe to answer, he said to himself, "Of course, I know that my thoughts are a bit I'm sorry, if he really cared about Ye Meiru's thoughts and continued to care about her, I would definitely feel uncomfortable again, hey, I'm still really hard to get rid of."

"It's not that you are difficult to deal with, you just lack confidence in the relationship between yourself and him." Jing Zhe looked her up, "To be honest, at your age, and you have never been in love, you should be full of expectations for love. But you give me the feeling that you don't believe in love at all.

This feeling. It's so weird, you're so young. How can you not believe in love? The key is that the relationship between your father and mother is still so good. In early summer, this is a place I have always wondered about. "

"I don't believe in love?" Chu Xia murmured and repeated, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she finally realized where her problem was.

In her era, love was a luxury, and many couples who loved each other to the death were often unable to stand up to reality, and quickly became exhausted.

She saw with her own eyes that it only took one year for her best friend to go from feeling obsessed to falling in love to committing suicide after falling out of love. That was her best best friend, they were so good that they had no secrets with each other, so after her best friend committed suicide, although she still looked forward to love, she didn't dare to really believe in love, so until she was twenty-two years old, Her feelings are still blank.

Most of the marriages in this era are not concluded on the basis of love. However, it was relatively stable, so she accepted the marriage model of this era like an ostrich. This is also the fundamental reason why she agreed so readily when Zhou Mikang forced her to marry.

Subconsciously, she felt that she didn't love. will not be harmed, meanwhile. She subconsciously felt that she could not find her own love in this age. Then, Zhou Mikang became her best choice.

However, people are emotional animals. For a rookie who has never been in love, she doesn't know what true love is. Therefore, she always feels that Zhou Mikang is just a long-term adult she met in this era. meal ticket.

Now it seems that she agreed so readily because she had such a slight liking for him. It is not considered love, but it can be regarded as attraction.

But today, Zhou Mikang treated Ye Meiru like that, and she really felt afraid that one day he would treat her like that. If she really had no feelings, how could she be afraid that he would treat her like that?

"Brother, thank you, I figured it out." Chu Xia smiled and frowned to thank Jing Zhe. She finally knew what she wanted and what she was going to do next.

Of course, it would be nonsense to say that she has fallen deeply in love with Zhou Mikang. At this stage, she only has the sprout of love for Zhou Mikang, so she must protect this sprout, so that one day she can let this The germ of love grows and grows, not dies in infancy.

"Just figure it out." Looking at her expression, Jing Zhe also knew that she really understood his problem. His identity is a little sensitive, so it's not good to get entangled in this problem, so he simply changed the subject, " Zhou Mikang will be leaving in a few days, do you plan to live on campus or come back to live?"

"I live on campus from Monday to Friday, and I go home on Saturday and Sunday. I have already greeted my grandma and my parents-in-law, and they said they have no objection."

"Where are Uncle Luo and Aunt Zhao, what should we do?"

Luo Ye's expression became serious: "Brother, thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Jing Zhe looked puzzled.

"Brother, do you want to do good deeds without leaving your name?" Luo Ye curled her lips, "The leader who bought our house didn't really want to buy a house at all, but you arranged for him to buy it, and his Parents, they just went to live for a few days because of the occasion.

Now, they have moved away, and my parents can't wait to go back these two days. I can't tell now whether my parents will leave first or Zhou Mikang will leave first. "

"I didn't want to hide it from you, but at that time, if I reached out too much, it would make Zhou's family uncomfortable, so I used this method. Now that the matter is over, they will know that the mood is the same as that at that time. If it's not the same, I won't think about it any more.

Also, you think I'm really doing good deeds without leaving a name. With the situation of the Zhou family, how can I not inquire about this matter, I just want to wait for them to inquire about it and return my favor.

Let the Zhou family owe me a favor, do you think what I did was worth it? So, you don't have to thank me, I'm just looking for a talisman for myself. "

"I'm just talking, do you think I really want to always remember your affection?" Chu Xia curled her lips, "I haven't talked about you yet, but because of your strategies or something, my parents I was so anxious to get angry that I didn't sell the house for a few days. I heard other people's gossip in my ears, and I saw too many pointers in my eyes. If you bought the house earlier, there would be no such messy things. ?”

"Okay, I was wrong." Jing Zhe shook his head amusedly, "You, it would be great if you really think so. But Chu Xia, have you ever thought that Zhou Mikang won't be able to accompany you home for a while, Uncle Lin After going back with Aunt Zhao, I will definitely face more gossip, let me say, you should persuade them to stay here, so that they can see you often, and be with Wanlao as a companion, killing three birds with one stone Son, why do you have to go back and look at other people's faces?"

"As for their stubbornness, how can I persuade them?" Chu Xia shrugged helplessly, "My parents felt that their roots were in the village.

If one day they really come out, it must be because I have made a breakthrough and have the ability to take them out, otherwise, they will never make that kind of plan.

Although I already knew that the Zhou family would not embarrass me, nor would they treat me badly just because they lived here, but they just couldn't convince themselves.

They always feel that living here like this is smearing my face, which is absolutely unacceptable to them.

I persuaded, but unfortunately, they didn't listen to it at all, they just nodded when they persuaded, and after that, they went their own way and didn't change at all.

Alas, I almost made them both worry to death. Do you think there is a second pair of such stubborn people in this world? "

"Yes." Jing Zheman said solemnly, "The second pair is you and Zhou Mikang."

"Hate it..." Chu Xia said angrily, and suddenly remembered the matter of Guo Guo, and asked, "Brother, how is the marriage between Guo Guo and Li Xiaoru?"

Li Xiaoru's mother, Li Xinwan, did not participate in the case initiated by Xiao Bing. She was also forced to help Xiao Bing steal the car keys. Therefore, under Zhou Mikang's intentional care, she was released home the day before yesterday. However, her story and Li Xiaoru's life experience were completely spread among familiar circles, so Chu Xia asked this question.

"Looking at the result, his mental state is not very good. I asked him, but he didn't say anything. I guess it didn't go so smoothly." Jing Zhe sighed, "Although I am honest with him, I can't force him to tell me the reason. dont you agree?"

"Yes, Li Xiaoru is probably the one who suffers the most." Chu Xia said while sighing, "The most pitiful thing is her father Li Linqing, who knows that the daughter is not his own, but still loves her like his own daughter. How uncomfortable it is to have such a result?"

"This matter can't be solved in a day and a half, and it's not easy for outsiders to intervene." After a pause, Jing Zhe sighed, "What I'm most worried about now is that the Li family may move away from the place where they knew them. Then, Li Xiaoru and The result is really impossible.”

"It depends on whether the two of them have a deep relationship. If they recognize that they must be the other party, and both parents love their children enough, they should be able to find a solution."

"You..." Jing Zhe shook his head, "You are still too idealistic, even if the two families are willing to ignore this matter, others will not let them ignore it.

The so-called saliva star drowns people, if Guoguo and Li Xiaoru are not fully prepared, even if they are really together, there may not be a good result.

When a man and a woman form a family, no matter how good the original relationship is and how much they love each other, there must be a process of running-in.

And in the process of running in, two people will definitely quarrel, as long as they quarrel, it will affect their relationship to some extent. If they care about the opinions of outsiders, then, when they quarrel, this may be a sharp weapon to attack each other. "

Chu Xia looked at him wonderingly: "Brother, you are not married yet, why are you talking as if you have experienced it yourself."

Jing Zhe smiled wryly: "I'm not married, but I witnessed Mei Yitong's marriage with my own eyes. These are all summed up from him. It is also because the summaries are too thorough that it has not been married until now. Touching the door of marriage."

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