Fierce shooter

Chapter 553 He is in despair!

The perfect operation of the Thorn Birds attracted a burst of warm applause from the audience.

League of Legends is a game that is far less complex than Dota. In fact, few teams can perform well in a small-scale operation rhythm.

Those perfect operations that appear in the professional arena cannot be seen in every game.

Because when a strong team fights against their opponents, their opponents naturally have certain means of dealing with them. It is impossible for them to be unable to fight back when faced with waves of small rhythms. This will inevitably make this team too excessive. A little more incompetent.

However, this wave of Thorn Birds has undoubtedly taken some meticulous operations to the extreme.

The first little dragon was captured by the Thorn Birds when the game time was just over five minutes old.

And this earth dragon will also put huge pressure on the SKT team invisibly.

"In this case, the Thorn Birds have made a lot of money this time. You must know that their bottom lane flash is still there. On the other hand, the SKT team's bottom duo only has support and flash. The policewoman's flash has been handed over."

At the commentary booth, Guan Zeyuan praised without hesitation: "Bang and Wolf will not be able to push the lane with peace of mind, otherwise the female tank can use Morgana's displacement and then Q-dodge to the policewoman to initiate the attack. Mo Ganna's magic immunity shield will most likely not be able to react in this situation."

"That's right."

Miller also nodded slightly: "And this wave of Seras has no line losses. Under their reasonable allocation of the Thorn Birds' line resources, only Ornn suffered a small loss, and the top lane was also destroyed by the crocodile. Skin, but such an exchange of resources is completely acceptable in front of an earth dragon."

At this time, the mentality of the three commentators is getting better and better as the game progresses.

Some teams put huge pressure on those who care about them even before they have played much.

However, some teams are able to subtly make their supporters feel completely at ease.

The SKT team adjusts its tactics very quickly.

They have already made countless mistakes in their tactics with Li Luo as the core benchmark.

Therefore, coach Kkoma knows very well that playing against a team with Li Luo cannot advance according to normal thinking.

Why did they directly bring Canna and Kanavi up in the first battle of BO5?

It's because they are all young players and have integrated into SKT, and Kanavi's playing style is different from normal Korean junglers.

Kanavi has his own unique understanding of the game.

Canna will also be more daring than Khan in making some decisions.

After all, he is young.

Of course, the opposite of daring to fight is daring to give.

Canna's stability is not as good as Khan's, but SKT has subtly weakened Canna's weaknesses in terms of tactical focus.

Backstage lounge.

Kkoma stared at the screen.

Although they were hurt this time, their tactical ideas have been gradually implemented.

Crocodile and Spider Queen were selected together. In the eyes of coaches of all teams, these two will basically be bound together.

Therefore, under Kkoma's observation, in the early days of the game, except for the sudden wave of Xiangguo going to the bottom lane, most of the focus was on counter-crouching in the top lane.

However, Knavi never went there even once.

In other words, after SKT came up with the Spider-Crocodile combination, they deliberately confused the Thorn Birds.

The spider itself has never been on the top lane much, and now even if Kanavi makes some adjustments, it is difficult to be found.

In order to prevent the female tank from forcing open, Kanavi began to squat frequently in the bottom lane.

The purpose is to maintain the pressure of one's own bottom lane.

The effect of this is still there. The Thorn Birds' life in the two-man lane is not very easy. Liu Qingsong once asked Li Luo if he wanted to take the initiative to fight, but Li Luo rejected them.

I know the Bang player Li Luo very well.

There was no one behind him, how dare he press so hard?

The spider hung in the bottom lane, and the space on the side of the incense pot naturally became active.

Game time is 6 minutes.

The excavator cooperated with Silas to complete the kill of faker Ryze.

Faker's Ryze didn't flash. When faced with Sylas' move to press forward, this wave immediately turned around and used Phase Rush.

But the Deep Cold Punishment of the Incense Pot Excavator greatly restricted Faker's movement speed. Then the Excavator's W knocked him away, and Sylas's second stage E, two consecutive stages of control made it difficult for Faker's Ryze to get wings. escape.

The head was pocketed by Xiye's Silas.

faker reached out and pinched his neck, then said it didn't matter in the team voice.

He has TP this time.

At least you won't lose troops.

Moreover, in terms of map resources, there is currently nothing that Thorn Birds can obtain.

One head, only three hundred yuan, here you go!

The bottom lane policewoman is almost eating the second layer of plating. Although the progress is a bit slow, overall it is still very good.

However, Kanavi felt a little uncomfortable at this time.

He's not the kind of jungler who goes on a hunger strike.

It will definitely be uncomfortable for him to hang in the bottom lane.

In fact, Kanavi's purpose of hanging on the triangular grass on the lower road was to trick the excavator into going around and being fooled. He really didn't move in the triangular grass, just waiting for the excavator to take the bait.

When the target is stationary, the hero Excavator only needs to escape. In fact, it is no different from a blind man.

However, Xiangguo actually had no intention of coming to the bottom lane to help his own two-man lane.

He is obviously a representative of the hunger strike jungle, but now he is enjoying Kanavi's jungle.

Kanavi can't stand this anymore.

After his own ADC returned home and replenished a wave of equipment, Kanavi no longer planned to hang around in the bottom lane.

He helped the adc finish the second layer of plating and it was pretty good. He had to find the location of the incense pot. As long as he abducted the incense pot into the upper half of the jungle, the policewoman and Morgana would be fine for the rest of their lives.

After all, it’s impossible for things like female tanks and Ezreal to kill each other in lane, right?

The game time quickly came to seven minutes.

Kanavi's change of thinking has paid off.

Middle road.

Kanavi's sense of smell helped him squat down to the excavator.

What Kanavi didn't expect was that Xiang Guo was not afraid when facing him.

It was clear that Xiang Guo's health had been reduced rapidly by the two people's attack, but he had no intention of retreating at all. Instead, he put on a posture of "I will die if I die, but I must hit all the damage" situation.

Just when Xiangguo's excavator was about to die, the female tank appeared on the side, which shocked the two of them.

The female tank...why did she appear from this position? !

When the female police officer went home to resupply, she pushed the military line forward.

Li Luo's Ezreal returned home first, so Liu Qingsong's female tank helped Ezreal get stuck in a wave of troops before returning to the city for supplies.

The audience sees it clearly from God's perspective.

After returning to the city to replenish supplies, Liu Qingsong went out and headed straight to the upper half, and then followed the position of F6 directly to the crime scene in the middle road.

Since the SKT team never thought that the female tank would come from the upper half, their first attack position was relatively close to the river grass in the upper half.

The female tank hit Kanavi's Spider Queen through the extreme distance of the wall.

This sudden scene directly disrupted the plan of SKT's midfield duo.

On the other hand, Xiye's Silas instantly became more aggressive due to the addition of the female tank. All the passive skills given to the target by the female tank's skills were whipped out by Silas's whip.

Although the excavator died first, the Spider Queen, who had handed over the lifting wire, quickly died under the concentrated fire of the female tank and Silas.

faker, a close second!

At this time, faker's flash has not yet finished cooling down.

Faced with the two aggressive fakers, they seemed a little desperate.

Fortunately, Canna handed over his TP that had just been cooled down and went to the middle line, using TP to force back the two central and assistant players of the Thorn Birds.

The two sides once again played one for one.

The head still belongs to Silas.

This is perfectly acceptable to the Thorn Birds.

But SKT was not so comfortable. This wave of heads was taken by the Spider Queen.

Although the hero Spider Queen is very important in early combat, unless he can always get kills, the sporadic kills are not enough for the Spider Queen to develop to a level that can give any opponent a sufficient threat.

They obviously hope that this head is taken by Faker's Ryze.

It's a pity that in that case, they can't make a choice.

"I went to the bottom lane, and they have to push the line under the tower again. I can't let them eat the tower skin."

As Liu Qingsong spoke, he made a clear sign and followed the river to get closer to the lower road.

SKT's two-man lane naturally noticed this scene. They had vision in the middle river in the lower half of the jungle, and they also had line rights in the bottom lane and had vision in the river.

However, neither of them paid much attention to the arrival of the female tank.

The vision behind him was cleared by Morgana's scan.

The excavator is currently in a state of death.

Silas is in the middle.

Ornn on the road also has no TP.

To sum up, the Thorn Birds only have the bottom lane in this wave.

Even if Ezreal reaches level 6, and the two of them are only level 5, from any angle, there is no possibility of killing them in the Thorn Birds duo.

"After finishing this wave of soldiers, we will reach level 6, and we can fight back then."

As Bang spoke, he moved closer to the river, and then placed a clip on the edge of the grass in the river.

Just at the moment when he placed the clip, Li Luo's Ezreal hit his policewoman with a Q skill.

The damage is considerable, but for the policewoman who is almost at full health, this Q is not enough to attract the bang's attention.

Bang retreated behind the army line and said, "Keep E, the female tank can dodge."

"I'll assist you, don't worry."

Wolf said calmly.

In the commentary box.

Guan Zeyuan, who is known for his meticulousness, keenly observed the experience bar of SKT's bottom lane duo under the lens provided by the director.

"This wave... does Liu Qingsong look like he is planning to keep someone?! It feels like he can't keep anyone. SKT's duo lane will reach level 6 soon. Liu Qingsong's female tank still lacks about half of her experience and ability due to wandering. At 6, if Morgana's ultimate move is countered in this wave, something will happen. Morgana has already used W to clear troops. Do you feel that the Thorn Birds duo is in danger..."

Morgana's W and the policewoman's Q quickly melted the three ranged soldiers.

At this time, only one melee soldier was still supporting.

However, Li Luo's W inadvertently fell on the policewoman when she retreated.

The moment W hit the policewoman, Li Luo moved.

"Wait until I arrive."

Liu Qingsong seemed to be aware of Li Luo's thoughts.

But Li Luo had already taken action.

Use the E skill to reach the melee soldier on the side, and use the E skill to instantly detonate the passive W skill on the policewoman. At the same time, he raised his hand and hit the policewoman with a basic attack!

The previous Q, coupled with this wave of WEA small combos, triggered two consecutive flashes of light, causing the policewoman's health bar to plummet to about half in an instant!

Almost at the same time, Morgana threw her Q skill in the direction of Li Luo Ezreal, but Li Luo's Ezreal seemed to have gone through the complete operation in his mind during this wave, and EA took action. At that moment, the ultimate move had been charged up, and immediately after, the golden light on Ezreal's body flashed, and his figure instantly shifted to the side!

EAR flashes!


Morgana's Q skill hit a minion!

At this time, Bang's brain was still completely dizzy.

This was the first time his face came into close contact with Ezreal's ultimate.

The problem was that before the contact, his health bar plummeted at an incredible speed in less than two seconds.

It wasn't until the moment Ezreal's ultimate hit his policewoman that muscle memory seemed to form in Bang's mind, and he seemed to know what he should do at this moment?

He subconsciously wanted to pull away from each other.

But it was already too late.

The moment Ezreal flashed to the ground, another basic attack also landed on him.

The policewoman's health bar returned to zero in the blink of an eye!

Bang's eyes went dark.

The female tank that pressed in also handed over her E skill directly towards the front grass position where Morgana walked.

Little did he know that the wolf man was also confused at this time.

Just a second ago, Bang's words echoed in his mind, telling him to keep his magic immunity shield to avoid being caught by the female tank who was able to dodge.

But now there are no female police officers!

He was dropped by Ezreal in a single player? ! ? ?

What the hell!

Seeing the female tank pointing towards him, Wolf decisively gave him a magic immunity shield while dodging to distance himself.

At this moment, Wolf's head was also buzzing.

Even though he had experienced many battles, he was unable to recover from Ezreal's sudden behavior.

Among all adc heroes, with the emergence of Li Luo, the last fig leaf in the LCK seems to be Ezreal.

Their top adc Ezreal in South Korea plays very well, and I always feel that he is a little more proficient than Ezreal in other regions.

Even though Li Luo plays Ezreal a lot, it may be because Li Luo's other heroes are so dazzling that Ezreal, the hero, is a bit inconspicuous.

But this scene is now shockingly played out on the stage of the World Championship finals.

This scene shocked the netizens watching the game no less than in the S7 World Finals. The same Li Luo used a shocking move in the Dalong Pit area to grab the Baron while also completing the game. Harvest.

Even if it was only a brief two or three seconds, it was these two or three seconds that made countless viewers deeply remember the lost Ezreal!

When they mentioned Ezreal in the future, the first thing they thought of would be Li Luo!

Facing the fleeing Morgana, Liu Qingsong was unequivocal. He flashed and exploded his W skill, a level 5 female tank, a level 3 W skill. The burst of magic damage made Morgana's fragile magic shield immune. It exploded directly, and after the Q skill stunned Morgana, Ezreal took two steps forward and harvested another head!

Double kill! !

At this moment, there was some silence in SKT's battle arena.

Bang covered his eyes with his hands.

Wolf also looked helpless and raised his hands high.

However, Bang, who was blindfolded, suddenly heard a sound coming from the headphones that any player would often hear in Rank.

The sound is very slight.

But it's inexplicably jarring.

SKT.faker tagged Healing.

Bang saw the series of words in the lower left corner, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

He also has therapy.

It just didn't work.

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