Fierce shooter

Chapter 446 Slaughterhouse!

Champion skin users vs champion skin owners.

Under normal circumstances, having your skin used by others should be something that makes you happy.

But there are always exceptions.

You must know that the person facing imp now has two skins. Even if one skin has not been released yet, the number of champion skins above his head is more than his.

Moreover, his champion skin belongs to the ancient era. With the beginning of the first year of e-sports, more and more new League of Legends players have poured in. Most of these new players have doubts about the gold content of the ancient era champion.

Imp can often see similar remarks during live broadcasts on weekdays. On the surface, he is calm, but deep down, how can he not care?

Do they mean what they say is fart?

This is what bystanders say.

However, only when you experience it yourself will you know that the real torture is not a sudden sharp pain, but like being pricked on your finger by a plush thorn on a plant when you were a child. It looks inconspicuous, but in fact it makes you feel like you are sitting on pins and needles. .

Imp also wants to prove himself again when there is not much left in his career, and prove that even after five years, he is still qualified to become the champion AD!

But how many minutes has it started?

Imp already feels a lot of pressure.

He could be sure that Shine, who looked kind and sunny on weekdays, and had a pleasant conversation with him for a long time while filming the promotional video, was just an old silver coin in disguise.

Choosing an unpopular mouse, and then choosing his champion skin, isn't this intentionally putting pressure on him?

After a brief lane change, Li Luo's mouse returned to the bottom lane.

It is worth mentioning that when Li Luo disappeared from the middle for a few seconds, imp and Lu Mao were forced to retreat.

Because Galio hasn't left yet.

If Galio doesn't leave, the mouse may use the same method of ganking in the middle lane to repeat its old tricks and cooperate with Galio to do another wave of 2, 2, 3, 4 in the bottom lane.

"Why? Why can they play games like this?"

At this time, imp felt a hundred dissatisfaction in his heart.

When they retreated, the Thorn Birds' center and assistant pressed forward directly, blocking the next wave of artillery soldiers arriving in front of them.

If Thorn Bird Zhongsuke is allowed to do this, another pushback line will be formed.

After Toothpaste came down from TP in the middle, he faced the same wave of soldiers with artillery vehicles.

Syndra's line-pushing speed is very good, but it is not that easy to clear the gun carriage quickly.

And what made Toothpaste feel a little disgusting was that just when he grabbed the sports car and threw it far away, letting his soldiers continue to move forward, Nightmare came out of the grass in the river and swung his Q skill Youmeng Path at him, Then he ran straight towards him.

Facing the better-looking Nightmare, Toothpaste had to retreat temporarily. Although the army line was still pushed through, the artillery cart was missed.

In order to avoid the bot lane getting stuck, the excavator turned back a second time to help imp clear the lane.

Because of this, Xiangguo moved directly towards the upper half of the jungle after intimidating Toothpaste.

The fact that the excavator can come down so early and is only at level 3 shows that the excavator's counterattack in the upper half of the jungle is not complete.

This is indeed the case. When Xiangguo returned to his wild area, he found that he still had three wolves and toads to eat. It was not very beautiful.

After eating the three wolves and toads, Xiangguo then ate the river crabs in the upper half of the wild area, and it was level 5 in a flash.

Xiye lost some troops and returned to the middle, but his loss was not too much.

Especially the talent chosen by Xiye made countless audiences shine.


Wolf head.

In the middle, I thought I had saved Galio from eating a wave of toothpaste. Suddenly, a wolf head logo appeared above his head. Immediately after toothpaste, he saw Galio running over in front of him. He was stunned by the help of this line. The movement speed reduces the losses on the army line by about half.

"The Thorn Birds' wave of line changes...the loss of troops is very small."

pdd said thoughtfully.

On the surface, it seems that Thorn Birds has gone through many line changes and line additions in the early stages of the game. In theory, the rhythm should be chaotic.

But if you think about it carefully, except for the middle lane which lost a few troops, the other lanes are all making money!

Especially the incense pot's nightmare, which is already two levels ahead of the excavator.

The excavator has not reached 4 yet, and he still needs a group of wild monsters, but Xiaofu has no wild monsters to refresh before the next round of wild monsters in the lower half of his area.

Jingdong's machine, which is famous for its operations, seems to have cracks in this face-to-face collision.

"The rat also has an advantage in last-hitting, isn't it? Why does the rat have an advantage when hitting the ice?"

"Good boy, with this nightmare's growth speed, I feel like the bottom duo on's side who haven't flashed will still suffer after a while."

"Director? Director, let's take a look and get on the road!"

"You don't even look at the dogs on the road. These two are just playing house. Look at their blood bars. Just like the special code electrocardiogram, they go down for a while and then go up again."

"A ganking strongman like Xiangguo doesn't want to go on the road!"

Blockbuster barrage floated in the official live broadcast room.

For the audience, this kind of variable-speed killing operation rhythm is indeed much better than the long and smooth operation.

In the backstage lounge.

Hongmi showed no emotion or anger on the surface. At this time, while watching the game, he was also listening to the exchanges between the players, and he would often record something in a small notebook.

The initial shifting rhythm of Thorn Bird taught Redmi a lesson.

But Hongmi is not a Muggle like Steak who gets worried whenever he encounters difficulties.

Redmi has its own way of coping.

Furthermore, is not a team that can be killed casually.’s resilience in this year’s Spring Split left the deepest impression on the audience!

Game time is 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

Xiaofu's excavator found an opportunity in the middle. After digging out the hole, he dodged in front of Xiye, who was about to use E to escape. Then he immediately switched to the ground escape form again, taking advantage of Syndra's EQ second company behind to attack Galio. When he was stunned, Xiaofu used his W skill to break out of the ground and send Galio flying high into the air.

The shortcomings of the wolf-headed Galio were exposed at this moment.

So crunchy, so crunchy.

Galio, who was focused on by Syndra and Excavator, didn't look like a Colossus at all, and his health bar plummeted.

However, it didn't take long for the thorn bird to return the favor.

Game time is 6 minutes and 30 seconds.

Li Luo's invisible mouse moved all the way through the grass on the line. When the mouse showed up, Galio's ultimate move directly hit the mouse. At the same time, Liu Qingsong flashed and gave the bull-headed fear. When the fear was about to end, he added the E skill of silence.

The successive controls prevented Niutou from reacting. After Galio sat down with his ultimate move, Niutou was destined to be a corpse.

The troop line was pushed under the defense tower. Imp Han Bing was worried that he would be overrun, so he consciously began to retreat.

But the sky that dimmed instantly made imp suddenly change color.

His purification has finished cooling down, but the flash is still on the CD.

You must know that the time for his flash to hand over is already early enough. According to the normal rhythm of the professional arena, the time when the jungler reaches level 6 is almost the same time as the cooldown of his second flash.

However, this node is now a full minute ahead of schedule!

Nightmare...has reached level 6!

Dark night is coming, are you scared?

From far to near, a blurry black shadow instantly impacted the ice.

It is not easy for a level 6 nightmare to kill a crispy adc without flash.

The support of toothpaste and excavator is not unsatisfactory.

When the two arrived at the battlefield, they just happened to intercept Xiangguo's Nightmare. However, the troops had already entered the tower. All three people on the front of Thorn Bird were in place to support them. Galio, who had his wolf head turned on, immediately moved to support him. Two people from

"There is no solution."

Toothpaste touched his forehead and said helplessly.

Nowadays, the only ones on their side who are considered to be developing normally are the vampires who are on the road zooming.

But the problem is that it has only been a long time since the game started, and the other roads are already in a state of collapse.

Can they wait until the vampire develops into a three-piece suit?


At this time, fans of the JD team were in a very low mood.

Because they had a feeling of déjà vu from this game.

During the spring regular season, there was a duel between and IG, which almost looked like this.

In the early stages, it felt like it was impossible to play, and it was overwhelming at the purely operational level.

But after thinking about it, the suppression power displayed by the Thorn Birds now seems to have little to do with the operation.

They rely purely on lineup and fast-paced linkage.

But Jingdong has also experienced the baptism of war. Is there no way for them to resist?

Game time is 7 minutes and 45 seconds.

Imp and Niutou, who are facing each other in front of their own defense tower, are controlling the line and developing.

The audience from God's perspective has already noticed the great horror.

Li Luo's mouse turned invisible and moved towards the two people on the line.

Liu Qingsong, who was scanning at the same time, had also positioned himself at the front of the triangular grass on the lower red road.

After confirming that there was no vision in the triangular grass, Liu Qingsong felt that his position was very good.

"The scarecrow at level 6... has already started chanting. This wave of imp flashes has been completed, but it is unknown whether it can be released in time. The scarecrow jumped! The mouse went straight to full fire!"

With Wawa's passionate explanation, the bottom lane in Summoner's Rift was instantly in chaos.

The moment his ultimate move took off and landed, Liu Qingsong was instantly frightened by the ice.

The purification of the ice was already used to remove the E skill of the incense pot in the previous wave when he was single-killed by the incense pot.

Therefore the ice is not purified.

Under the fear of Q skill, Hanbing wandered aimlessly within the coverage area of ​​​​Scarecrow's ultimate move.

The Scarecrow's E skill followed closely and bounced wildly between the two.

Niutou was determined to restrain the mouse who had used his ultimate move, but under the effect of silence, he could do nothing and could only wait for the silence to end.

But when Cong Ren's rat is activated, it shoots three arrows per second, and the arrows are bleeding.

After three arrows, Bilgewater's Scimitar was released, and then another arrow was added. By the time the bull's head hit him, Li Luo had already used the E skill, Plague Explosion.


With the Scarecrow's additional damage, four hits from Rat A are enough.

Han Bing's blood volume returned to zero.

But the bull's head came over.

This is a buy one get one free rhythm.

"It exploded."

In the backstage lounge, by this time, Hongmi was sure that it would be difficult for them to win.'s resilience is strong, but it will only show up when facing a team or lineup that lacks the ability to end the game.

Now Han Bing has died three times before reaching level 6.

This means that they chose Han Bing, and before they had time to do anything around Han Bing, the hero was already useless.

Unless the other roads are particularly fat, this one has basically gone far.

Game time is 9 minutes.

The excavator repeated his old tricks to capture the middle road.

However, Nightmare's timely support brought this wave of Jingdong's offensive to a standstill. Not only that, the excavator who took the initiative to help his teammates gank also became a victim of this wave of offensive.

Game time is 12 minutes.

Rat appeared in the middle. After taking a bite of Syndra to slow him down, he moved and twisted Syndra's second QE, so that Rat was only pushed away, but not knocked unconscious.

Galio Predator activates the accelerated follow-up, turns E to close the distance, and then W taunts Syndra, and cooperates with the rat who activates the ultimate move to kill Syndra again.

The game lasted 13 minutes. The Scarecrow combined with Nightmare's ultimate move to complete a wave of terrifying games targeting the bottom lane.

At 15 minutes into the game, the first tower of the JD team in the middle was broken, and the gap was directly torn apart.

The economic gap between the two sides was directly widened to a huge 5,000 yuan.

At this time, the heroes on both sides have not yet participated in the battle.

The game lasted 17 minutes. Li Luo's two-piece set of mice shot two in the middle. After purifying the ice ultimate move in seconds, he completed the steal smoothly and smoothly.

At this time, Li Luo's head count had reached a terrifying seven.

But it turns out that the conclusion that seven kills will lead to death can be implemented even on Li Luo.

With 20 minutes of game time, Li Luo was caught by Han Bing's ultimate move while developing in the middle.

The people who were ambushing around came out in full force and cut into pieces the rats that had released the dual summons in the previous wave.

Yet fighting broke out.

Liu Qingsong, who was watching from the side, jumped directly. After Nightmare entered the field and landed with Galio's ultimate move, Nightmare quickly brought Syndra, who had already lost her E and ultimate move, with just a face-to-face effort. Walk.

Two TP lights landed together, and the top laners of both sides joined the battlefield for the first time.

A two-piece set of vampires and a two-piece set of Karma, it sounds like both vampires would be more powerful.

However, this Holy Gun's Karma is completely based on AP output as its main style.

The terrifying equipment of Ghost Book and hat allowed him to directly cut the health of the two crispy men on the Jingdong team by almost half with one nuclear bomb after joining the team.

Coupled with the extremely explosive development of Nightmare, this wave of thorn birds actually accomplished the feat of 4 versus 5!

In the end, a three-for-five victory was achieved.

After the group destroyed Jingdong, the two survivors of the Thorn Birds directly teamed up to take the big dragon. They used Karma's shield and the fruits in the canyon to support the two and lowered the big dragon's health to an extremely low level. After the mouse was resurrected, Only then did he capture the dragon.

Three people have the dragon buff!

The game time is 22 minutes and 30 seconds. Li Luo's Mouse Yifu is in charge of the highland tower. His ultimate move activates the explosive output and directly suppresses the JD people guarding the tower. They cooperate with his teammates to rush to the high ground.

The game time of this game was finally fixed at 25 minutes and 30 seconds! does have enough resilience.

With such a huge advantage, the Thorn Birds did not rely on the big dragon buff to flatten Jingdong in one wave, but relied on the containment of the three routes to eat up Jingdong bit by bit.

The final head-to-head ratio between the two sides was 19 to 5!

The terrifying ratio of nearly one head per minute turned this seemingly short game into a Shura field!

"Let us congratulate the Thorn Birds team for temporarily leading 1-0! Their changing tactics are very effective. We will see what adjustments the Redmi coach will make in the second game!"

In the commentary box, Miller said with unfinished meaning.

In this short-lasting game, there were no action shots that could be included in the top highlights.

But it is undeniable that the visual effects of the heroes chosen by the Thorn Birds are absolutely full when they start to output.

Especially rats.

The wanton laughter when the ultimate move is activated and the terrifying A frequency shown in Li Luo's hands are stimulating the eyes of those AD players all the time.

It's a pity that Miller also knows clearly that under the cage of the version, a hero like Mouse can only be used once.

If you use it too much, it won't work.

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