Fierce shooter

Chapter 433 People who play psychological tricks have dark hearts!

"Three kills of Vayne, my old swan...!"

Wang remembered that he took out his old swan again in his excitement.

This wave of Wei En can be said to be in 1v3.

When the gems arrive on the battlefield, the situation is already at an endgame.

Although Vayne's health volume was not much at that time, her ultimate skill was still there. On the other hand, Xiao Ming's Pike was already out of mana.

Can Pike, who has no mana, be able to do it against Vayne, who has to hit Vayne twice to kill her?

Obviously, this is unknown.

But anyone who has played Vayne can vaguely feel in the situation just now that Vayne's E skill should be cooling down soon.

At that time, Vayne, who has E, can just push Pike away and take Pike's head. Wouldn't it be like grabbing something from a bag?

So this wave of gems itself is just the icing on the cake.

"This wave... Vaien is killing like crazy. Let me tell the truth. Vaien got three kills. This RNG is amazing again."

The smile is very straightforward.

Night Hunter, Vayne!

This name has such great power in Summoner's Rift!

If other heroes take three heads in one wave at the beginning of the game, there is a certain probability that they will be killed again.

Vayne is not without it, but his probability is the smallest among all adcs.

"Brother Luo, you... make me look so stupid."

Liu Qingsong was numb.

To put it bluntly, his arrival this time was just to add a shield to Vayne and then draw a mouthful of blood.

Then there is no more.

When he put the passive on Vayne and released the E skill Glare to try to give Vayne some control help, it happened to be the time when Vayne used the Q skill Displacement.

So the glare is gone.

However, what confused Liu Qingsong was that Li Luo actually shook his head.

"It's a pity that Pike's R didn't dodge, otherwise I would have walked closer to the line, so that your skills could be given in advance, but it's still not perfect."

"Damn it, Brother Luo, do you think you are a human being?!"

Liu Qingsong complained in his heart.

Think about the reminder to Li Luo before, and then look at the corpses on the ground.

Liu Qingsong can only say that playing with Brother Luo will indeed broaden his horizons.

1 versus 3, even if the fight is not at full state, this process can definitely be called dangerous!

It seemed that Vayne's triumphant victory in the end helped him regain more than one-third of his health after completing the kill, but in fact, this was simply a narrow victory.

Since the development of League of Legends, the health bars of each hero have become more and more deceptive.

Being defeated only takes a moment, and the error tolerance rate is getting lower and lower. A small mistake can even turn the entire war situation around!

The troll netizens on the Tieba forum also went completely crazy.

"Have you seen, what is the God of AD, and what is the God of Vayne!"

"Although I am a fan of Uzi, there is nothing to say about this wave. Brother Luo is indeed invincible. He is the only one in the LPL... no, the only AD player in the world."

"Why do I always feel that with the same equipment, other people's A's are so smooth, but my A's are as smooth as a delayed 250? I'm really drunk."

"The most comfortable one is the incense pot. Look, you guys, this guy is at level 7. After this wave of incense pot scares the little tiger, he just leans over and can even get an assist."

"What does it mean to sit back and wait for the rabbit to enter the jungle?"

"I'm wiping, I'm wiping, I'm wiping, I'm wiping. Why did my head go from 2:2 to 2:5 when I went to pee? What on earth happened, brothers?"

"I won't talk about how handsome it is. The moment Brother Luo took out Vayne, the Thorn Birds teammates were already lying down."

"RNG fans said they are ready to target the S10."

Compared with the bustle in the forum and the scene, there was a dead silence in the RNG team's battle table.

Kasa covered his face, this wave really made him shut up.

He didn't know how many times he had ace.

But this Vayne is as if A is immortal.

That kind of despair...


Uzi, on the other hand, pursed his lips and said nothing, and his face began to turn slightly red.

In this wave, anyone who comes will be red and warm.

To be fair, Uzi didn't find it problematic to choose to play in this wave.

But precisely because he felt there was no problem, he felt even more uncomfortable.

It seems that the initiator of this wave of battles is Kasa. In terms of rank, this wave is a typical Kasa sent them away.

But from Uzi's perspective, Casa's move is not only right, it can even be said that he has done a very good job.

Then in a crisis situation, stay calm, punish and restore blood, wait for Vayne to complete a set of three rings, and wait until they are as close to the battlefield as possible before activating the ultimate move.

If someone is not careful during this process and the damage calculation is a little off, then this wave of Casa will be a complete giveaway.

But not Casa.

He took every detail of being a Kindred to the extreme.

Why can't three people catch Vayne who doesn't flash? Why can't he be caught? Why was he killed? !

This is where Uzi gets really crazy.

The opponent did better than he thought, thus changing the entire situation of the battle, which is a huge blow to any professional player with a little arrogance.

"This wave is actually my fault. I didn't expect that he was only one soldier short of 6 experience. It's mine."

Xiao Ming is the one with the most broken mentality in this wave.

In terms of process and results, the reason for this wave of defeat is that Vayne reached level 6.

When Vayne reaches level 6, her increased attack power after she activates her ultimate move and the invisibility state she enters when evading a surprise attack determine the final direction of this battle.

Assuming Vayne has not reached level 6, then he can only kill one person first, use the experience provided by that person's death to reach level 6, and then use his ultimate move.

But it is almost impossible for Vayne who has not reached level 6 to kill someone in that situation. At least she needs more A Ezreal.

However, just the difference in the basic attack was enough to kill Vayne.

Ultimately, it's because Vayne has reached level 6!

"It's meaningless to talk about this now. Let's find a way to drag out the situation. This Vayne... is a bit difficult to deal with now. Avoid the fight. It feels like he will be ruined soon."

Kasa said with a wry smile.

"I think Shi Senming, you should go swimming. You just went to the top lane and had some effects. You go swimming and put pressure on them. I will develop on my own. I will reach 6 soon. If they pass me, I can dodge and move away." ."

uzi said slowly.

In fact, according to Uzi's style of play, he doesn't really like to roam as an assistant.

But in the current situation, Uzi clearly knows that Xiao Ming's Pike is no longer of much use in the bottom lane.

Gem Knight will reach level 6 soon.

The Thorn Birds' double 6 bottom lane duo can already go sideways during the laning phase, and even if Kasa comes back this time, the Thorn Birds may dare to use the gem's ultimate move to fight them head-on in 2v3.

"All right."

Xiao Ming was a little helpless: "Then after I finish eating with you, I will swim when my ultimate skill is almost healed, otherwise I won't have very good results even if I swim."

Xiao Ming's idea is correct.

Whether it can be implemented, however, is another matter.

Because just two minutes later, when his ultimate cooldown was completed, the Thorn Birds had already chosen to form a group.

The first little dragon is a fire dragon.

In the early stage, when there was no one to help the bot lane and they could still gain such a huge advantage, Xiangguo would have to die if he couldn't control Xiaolong.

The thorn bird is obviously determined to win this first little dragon.

At this time, the game time has reached ten minutes.

Li Luo's ruin was only a little short of the synthesis cost.

RNG realizes that if they don't pick up this wave, it may be more difficult to fight later.

Therefore, RNG chose to pick up this wave of groups when the equipment gap between the two sides was not huge.

But while they were trying to take over the group, they couldn't avoid a problem.

That is the CD of Qian Jue’s ultimate move.

"The timing of the Thorn Birds' wave of dragon attacks... is great. Everyone on their side has a big move, but RNG's Qian Jue skill CD that needs the big move the most is still more than half a minute short. This is obvious to the Thorn Birds. I know."

Looking at the situation on the field, Guan Zeyuan sighed with emotion.

"RNG seems to be a little over the top. To be honest, they definitely can't fight this wave. If they fight, they will be blown up... Hey, RNG is planning to fake a team fight. Is it really about grabbing the dragon? Ornn just calls the sheep. ! The formation of the Thorn Birds quickly separated, but this little dragon... Oops, the level is 2 levels lower. This wave of Kasa Punishment failed to defeat the excavator, which can only be said to be excusable. "

Wang remembered shaking his head. It seemed like it was only the early stage, but the situation seemed to be getting worse for RNG.

Smile was staring deeply at the screen. He vaguely thought of something, but he couldn't be sure yet.

Xiaolong was successfully punished by the incense pot, everyone in RNG retreated, and Qianjue reluctantly retreated with about a quarter of his health with the help of his teammates.

In the next five minutes, that is, between ten and fifteen minutes, the Thorn Birds once again harvested three heads.

They were Vayne's forcible kill of Ornn when she turned to the road, Excavator's solo kill of Kindred in the wild, and the capture of Xiaohu in the middle.

In contrast, the RNG team barely made some gains. The timely support of Xiaohu's Karma roaming the wild area forced the excavator to stay when it was about to evacuate.

Fortunately, Kindred's ultimate move delayed enough time, giving Karma the opportunity to come over to support.

Xiao Ming's Pike also arrived in time. Uzi's long-range ultimate move hit the excavator, and the head was killed by Pike's ultimate move.

Uzi and Xiao Ming's Pike both get money. This can undoubtedly be regarded as the best head allocation on RNG's side.

The only regret is that there is already a bounty on Xiangguo's head.

But no matter what, this wave at least retains some hope for RNG to make a comeback.

However, Xiaolong RNG has no way to get involved.

Fortunately, the second dragon is the wind dragon, which will not have a great impact on the overall situation. RNG directly chooses to let go and supplement its development as much as possible.

The Canyon Pioneer was also obtained by the Thorn Bird fourteen minutes ago and knocked out, helping Li Luo eat some Tapi's money.

Li Luo had already eaten a lot of tapas on the bottom lane.

Now he is on the road again and has a good time with the Canyon Pioneer, which makes Li Luo's economy bubble up.

In just over 15 minutes, I already had the ruins, attack speed boots and the green cross in hand.

With these two pieces of output equipment, Vayne's combat effectiveness has reached its peak.

However, the two sides still maintained a stable laning development situation on the whole, and RNG only lost one of its defense towers in the bottom lane.

The economic difference between the two parties is close to 4,000 yuan, which is not small, but not particularly large.

At this moment, the smile sitting in the commentary box finally confirmed his previous thoughts.

"The Thorn Birds' desire to attack is not particularly strong. There is always a feeling of being delayed."

At the commentary table, Guan Zeyuan was thoughtful.

"The standard BO5 law."

Smile heard the words and said happily: "Although the Thorn Birds are a new team, they seem to be more proficient in BO5 combat experience than those old and powerful teams. It is obvious that they are playing with their mentality."

"In the first round, the Thorn Birds had a huge advantage and directly crushed it. It can be said that it blinded RNG. From the BP in the second round and even some early layouts, we can also see that RNG adjusted its mentality very quickly. Quickly, the first powerful impact comes and goes quickly."

"So... the Thorn Birds have changed their tactics. They want to slow down the pace as much as possible and squeeze the mentality of the RNG players bit by bit. Anyway, Vayne will take the lead in the late stages. Now this As long as the 4/0 Vayne remains immortal and continues her growth rate, she will be invincible in the later stages. No one on RNG can resist Vayne's output."

Smile is obviously very authoritative in analyzing adc.

Wang Jiji, who was beside him, said thoughtfully: "But this also gives the RNG team players room for development in disguise..."

Speaking of this, Wang remembered that his tone suddenly stopped.

He suddenly realized the problem with this fight until now.

The Thorn Birds did not change the double lane to the middle lane.

Instead, it was switched to the top.

This also forced Ornn, who was on the top lane, to run to the bottom lane without defensive towers to line up with the troops.

As we all know, as long as the space for movement is large enough and the depth of pursuit is long enough, then the troops are capable of killing Ornn alone.

So... Ornn seems to be developing peacefully with the troops, but in fact Ornn's lane is no longer playable. At this time, Ornn seems to have no choice but to squat in front of his second tower and wait for the troops to advance.

So the question is, are the people and horses pushing the line fast?

The answer is obvious.

For the troops, a wave of troops only requires two electric fans. Even if there is a sports car, two electric fans can be added at most, no more.

What will the troops who cleared the line do?

Of course, enter the jungle area, farm the stone men, and find Qian Jue's position.

In the lower half of the area, in addition to F6, Kindred has to make careful decisions if he wants to brush the other two groups of wild monsters.

The upper half of the wild area seems to have become a breeding farm contracted by Incense Pot.

Being caught before was just an accident.

Now Vayne is on top, holding down Ezreal and Pike. Vayne in the two-piece set has this confidence and confidence!

The gem...has begun to wobble.

"Qian Jue's level... is already bad, and the mark is still only one level. This is really..."

Guan Zeyuan's eyes were complicated.

This Kindred is so miserable.

He was already worried about Casa's mentality.

And Wang remembered that he also understood at this time how stupid the question he asked was.

Yes, the Thorn Birds did give RNG room to develop.

The problem is that the only people they can develop in a relatively comfortable manner seem to be Ezreal and Karma.

There is no difference between Karma's normal development and his minor development. They both rely on his teammates.

Originally, Kalma could rely on two.

Now, I can only rely on Ezreal.

Under such pressure from the Thorn Birds, even if Qian Jue was given twenty minutes to develop, he still would not be able to develop 100%.

This Qianjue has been scrapped.

People who play tactics have a bad heart.

People who use psychological tactics... their hearts are already dark!

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