Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~

【SideB】Human Feast Devoured by Alien Food (3)

The dream world is the world of perception. As for the so-called "cognition", there are two different terms, one is your perception and understanding of a certain thing; the other is whether you can admit the existence of this thing.

The concept of "cognition" in this world is the combination of the two terms. At the same time, the "something" as the object of cognition is no longer a man-made or naturally existing thing, but a purely fictional item.

In exchange for the widely known terms, it is "imagination", "delusion" or even "fantasy".

Therefore, the dream world is also a fantasy world. Everything here is imaginary. Maybe it comes from the objective world, but in essence it is just the dreamer's subjective reflection of things in the objective world.

Having said that, the factors that make up the dream world can be simplified - "imagination" and "cognition".

Even though the cracks of dreams limit the influence of people's imagination on the world, it does not shake the position of cognition in this world. So even if it is said that everyone's cognition is reality, it is not an exaggeration at all.

Whether it is the evil spirit or the devourer, they all rely on the cognition of the rulers to exist, and it is not us observers who interfere, because you are the one who recognizes their existence, and they are the "cognition of everyone".

In fact, we have never had absolute dominance over this world, and you are the ones who give us the rights.

You can’t regenerate after death, or you will be revived after 4 hours after death—it’s not so much a rule we set, it’s better to say it’s your accepted norm. The rules are indeed proposed by us, but your support is indispensable.

In the eyes of you rulers, the "dream madman" is the god of evil tastes, no matter how reluctant you are and how much you complain, you have silently developed the cognition that "the observer is the god" in your heart.

The truth is, it is not we who have the rights, but the name "Dream Madman". And it is not we the observers who have given the right to this name, but your rulers.

Everything in this world is based on your cognition and is a delusion that you admit and accept.

We are just observers of this war of domination, but you are the dominators of this war of domination.

Unsealed past memories, faced with the death of your companion... What will you do now, Su Luoyang?

Although the opinions of observers are different, and there are even completely opposite situations, we really have high hopes for you. We believe that you, who are getting closer to the truth, can save all of us one day.

This is the only way out, the only way out for you and me. But don't let us down.


My thoughts seemed to wander in the boundless universe, and I suddenly pulled out of the world of my thoughts, and adjusted my heavy breathing while holding onto my chest, my vision was filled with hazy mist.

"Evil spirits are the home of those who cannot wake up."

I repeated the words I heard after traveling into the giant baby's consciousness, and a sudden nausea in my throat made me cough hard.

"The Devourer is a spiritual combination formed by the negative will that wanders in the dream and has no fixed place."

Is this really the case?

Although I had long expected that both the Evil Spirit and the Devourer were once living people, when I was told the truth by the person involved, I felt extremely uncomfortable. I clenched my hand tightly against my chest.

"The reason why the giant baby keeps filling the vacant parts of the body is because he thinks that as long as he grows toward the "perfect self" without defects, he will one day become a human being. This is the origin of his "growth desire"."

"Hey watch out! He's about to pounce!" Chart yelled at us with flaming eyes.

Anxiety-filled roars came towards us, the super-large evil spirits rushed blindly with earth-shattering pace, and a large cloud of smoke and dust that almost took away the vision instantly surged up, and the force of the pounce was enough to pierce through ten stacked I.

The moment the giant spirit's claws fell on us, Chalt and we turned to the two sides, shoveled across the open space, passed through the giant body of the giant spirit, and came to his back.

The giant spirit obviously didn't have the almost perverted agility of the devourer, and couldn't move with ease while dragging its huge body. After being flashed by us, it stopped in place for a few seconds before turning around dully.

Just like a child who was caught playing a ghost-hunting game, the giant spirit exhaled from the nasal cavity very unpleasantly, and the evil spirits that made up the throat expressed their anxious mood with intertwined mournful sounds, and roared towards us.

"This time it's on the right leg!" Chalt was keenly aware of its movement, and he glanced at me with concern, and asked urgently, "Lin Yu, are you okay?"

"Of course—I really want to answer that, but I really need a buffer now."

"Well, leave it to me."

The tea cat lazily closed its eyes, raised its right arm holding the huge sword horizontally, and slowly approached the gray-black hilt to hold it with its left hand. She swung the blade horizontally with both hands, pointing the tip at the sky, and opened her eyes again.

The pupils that had always lost their focus and showed wanton laziness turned out to be shining at this moment, and stars were dancing in the depths of the pupils. The confidence in her eyes made me involuntarily accept her kindness, and handed over my eyes to her with confidence.

The roaring giant spirit seems to have made a plan to capture us in one fell swoop. He gathers the power from different individuals all over his body, concentrates on his legs, and then swings his right leg and rushes towards us in a violent storm.

What resisted the super-large evil spirit's leg that could cover my entire field of vision was a huge sword standing on the ground that was a few points higher than us, but it was only a few points higher than us. It looks petite in front of you.

The strong wind kicked up by the kick was enough to blow away everything nearby, but the tea cat stood firmly in place, as if it was in a different space from the gust of wind, waiting for its arrival, and the overwhelming volume of its huge feet instantly crushed a piece of it. shadow.

Her vision became dim, and her pupils were like stars in the night. The tea cat kicked back into the air, her upper body suddenly leaned forward to sprint, she swung the sword in her hand, the movement was so fast that it left an afterimage, like a waning moon.

At the moment when the two sides collided, the violent wind that was pressing on the girl unilaterally was instantly dispersed by the scattered airflow, and the direction of the storm changed to the two sides of the intersection point between the blade and the giant feet. It just happened in a split second.

The confrontation that followed couldn't even be maintained for a full second, and the silver-white blade sank into the giant feet. The parts formed by the individual evil spirits were cut sideways, and the condensed black shadow suddenly dissipated, and the light had the opportunity to flow into the gap.

"Wait—wait a minute!"

Clear words came out of the giant's Pac-Man-like opening and closing mouth, but its articulation was as immature as a child who just learned to speak.

The tea cat didn't intend to listen to what it said at all, its white fingers suddenly increased its weight, and the blade endowed with strange power cut off its leg, and the blue crystal chips spread like a prairie fire, and the separated parts quickly dissipated.

The silent scene turned into an earth-shattering bang, and the astonishment expressed in the giant spirit's tone suddenly turned into anger.

"Hey! They're scattered!" Chart shouted nervously.

Before I could take over the tea cat's position and prepare for the next round of attack, the broken super-large leg actually dispersed into more than thirty evil spirits. And most of the individuals that make up the legs have been crushed into crystal chips and disappeared.

Because the damage done to it in the previous two times was not as large as the area affected by the tea cat this time, all the evil spirits that were knocked out have been smashed and can no longer move freely. This caused me to fail to foresee the current situation.

This time the situation is different. After the leg is torn, there are still many complete evil spirit individuals in the part of the broken leg, and these individuals are equivalent to turning back into free bodies.

The overall will is to grow, but the will of the individual is distorted by the command of the devil to destroy the No. 2 clock.

The moment we realized this, the scattered evil spirits rushed towards us in an instant. The sharp claws flashed dangerously past me, and Yuzi's hand immediately counterattacked and wanted to grab my neck, and the gunshot exploded before that.

Chalt put the muzzle of the gun against the forehead of the evil spirit that was approaching me, and fired without hesitation. The other pistol did not leave any space, and fired two bullets respectively to repel the two black streaks that were trying to get close to him. film.

After this coherent movement, he stretched out his ring finger and middle finger to grab my clothes and pulled me away from the shadows. At the same time, three or four evil spirits pressed against me and Chart's back respectively.

With this force majeure, our chests collided, and my hands passed over his shoulders, palms outstretched forward, and Chalt stepped down over the raised arms of the gun, fingers on the trigger.

While the wonderful feeling of colliding with the boy's chest echoed in my heart, Chart fired at the target design, and I turned into a dark knight again to push out the barrier, and we simultaneously attacked the enemies behind each other.

"I said, why are you blushing... It makes me a little sick to my stomach."

"...Aren't you the same? My heart is more disgusting than yours. Please turn your face away."

"Do you want to die? Turn around and I can't see the enemy."

There was a deadly awkwardness between the two of us, and we couldn't wait to part after shooting the enemy in each other's backs, and I secretly made up my mind that the same thing would never happen again.

But when I just turned my eyes to look elsewhere, I found that about ten evil spirits rushed towards the black cat and Xue Xueer.

"Hey! Why didn't you observe such a thing?"

I hurriedly exchanged glances with Charte, and his expression suddenly became flustered. I wanted to rush over there and keep those evil spirits out, but the rest of the evil spirits stalked us and wouldn't give us room to go anywhere else.

"This is 'absolute observation' and not 'absolute prediction'. I'm not as proficient as dad."

This kind of dominance ability relying on proficiency to determine superiority is also useless to me. For example, even if I wear Chart's mask, I will definitely not be able to use his ability well.

Xue Xueer's eyes moved slightly towards the direction where the evil spirits were attacking, and the color of the flames became deeper and deeper. She seemed to want to support the new curtain wall to restrain the evil spirits from coming over, but the dark green pupils took advantage of her gap to intensify. Offensive.

"You arrogant bastard, do you think there is still time to take care of others!"

The dark green pupils raised their arms and pulled upwards, and the mechanical units surrounded by Xue Xueer's front and back immediately moved up, taking advantage of the condescending advantage to break through the defense of the replica.

A crack was torn open on the bright white curtain wall, and then spread like a spider web. The dark green pupil waved his left hand vigorously to hold the scepter standing in the air, and the mechanical soldier also imitated his action and re-clutched the hilt of the sword that shot out the laser light.

"You're right—maybe we've all improved, but mine is definitely the one that has improved the most!"

The dark green pupil took a step back as he spoke, and then made a standard spear-throwing motion. The scepter left his palm and shot towards the curtain wall facing him.

And because of his half-step back, the mechanical soldiers on the side of the curtain wall retreated neatly, avoiding the flying scepter, which was obviously the result of clever calculations.

"Bastard, stop it!"

I didn't care about the evil spirit behind me baring its teeth and claws, and shouted loudly in the direction of the dark green pupils. The sharp claws of the evil spirit stretched out to my back, but the giant sword thrown from the side by the tea cat pierced through my body.

The sword body circled half a circle in the air and returned to the tea cat's hand on the same trajectory as when it came back. On the way, it dispelled several black shadows.

As if he finally heard my shout, the dark green pupil turned his head with a sly smile, but unexpectedly, a thunderous and shocking flame flew towards him in an instant, the speed was too fast to stop, and the lightning had already entered the pupil .

The scepter with dark green pupils was shaped like three skulls juxtaposed at the top, with purple eyes glowing in the eyes.

At the moment when the top was close to the white curtain wall and did not enter it, the cracks suddenly spread to both sides, and then the center of the cobwebs connected by the cracks immediately broke out an irregular hole, and rushed straight into the curtain wall with the momentum of shooting through Xue Xueer.

The gloomy light in the skull directly approached Xue Xueer's pupils, reflecting the same color of light. Trembling because of this, Xue Xueer opened his eyes round, as if the skeleton he was looking at was close to the center of his field of vision, but he stopped moving without warning.

——The whole body covered with steel reflected the metallic luster. This young man broke into the mechanical arms regardless of his own risk. He stopped in front of the curtain wall and quickly grasped the magic staff.

Xue Xueer didn't know this young man, so he probably had no reason to save himself. Confused, she staggered away from the boy's figure and looked behind him, only to see hundreds of girls in different costumes breaking into the battlefield between her and the Thousand Legion.

Xue Xueer had a good impression of the girl who stood far outside the battlefield. She was wearing a black and white maid outfit, and her smooth cherry pink hair was tied into a tall long ponytail, giving her a somewhat gentle temperament.

"Yakko asked me to tell you that she will help you share part of the troops." The boy in front of Xue Xueer finally spoke. She glanced at the boy's face, but unexpectedly noticed that there were many traces of high temperature on his body.

" really fought hard, tsk tsk tsk."

Yin's hoarse and boring voice sounded, with a slightly unpleasant provocative tone.

"How dare you say that! We haven't asked where you've been yet." Chart shot back mercilessly.

"Well... Actually it's a long story, but I can also make a long story short—" Yin, who was about to explain the reason, was interrupted by the roaring giant baby. He looked at its huge figure in shock, "This super-large What happened to the evil spirit?"

"Hey...Silver, is this the way to use this tool?"

The question in the distance caused Gin to turn around in a daze, and saw that Arkaite was holding a ball wrapped in thick cloth, using a silver needle without aesthetic feeling to highlight the top of the ball.

About six or seven evil spirits frantically raised their strangely shaped hands, with bloody saliva drooping from the corners of their mouths, and ran towards Arkaite with distorted steps, but the target was the black cat behind Arkaite.

"Ah, that's right. You can use it by pulling out the insurance and throwing it out." Silver replied casually.

Hearing that, Arquette swung the cloak that was obstructing her movement, pulled off the silver needle and took a throwing posture, throwing the ball at the evil spirit. The sluggish evil spirit didn't care about the flying danger, and only knew to move forward blindly.

Immediately afterwards, the spherical object transformed into a powerful magic circle. At first there was only one side of the star array, but then four or five identical hexagrams were quickly copied and spread out backwards and forwards, trapping the evil spirits like a tunnel, and then causing an explosion.

With the crackling sound of the tearing wind, the earth-shattering fire tore off the evil spirit's body, and immediately spread a cloud of gray-black smoke around it, so choking that Arquette couldn't help stretching out his hand to block the pungent smell blown by the wind and waves.

The peculiar smell that poured into the nasal cavity awakened the consciousness of the dark green pupil. The dark green pupil was coughing in pain, as if his mind had been taken away just for a moment, as if someone had broken the shackles of memory and spied on everything about him.

"Then... what's going on?"

Dark green pupil shook his head hard trying to find the answer, but he only remembered the abnormal state that happened to him after the moment he met Lin Yu, but he didn't know what Lin Yu did to him, which made him hold his hand angrily. right hand.

As if affected by his movements, the scepter that the Iron Boy was holding on to suddenly trembled violently, and unexpectedly broke free from his palm, and flew back into the dark green pupil's hand as if with self-awareness.

"Tch..." The young man exhaled angrily, and looked at Xue Xue'er hastily, "It's okay to leave this place to you and Yingzi, right? I'm going to Alcatel to help."

Xue Xueer lightly moved his chin to show his agreement, and the boy who got the response took a step back, looked at Yingzi from afar, and then passed through the army of mechanical units to where Chart and Lin Yu were.

"I'm going to help deal with that super-sized evil spirit now."

Arquette looked at the black cat, doubting whether she could maintain this mutual restraint.

"Go~ I'm fine." The black cat nodded slightly, and his tone of pretending to be friendly seemed very cold.

Since the other party doesn't want to stay here, it would be against chivalry to forcefully help. Arquette stopped asking for confirmation, and prepared to chase in the direction of Lin Yu and the others.

It's just that the moment he turned around, a keen perception brought by the "eye of insight" came to his heart.

The suddenly vigilant Arquette quickly turned around and reminded:

"Hey, watch out ahead!"

As soon as the words fell, the black cat felt a strange force appearing in front of her chest without warning, and the water mist gathered from nowhere instantly separated her and Lena to the two sides.

The black cat stretched out its right hand and unhurriedly called out the blue vines, trying to restrain Reina's movements, but unexpectedly, Reina turned around first, facing the black cat. She struggled to breathe, sweat running down her cheeks.

"I see~ You can even control your own sweat, can't you?"

"I should thank you for being close to my back. It is not easy for me to sweat."

"I made you do something that didn't fit your image, I'm sorry~" The black cat was as comfortable as talking with a friend.

It was obvious that Lena's dignified posture had been trampled to pieces by the black cat, but she still waved her fan gracefully, raised her foggy eyes and stared at the black cat, exuding a haughty and dignified aura.

"After such a long time, you can clearly kill me."

"Ah, that's right~" the black cat shrugged, and admitted her statement indifferently.

"You will pay for your stupidity!"

The black cat squinted its eyes, and its eyes wandered between Reina and the general, so it stretched out its right hand softly and beckoned to Reina.

"Arket, just leave this place to me alone."

As if feeling that Arquette hadn't heard what he meant clearly, the black cat repeated what he had said in other ways, with a haughty attitude like the owner who chased away guests to send Arquette away.

Even though Arkat was worried, after weighing the danger of the super-large evil spirit and Reina, he gave up trying to persuade the black cat, and left a sentence of "be careful yourself" before speeding up to the other side.

"Where did you guys go, and it took you so long to come here?"

After reuniting with Arquette, Chalt couldn't help asking in a somewhat complaining tone, during which he kept watching the movement of the giant spirit.

Charte believed that if clock No. 8 encountered danger, it would definitely notify clock No. 3 who was closest to them at the first time, but in fact, they were the last to arrive.

"Sorry. We were indeed fighting the evil spirits at first, but then someone led the Devourer to our side. We were ready to rush over as soon as we heard the strange noise, but the Devourer trapped us."

"The Devourer? Clock Eight is in trouble because of the Devourer." I glanced sideways at the Master of Clock Eight, who was battling a dwindling number of evil spirits.

"It shouldn't be a coincidence. Because we encountered the ruler of clock number six when we retreated. According to them, clock number one deliberately attracted the Devourer."

"Wait... you said clock number six?"

I suddenly remembered what Molutong and Reina said before, the mirror master and the lantern are fighting against the master of clock number six.

Arquette drew his rapier and passed under the giant spirit, cutting a long and thin scar on its body.

"Yes. Number 1 of clock number six told me that clock number one sent them a gauntlet and lured them to the agreed place. Although they were extremely careful, they did not expect that the other party would lure the Devourer .”

I see. At first, I thought it was a clever tactic to send only two rulers against clock number 1 to face clock number 6, but I didn't expect to use the strategy used to deal with clock number 8, that is, to use the power of the devourer.

"The Devourer is very difficult to deal with. If we were alone, we might not be able to escape so quickly. This matter is thanks to the people at clock number six. After all, we evacuated with their assistance."

wrong. Only with the assistance of clock number six can't escape, because the mirror master and the lantern must be guarding outside. The only valid theory is that the Mirror Master and Lantern deliberately let Arket and the others go.

Even if the mirror master and the lantern are outside to stop it. The combination of Clock No. 3 and Clock No. 6 may not be able to defeat the Devourer. So the stopgap was to let clock number three go so they could deal with clock number six.

"At this time, how can clock number six help people from other clocks?" Chart asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. At that time, I also thought they were cheating, but they really helped us. I think they might want to join forces with us to deal with clock number one."

"No. 1 clock, no matter how strong it is, there is no need to unite four clocks to deal with them, right?"

"Anyway, clock No. 6 holds the most information about clock No. 1, right?" Arquette deliberately imitated Chalt's sentence pattern, and responded to him with a bit of gunpowder.

Although this was Arquette's answer to Chalt, Chalt didn't pay much attention to it. On the contrary, I was inspired by his words and suddenly thought of something.

"Arket, you mean... clock number six has a lot of information about clock number one, doesn't it?"

I stretched out my taut left palm, aiming at the wobbling evil spirit, and stretched out only the index finger of my right hand, leaning against the left palm and drawing circles non-stop. The barrier pushed forward immediately took on a vortex shape, sucking in the evil spirit's waved hand.

"Well... for unknown reasons, they are extremely obsessed with clock one. Since the domination of the war, clock number six has been devoted to collecting information on clock one, and has engaged them several times, directly or secretly."

The rapidly rotating vortex in the barrier sucked the giant spirit's palm, restricting the movement of his right hand. Immediately, the giant spirit swung his left hand to destroy the barrier, and an unbelievable blast of wind rushed towards him.

Chalt was the first to notice its movement through absolute observation. Under his stern reminder, the steel-clad boy stomped back to detonate the air, and rushed towards the giant spirit's face like a rocket ascending to the sky, slashing across with an iron fist.

Alket quickly aimed at this opportunity, raised his sword and slashed at the arm of the giant spirit.

"I want to confirm one thing, Arquette. The target of clock number one is clock number six, isn't it you?"

"Yeah. It's purely a coincidence. They were targeting clock number six."

The sword cut off the giant spirit's hand, causing it to roar furiously. It stopped at the same place and sucked out the storm again. There were only evil spirits around the eighth clock, but the number did not exceed 20.

We can't be sure what it will do when it learns it can't get its arm back, and if that's in our favor.

After that, the tea cat immediately walked forward with footsteps that I could hardly catch. She raised her head and flashed past the huge palm of the giant spirit with a slight difference.

The tea cat swung the huge sword in its hand that was far heavier than its own body weight, cutting out silver light with a gorgeous trajectory, piercing into its chest, the blade collided with the strange light in the gap, creating an incredible storm .

I raised my arms to block the oncoming sandstorm, and the giant spirit roared and fell to the side. I did not forget to wave my arms with such a momentum that the tea cat jumped up calmly, tiptoeing on the giant spirit's arm Kick up.

When she noticed it again, the tea cat was already holding the hilt of the sword with her backhand. She jumped over the giant spirit's side chest, raised her upper body high, and swung her hands downward at a condescending angle. The air is shredded together.

The strange light in the depths of the giant spirit's chest turned into powder with the sound of glass shattering, and then lost its dazzling light. Countless mournful cries poured in, as if to swallow this sick world.

From the individual to the whole, now from the whole to the individual, and finally scattered into sparkling stardust, like a ray of sunlight trickling into the sky.

"As expected... the will to support this super-large evil spirit is actually only concentrated on a tiny point."

I breathed a sigh of relief, and after a little emotion, my mind returned to the question just now.

From monitoring our stronghold, to Chalter saying that they had negotiated with Clock No. 9, to luring the Devourer to attack Clock No. 6 and No. 8, the leader of Clock No. 1 has almost formulated different tasks for each clock.

However, if it can be concluded from this that their plan is to "perform different tasks for different targets", then it seems unreasonable to omit the clock number three alone.

Now the biggest obstacle to Clock No. 1 is us, so it is easy to understand their purpose of targeting Clock No. 8, which is to weaken our power. And among us, Clock Eight is the easiest team to deal with.

"Clock No. 8—tsk tsk... This is the most dangerous team with only half of the Dominators left!"

——After all, Dream Madman said such things in front of everyone. I think it's impossible for clock number one not to notice what he said, and part of the reason why they will stare at clock number eight must come from the words of the dream madman.

Negotiations with Clock No. 9 are likely to be aimed at us; the surveillance of our stronghold is easier to explain, because we would also like to know the whereabouts of Clock No. 1.

It is not ruled out that they have other actions in places that we do not know about. Among these actions that I know, only staring at the number six clock seems unreasonable. Forced explanations can also be justified, but it always seems to be inconsistent.

Now Arkaite's words made me suddenly find the key, because clock No. 6 is the faction that holds the most information about clock No. 1. For that reason, the No. 1 clock has reason to list them as one of their top targets.

However, I think they can choose a better solution. Using the power of the Devourer is suitable for the number eight clock with fewer people, but the number of people on the six clock is not a lot in my impression. Therefore, formulating such a plan is simply a failure.

If I were to explain this unreasonable failure, the one I would choose is——

It's like clock No. 6 has a very critical piece of information and is closely related to the planners, causing their leaders to be extremely anxious and formulate this imperfect action plan without sufficient thinking.

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