Evil will not deceive you

Chapter 420 The Gradually Expanding Team of the Undead

This is a very painful thing, but it is also the least expensive way Terenas can find.

"You'd better wake up, my daughter. Since you were born as a princess and enjoy the treatment as a princess, you must understand what your responsibilities are as a princess."

Terenas looked at his daughter indifferently. He could see the hatred in her eyes and the helplessness about her fate in her eyes, but this was the fate of royal children.

Whether she likes it or not, she has to accept this fate.

"Besides, Caliya, my daughter, don't you really think that the guard you like really thinks he likes you? Is it really not because of your identity? My daughter."

Terenas waved his hand. Although he asked his own question, he did not intend to listen to his daughter's answer.

Because she still believes in love and believes that the other person really likes her as a person, not her identity.

Unfortunately, as a king, he can only make such guesses.

And most of the time, his guesses were correct.

Although his wife had checked it out in the early years, he still had to check it out as the king.

"Go and see if he really likes Jialia. If it is true, let him avoid the limelight for a while. If it is..."

He didn't say any more, because smart subordinates would solve all problems.

The attendant accepted the order and left, while Terenas sat on the throne, looking at the place where Calia was crying before, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Alsace, my son, you must..."

As he spoke, Terenas closed his eyes.


“The price of woolen cloth and cotton cloth has dropped?”

Alsace looked at the report in confusion.

"Isn't this a good thing? Our people can get cheaper cloth. And there are many businessmen buying wool cloth and cotton. Although it is not as good as woven cotton cloth to bring them more income, but since The prices of woolen cloth and cotton cloth have dropped, which is a good thing, as it allows them to get better treatment while the overall cost of living remains unchanged."

Looking at Kel'Thuzad's report to him, Arthas' face showed a look of joy, but immediately, his expression changed.

"It seems that you have also thought about it. Yes, our workers, the value they can create has become less. So we must find a way to ban the import of these woolen cloths and cotton cloths."

Kel'Thuzad pointed out what Arthas was thinking about, which was that they had set up a very low-cost job that would allow the undead workers to work as long as possible and get more money for their children. Square.

The scale of these workshops is larger than Li Ke's factories combined, and the number of people is also the same, because countless nobles under Alsace like this kind of workers who don't know how to be tired.

Although they have to pay because of Alsace, the tireless Forsaken workers only need a little bit of junk food to kill themselves without taking a break. They are simply the greatest workers, so they are the greatest workers for Alsace. With considerable support, it didn't take long to build a huge handicraft center in the original town.

Because of this, businessmen from the entire kingdom began to gather here: not only to support the prince, but also to make money for themselves, and to win favor with Terenas.

Such a thing that achieves multiple things with one stone couldn't be better!

Because of this, the number of undead is also increasing.

After all, seeing that the undead could get one and a half times their wages and still save money, a large number of landless farmers would not think too much.

For those who do not live to be in their thirties, becoming immortal in their twenties or thirties is not a big deal.

After all, it is better for a person to become an immortal than to be plagued by illness and then return home to watch his wife and children suffer from hunger, right?

And with one less person to eat, their family will save money faster.

Therefore, the undead factory established by Alsace is quite popular, and the nobles are also very honest, paying what is due and not intending to default at all.

“So are we going to ban imports?”

Arthas rubbed his forehead, but he also knew that this was impossible. Although Lordaeron was generally self-sufficient, many supplies needed to be imported from other places.

Especially things like woolen cloth and cotton.

Lordaeron's hegemony comes from their food, and Arthas understands it very well, because the Road to Lordaeron can produce a large amount of food, and the Stratholme area can supply elves, humans, Kul Tiras, and Austria. Trunk, as well as Stromgarde, Dalaran and several other countries.

Although these countries are not unable to farm, if they only rely on the food in their own territories, they don't have to do anything.

Therefore, most of the food fields in these countries are not self-sufficient, and population development is even more nonsense.

And the most important thing is that although the wages of these workers will decrease, the people of Lordaeron in other places can enjoy a large amount of cheap woolen cloth.

That's something his current production can't make up for.

If he wants to increase tariffs and improve the happiness of his people, he must expand the number of undead.

But now the number of undead has...

At this moment, Kel'Thuzad spoke.

"Your Highness, there are some people who want to become undead recently. They are all infected by an unknown plague, and whether they are mages or holy light priests, there is no good way."

Arthas narrowed his eyes.

"Did you find out?"

Because he strictly prohibited healthy people from becoming undead, there had been cases where lords killed their own people to make them undead. So when he heard about the large-scale casualties, his first reaction was that these insects were causing trouble again.

"It was not them, Your Highness, I have already checked and found that it was not them. In fact, even the noble himself was infected with the plague because of his treatment of civilians."


A good role model!

Arthas nodded, then thought for a moment before speaking.

"Who is this nobleman? I want to praise him."

What he didn't realize was that his posture just now was very much like his father's, with the same majesty and elusiveness.

"Baron Barov, well, I know it's for some reasons, but..."

The guy my father left me to win people's hearts?

Thinking of this, Arthas interrupted Kel'Thuzad.

"Those who are willing to fight and work hard for the people of Lordan Road are my subjects. Let him come over, Kel'Thuzad, and tell him that I want to discuss the future with him."

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