However, the person who drank the water jumped for less than a minute before falling into the water with a pop.

When other people saw this, they were not surprised and continued to do their own things.

Some stopped praying and started washing vegetables, washing rice, washing clothes and peeing.

As for the green corpse floating over?

Isn't it normal for there to be corpses in their sacred river?

What's all the fuss about.

And the water rushes downstream.

It was another city where people began to drink water from the river.

Some people even took the water home, and the whole family gathered together.

There are also some people who feel vaguely uneasy

"This water is poisonous!"

"Impossible, this is Ganges water, our mother river, how could it be poisonous? It must be because your poison resistance is not high enough"

"You must have done something wrong and Lord Shiva will not bless you!"

"Let’s drink together!"

"Drink, drink, drink!"

In less than a few minutes, another group of people fell into the river.

The toxins of the Poison Master of Doom are indeed terrifying.

Not only are they highly poisonous, they can also regenerate.

Those who were poisoned flowed along the river, and their bodies were���The elements gradually melted, turning into green water and blending into the river again.

So the toxin has not dissipated, but has become more intense!

In the end, the entire Ganges River mutated into green.

The people of Asan Kingdom were dependent on this river, which led to their succession.

Just a few hours.

The population of Asan Kingdom dropped by one million.

Such things naturally attracted the attention of the powerful people in Asan Kingdom.

Among them, the only woman among the nine turns: Master Kali, noticed all this.

Even if she reaches rank nine, her status in this country is still very embarrassing.

She is not a noble, nor is she royalty.

But a slave.

However, after everyone changed their profession, she actually became a curse mage and mastered SSS-level talents.

She was so anxious that she realized that she was the reincarnation of the wife of Lord Shiva and the projection of the goddess Kali. Anyone who disrespected her would face bad luck.

This magic trick defeated magic and gave her a chance to grow, and she has survived until now.

But civilians are stupid.

People who have reached high positions do not believe the lies created by Kali at all.

Their identity is just a means for them to win over resources!

They passed this belief down from generation to generation and it became a rule.

No one can offend them.

Anyone who offended was killed.

So they also launched a war of public opinion, saying that after Kali was just a slave, he was not qualified to receive resources. Kali alone could not defeat the other nine turns.

I can only swallow my anger and hold back,

"All this must be the work of the damn poison master. He must be making some kind of poison again."

"I can’t control it!"

"Please inform me that the tribes under my command are not allowed to use the water of the holy river recently."

"Let’s just say that God Shiva punishes those who disrespect him by making the water of the Ganges turbid. Don’t quote it for now!"

"yes!"Kali's men nodded immediately.

And as the news went out, more people learned about the situation.

Some nobles and royal families speculated that the poison master did it.

But naturally they did not dare to speak.

They could only restrain themselves. My subordinates, don't continue to use the water.

In fact, as a holy river, this place has indeed become a resource point after the national transfer, and drinking the water here can enhance poison resistance.

However, how many people can withstand a nine. What about the poison that explodes before death?

Not even those who change jobs ?

…… the other side.

Qin Xiu in the hotel had no idea about these things.

After all, civilians in Asan Kingdom were poisoned to death because of the tornado, and they would not appear in the system channel.

Even more.

Kill civilians.

There is no prompt per se.

Nothing good comes of it.

At the same time, there is no downside.

In this world, civilians are nothing but ants.

This was the reason why Qin Xiu fought so hard in the first place.

Even in life professions, some top talents, such as equipment masters, enchanters, etc.

He was complimented by many combat career changers and praised by many stars.

But when it comes to disaster or danger.

These people have no ability to resist.

Destiny has always been in the hands of powerful people

"Just looking at the system text is a bit boring!"

"By the way, when I changed jobs before, the system reminded me that new content was available!"

"Void Arena!"

Qin Xiu immediately thought of this thing.

Moreover, while watching Qiao Bingbing's live broadcast before,

Qin Xiu also noticed that a boss left a message saying that the combat job transfer scroll can be obtained in the store.

He has a lot of honor points.

"Open the camp store."

The next moment, Qin Xiu's system popped up a virtual store page.

It was the camp store.

The four words"Limited Sale" on the front page attracted Qin Xiu's attention.

The first one was the job transfer scroll.

【Combat profession transfer scroll: You can transfer to a random combat profession, and each person can purchase only 1 copy. Price: 10 billion camp honor】

"No wonder that person said that these people were in the cloud combat profession. It turned out that when we reached the second round and opened the camp store, the first item was this!"

This reminds Qin Xiu of a famous sentence on the Internet in his previous life.

The undergraduate rate is less than 5%.

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