Chapter 747 The God of Wealth Passing by

 It wasn’t until the front came to urge her that Mrs. Li took the child and went out.

 In the hall, Po Wen, who delivered the baby the day before, suddenly transformed into the midwife.

She hugged Xingxing with one hand, gently scooped up some water with the other hand, and patted Xingxing's face and forehead.

Xingxing didn't understand what was going on. He expressed his anger with his hands and feet, and started to cry while tearing his neck.

 The onlookers burst into laughter.

 “Okay, ring the basin, this is a strong boy!”

 “Haha, your voice is so bright and energetic.”

Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Jia Er, Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wen and others, while praising, threw the gold and silver in their hands into the copper basin.

They retreated, and the women in the village, such as Huiniang, Xiaocui, Sister-in-law Liu, stepped forward and threw another wave.

Although I exchanged silver dimes and copper coins this time, it still made the grandma who was the first child smile so much that she grinned from the corners of her mouth to her ears.

 Because according to the rules, everything thrown into the basin must be given to her.

As a result, she got busy more and more efficiently, and she kept saying happy words one after another.

The men gathered outside to watch the fun, but also blocked the naughty cold wind for fear of blowing the fat boy.

Li Laosan couldn't help but stretch his neck and looked at his eldest grandson carefully, proud and excited.

Mr. Peng, my grandfather, also came, stroking his beard. I don’t know if he thought of his deceased wife, and his eye circles were slightly red.

 Jiaren, Brother Li and Brother Mao surrounded Jiahuan in the middle, and they were all envious.

Brother Cat, this naughty boy, even said: "When can I get a wife? I also want to have a son!"

 Everyone was amused and laughed, and raised their hands to ruffle the boy's hair.

 “You brat, you haven’t even grown hair on your mouth yet, and you’re already thinking about having a son!”

“That is, you are going to marry a wife at a young age. Can you make money to support the family? Have you saved up enough for the betrothal gift?”

Brother Cat raised his chest unconvinced and said angrily: "Of course I have a way, just wait and see.

"I will definitely be very rich in the future. Not to mention marrying one daughter-in-law, I can have ten or eight wives!"

Jiaren patted his younger brother and reminded with a smile: "Concubines are not allowed in our family!"

Brother Cat immediately changed his mind, "Then marry a wife and have ten or eight sons!"

Everyone laughed even harder, and no one took this kid's words seriously...

Soon, the three baths were over, and Xingxing was carried back to the backyard.

 The banquet in the front yard began.

The grandma who gave birth was worried that there was a woman in their village who was going to give birth at any time, so she took the gold and silver in the copper basin and the extra ten taels of silver given by the Li family, plus a large piece of meat and a box of snacks, and returned with satisfaction. Gone home.

 As usual, the people sitting in the front yard are old and young men, and the back yard is where the female relatives gather.

The women did not drink. When they were full, they cleared the table, served fruits and snacks, and chatted.

Mrs. Jia Er and Mrs. Liu saw that there were no outsiders, so they whispered a few words.

It turns out that the ladies who had escaped death had already prepared thank-you gifts.

Because they didn’t want to be speculated by gossip, each family did not send them directly to Suijintan, but transferred them from the Jia family and the Liu family.

The two of them discussed it and took this opportunity to pull them over and send them to the Marquis's yard.

Hearing the good news made her heart itch, and she wished she could go over and take a look immediately. However, she was afraid that everyone would laugh at her for being a money-mad, so she could only sit next to her grandma and act like a little lady.

 Unfortunately, she frequently lost her focus, causing everyone to notice the clues and laugh non-stop.

 Finally, we saw off the guests in the afternoon.

Jiayin led his brothers and rushed directly to the next door.

The noble ladies of those families had been in fear for a long time, and finally escaped death, but they were not afraid of the consequences. They were also really grateful to Jiayin as their savior, so they were very generous.

 In addition to what was on the previous gift list, an additional 20% was added.

Jiayin classified the medicinal materials and sent them to Divine Doctor Zhang, which was regarded as the old man’s hard work in researching the prescription.

From all the other satin fabrics and furs, Jiayin picked out a suitable piece and planned to make a quilted robe for her adoptive father, which was suitable for this season.

 After all, without my adoptive father, things would not have gone so smoothly.

The rest are sent back to the family's warehouse, waiting for grandma to sort them out when she has time. The family can make clothes, shoes and socks, or carry out gifts.

Jiayin divided the remaining rare jades in detail.

 Yantai, brush washing and jade ornaments are given to the second uncle, eldest brother and sixth brother.

 The golden toad's four-legged incense burner is given to my uncle, and the python skin riding crop is given to my father...

 In short, basically everyone in the family, young and old, has a share.

 Finally, the most common thank-you gifts are various kinds of jewelry.

 There are more than thirty sets of gold, silver, precious stones, jade, ivory, agate, etc. in total.

 In addition, there are whole boxes of pearls, gemstones, and even a few pieces of high-grade mutton-fat jade, soapstone, etc.

 It can be said that the value of these things together must be more than ten thousand taels, which is enough to make a generous dowry.

 Having a great time picking and choosing the good news...

At dinner time in the evening, everyone in the family received their own share of gifts.

Old Mrs. Li held the silk and satin cloth sheet and held the five blessings and longevity hairpin on her head. She really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

“Our lucky girl is really obsessed with money. Her eyes shine when she sees gold.

“But when it comes to spreading wealth, it is really generous, and sharing things is for everyone.

 “I see, this girl is like a passing **** of wealth. The more you gain, the more you get out!”

Jiayin got into grandma's arms and said coquettishly: "Grandma was wrong. All the things were given to our family. The wealth is still in our house. If it didn't run out, it doesn't count as loose wealth."

Mrs. Li hugged her granddaughter, kissed her on the forehead, and sighed: "Everyone says you are the most favored in the family, so you don't have to worry about anything.

“Actually, you just have a delicate and delicate mind, and you are the most overthinking. Every one in your family is taken care of by you.”

The good news crept up in grandma’s arms, and her heart felt as warm as a jar of honey.

“Grandma, don’t worry, when my brothers all marry their sisters-in-law, I won’t care about them anymore.

“From now on, just take care of grandma and dress her up as the most beautiful old lady in Tianwu!”

Mrs. Li was coaxed into laughing, "I'm afraid grandma will be scolded as an old goblin!"

 Not to mention how lively the Li family's place is, I just want to say that the Xing family in the city has just had dinner and their children have returned to their rooms.

Mrs. Xing took her husband and whispered together.

"Master, Wan'er's marriage must be finalized as soon as possible and cannot be delayed any longer."

Mrs. Xing frowned, raised her hand to pour tea for her husband, and said this, making Mr. Xing glare.

“Why, Madam, when you went to Li’s house today, did you see anything wrong?”

Mrs. Xing smiled angrily and replied: "Why are you so confused? If the Li family does not do well, how can I get engaged as soon as possible?"

Mr. Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and did not dare to make his wife angry, so he quickly admitted his mistake.

“Okay, okay, it’s all my fault. Then tell me, why do you need to get engaged early?

"Although Wan'er has reached the age of marriage, you have been in poor health in the past few years, and she has been in charge of the house, which is very hard.

“As a father, I feel that I owe her, and I want to keep her in her parents’ family for two more years and save her a dowry...”

 (End of this chapter)

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