: Reply from an extraterritorial civilization!

“Okay, since everyone is so confident, I will use all my energy in the next time to train everyone on all aspects of the design of our extraterrestrial military base. You are not required to fully understand it, but this is for It will definitely be helpful for everyone’s subsequent operations on Mars.”

Seeing the mental state of the pair of astronauts in front of him, Yu Bei was a little moved in his heart, and finally nodded and said.

When several astronauts heard Yu Bei’s words, they nodded very seriously.

, they felt it was a huge honor for Yu Bei to teach them knowledge in person, even if they didn’t understand it! !

What’s more, they understand that if they 687 want to build an extraterrestrial military base as quickly as possible,

That will inevitably require an understanding of every detail and link of the entire extraterrestrial military base! !

Ever since, a group of astronauts listened very carefully to the knowledge taught by Yu Bei, and there was even a moment of trance, as if they had returned to their student days! !

On the other side, when Yubei was conducting the final training for astronauts,

There is a layer of anxiety over the beautiful country. It has been almost a week since they sent the information to the aircraft.

(cabc) During this week, Fred was completely guarded at the NASA base, but even so, the reply from the extraterritorial civilization never came.

This made Fred extremely panicked, wondering if there was something wrong with the original plan! !

Tom’s heart suddenly sank. He didn’t expect that he had not received a reply from the foreign civilization until now! !

Could it be that their plan to use the power of foreign civilizations to fight against Daxia is about to go bankrupt now? !

The two big figures in the beautiful country had the same idea, and Watt and the staff below were even more anxious all day long. After all, this plan was drawn up by them. Although linguists were involved,

But to put it bluntly, even Fred has no restraint on a few linguists, but for those of them who are mixed up in the system, Fred’s words can determine their fate and future! !

So I haven’t seen any foreign civilization for so long.He Yinxin, they were also beating the drum in their hearts, fearing that if something went wrong, they would be held accountable by Fred! !

“Chief Commander, Mr. Admiral, Mr. Watt, we have received a reply from an extraterrestrial civilization!!”

However, at this moment, a staff member rushed into the office with an excited expression. In the end, he didn’t even give the most basic salute, and then said directly! !

“What?! Has the extraterrestrial civilization finally replied to us?!”

When Fred heard the staff’s words, he stood up immediately, then looked at the staff with surprise and asked.

“Yes, sir, linguists are currently analyzing that speech!!”

The staff member nodded and said with a red face.

“Take me to see it quickly!!”

Fred was also very excited at this time and ran out directly after him.

And Tom and Watt only came back to their senses at this time, and then looked at each other excitedly,

They also followed Fred and ran out in one fell swoop. There was no image of him as a general or as the top person in charge of the NASA base! !


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