Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1437 Funny

This is a collection of two ring magic circles, and it is not a temporary construction of magic. Kyle already possesses this legendary spell, so he also invested in the legendary banishment spell of his own spell knowledge level, but this is only one shot. Just banished most of the ice demons.

And when the sky suddenly became empty.

Naturally, the morale of the Lismiasa camp increased.

Over in the Queen's City, people suddenly became panicked.

Kelben would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately ordered the attack to continue.

But that's it at this time.


It's not just him.

Including Laila, Kui Lu, Cavatina and others, their eyes almost turned to the palace at the same time.

Legendary spell!

Purgatory energy!


Everyone's expressions became solemn.

And it’s two!

Almost at the same time, two legendary spells broke out on the battlefield within the palace, and both were filled with purgatory energy. They should have been cast by devils.

However, Kelben is absolutely certain that these two legendary spells are definitely not from Mephistopheles!

In other words, on the palace battlefield, in addition to Mephistopheles, there were actually two legendary devils on the magic side at this moment!

"Keep the circle and fight in!"

"Ready to take action at any time!"

Knowing that something was not going well, Kelben immediately made some adjustments to the previous order.

Mephistopheles just transferred those hell fiends, which was already very troublesome.

What's more, at this moment, there are two demons who can cast legendary spells.

Under such circumstances, it would be extremely difficult for King Red and his two identities to continue to retain Mephistopheles and Valsaris at the same time.

But his order has just changed...

"Mephistopheles, do you want to laugh your teeth off the God Queen and use it as an excuse to never appear in front of Him again?"

"You win, you really succeeded in making us laugh!"

Two sarcastic voices burst into the sky laughing.

But it wasn't Isaac's voice.

It should be the voices of his two clones.

Mephistopheles's sudden movement at this time was a siege urgently mobilized by the Hell Fiends, and a devil who could cast legendary spells. Did this actually make them laugh?

Although I know that these two clones must have the intention to anger Mephistopheles, at the same time...

"That legendary spell has no effect on them at all?!!"

As soon as Kelben realized this, the climax of magic suddenly broke out in the palace.

"Overlimit - Extreme Effect - Time Stands Still!"

Isaac personally took action, but he didn't even use the "instant".

He allowed the "Hell Demon Flame" and "Purgatory Lightning" on the opposite side to completely submerge his side, but it was not affected at all.

Even when the many Hell Fiends were coming to kill, a shot of "Time Stop" started burning from the dragon scales and was completed quickly.

In an instant, everything in front of him froze.

But he was not in a hurry to cast the spell. He first looked at the places around him.

The "spell reversal" on Mephistopheles...is he wary of the target-locked "dimensional anchor" on his side?

And this, the legendary spell "Hell Lightning" was unleashed on him. At this moment, the ugly guy's body was covered with lightning exploding. Even though he was flipping the mighty evil trident in his hand, he still felt ugly. The ugly guy...


A name emerged in Isaac's mind.

The most loyal and capable subordinate of Mephistopheles, he is not well-known in the material world, but he has an extremely famous reputation in Baator Hell.

Hutikin and the two companies of Hell Fiends he led, this was the most important factor in Mephistopheles’ Canian level never encountering any direct invasion!

This is a great devil with the authority of the "Duke of Hell". Among the Nine Hells, both in strength and authority, he is only inferior to the Lord of the Nine Hells!

Before the "Trinity Clone Technique" became successful, that is, before the "Triple Parallel Array" strengthened Isaac, the Duke of Hell would have been his formidable enemy.

But now...

"But that's it!"

He didn't even dodge this big devil's legendary spell.

His current height is beyond the reach of this big devil's spells, even legendary spells are not enough!

At the same time, with his legendary damage reduction of up to "120/+10"...

Only the trident in his hand, which should be an evil holy weapon, has some possibility of breaking through the protection!

This is true for him, and it is also true for the two clones.

And even Hu Tikin is like this...

Needless to say, there are other hell-refining demons.

If Mephistopheles's trump card is theirs...

But Isaac felt that he could declare Mephistopheles' failure now!

"Look at this guy, will he still have the face to appear in front of the Dragon Queen?"

In this thought, Isaac didn't even look at those abyss fiends. Even though there was one of them who could cast legendary spells, but since he couldn't even break through his magic resistance, there was no Mephistopheles in his hands. There is no need to pay attention to the holy artifacts from Lys and Hutikin!

Immediately, he started casting spells.

"Space lock!"

The first spell was still given to Mephistopheles!

There is "spell reversal" and it is not easy to perform direct "target spells".

But let’s restrict this guy first. Whether it’s a real restriction or a way to induce this guy to counterattack, this has already become a habitual move for the three green dragons!

Followed by another "Force Field Prison", combined with the "Space Lock" again, trapping the Hell Demon King.

Only then did he turn to other devils.

The ultimate effect is that time stops, which is a full five rounds of time.

I have just used two rounds, so I can still put them to good use!

Among the remaining targets, Hu Tijin is naturally the most urgent to solve.

"Such a big devil already possesses legendary spells. It is inevitable to have the 'instant-legendary dispelling spell'!"

"While restraining him, he will be beaten to death at the same time!"

The thought flashed.

"Space lock!"

One spell and it was over.

Next, round four.

"Exceeding the limit - remaining magic power - powerful - extremely effective - annihilation sphere!"

The destruction spell lasts long enough to cause enough continuous damage!

First, throw this magic ball directly to Hu Tijin's side.

This is the last round.

"Exceeding limit - powerful - extremely effective - remaining spell - meteor burst!"

"Energy Control-Evil Energy Replacement!"

"Shape Control!"

With the last spell, Isaac performed a large-scale killing spell.

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