Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1375 Realization Return

(I went out for a walk with my children and came back a little late)

"That's it!"

Isaac knew that his best chance had arrived.

Although this ceremony, he arranged it in the material world.

In today's world context, the direct interference that the Dragon Magic Goddess can make is quite limited.

But it is undeniable that when it passes through the "Dragon Magic Domain", it actively integrates, interferes with, and even directly impacts him.

This actually interfered with his integration.

Even if this interference may not be able to absolutely interrupt his transformation, there is no doubt that it has at least affected him and has the possibility of interrupting him!

At this time, the intervention of the Dragon Queen directly interrupted this interference. How could Isaac not be aware of this opportunity?


Through the ubiquitous "dragon magic source energy" shaped by the "triple parallel ceremony", Isaac's soul is in direct contact with the "dragon magic field".

This step was completely unfamiliar to him.

Not to mention the "Dragon of Conferred Gods", he had already been exposed to the "Dragon Domain" early on.

With the extraordinary state of "mysterious power", he has a certain degree of control over the "evil magic field".

Direct contact with this "Dragon Magic Realm" at this time...



At the level of the soul, countless mysterious runes are constantly emerging.

These runes are the direct manifestation of the secret of arcana. Each rune corresponds to a kind of mysterious knowledge.

The soul is directly intertwined with this rune. It is precisely because there are a large number of arcane secrets and even arcane principles that are constantly flowing and living in Isaac's spiritual consciousness.

Subsequently, the mutual negotiation between his soul and the realm of dragon magic began to take place, and continued to deepen.

at the same time.

"Legendary changes!"

The spiritual will is still controlling the magic ceremony at the same time.

Using the "seed of change" to promote endless source energy, combined with the conceptual aura given by the great Dragon Father, he has a deep understanding of the "Magic Dragon"...

Isaac's body, especially the dragon scales all over his body, seemed to be etched and imprinted with countless mysterious runes and mysterious marks, but looking at it again, it seemed that it was just an overlapping of levels.

"Form transformation!"

"Spell storage!"

At this moment, his physical dragon body seems to have become a direct carrier of the secret of the arcane, or even the essence of the direct activation of the secret of the arcane!

This change in physical form is fed back to the soul at the same time.

The mysterious runes that were already intertwined between the soul and the realm are becoming clearer and more profound at this moment.


The pursuit of arcane knowledge.

From thought to the sublimation of ideas.

The root essence of the soul, a bright and mysterious aura, is beginning to stir.



The dragon's original magic ability is innate. Like a warlock, it is a natural magic ability that is derived from its own "charm" attribute and echoes the "dragon magic field"!

But with the "change" and "sublimation" at this moment, when Isaac changed from the material body to the soul of thought, the essence of the secret of the arcane was reflected...

That extraordinary change, which was also a fundamental change, also began to take place.

It is no longer an instinctive, innate spellcasting derived from the "charm" attribute.

With the deep integration of the secrets of arcane magic, when the essence of the soul begins to undergo a transformation of "ideal sublimation", the dragon's natural sorcerer-like spellcasting essence also undergoes a fundamental change.



Storage method!

When the natural ability to cast spells is gradually replaced by an understanding of the roots of the mysteries of magic.

The essence of "charm casting" also began to change to "intelligence casting".

"Prepare to cast a spell!"

"Mage level!"

And it is this extraordinary transformation that continues...

Isaac didn't miss a crucial step.

"Wheel of Heaven!"

"Knowledge of all things!"

It seems that when the dragon's natural warlock level is all converted into a mage level.

With the integration of "Wheel of Heaven", these are all integrated into the level of "Wheel of Heaven".

And this is further superimposed on the "mage level" and "priest level".

With the 11th level mage level, plus the 7th level "Wheel of Heaven" level, plus the transformation of the 13th level warlock level, the actual caster level of Isaac's mage profession has reached level 31!

At the same time, the level 1 priest, plus the level 7 "Wheel of Heaven", plus the transformation of the level 13 warlock, the actual caster level of the priest profession has reached level 21, which has long exceeded the ability to master legendary magic. The minimum required level is 17, which is the level required to master ninth-level magic.

But he didn't slow down to slowly appreciate all of this. Manipulating the magic ritual, Isaac was still undergoing further "changes", "strengthening", and "spell changes"!

"Storage magic and cast magic!"

"Burn mana!"

"Capture Spell!"

"The intelligence attribute is enhanced, the insight attribute is enhanced, the spell recognition level is enhanced, and the perception attribute is weakened..."

Deeply integrated with the "Dragon Magic Realm", a series of changes are constantly occurring as Isaac's ritual continues.

And everything on his side is being realized quickly step by step like a design.

Deeper into the ground.

What was once Dundrum is now the Tower of Haunted Dungeon.

"The power of shadow!"

"On one side is shadow magic."

"It should be the City of Ghosts, Telamonte has arrived in person!"

"On the other side is the power of Mask, and you should be his chosen one!"

In the dark shadows.

A shadow dragon and a shadow crow were almost invisible, hidden in the dungeon environment.

At this moment, the shadow dragon was remotely sensing the terrifying vibrations above.

Even though this underground city is already in a deep and dark area, the battle on the surface and the magic ceremony of Dubizlant are all too grand and vast.

The waves of vibrations transmitted through the space itself made this shadow dragon unable to suppress his shock.

Especially, if his induction is correct, there is some power in it, and it is an object that he is very familiar with.

Once upon a time, he was also a big boss in the shadow world!

Even though he is not as good as the God of Thieves, he is still a true divine being.

Divine power, even if it is only weak, must be superior to all mortal beings.

In the shadow world, he has a certain alliance with the perfect shape-shifting clan known as the "Lord of Shadows" and the former first chosen one of the God of Thieves, and he occupies the dominant position in this alliance. He is the one who holds the right position.

In the alliance with the Malagrim clan, naturally, he would not be unaware of the City of Shadows.

Once the Grand Arcanist, now the Chosen of Shar!

He knows the so-called Supreme City Lord and also understands their shadow magic!

Similarly, he has a complicated relationship with the First Chosen One who betrayed the God of Thieves and fell into madness. He also has a corresponding understanding of the divine power of the God of Thieves.

At this moment, the two shadow powers appearing on the surface of the earth are undoubtedly the shadow magic of the City of Shadows and the divine power of the God of Thieves!

When the green dragon suddenly started a magic ritual, these two parties actually appeared here at the same time!

But, even so...

Shadow Dragon Archibald's expression was slightly gloomy and hesitant.

He does not know who the chosen ones of the God of Thieves are, nor does he care much.

But he has a good understanding of the magical power of the arcane masters in the City of Shadows.

Telamont arrived in person and brought a large number of shadow souls, but he sensed very clearly that these shadow mages could not gain any upper hand at all!

Be more explicit.

These ghost mages were suppressed by the opponent, and they had already suffered considerable losses!

And standing opposite these ghost mages...

Tanar'ri Demon!


Kobold army!

And that legendary mage!

Undoubtedly, this must be King Red's arrangement.

This arrangement alone was far beyond his understanding of the power of King Red.

Especially those tanar'ri, the evil power felt by Yuyao was so powerful that even he was shocked by it!

This is where Archibald's dignity and hesitation lie.

Ordinarily, this situation should be a good time for Him to escape.

After all, judging from some signs, King Red may have already suspected this. If he can get out of trouble, the sooner the better.

But now, judging from the layout on the surface, it can even overwhelm the City of Shadows...

Faintly, with an inexplicable premonition in his heart, Archibald was suspicious. He was afraid that the King of Red had no plans for him!


"Otherwise, by acting like this, he wouldn't have completely stopped using the power of the Tower of Shadows, and wouldn't have even greeted Eugene!"

"What kind of arrangement will it be?"

"One fight?"

"Let's wait a little longer, wait until the battle situation above is settled, and then we'll see. Should we continue to lurk?"

Shadow Dragon's expression was cloudy and uncertain.

The battle situation above the surface is too complicated and too powerful.

What's more, he is currently unsure of the extent of King Red's arrangements here.

Now this is.

If you move, it is very likely that you will run into someone else's layout.

But don't move...

If it doesn't move, it will be even worse.

Since the King of Red has already suspected this, he will probably pay personal attention to it when his business is over.

At that time, when the net of heaven and earth is closed, and he is restricted by the Styx Oath, he cannot abandon the shadow crow and escape alone. It is really possible that he will be trapped here!

And if Ruosaer failed to completely wipe him out, but ended up here...

In his heart, Shadow Dragon finally made up his mind.

He cannot be reduced to a joke!

"The reaction to masking the city barrier."

"Today is our day of escape!"

The voice was transmitted to the heart of Shadow Crow beside him, but Shadow Dragon did not look at the earth spirit for a moment. As if he could teleport across the shadows at will, with one step and a flash, his figure appeared almost in the blink of an eye. On the side of a huge altar formation.

"One step at a time."

"That's all it can do."

Shadow Dragon is moving, and there is no way Shadow Crow can just stop.

In his eyes, a look of regret or irritability flashed through his eyes, and his dark wings spread out again and again.

Suddenly, the figure of the city's guardian spirit disappeared.

Subsequently, although there was no sign of any signs in the protective barrier of the dungeon, there was a hint of something abnormal.

This Tower of Shadows dungeon has close negotiations with the Shadow Realm. As the city guardian spirit of this dungeon, the nature of the Shadow Crow itself is in perfect harmony with the nature of this shadow.

As a result, over the years, under Archibald's guidance, it has been able to exert an influence on the dungeon's protective barrier without being noticed.

And it was on its side that it temporarily suppressed the reaction of the protective barrier.

The shadow dragon then began to undo the binding ceremony of the guardian spirit.

To complete the Styx Oath and release the Shadow Crow, he must remove the earth spirit binding effects of all ritual altars.

In the past, He was extremely careful and did everything possible to remain unnoticed.

But at this moment...

I can’t care about that much anymore.

Even, vaguely, He still has a little temptation.

Test whether the King of Red really has a plan to target this side?

If so, his move will definitely attract the opponent, right?

Before the King of Red could pay attention to this area in person, he wanted to try to see if his arrangement could stop him?

"It's indeed them!"

"It seems that we were all mistaken back then."

Brain shaped castle.

This is the only place in the underground city that is not affected by the city barrier and is completely under Isaac's control.

At this moment, in the castle hall.

The purple-robed Stat and the black-robed Rodnik, who have been no longer in the dungeon for a long time, or even no longer in their own plane, have complicated expressions.

After realizing that something was wrong with the Shadow Dragon, and that something might be wrong with Eugene, Isaac summoned them back through a secret message.

It's not just the two of them.

It's not just the servants and puppets of the two of them.

In the castle hall.

There is also a majestic and domineering tall figure wearing a red dragon crown. Naturally, it is the red dragon envoy Baias!

There is another extremely huge adamantine golem, full of power and shock!

It seems that Isaac has arranged one of his two legendary demon statues here early.

"Let's take action together."

"This shadow dragon may be related to the shadow giant back then. Don't let any negligence or contempt occur."

Start turned his head and nodded to the red dragon envoy.

Although there is no friendly relationship between them, she and the Red Dragon Envoy have known each other for a long time.

At this time, they were all invited by Isaac. With Isaac’s face, there was naturally a prerequisite for cooperation.

"That's how it should be."

"Join forces to encircle and kill them, and fight to a quick conclusion. Once the matter here is over, we may be able to catch up with the battle above the surface."

Red dragons are straightforward and aggressive to a fault.

Since he gave up the competition for the chief position of the five-color dragon envoy, he has simply subordinated himself to Isaac's side.

This action was the first action he was invited to take after having this affiliation, or alliance relationship.

Action is the most powerful language!

Taking action for the first time, he certainly showed his sincerity!

The door to the castle hall suddenly opened.

With a roar full of shocking majesty, a huge body burning with flames, a giant red dragon soared into the sky, directly igniting the night sky.

The ground was shaking at the same time.

Another huge adamantine demon statue stepped out with rubble footprints one step at a time.

But at first glance...

The slightly shrinking gazes of Shadow Dragon and Shadow Crow were focused on the purple-robed man and the black-robed man behind them.



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