Doomsday Game: Farming for All

Chapter 148 Father Mo's Request for Help

Sure enough, people couldn't help mumbling, and within two days, Father Mo sent a message asking for help.

As for the message content? It was probably the first time Mo's father asked his eldest daughter for help, so he modified his words more and used a lot of greetings to pave the way.

All in all, Father Mo's focus is two.

First, there was a neighbor's child recently, who disappeared in the novice world. Coincidentally, Zhenzhen also just passed her fourteenth birthday. So I want to ask Ke Ke, if he can help me find out about the children's novice world.

Second, it is also related to Mo Zhenzhen, the purpose is to borrow some money from Mo Keke, so that after Mo Zhenzhen completes the novice task, he can raise the child's class.

However, Mo's father was also very polite in his expression, and repeatedly urged that everything should be based on Mo Keke's actual situation. If it is convenient, it is best to borrow a little bit. If it is not convenient, then the happiness of the eldest daughter is as important as that of the younger daughter. Don't feel that your father doesn't love her.

To be honest, watching Mo's father's carefulness in his words, Mo Keke felt really warm in his heart. Although the essential purpose is for Mo Zhenzhen, Mo Keke also understands that the ten fingers can be long or short, and it is normal for a father to prefer a little daughter.

Especially in a family like hers, there is nothing to fight for favor. Besides, she has a good relationship with Mo Zhenzhen, at least her younger sister respects her very much. Besides, Aunt Wang, who is Mo Zhenzhen's biological mother, has taken good care of her all these years. No matter how much Mo's father spends on her, her nominal stepmother has never been unhappy. After Zhenzhen, every Chinese New Year holiday, she would always bring her presents.

What's more, Mo Keke's life now can be described by more than two words. Therefore, Mo Keke really has nothing to hesitate about this money. Anyway, it was just borrowing money. With the character of Father Mo and Aunt Wang, they would never harm her.

So, without thinking too much, Mo Keke sorted out her past life memories, and began to help Mo Zhenzhen prepare for the novice world.

Of course, in order to cover up the small world that he already knew Mo Zhenzhen was about to experience, it was also to prevent the butterfly effect. That's why Mo Keke deliberately flipped through the comments, summarizing several common novice worlds such as Rocky Island, Cloudy Sky, Falling Water, and Deep Jungle.

The long strategy was compiled into an email by Mo Keke, and along with 500,000 gold coins, it was mailed to Father Mo. As for whether it was enough for Mo Zhenzhen to upgrade? Mo Keke thinks it is enough, and there is a high possibility that it will not be used.

After all, despite Mo Zhenzhen's young age, she is not a vegetarian. When other little girls were learning dancing, painting, and piano, Xiao Zhenzhen was learning Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, and Muay Thai.

Therefore, since kindergarten, Mo Zhenzhen can be regarded as the absolute winner no matter if it is a fight or a quarrel.

In addition, Mo Zhenzhen's rating in her previous life was B. And in this life, Mo Keke added a lot of speculation about the first-class rating in the strategy.

I believe that with Mo Zhenzhen's ability, it shouldn't be a big problem to get into the first class.

As for Mo's father who received the money and the strategy, it is self-evident that he was moved in his heart. Even Aunt Wang didn't expect that the little girl who usually seemed deserted and always had nothing to do with her was so caring at the critical moment.

For a moment, Aunt Wang felt even more that this little girl, Keke, really understood in her heart that her efforts to show her kindness over the years were finally worthless. At the moment, I also secretly made up my mind that I must pay more attention to Coco in the future. After all, because of Coco's attitude towards Zhenzhen, Coco will be his own daughter after all, just like Zhenzhen.

A month's time, quasi fleeting.

With the arrival of early summer, the temperature is also rising. Only two or three days into the summer, Mo Keke and Bai Qingwan can live off the heat by eating ice cream and drinking iced soy milk.

You know, last summer, even in midsummer, the temperature in this game was only 367 degrees. And this year, the opening is 35°, which simply does not leave a way for ordinary players to survive.

In the first few days of summer, Bai Qingwan even made a special trip back to the manor to look at her fields and tidy up her warehouse. But what she didn't expect was that in Coco's first-class manor, under various adjustments of various facilities and plants, the temperature of the manor was only 22 or 3 degrees, and it would even be a little cold in the morning and evening.

But my own manor is really good, starting at 28°, it’s okay if I don’t work, but when I work, I don’t want to mention the sweat. How uncomfortable it is.

To be honest, Bai Qingwan was still a little puzzled. They also installed protective barriers and planted flowers and plants. How could the cooling effect of the Grade A manor be so good? It's really bad, it's life-threatening.

So, after working hard for two days, Bai Qingwan completely settled in Mo Keke's house together with her and her luggage.

Mo Keke also welcomed this, and asked Cheng Shijia to come over and change the house into a two-bedroom one when he was free.

Hearing this, Cheng Shijia was really a little excited, and thought to himself: Could it be possible to think about it and finally plan to live with him. That's why I euphemistically said that it will be changed to a two-bedroom, but it is actually an invitation to myself.

At the moment, Cheng Shijia just thinks that Mo Keke is shy, full of excitement and hard work, looking forward to living a sweet two-person world with his girlfriend.

But when he excitedly arrived at Mo Keke's manor, it was his cousin who opened the door for him. For a moment, Cheng Shijia felt that his heart was broken.

After all, how could someone as smart as him not figure out that those two bedrooms were clearly prepared by a poor girl like Bai Qingwan, alas.

Fortunately, renovating a house is not a big problem for him. As for the user's needs, bah, that bastard girl who has his girlfriend doesn't deserve to ask for them.

As for Bai Qingwan, she could naturally feel her cousin's displeasure. But will she feel justified? How is it possible that Bai Qingwan, who is so annoying, just likes the look of her cousin who can't stand her and can't kill her.

When the renovation of the house was completed, Cheng Shijia didn't feel any better thanks to Mo Keke coming over to comfort him.

A few days later, news came from Mo's father, saying that Mo Zhenzhen had passed the novice world and was a first-class, and that Mo Keke's five hundred thousand gold coins had been sent back intact.

Aunt Wang was even more excited. She not only said a lot of thanks to Mo Keke, but also mailed a basket of various supplies to Mo Keke. She repeatedly told Mo Keke that if she had time, she must go home often.

In response, Mo Keke agreed with a smile. Anyway, both sides know in their hearts that this is impossible.

Getting back to the subject, although the weather is hot, it is really rare to have windless and waveless weather. Mo Keke always has to go out and look for new opportunities.

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