Devouring Starry Sky Time Simulation

Chapter 49 The Fourth Simulation

On the other side, Yang Wu also learned Wang Zhi's identity after meeting him.

The two found a bar and chatted for a while, then separated again.

Wang Zhi did not ask Yang Wu for help. Of course, Yang Wu was not willing to get involved in these struggles for power and profit within the big family.

After the two separated, Yang Wu wandered around the Kyoto base city.

Before the Great Nirvana, the base city of Kyoto was the center of the Chinese nation and contained many inheritances of Chinese civilization.

Although it has gone through the Great Nirvana period, most of the inheritance has been well preserved under the protection of the military.

It wasn't until the third day that Yang Wu came to the train station and took the fastest train home.

On the afternoon of September 14, Yang Wu finally returned home to Mingyue Community.

As soon as he entered the hall, Yang Wu discovered a large number of gifts on the ground.

"Mom, what is this?" Yang Wu asked curiously.

Liu Yuhua, who was sorting out the gifts, said angrily: "Isn't it from your previous boss Wang Zijin? Tell me, how can we use up all these gifts? What a waste!"

"Mom, I understand. I'll tell Brother Wang next time we meet." Yang Wu said with a smile.

Seeing this pile of gifts, Yang Wu was in a happy mood, which also proved that Wang Zijin was a friend worth making.

After everyone finished counting the gifts, they roughly estimated the price and found that it was about 10 million Chinese coins.

With such a 'sky-high price', Liu Yuhua couldn't help but be surprised even though she already knew how powerful her son was.

Yang Wu didn't take it seriously.

This time he did Wang Zijin a small favor. Such a gift could only be regarded as good for a general-level warrior.

Moreover, Wang Zijin probably also understands that there can be many gifts of 10 million, but if it is a direct transfer, I am afraid that even Yang Wu will not be able to appreciate the 10 million.

After all, a low-level beast general has almost 10 million materials. With Yang Wu joining the phantom team, it is still very easy to hunt beast general level monsters.

After packing away the gifts from Wang Zijin, Yang Wu told his parents about his experience in going to Kyoto Base City.

Of course, Yang Wu did not mention some matters involving the competition for interests, but simply talked about some experiences in the Kyoto base city.

But even so, it still attracted great attention from parents.

Only then did Yang Wu realize that his parents had probably never been to Kyoto before the Great Nirvana, and it was even less likely after the Great Nirvana.

Thinking of this, Yang Wu hurriedly said: "Dad, Mom, our family is not short of money now. You can usually travel around. You can definitely ask the eldest sister and Xiaofan to go to other base cities together. "

Yang Yuande and the other two refused: "We are all old, how can we still move around?"

Only then did Yang Wu suddenly realize that his parents were nearly sixty years old!

Fortunately, now that we have experienced the Great Nirvana period, human beings' physical fitness has been greatly improved, and their life span has also been increased to a certain extent.

"However, I have to work hard as soon as possible. At least, I still need to get some of the spirit of the vegetation on Kirishima!"

Yang Wu thought secretly in his heart.

After chatting with his parents for a while, Yang Wu returned to his room.

In the following time, Yang Wu returned to his previous state of focusing on cultivation.

Soon, the time came to October 1st.

This morning, Yang Wu, after breakfast, was sitting alone in his room.

After experiencing three simulations, Yang Wu was obviously much calmer and would no longer wait to use the simulator in the early morning.

"Current number of simulations: 1. Do you want to start the Sims now?"


As soon as Yang Wu finished speaking, a line of text appeared on the simulator panel in front of him.

"The characters in The Sims are created by the simulator itself, and the memory is different from that of the host. The host should be careful when operating."

"Please select the personality of the simulated character."

"1, cautious; 2, brave; 3, adventurous."

"The options this time are quite normal!"

Without any surprise, Yang Wu chose a brave character.

Next, a large amount of text began to appear on the simulator panel.

[At the age of 24, your marksmanship and body skills have all reached the perfect level, and you have mastered the second level of the ultimate marksmanship "World Destruction", and your body's strength has reached three times that of your own. 】

[When you were testing your strength in the martial arts gym, you were accidentally discovered by Wu Tong. He was immediately shocked and quickly notified Zhuge Tao, the director of the extreme martial arts gym. After examining your strength, Zhuge Tao was extremely excited and immediately helped you submit your application for the Global Elite Training Camp. 】

[At the end of October, you easily passed the B-level test at the Extreme Martial Arts Gym and became a member of the elite training camp. November is your first month as a member of the elite training camp. In order to get more time to use the gravity room, you are ready to start impacting your ranking on the Black Dragon Ranking. 】

[On November 3rd, you began to conduct your own trial tower level assessment. At the same time, your ranking on the Black Dragon Ranking began to increase crazily, and finally stopped at 8th place! After that, the world was shaken, and all major forces came to recruit him. On the advice of the training camp teacher, you signed a contract with the Extreme Martial Arts Gym. At the same time, you get a copy of Dragon Blood, a complete set of "World Destruction" cheats, and a complete set of 9-series combat uniforms and weapons. 】

[Although the teacher recommended that you use dragon blood to break through to the God of War level in one fell swoop after your physical fitness reaches the level of a high-level warrior, you still decided to use it immediately. With the help of the dragon's blood, you successfully broke through to the high-level warrior level. 】

[At the age of 25, with the help of the gravity chamber of the ancient civilization and the remaining dragon blood in your body, after more than half a year of hard work, your physical fitness has reached the peak of a high-level warrior. 】

[In April, your friend Luo Feng also entered the elite training camp. That month, his ranking reached 69th. Although his strength is not as good as yours, he is younger and obviously more talented. Under Luo Feng's stimulation, you practiced "World Destruction" to the third level, and your power reached four times your own. At the same time, your amplitude reached 16. According to the contract, you once again received a copy of dragon blood, SS-level combat uniforms, a full set of weapons, three sets of top secrets, and a set of ancient civilization relics 'Black God'. 】

[You use dragon blood again, and your physical fitness reaches the elementary war god level. In order to prevent you from occupying the first place in the Black Dragon rankings for a long time, after a high-level meeting of the Extreme Martial Arts School, it was decided to let you graduate early. So, you became the president of the Extreme Martial Arts Gym in Jiangnan Base City. 】

[In September, because you obtained the Black God suit in advance, you need to go to the ancient civilization ruins No. 9. In the ruins of ancient civilization No. 9, you encountered danger and died unexpectedly. 】

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