Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 523 The Clown's Obsession with the Auditorium

At this time, Mister Fantastic, who knew about Baer, ​​looked a little gloomy.

Of course, his face should be gloomy. After all, it took such a long time for such a dangerous thing to realize that this feeling is not good at all.

Although he cares more about his identity as a scientist, as a hero, he is quite competent most of the time.

Worried about the safety of the world, with the future of mankind in mind.

Reid has the integrity and responsibility that a scientist should possess—as long as his brain is not out of the question.

If the crisis he was facing had nothing to do with "science," then Reed would be trustworthy, even dependable.

The compatibility between scientists and things on the mysterious side is mostly not very good, but the more advanced scientists are, the more fanatical they are when they encounter things on the mysterious side.

Perhaps the pursuit of "answers" is their belief.

Reed is slightly better than Dr. Hank Pym at this point, at least he is still very good to his family.

At least Reid didn't get too angry and directly attacked his family.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

Reid was speaking to Nick Fury, even feeling a little weak when he spoke.

Even his body trembled a little, which showed his restlessness.

"If you give me a little more time, I can always find a way. But now, that demon king named Baal has already started to act!"

Suddenly Reid's voice became a little stronger, and Susan on the side grabbed his hand, which calmed him down a little.

Even he himself didn't know where this sudden emotion came from. This emotion seemed to have accompanied him since his "birth", and it didn't make Reed himself feel strange at all.

A scientist shouldn't be in this kind of mood, it's just that the indignation came a little violently, which made Reed a little out of control for a while.

Seeing Reed's distorted face, Nick Fury sighed in his heart.

His expression was still cold.

This is not the first time he heard this sentence from Reed's mouth. In the war between the two worlds, Reed said this at the moment when he lost all his comrades in arms.

It's a pity that most things in the world will not be transferred by personal will.

"It's not too late, trust me, Reed."

When Nick Fury said this, it violated his style of keeping secret and majestic.

But this is not that important anymore. Now that Dr. Doom has contacted Barr, he can start to make plans.

It's much better now than when the Fantastic Four meet up in Dr. Doom's hands and only find out.

Reid calmed down under Nick Fury's consolation, and seemed to cheer up a little.

"Okay, I found it."

Reed was talking, and as soon as he reached into the inside of Tony's battle suit, Tony's battle suit was scattered all over the ground.

Although his expression is a bit strange.

"Where's the guy's security?"

Constantine looked at Reid's weird expression and asked.

Tony let out a dissatisfied sound: "Hmph."

Where the button for disarming the armor is placed is not a secret suitable for telling others.

It doesn't take much force to reach the button, at least just enough for Tony when he's "hot".

This button is just a bad idea of ​​​​Tony, and he himself didn't think it would be useful one day. But when the button worked, he was still defeated by his own shame.

"A, not easy to describe the position."

Reid withdrew his hand while talking, and then took a wet wipe from the aircraft to wipe his hand.

It's just that his attention has been focused on the scattered steel suits on the ground.

"The technology is good, but it's a pity that it hasn't become your thing yet."

Now Reed commented on Tony's "Saber" suit with a somewhat superior attitude, with a serious look on his face.

He never liked to joke about scientific matters.

"Hmph, this is just the beginning, don't look at me in this way."

Tony narrowed his eyes and responded to Reed with displeasure.

In his mind, he kept thinking about how this battle suit could be dismantled so easily.

It's not that he didn't want to "get excited", but in the darkness, there are not many people who can do that kind of thing.

At least Tony couldn't.

Although it was very critical at the time, it was not to the point of stimulating the instinct of biological reproduction.

But it is strange that this battle suit was disarmed almost without resistance. After all, Cyberman is not the kind of guy who will give up easily.

So Tony focused his attention on the hand Reed was constantly wiping.

Tony's intelligence is considered among the top in this world, but even he will admit that his level is still not as good as that of Reed.

The Cyberman gave up Tony's brain and turned to Reed?

"Reed, I think you need to have a full physical examination! Although I am the same.

This battle suit seems to retain some will of another civilization, and it probably wanted to transform me into them before.

Since they let me go so easily, they can only get a better target. "

After Tony hesitated for a moment, he confessed all his worries.

He didn't like Reed very much, because a proud and proud brain would not like another kind standing in a higher position.

But Tony still has a bottom line, and the bottom line is quite high.

At least several Nick Furies are higher than the smiling Constantine over there.

When Susan heard these words, the hands holding Reid's arms clenched tightly.

It even deformed Reid's body a little.

"I will."

Reed nodded seriously at Tony.

"But the most important thing now is what Barr did to Victor. Should we take action immediately, before Victor creates danger?"

"Of course it's necessary, but it's not something a scientist needs to worry about. S.H.I.E.L.D. exists to deal with crises like this."

Nick Fury interrupted the conversation directly. Since he showed his real body to others, he was ready to come to the front desk.

He is one of the best directors of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a seasoned warrior.

Facing the crisis, he has rich experience.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? Those ordinary people agents? I advise you to save yourselves, ordinary people's life is life." Tony said with sarcasm: "I can share some technologies with you, but the steel suit is not for the time being." Think about it."

"It seems that you underestimated the background of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Nick Fury returned to his icy look, as if he was going to leave directly.

On one side, Steve looked at his lover, trying to get news about the background of S.H.I.E.L.D. from Peggy Carter.

Peggy Carter shook her head, obviously she didn't know what Nick Fury was talking about.

The story of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not from the "now" past, but from the past before the reboot.

Those who include the "future" Tony and Reed, even have to count the technical legacy of Norman Osborn, Hank Pym, and Dr. Banner!

Although all of this is nothing unexpected, these scientists will achieve these "past" breakthroughs in existing technologies at some point in the future, but copying homework is always faster than doing homework by yourself.

"Mr. Reed, after you and Tony have had your physicals, please stop by S.H.I.E.L.D. I'll be here anytime.

As for the battle plan, I will hold a special meeting to discuss it. "

Nick Fury's figure said this before disappearing.

At this time, he really missed his life double.

The unique invisibility conditions possessed by that pitch-black appearance in the night allowed him to remain mysterious very well.

It's like Batman in Gotham City.


As for Batman at this time, he is facing the Joker's joke with Rorschach.

The clown is very fond of jokes, and except when he can't laugh, his jokes are always one after another.

"Justice Rorschach, how do you feel now?"

The clown's voice came from the illusory space, full of ridicule.

"I feel so good, I'll break your bones and throw you down the elevator shaft after I find your place!"

Rorschach said through gritted teeth.

His condition seems to be pretty good. After all, if you want to talk about stubbornness in this world, there are probably few people who can beat Rorschach.

Here's a guy who chooses between "better results" and "true but awful truths."

Stubbornness was already the only thing he lived on.

"I don't feel so good."

Batman and Master Wayne's voice became limp.

When he sent Harley Quinn to prison not long ago, he didn't think the clown was so difficult.

While the Joker has always been tough, Batman is even tougher.

Wayne is also a stubborn ghost. After all, normal people hardly wear bat suits to fight.

"Feeling fear?"

The clown's nervous laughter came along with this sentence, a little crazy.

This guy has always been a comedy master, knows the way of comedy.

However, he has not been an actor for a long time, but instead works as a director and screenwriter.

Even if it will appear in a "comedy", it will only be a cameo.

Anyway, comedy is just bullying, and he has long since transformed himself from the identity of "the bullied" to "the audience".

Seeing other people's tragedies made him laugh very happily.


As Batman said this, he already had two axes in his hands.

Now that everything in the past has been recalled, the clown is no longer full of surprises.

The two are too familiar with each other.

It's almost time for the Joker's joke to be revealed.

Batman thought Rorschach's idea of ​​throwing the Joker down the elevator shaft was a good idea.

No matter how the clown says he is a normal person, he is still the abnormal one.

Although he can't violate the law that people will die if they are killed, he can always deceive others' vision. Before the Joker was completely incinerated, even seeing the Joker dying, Batman didn't think the guy would die.

"Bateman, do you know a man named 'Diablo'?

Don't get excited, I'm not talking about the fear demon god, but another one.

A guy who seemed to be completely enlightened, and then locked in a water tank without moving. "

The clown deliberately said such words in a weird tone, making the atmosphere here even more tense.

"Chato Santana, Vengeful Demon, EI Diablo. What do you want to do when you talk about him? I didn't know you became like the Riddler."

In the face of the Joker, Batman has to be taken seriously no matter what.

"Riddler? Riddler is out of Gotham long ago. How's that for a joke? Ha!"

The clown talked nonsense, and finally emerged from the illusory space.

The spirits of Batman and Rorschach have begun to reveal nothing but restlessness, and now is the time.

When Rorschach saw the clown, he hit it with a heavy hammer.

No intention of holding back at all.

Rorschach's attitude towards evil is much more determined than Batman's.

Those who should be killed should be killed directly, those who should not be killed should be maimed, and those who need to be locked up should be sent to the police station.

If he can be as rich as Bruce Wayne, then he will definitely build a special place to hold prisoners.

If the law allows, he will also perform a frontal lobotomy on the hopeless villain. ①

Instead of putting it in a mental hospital to cause trouble for others.

Facing Rorschach's blow, the clown who appeared exploded into flesh and blood.

But neither Rorschach nor the Batman who didn't kill people showed their attitude.

This world where the illusory and the real are indistinguishable shows no sign of disappearing, and these days they have basically understood what the power of the clown is.

How could the clown who was able to kill the king of lies die like this?

This attack was nothing more than a show of attitude.

"Tsk tsk~ Batman, you don't even have any mood swings? Seeing me die in front of you, you don't even have a frown expression?"

There was some disappointment in the clown's neurotic words.

"It seems that you have already made up your mind? Or, the 'people' in your eyes have already excluded me?"

The Joker continues to challenge Batman.

Batman doesn't kill "people", but what is "people" in his eyes? ②

This kind of idealistic question may not even have an answer to Batman himself.

But now this kind of problem doesn't seem to be that important, at least for Batman, the clown's provocation has gradually become weak.

"What do you want from us? Or do you think this world is a joke?"

Batman's tone became a little fierce, he knew exactly how to excite the Joker.

The more "Batman" loses his composure, the more he shows pain and struggle, the more excited the clown becomes.

It wasn't the first time he had used this trick.

The Joker's going to get it, even though he knows the anxiety Batman is showing is just for show.

What a "director" likes most is an actor who can quickly enter the acting state, which is at least a good enough start.

Next, "the director will push the drama to the climax bit by bit.

The exciting always comes next, doesn't it?

①Prefrontal lobotomy, a surgical procedure that was widely used in the last century to treat mental illness. It's inhumane, but the inventor of this surgery won a Nobel Prize at that time. The protagonist of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" was finally brought up like this.

②The fact that Batman doesn't kill people is the follow-up setting... The KGB Beast is the most famous one "killed" by him. (The villain was subsequently renewed).

But the role of Batman is undeniably great, whether it is a screen image or a comic image. (Ignore the stage where the early setting is not perfect)

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