Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 663 A good figure is the basic condition for reaching the planet level

"Sister Lively Sister, you, you have transformed, why are you still so tall!!"

This is Hinata Hinata's strongest question in the gentlest voice.

After confirming that the height of the living dragon was a real simulation, and that the human form she transformed into was 2.60 meters, oh no, it was already 2.82 meters now, the descendants were all dumbfounded.

Especially Uchiha Sanae, the shortest among the descendants, is even more dissatisfied with her height of 1.58 meters, even though her figure is slender and she looks so coordinated and tall.

But the real height is just unsatisfactory.

Especially Sanae heard that Hinata Hinata's height has reached 1.63 meters and even has the potential to continue to grow taller.

Uchiha Sanae is even more dissatisfied with her height. She always thinks that it would be nice to be taller: "Even if it is 1.65 meters, I will be satisfied."

"If that doesn't work, it's okay to have a few more descendants who are a little shorter than me. As long as I'm not the shortest one."

Unfortunately, the new generation of Adventers all have good physical nutrition. Even during wars, as long as they can be included in the selection of Adventers, they can receive protection and supplies from Zhou Wenming.

The heights of the new arrivals are each exaggerated. The shortest girl is over 1.6 meters tall, and the height of the shortest one is also increasing every year.

But no matter what, it is impossible to improve to the current standard of live snakes.

What everyone is pursuing now is the two-meter-twenty-meter height of the cocoon maker Aburame Tetsumaru. The closest person currently has not exceeded the two-meter-one height.

Zhou Wenming's current technical level can certainly adjust the height of members, whether it is the application of growth hormone or specific skeletal and muscle adjustment surgery.

But as long as there is the pursuit of becoming a planet or a star, no one can adjust their height through external forces, which means damage to their own body systems.

If you want to solve it, you can only go through the advent ceremony again, and it is not the advent of your own body, it must be the advent of a clone.

This is an extremely risky adventure. Even if the descendants come again, there is still a risk of getting lost in the mystery of the womb, and the probability of something happening is not low.

Why should we maintain the most natural body state?

In order to be able to accept foreign intelligent life matter, the body may not be in fatal danger due to imbalanced error points in the life system.

Intelligent living matter is the ultimate solution to the problem of difficulty in mastering planetary power.

In the ninja world, in the extraordinary world full of chakra, human beings have been strengthened like never before and can obtain extraordinary power with the help of chakra.

There will be no problem even if he grows all the way to the Sixth Path level, but the truncation of the Blood Succession network has already shown signs. If you want to become such an existence, you must become Otsutsuki.

This is because the weak mind, brain and computing power are not enough to handle such a huge amount of energy.

For powerful beings of this level, the most likely problem overall is the control of energy by will. Because nature itself will not breed such a powerful life, the brain of the creature is not prepared to control such huge energy.

At this time, help from outside forces is needed to solve the problem of continuing to control more powerful forces and to become a planetary power.

Zhou Wenming's solution to the problem is to add new intelligent life substances to the members to enhance the computing power of the brain, mainly to enhance the subconscious mind.

The role of the subconscious mind is not deep thinking or intuition, it is just a side effect.

The basic function of the subconscious mind is to control the body's operations: the stability, acceleration, and deceleration of the heartbeat, the peristalsis of the intestines, the steady progress of breathing, the secretion of various hormones and digestive juices from various glands, and so on.

Even controlling the operation of muscles does not require the control of the main consciousness. It is all controlled by the subconscious mind and muscle memory. The main consciousness is only responsible for analysis and decision-making.

Theoretically, the subconscious mind occupies 40% of the brain's computing power, the main consciousness responsible for thinking and decision-making occupies less than 10%, and the rest is backup, redundancy, and buffering.

Ultra-large amounts of redundancy are necessary to effectively ensure that the brain continues to function for decades without serious logic errors or downtime like ordinary computers.

When individual lives advance to the planetary level, in addition to beings like slugs, which have enough redundancy of their own, ordinary humans must increase their subconscious calculations and add enough redundancy and buffers.

Zhou Wenming helped the descendants solve this problem by injecting and assimilating intelligent life substances.

The method of injecting intelligent life substances is very effective and can effectively solve the problem of insufficient thinking and calculation capabilities.

But this method itself is also problematic. During the entire process, the risk to the recipient is even higher than that of the advent ceremony.

This is because intelligent life substances are foreign substances after all. Even if the purity reaches the extreme, the subject still needs to digest the life substances injected into the body.

The essence of intelligent life matter is carbon-based computing units with life characteristics. What is needed to digest them is not stomach acid, but maximum utilization.

The descendants need to constantly calculate, learn, and recall memories. In this process, the brain needs to constantly touch the limits of thinking.

In this way, part of the will will overflow, dyeing the intelligent life matter in the body with its own spiritual imprint, and slowly transform it into a part of itself.

If you persist and transform bit by bit, you can slowly transform these life substances into a part of yourself. This is digestion.

Among the descendants, there are many people who are willing to try this method, and anyone who can meet the physical examination will try it.

Successfully transforming intelligent life matter can immediately increase the descendant's intelligence, memory, computing power, and weight.

Aburame Tetsumaru is the most successful of the descendants. His weight has reached six tons. If all the hidden flesh is displayed, he can even expand into a six-meter figure.

The reason why there is such a rapid digestion progress is because the spiritual transformation technique mastered by Aburame Tetsumaru helps in rapid digestion.

At the same time, the technique of spiritualization also brought a hundred times a thousand times risk to Tiewan. If it were someone with slightly weaker willpower and strength, he would have died long ago and could not die again.

It was like dancing a ballet on a tightrope across the valley, and you could die instantly due to an inconspicuous mistake at any time.

And although normal digestion is very hard and involves a lot of risks, spiritual digestion is a way to advance without retreating.

Once digestion begins, the soul separated from the body has no way out and is firmly absorbed by the intelligent life matter.

Only by digesting all intelligent life substances in the body can the soul get rid of the adsorption force and return to the body safely.

There must be no mistakes in this process, otherwise the life substances will carry the soul and flow out of the body, and can no longer be digested or returned to the body.

This is an operation that tests mental strength. Once mental strength is insufficient during the digestion process, the digestion process will be interrupted, and the soul will be trapped and dead in these unconscious life substances.

It is clearly within his own body, but his body and soul are separated by life matter and can no longer be integrated into one body. He can only watch his body die miserably.

Of course, the descendants can also descend again to solve the fatal crisis in a high-risk way.

Fortunately, as of today, the three cases of unlucky people who were forced to come again have all succeeded, and no deaths have occurred as a result.

But no one dares to do it again.

The technique of spiritualization combined with the digestion of intelligent life matter has become Aburame Tetsumaru's exclusive special skill.

When this conventional digestion method was fully rolled out, doctors discovered an unexpected phenomenon through statistics.

In the process of digestion, the biggest insurance is body size, and in the healthiest body proportions, the greater the height and weight, the greater the impact of digestive pauses that can be tolerated, and the safety is naturally higher.

Over the years, being tall and neither fat nor thin has become the highest fitness factor among the descendants.

Therefore, everyone expressed great envy for the height of the living dragon, regardless of the fact that it has no use for its huge and muscular body.

The female descendants chattered for a long time, asking the living dragons many questions, and also transmitted a lot of private knowledge to the living dragons through the Xinghai Hall, as well as the magical knowledge that the chickens invented and the rabbits made popular.

Seeing the girls blatantly wasting public resources, Aburame Tetsumaru said nothing. It was rare for girls to engage in such time-wasting things and behave much like girls. Of course, he would not interfere.

For a civilization, the balance of yin and yang is very important. The descendants of the previous Zhou civilization had too much yang and yin.

The number of female descendants was not large to begin with, but as a result, they behaved more like beasts than the men. They were all heroic and aggressive.

This is actually very bad. In the long run, it will lead to a bias in the core humanistic temperament of civilization, and the entire civilization will lack resilience and patience.

When faced with the choice of the destiny of civilization, it is easier to make wrong choices and to make impetuous choices without knowing it at all.

This situation is of course a hidden danger, and we don’t know when it will break out, bringing a crisis to the entire civilization.

Therefore, Aburame Tetsumaru and the others deliberately tolerated and indulged female descendants for the sake of balance.

Of course, if at some point in the future something goes against the grain and the entire civilization becomes feminized and anti-masculine.

Aburame Tetsuwan will also correct it without hesitation.

The living creature finally finished talking to the girls. She found Aburame Tetsumaru and got his reply: "No problem, I will go to the Tree Shepherd Galaxy as quickly as possible to meet Lord Baoshu."

"The civilized relationship between our two families has been ambiguous for almost twenty years. This time we have to make a clear positioning. This can effectively prevent unexpected problems."

The living creature nodded repeatedly. She was very proud of her identity as belonging to Zhou Wenming, and she also had a good impression of the tree shepherds.

As the old saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Relationships come from all over the place.

In the past ten years, the living dragon has spent time on three planets in the Tree Shepherd Galaxy, and the relationship with its six neighbors cannot be bad.

Especially since Baoshu has always been with her and taken care of her, the relationship has naturally become closer.

Huobi especially didn't want any conflict between the two families. She was very happy when she heard Aburame Tetsumaru's words and said she would immediately inform Baoshu of the good news.

Aburame Tetsumaru said with a smile: "Go quickly, don't let Baoshu and the others think too much."

"Yeah!" The living creature nodded happily, and then disappeared into the Star Sea Hall.

As she left, most of the descendants also left one after another, but none of the descendants from the scientific research department left, and some even continued to log in.

Aburame Tetsumaru asked: "Shengyangyu, have you confirmed that the body simulation of the live snake in the Xinghai Hall has been completed?"

Sheng Yangyu nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed completed, faster than I expected."

The completion of the Xinghai Hall simulation means that the body principle of the living dragon has been completely analyzed, which means that the scientific principles behind it have been mastered, and we can try to reproduce it through some means.

This is the advantage and disadvantage of Xinghai Hall. It can quickly verify scientific logic and actual results, but it cannot analyze and solve the specific implementation process.

This is even greater than the span from laboratory to industry.

Although there is still a lot of work to be done, it is already a great help if the function of Xinghai Hall can be proven feasible.

What's more, the comprehensive analysis was completed so quickly, which proves that the principle is not complicated, which is also an unexpected surprise.

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded excitedly and asked, "Tell me quickly."

Sheng Yangyu smiled and raised two fingers and said: "The analysis of both matters has been completed."

"First, the electromagnetic force field is completely feasible. Although it is slightly different from what we planned, it can be fully functional with only slight adjustments."

"And the electromagnetic force field is much more powerful than we expected."

Shengyang Yu couldn't help but emphasize it again: "It's very, very powerful. It can completely lock the coordinates of molecules and prevent each molecule from unwanted displacement."

"The overload caused by inertia and acceleration is no longer a problem, and even defense is not a problem at all. The electromagnetic water film shield we have used for nearly 30 years is finally going to be eliminated."

Hearing what Shengyangyu said so beautifully, Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but ask: "Have you determined the specific process that can be realized, and can the construction drawings be drawn?"

"Yes." Sheng Yangyu nodded without hesitation, "As long as you give me a little time, I can complete the industrial drawings."

"Well, exclusive battleships, fleet main battleships, planetary fortresses, including laser bugs and knight bugs are all acceptable, but the size of the Ultralisk is quite different and cannot be mounted on it."

Shengyang Yu said excitedly: "As long as it can be applied, it can not only solve the problem of G-force overload, but also solve the problem of defense."

"The electromagnetic force field can capture every molecule within the force field. Any attack cannot cause even one molecule of damage to the objects protected by the force field before the electromagnetic force field is defeated."

"The enemy's attack must be sustained enough to consume the energy of the electromagnetic force field and cause the electromagnetic force field to collapse before it can cause damage."

Sheng Yangyu smiled, and he said proudly and confidently: "The electromagnetic force field energy replenishment speed of the living dragon is very exaggerated, and I can do it even more exaggeratedly."

"The living dragon uses magic power to split heavy elements to obtain nuclear energy, and we can use simulated black holes to swallow matter to obtain more efficient mass-energy output."

"In short, our electromagnetic force field protection capabilities are definitely no worse than the shields of the gods."

"Of course, it is also possible that the enemy's attack is powerful enough to exceed the output of the electromagnetic force field at the molecular level, instantly destroying the force field and the original electromagnetic force of matter, causing damage."

"But this is almost impossible. The electromagnetic force field can respond instantly and concentrate 10% of the energy on the attacked location."

"It is the absolute superiority of the whole against the individual. It is a huge gap in energy levels, at least a gap of two to three orders of magnitude."

"I'm sure that the emergence of electromagnetic force fields means that we have entered a new era, an era in which shields are greater than spears."

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