Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 608: In a world with gods, gunpowder is indeed a bit weak

The fear of the knights, squires and spearmen was quickly dispelled. After the two abyss siege wars, none of the surviving lords was a fool.

After they walked out of the valley, they knew the red-coated army was an iron plate at the first sight, and immediately announced loudly that these were not ordinary untouchables, and defeating them was regarded as defeating the enemy's nobles.

With the promise of rewards, the lord's army quickly regained its high morale and at the same time resumed its bustle.

But the malaise just now had been noticed by the red-coated soldiers, and the soldiers had realized clearly that the knights were actually afraid of their neat formation.

The soldiers of the Red Army tightened their weapons. They suddenly had great confidence in the flame wand, because Aburame Tetsumaru said when distributing it that this was a weapon that could end knights and lords.

After three quarters of an hour of formation, the lord's army immediately launched an attack.

At the forefront were the rangers armed with bows and arrows, who were responsible for harassing the enemy and causing chaos in the neat queue of the red-coated troops.

Behind the rangers were spearmen who lined up closely. They held huge spears high, wore heavy plate armor, and wide-brimmed iron helmets. The overall load reached 40 kilograms, so they could only advance slowly.

In order to cooperate with the spearmen, the knights and knights' attendants on both sides dismounted and led their mounts forward slowly.

Once upon a time, knights were obsessed with maximizing defense. They wore thicker and stronger armor that required bolts to fix parts and weighed more than sixty kilograms.

At that time, the knights could not walk at all, because their armor's knee and ankle joints were fixed, and a simple crane was required to get on and off the horse.

In the first abyss siege, this kind of knights were eliminated by the devil dogs, because the devil dogs could easily overturn them, both men and horses. As long as they were overturned, they would be dead.

Therefore, today's knights are all half-armored, taking into account both defense and flexibility to the maximum extent.

In fact, they didn't know that such equipment was meaningless in the face of Hydralisks' attacks. The bone spurs of Corpse Veins could shoot through three or four knights several hundred meters away.

It was only during the second abyss siege that the Hydralisks' firepower was used to drive away the dragon knights, which allowed the lord's knights to gain wrong experience.

But now they don't have to worry about this mistake, because they also can't stop a rifle strike with a full-power bullet.

When the rangers were only a hundred meters away, they took out arrows from their quivers, held four in their left hands and bow arms, bit two in their mouths, and put one on the string with their right hands, ready for rapid fire.

Aburame Tetsumaru raised his right hand, signaling everyone to get ready to shoot.

The place where the red-coated troops were located looked flat, but in fact it was a carefully laid out slope.

The gentle five-degree slope prevents the front and rear queues from interfering with each other, and everyone can see the Aburame Tetsumaru thirty meters in front of the queue.

Every red-coated soldier raised the rifle at his feet, and then followed the platoon leader's instructions, raising it diagonally upwards, roughly aiming at the slowly approaching lord's army.

As Aburame Tetsumaru's arm swung down heavily, the red-coated army's shooting began.

If the Rifleman had any advantage over the Hydralisk, it was the density of the formation, and therefore the density of firepower.

The advantage of shooting diagonally upward is that the bullet trajectories form an arc, and most of the bullets are relatively evenly distributed, covering the enemy's array without the first row taking most of the damage.

But this was an ideal situation. At least 40% of the Red Army soldiers failed to overcome their instinctive reaction and aimed their guns downward at the first row.

The muzzle flame erupted. The nine-millimeter bullet was a steel-core capped bullet. The warhead weighed a full 28 grams, and its initial velocity reached 930 meters per second.

In theory, this kind of bullet can easily penetrate three layers of plate armor, but in fact, the human body between the two layers of plate armor acts as a composite armor, and few bullets can penetrate the armor-piercing human body.

After the bullet hit the first layer of steel plate on the chest, the spiraling bullet was like a knife drilling into butter without any obstruction, leaving a round hole in the steel plate.

However, after the bullet entered the human body, it began to rotate and tumble, and almost all the huge kinetic energy was released into the human body, creating a cavity with a diameter of more than 40 centimeters.

When it penetrates the human body, the bullet can cause a wound as big as a washbasin.

After penetrating the human body, the tumbling bullet will be blocked by the back steel plate and rebound, and then enter the human body again, causing a second ricochet injury.

The most unlucky ones would even receive four ricochet wounds, resulting in ten wounds from one bullet.

In the end, the projectiles that have broken into countless fragments will eventually embed themselves into the soldiers' bodies. A large number of fragments will crush the muscles and bones, and the flesh and blood body will become shattered rags.

More than 6,000 soldiers fired five times in succession. After emptying the magazine, the rangers and the soldiers in the first three rows were almost beaten to pieces, and they all bled like broken sacks.

The soldiers in the back row also ate a large number of bullets. After a hit, a huge hole can be made in the human body. Even if they hit the limbs, they will cause wounds that cannot be stopped. They will definitely die immediately after being shot.

The entire lord's army was filled with blood mist at this time, and people were lying on their backs, but there was only the neighing of the horses, but no screams of people.

The dead are dead.

The injured was breathless in pain and could not scream for the time being.

Everyone who wasn't injured was stunned.

The soldiers on the Red Army's side were also frightened. They stared blankly at the enemies in front of them, and the faint blood mist dispersed.

Aburame Tetsumaru raised his hand again and shouted loudly: "Clean the chamber and load the bullet!"

The shocking sound woke up the redcoat soldiers.

They began to hurriedly pull the bolt, confirming that the chamber of the gun was empty, then took out a five-round magazine from the pocket, inserted the bullet into the magazine, and closed the bolt.

Only 20% of the soldiers were able to complete this series of steps, and more than 80% of the soldiers were unable to complete the operation due to various reasons.

Some dropped the bullet on the ground, some couldn't get the bullet out even though they were grabbing at their waists, and some couldn't pull the bolt of the gun, just to name a few.

Even 10% of the soldiers were completely stupid. They held up the bolt of their rifles and pulled the triggers blankly, pulling and pulling again and again, completely ignoring that the bullets in the guns were empty.

Therefore, when Aburame Tetsumaru ordered shooting again, only a little over a thousand soldiers were actually able to complete the second round of shooting, and the shooting density was greatly reduced.

But the coalition of lords in the Chihe River Valley finally recovered from their stunned state, and screams rose into the sky.

In an army of more than 30,000 people, more than 4,000 soldiers were knocked to the ground in ten seconds. The casualty rate instantly exceeded 10%. Their psychology collapsed.

When the second round of gunfire sounded, accompanied by huge screams, the entire army instantly disintegrated, and everyone who could move began to run desperately.

These people were no longer soldiers. They even lost their basic judgment and ran around in a panic. Many of them even fled in the direction of the Red Army.

Then these people were shot down by the red army.

"Fix the bayonet! Reload!"

This time, Aburame Tetsumaru did not rush to give orders, but seriously urged the officers in each queue to check that their soldiers were ready for pursuit.

After repeated confirmation, Aburame Tetsumaru ordered: "Pursue the whole army!"

Six thousand Redcoat soldiers launched a hand-to-hand charge. Among the Lord's soldiers who survived the massacre, only a few did not collapse.

Some of them were slow to react, and some were too smart. In short, they persisted for various reasons in the face of invisible bullets.

But when faced with rows of shining bayonets, all the soldiers could no longer bear their fear and began to flee frantically.

The great rout began, with 6,000 people chasing and killing more than 20,000 people. This was the easiest moment of fighting, but also the most violent time to cause casualties.

An army without organization and scrambling to hand over their backs to the enemy can no longer be regarded as soldiers, but as frightened pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Now, their biggest enemies are their companions, companions who can run faster than them.

So people took off their clothes and armor one after another, throwing all kinds of weapons and armor all over the ground, which even hindered the pursuit of the Red Army to a certain extent.

This battle royale pursuit started at 9:30 in the morning and lasted for twenty hours. It was finally terminated at dawn the next day due to the appearance of emergency reinforcements of dragon knights.

These large lizards are also covered in plate armor, and the thickness of the steel plate has reached an astonishing 25 millimeters, and rifle bullets cannot penetrate it at all.

Even if it barely penetrates the weak part of the armor, it will no longer be able to penetrate the dragon's scales.

At this time, the lord's soldiers who had abandoned their armor had completely collapsed. Aburame Tetsumaru believed that all the goals of this battle had been achieved, and immediately issued an order to retreat.

Seeing the mighty dragon knight in the sky, Aburame Tetsumaru could only tut and retreat with the red-coated army.

In this godly world, the combination of gunpowder and rifles is not powerful enough to take on the task of defeating all enemies.

Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but mutter: "As expected, RPG is still needed..."

The dragon knights who successfully drove away the red army did not dare to attack directly. The rifles of these soldiers could not kill the dragon, but they could hurt. The hit was very painful, so the dragon was unwilling to fly low.

During the fierce conflict just now, an unlucky dragon knight was unlucky enough to be hit. Humans cannot penetrate steel plates with a thickness of more than 20 millimeters.

The bullet penetrated his armor and raged inside his body, causing the dragon knight to die on the spot.

Seeing the tragic death of his companion, the dragon knight was unwilling to launch an attack that was too dangerous.

Five of the fourteen lords escaped. They fled the valley area with their defeated soldiers, ranging from thirty to fifty cavalry.

In the history of China, an army of 100,000 people often had only a few dozen cavalry left to escape after a defeat. Not all of them were killed, but after the collapse of order and the complete loss of organization, a few dozen cavalrymen were the largest.

Unless the god himself came and shocked hundreds of thousands of people with unimaginable power, he would not be able to change the situation of defeat.

The lord's army was destroyed by the rebels who needed to be exterminated, and the Red Army officially announced its existence and proud achievements.

As bandits, the Red Army jumped up and became a powerful force stuck in the elite area of ​​the mainland.

Before the battle began, the magicians led by Zoyas gathered together. The experience gained in the war was to use the magicians together, so that the power of the magicians could be maximized.

But the magicians were not thinking about how to attack, but how to escape.

They believed that there must be something strange about the army on the opposite side, otherwise this gesture would be too much and would simply be seeking death.

Although the magicians were mentally prepared, they were dumbfounded at the beginning of the battle. The rifles were too powerful to harvest the cold weapon army.

The efficiency of killing was too exaggerated. It far exceeded the speed of the gun's harvest of infantry during World War I. It destroyed the lord's army in just a few seconds.

The magician, who had been ready to escape long ago, failed to run to the first place. He planned to use the lords as his backing, but in the end he was trapped by the defeated army, and the magicians became the lord's backing.

Three of them were shot with rifles at the outset and died instantly.

Five others were trampled to death while being held hostage.

During the escape, two people were still missing, and their lives and deaths were unknown. In the end, only three people escaped.

Such a record frightened other lords and even many priests. For a while, no one mentioned the suppression of bandits anymore.

But the geographical location of the Chihe River Valley was too important, so a prince, with the blessing of the gods and representing the authority of the gods and the kingdom, began to implement a counterattack plan.

Aburame Tetsumaru also knew this very well. The next time there would be dragon knights and flying dragons in the sky, earth dragons attacking on the ground, and tens of thousands of elite troops encircling and suppressing them along four roads.

Just like what they did to the so-called abyss.

In other words, there is still a larger-scale war to fight, and only after it is won can the steps of industrial construction begin.

After all, the first condition for any construction is safety.

Now, all efforts must be used in agricultural construction and army formation.

Aburame Tetsumaru is backed by No. 3's industrial system. The equipment is almost ready-made, and all kinds of logistical supplies are not a problem. All he has to do is to quickly expand the size of the army and increase the establishment of the legion.

After experiencing the baptism of war, the first batch of red-coated soldiers recruited have fully possessed the psychological advantage over the lords, and they have even formed a belief in the rifles in their hands.

Scatter them throughout the valley, go deep into every village and gathering place, and tell the story of their victory and the embarrassment of their lord to the serfs who build their own houses.

After having enough food for twenty-five days, they still built houses for themselves. The serfs were no longer as lifeless as they were half a month ago. Their faces were rosy, and their hearts were full of hope and longing for the future.

When they heard the red-coated soldiers telling how they defeated the lord's army, everyone's eyes were shining. For the first time, they realized that this life was not a dream, but could last.

The serfs broke their silence and asked all kinds of questions, trying their best to understand all the intelligence and information.

Finally, the red-coated soldiers relayed Aburame Tetsumaru's words as ordered.

"The lords will not give up. They will definitely organize more troops and attack us with the blessing of the so-called gods, just to let us continue the miserable days of the past."

The serfs were angry and roared: "They can't even think about it!!"

The number of red-coated troops in the Chihe River Valley increased rapidly, doubling from 8,000 to 40,000 in just a few days, a five-fold increase.

Even faster than the lords could mobilize their troops.

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