Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 88 The End of the Story

The illusion faded like ink, and Connor's consciousness returned to his body. He subconsciously took out his wand and pointed it at Professor Nott.

But Professor Nott still had his eyes closed, tears falling from the corners of his wrinkled eyes, and he looked like he was being manipulated, which made people angry just by looking at him.

In the end, the curse in Connor's mouth was not pronounced. He had no right to ask others to do anything. In the final analysis, his grandmother had nothing to do with him. She chose to endure in order to survive. No one could blame her.

He really couldn't do anything. Even if he pointed the wand at Voldemort, it might just add another corpse to the scene.

But Connor still felt unhappy. At this time, all the memories that Professor Nott showed him and the affection he thought he felt were extremely ridiculous in Connor's opinion.

"That's right. I'm just a coward." Professor Nott muttered.

"She just died, right in front of my eyes, and I didn't even have the courage to raise my wand."

Professor Nott hugged his head and fell weakly on the chair: "That is my lingering nightmare."

"I hate him, I hate Fu, I hate the Dark Lord, I hate my original decision, I hate myself, but what I feel more is fear. I am afraid of the Dark Lord, and I am even more afraid of death."

"That was her first action after returning from vacation. If I had known in advance that there would be this action."

Professor Nott covered his face and was silent for a while, then he said: "Later, I went back safely and continued to be my minister. Mandy's incident was defined as a decision-making error of the Ministry of Magic, and I took it back to gain my rights, but it was all meaningless. Because then I realized”

Professor Nott's face was full of tears, and Connor seemed to feel the soul of a poor man who had been struggling with regret and fear for many years. It was so sad.

"This time, I have lost her forever. It wasn't until I lost her that I realized that what I was pursuing was never rights or power. All of this seemed insignificant compared to her."

"I have nothing left, family, friendship, and love are all gone. Everything has left me. At this time, I feel that death is not something worth fearing."

"But this time I can't die."

"I want revenge!"

"I want to kill the Dark Lord!" Professor Nott's face was ferocious and he gritted his teeth: "But I know that I can't kill him. He is too powerful, but I know someone can kill him."

"Dumbledore, I secretly contacted Dumbledore and gained his trust through an unbreakable oath. After that, I became a double agent. I pinned all my hopes of revenge on Dumbledore."

"But the information I can provide to Dumbledore is not much. I just ruined the Dark Lord's plans a few times. And this is of no consequence to him."

"But no one thought that Voldemort would be defeated by a child in the end. The day he was defeated was probably the day I laughed the most in so many years."

Professor Nott smiled sadly: "The era of the Dark Lord's rule is over, but my nightmare is not."

"After he was defeated, I retired from the Auror department, but in the past ten years, my life has been even more painful. After losing all the good things, I even lost the goal of revenge."

"And I got what I deserved."

"Every time before I go to bed, her unbelievable look before her death will appear in front of me. I have woken up from nightmares countless times. The endless regrets suffocated me. In the end, I could only anesthetize myself through nightmares. ."

"Nightmare?" Connor asked subconsciously. He remembered that Professor Nott mentioned this kind of monster in class. It seemed to be a magical creature that first made people have pleasant dreams and then caused him to fall into nightmares.

"I mentioned it to you in class," Professor Nott pointed to the wooden box in the room and said, "There is a nightmare in there."

Connor turned to look at the box that he thought contained "Mad-Eye Knott" and cast a confused look. Wasn't this the stuff of nightmares?

Professor Nott twitched his lips and wanted to smile, but couldn't. "As long as you get rid of the nightmare before falling into it, the nightmare is actually a very useful monster."

"."Does the wizard really know how to play the series?

Professor Nott sighed and finally met Connor's eyes: "That's why after I heard about your painting skills, I wanted to come to Hogwarts and beg you to draw a painting, even just a painting. That’s fine, I want to see her again and hope to have a few more words with her.”

"But now I regret that I agreed to your request." Connor said coldly.

"From the moment I decided to confess all this to you, I didn't expect to be forgiven by you. I was just worried about whether you were still willing to believe me. After all, I deceived you three times and four times."

"But I hope you believe one thing, Connor. The Dark Lord is not dead yet! Although there are rumors that he is no longer here, I know that he will not die so easily. One day he will come back!" Professor Nott said seriously. He said something that seemed to be a spoiler, but as he said it, he realized something was wrong, because Connor's face showed no expression at all.

"Aren't you surprised?" Professor Nott said in surprise.

"." Connor then realized that for people in this world, the fact that the Dark Lord has not left should be a very scary thing, but to him, this... is common sense, okay, Connor I could only answer in a coping manner: "Because my grandfather also said this to me."

".Deavan. Yes. In fact, he can almost guess who killed Mandy in the first place. Although there were no surviving witnesses to that incident, and he is the kind of person who values ​​family more than feelings. , In the past, the Lake family had no heirs, so it could resist its impulse, but now..." Professor Nott looked at Connor deeply and said:

"Connor, don't let your grandfather do anything stupid."

Connor was shocked. He really didn't think about this. He recalled his grandfather's attitude towards Voldemort. Well, he didn't think of anything. Connor didn't know if his grandfather had guessed this, but he should really pay attention. After a moment, Connor nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for reminding me."

"Connor, the reason why I want to confess all this to you is because I am very worried that the Dark Lord will come back one day. If he comes back, he will not let go of those who betrayed him, such as coming to Hogwart. I am the professor." Professor Nott twitched his lips and said:

"But I am prepared for this. Whether he kills me or I am lucky enough to kill him, it is a good thing, isn't it? There is nothing worth fearing."

"." Connor lowered his head and remained silent. He didn't know how many people Voldemort had killed when he came back, and whether Professor Nott was one of them, but Voldemort had indeed not encountered any opponent before he was killed by Harry.

"But you're different Connor."

Connor looked up, and Professor Nott looked at him closely with cloudy eyes, his eyes shining with hope.

"You are different, Connor. When you chopped off his head with a sword last night, I thought: 'Maybe this kid can really kill the devil.' Connor, you are the best person I have ever seen. The most gifted child, you have the courage that I have never had, and I am more willing to believe in you than to place my hopes on another 'savior' who has not yet entered school."

"Although it's a bit ridiculous to entrust this kind of thing to a child, but I don't know why, I always feel that you can definitely defeat the Dark Lord." Professor Nott shook his head and said in a doting tone like a grandfather: "But you don't have to Take this as a burden, there are many beautiful things in this world worthy of your love, you are different from me, your life has just begun, and you can have a glorious future."

"If possible, I hope you can also be a beam of light." Professor Nott looked at Connor's face and smiled:

"Just like Mandy."

"Connor, I have enjoyed getting along with you this year. You have to walk your own path in the future, and I have nothing more to teach you. After this semester, I will leave Hogwarts and go collect More information about the Dark Lord, in order to really kill him. If I can find some useful information, even a little bit of trivial information, Mandy might be able to forgive me more easily." Professor Nott looked at it blankly. Toward the window.

"." Connor was silent. At this time, he didn't know what attitude he should take towards the old man in front of him. He was not a hero, he was just an ordinary person who was a little selfish, a little cowardly, and a little unfortunate. And for the rest of his life, They are all on the road to atonement, because he always believed that he was the one who killed Grandma Mandy.

"I forgive you!"

Connor turned his head suddenly and looked around. It turned out that the portrait of Mandy's grandmother, who had been hiding somewhere, ran out again. At this time, she was looking at Professor Nott and said:

"Sark, your choice at that time was not wrong. Even if you attacked Voldemort, I would not be happy about it! At least you survived now, right? You have done everything you can do. ! I know that you are different from Voldemort’s Death Eaters. You are a kind-hearted Slytherin! I believe that everything you did was not your intention, and I have forgiven you, so.”

Mandy took a deep breath and said loudly: "Please forgive yourself!"

Professor Nott stared blankly at the sudden appearance of Mandy. His tears that had stopped could not stop falling again, and the flow became more and more. Finally, he covered his eyes with his hands and bent down, his body unable to stop He was convulsing, crying silently, and seemed to have cried until he was hoarse. The sixty-year-old man was crying like a child at this time.

"Really? You forgive me, you forgive me. Thank you Mandy... thank you." Professor Nott's voice came out from his hands, and his voice was choked with a trace of relief.

It turned out that the person he was asking for was not the person in the painting, but just a word of forgiveness.

Ah, the plot of this volume is almost over here. The hole dug by the bad guys has finally been filled in, and we can finally start playing cards happily again (^^*)! ! !

In fact, I don’t think I can write this kind of plot well. I’m exhausted from writing it, and it’s not that good at all. I can only plead with readers to just accept it, and Mo Yu will continue to work hard in the future!

p.s. Thanks to book friend [Chanzi] for the reward!

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