But unfortunately, Rock God has already established some friendships with people in Mondstadt, and his relationship with Fengshen seems to be quite good.

After selecting his hometown of Xumi as the target, the doctor reached an in-depth cooperation with the Order Academy and helped them complete a series of preparations to build this grand stage.

Just like Mond's favorite story, the brave man defeated the dragon, rescued the princess, and lived a life loved by all people.

The doctor personally prepared all the supporting characters for the stage and quietly waited for the arrival of the "brave".

Whether it was luring scholars from the Order to commit crimes in Liyue, or suggesting that the Order should expel Sai Nuo, or now successfully catching this fun-loving rock god.

All current progress is within the doctor's plan.

On the other side, Zhong Rui thought of Gan Yu, who had finally been free from work recently, and decisively rejected the doctor's proposal.

"There's no need. After Zhidong's defeat, Gan Yu and the others will have a lot more work to do, and the time they spend with me will be reduced. With the small population of Zhidong Kingdom, it's not cost-effective at all."

Today's world of Teyvat is just a playground for Zhong Rui, a world of small gardens where he has fun.

With Teyvat's small population, Zhong Rui doesn't even have the motivation to unify Teyvat. He just takes it one step at a time.

As long as Tianli doesn't wake up and overturn the table, Zhong Rui plans to be his own Liyue Rock God and look for opportunities to gain faith in other countries.

"What about Xumi? Are you still satisfied with the stage I have prepared?"

Seeing the sincerity shown by the doctor, Zhong Rui stared at the doctor with his breathtaking golden eyes. In front of these eyes, the doctor felt that all the secrets in his heart had been seen through.

"Very good. It seems that you know how to please me. In that case, I don't mind giving you a chance. As a god, I still have this tolerance."

There is no doubt that the doctor is a dangerous person who will do anything for knowledge. He has no so-called bottom line and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

But... the doctor is also a smart person, he knows what methods to use to please himself, and he also knows what methods to take to anger him.

As long as Zhong Rui still holds the mystery that is enough to attract the doctor, then in order to please Zhong Rui, he is willing to do everything he can and take the initiative to become a tool in his hands.

"For the sake of your hard work in setting up the stage, I will give you two choices. Either leave Xumi and pretend that everything here today never happened, or accept this power and become my puppet. Choose."

Zhong Rui threw the sword that had corroded the Herrscher's power, and the doctor looked fieryly at the mysterious power that was completely different from the elemental power and the abyss.

"Then there is only one answer!"

Picking up the dark sword stuck on the ground, the doctor smiled and stabbed it into his body.

"I will be loyal to you!"

Feeling that the mysterious power coming from the sword was eroding and transforming his body, the doctor laughed happily.

He could feel that his body had transcended an ordinary life form and turned into a pure unknown energy body. This feeling was so wonderful!

Has that slice ever had such a pleasurable monopoly?

[I] am so selfish...

"Hahaha, so humans are really interesting. I have decided not to destroy the fools anymore!"

Chapter 402 Meeting Nasida for the first time

"There will definitely be no problem with the void device this time. I'm sorry to have caused you any trouble. Please allow me to apologize to you on behalf of the Holy Order."

Perhaps she got some information from the Fools. The person who sent the void device to Zhong Rui this time was a female student, and her appearance was considered to be the best among ordinary people.

But Zhong Rui was not interested in her, so he pretended not to understand the girl's hint and asked her to leave the room.

Bringing the void device that the Apostle Academy had re-designed with his special characteristics, Zhong Rui directly injected the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion into the void system this time.

The great sage Azar, who was monitoring the data in the backstage of the Order Academy, looked at the computing power of the extra 500,000 sages in the background data, and laughed triumphantly without caring about maintaining his dignity in front of his subordinates.

Although I can't borrow all of that guy's computing power, the five hundred thousand is still enough!

This part of the computing power will not bring an excessive burden to the void device. Although it will reduce the service life of the device, it can last for at least a month!

Now with so much computing power to help them, it won’t take even a month for them to revive the Great Kindness Tree King!

On the other side, the erosion of the Herrscher of Corrosion did not even cause an alarm in the Void System itself. The sages did not even notice that the Void Terminal had now changed its owner.

In other words, no one has successfully invaded the Void System so far, so the Void System itself does not have a firewall. Even if there is a firewall, it is as if there is no firewall in the face of corrosive power.

Every move of the great sage and these scholars was captured by Zhong Rui, who had sneaked into the void system.

"You're going to deal with these idiots later. Do you really think they'll be fine without wearing a void device? I'll give them a little bit of a collapse shock later, and let me see how Nasida is doing now..."

Zhong Rui has no interest in the proud great sage. This guy has already fallen into the doctor's trap.

For him, if he can survive safely until the brave man defeats the evil dragon and faces his own trial, it is considered a success!

Just when Zhong Rui was about to use the power of erosion to occupy the body of a scholar from the Sage Sect and act as a puppet, the young and anxious Loliyin immediately stopped him.

[Please stop, strange gods! 】

Feeling the resistance that was so weak that it could be ignored, Zhong Rui looked at the white-haired lolita who was as cute as a goblin.

This face looks a bit like Theresa, but her temperament is indeed much wiser than Theresa's.

[Little Lucky Grass King? 】

[This strange god, could you please take back the power to invade the void system and explain your purpose of coming? 】

Zhong Rui looked at Nasida in the void system. She had a small and cute appearance, but her tone was not as steady as that of a child.

After all, he is still a 500-year-old new god, so naturally he cannot look like a real child.

It was just her question that made Zhong Rui frown slightly.

[Don’t you really know why I’m here? 】

[I'm sorry, I don't know what the Order Council did to make you so angry, but the people of Xumi City are innocent, so please don't invade their bodies at will. 】

Zhong Rui looked at Nasida silently. Although she knew that she was under house arrest by the Order, she didn't know much about Sumeru, right?

He was very conspicuous when he entered the city. He entered the city with such a high profile just to convey the information of his arrival to Nasida.

Although Nasita cannot leave the Palace of Pure Goodness, she can also use the void system and power to observe the world through spirit and consciousness.

Unexpectedly, she didn't notice what was going on in Xumi City. Was she busy with other things?

Forget it, it’s better to meet this kid in person.

In the void system, Nasida saw that after the vague consciousness of the figure disappeared from the system, the power left behind did not disappear, and her little face showed a confused expression.

Not long ago, she tried to resist this force, but her divine power was easily assimilated by this force. In other words, this was a problem that she had no way to deal with.

It is a hidden danger for the people of Sumeru City to continue to use such a void, but even if she wants to shut down the void system, she does not have the authority to do so, let alone let the Order Council execute the order.

Now her body is still under house arrest in Jingshan Palace, and even if she wants to do something, she can't do anything.

Nasida, whose spirit stayed in the void system, subconsciously returned her spirit from the void system when she felt her physical body in reality being touched.


Nacida opened her eyes and looked curiously at the white-haired man who rubbed her face. She felt that the man was a little familiar...

Of course, there was no trace of the other person in her memory bank, but those qualities in him made Nasida feel that she should "know" the other person's identity.

White hair, golden eyes, Liyue's clothes, noble temperament, not tall, and aura of god...

"Are you Liyue's new rock god?"

Combined with the information she had heard before, Nacida quickly deduced the identity of the white-haired boy in front of her from these characteristics.

The other party is her junior, Yan Shen, who has just been in office for a few months in Liyue. As a god, he is hundreds of years younger than her, but his abilities are countless times more reliable than hers.

The Tianrui Divine Eye, Pokémon, Zanpakutō, and various technologies and techniques from other worlds were all gifts given to Liyue by the Tianrui Emperor.

The people of Liyue also love this new rock god very much. Even if the previous rock king emperor suddenly announced his return, I am afraid that the support rate among the people will not surpass that of the current emperor Tianrui.

It's completely different from her situation...

In this huge Sumeru, she doesn't have many believers. The god worshiped by the Order is still the deceased grass god, the Great Merciful Tree King.

Nacida can also understand the mood of these people. After all, as a god, she is still too ignorant and her abilities are far inferior to other gods. It is understandable that they would place their faith in the former Great Merciful Tree King.

Compared with the Great Merciful Tree King who was known as the God of Wisdom in the past, Nasida now feels that she cannot bear the title of God of Wisdom, and she still has a lot to learn.

When she learns enough knowledge and has enough strength to reach the level of the Great Ci Tree King in the future, Nasida believes that she will definitely be recognized by the Sumeru people and the Order Council.

Nasida was also very curious about the magical knowledge transmitted from Liyue. It was obviously knowledge and power from outside the world, but it was not as taboo as the abyss.

She also wanted to use her power to see Liyue now, but because she still needed to use her power to suppress the dead zones and sandstorms that had become more and more frequent in Xumi recently, she had no time left to take a look at Liyue.

"That's right, I came here from Liyue to plead guilty this time. Grass God of Xumi, are you going to declare war on me?"

If he showed a gentle and friendly attitude at this time, he might be able to gain Nasida's favor easily, but after seeing the other party's current situation, Zhong Rui gave up this plan.

Originally, according to the script, he, the brave man, would probably not meet the princess until she was in crisis.

But Zhong Rui has no interest in following the doctor's script. As long as the doctor and the Academy pretend to be evil dragons, the rest of the plot flow will be fine.

Moreover, Nacida is not so much a princess who needs to be rescued, but now she is more like a drowning person trapped in a cocoon, and she must let herself realize the problem in her body.

There is no way to praise her for the suffering she has endured and accepted.

Otherwise, it will only make her go further and further down this wrong path...

Chapter 403 Nasida’s Dedication

Nasida looked at the "Grass God" handover from Zhong Rui in disbelief.

This rich power of the grass element was almost exactly the same as hers in nature. If Nasida had not had the memory of writing this handwriting, she would have thought it was a handwriting left by herself.

"This... this is not my order. As you can see, I have been imprisoned here. Although I am the god of Xumi, I am not qualified to give orders to the Order, so..."

Looking at this forged edict from the Ecclesiastes, Nasida was shocked and at a loss.

Why did the Ecclesiastical Council forge this provocative edict?

What is their reason for doing this?

Even if Liyue declares war on this reason, Xumi will not take advantage of them. What's more, Xumi doesn't even have its own army and is no match for Liyue.

Even she is the only one with demon-god-level combat power, but she is not good at fighting to begin with...

In other words, Zhong Rui now occupies absolute dominance, plus the void system that he has controlled, as well as thousands of Sumeru people connected to the void.

Today's Xumi is just a lamb to be slaughtered in Liyue's eyes. Both sides are not at the same level in terms of national strength or high-end combat power.

Nasida could only try to explain to Zhong Rui that the Order House was not under her rule to resolve the misunderstanding between them and calm the anger of the Rock God.

No matter what, we cannot let Xumi and Liyue go to war, otherwise, after this battle, the country of Xumi will cease to exist.

"Well? They imprisoned you here? You are the grass god of Sumeru and the god of this country. Do you want to say that all this is a private act of the Order and has nothing to do with you?"

Zhong Rui pretended not to know about Nasida's situation and questioned her statement. Moreover, he had the Oracle of the Grass God in his hand as evidence, so he could naturally pursue the blame at will.

After all, in the eyes of gods from other countries, this matter is indeed outrageous!

Because the whole of Teyvat is dominated by divine power and the power of kings is divinely authorized.

The dignified demon god is under house arrest by humans. As a god of the country, he has no command authority over the government and can only live like a mascot.

Zhong Rui replaced the colleagues he knew, who would have been treated the same way by Nasida.

Wendy will probably run away quietly, and then repeat Vanessa's story, blowing the seeds of resistance and defeating the authoritarian Order.

Zhongli would probably suppress the Jiaolingyuan directly, and then use knowledge and education to slowly change the Jiaolingyuan and make the country what he wanted again.

As for the final thunder movie, just go on a killing spree and then re-establish the Order of the Order, an Order of Order that only obeys her divine will.

By the way, Zhong Rui's approach is probably the closest to Lei's movie, except that he recruits a group, disperses a group, and attacks a group.

In the end, he took advantage of the longevity of the divine species to slowly kill the hero and shrink all the power to himself.

Therefore, Zhong Rui cannot understand a god like Nasida who chooses to accept imprisonment by default.

Obviously with Nasida's power, as long as she wants to come out, she can borrow the void for help at any time, and even directly borrow people's bodies from the void to gather troops to overthrow the Order Academy.

And although the Order of the Order worships the Great Ci Tree King, the people also know that the Tree King has passed away and a new grass god has been born.

The people were also willing to accept the rule of this new god, but the Ecclesiarchy kept Nasida under house arrest, so that she never appeared in front of the people. Over time, the people no longer cared about this god they had never met.

So in fact, as long as Nasida wanted to, she could use the name of the Grass God at any time to gather a group of people with lofty ideals to help her overthrow the Order Council.

As long as she is willing to do it herself, even if she is not good at fighting as a demon, she can overthrow the Order Academy.

However, she believed that she was not qualified to control Xumi, so she acquiesced to the imprisonment of the Order Council, silently learned knowledge for five hundred years, and then protected Xumi in a way that no one knew.

Now she is reaping the consequences, allowing humans to overstep divine authority and giving them the idea of ​​supporting a new god.

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