As soon as the boss appears, he kills the A-level Valkyrie instantly. Isn’t this powerful enough?

Because she was not controlled by Honkai, Anna did not become the Herrscher of Africa. Of course, she still kept the quilt of Ice Law and became the Herrscher of Quilt. It was actually okay. After all, as long as the Herrscher of Ice stood there, she would be surrounded by It will cool down, and it is very reasonable for Anna to wear a quilt on her body.

The quilt is paired with a black tights. In fact, Anna's Herrscher appearance is quite good-looking, making people have the urge to lift the quilt.

Anna, who had obtained the Herrscher of Ice, naturally wanted to share this joy with Mo Yi. As mentioned before, what Anna wanted to improve was not just 'strength' in various senses.

After getting the new uniform, Xin Dong's little landlady naturally wanted to give Mo Yi a surprise, so she didn't lock the door to surprise Mo Yi later.

"Anna, my Anna, how can I live without you? Please take me in and take a bath together!"

While Mo Yi was still talking dirty words outside, the handle of the glass door suddenly turned. Mo Yi naturally knew that Anna was finally 'persuaded' by her, and it was time to enter the next step of 'sleeping clothes'.

"Aren't you ashamed to say such things all day long?"

As soon as the door opened, Anna, who had transformed into the Herrscher of Ice, walked out.

Seeing Anna's hair even turning white, coupled with the Herrscher costume of quilt + black tights, although it was a bit obscene, Mo Yi was excited.

"Anna, what are you doing?"

Anna slowly walked to Mo Yi, lowered her head and muttered:

"Does it look weird if I look like this?"

Anna raised her head to look at Mo Yi, and after making sure that the other person's eyes were looking at her closely, she breathed a sigh of relief, brushed her long snow-white hair, and explained:

"If you don't like white hair, I can change it back to its original color... This costume can actually be modified by yourself using Honkai Energy."

"No, that's fine—"

The white-haired Anna is very different from her previous temperament. She looks a little more similar to Kiana. I can only say that the white hair is in Shaniyat. As for quilts and other things, wouldn't it be good to wear more clothes? Well, the process of taking off clothes is also a kind of fun, and the happy time suddenly increases.

"Anna looks beautiful no matter what."

"Then why don't you hug me?"

Ana bit her lip lightly and asked in a low voice.

You all know the next thing, just ask about ‘Frappuccino’.JPG.

After a night of research, Mo Yi discovered that after Anna became the Herrscher of Ice, not only did her hair color and clothes change, but there were also great changes inside her body. For example, her body temperature became lower than that of ordinary people. Of course, she could control it at will. It's not as hard as the original Kevin ancestor. When he became a human-shaped refrigerator, ordinary people would get frostbite if he got close to him, let alone stick to the one he liked.


The next day, at around nine o'clock in the morning, everyone had already gathered at the agreed place, because there were still five minutes before Emperor Wen Tian was swept into this world from the turbulence of time and space.

"Ice Age."

After being trained by Mo Yi all night, Anna has mastered the power of ice law, and her condition today is perfect.

Because the location where Emperor Wen Tian descended was above the sea, Anna used the ability of Ice Law to freeze the sea area near the school island to make it easier for everyone to gain a foothold. After all, not all mythical beasts can fly, let alone humans.

Everyone had already taken their seats, waiting for Emperor Wen Tian to descend from the sky and give her a big surprise.


Mo Yi looked at the Honkai Game Console's prompt and counted down the time. As the countdown ended, a sudden space-time distortion appeared in the sky, and then a storm gathered, and the rich Honkai energy suddenly exploded.

Then... there is no more.


The pink fairy, who had been hunkering down for a long time, had already activated her exclusive magical girl skill, the Paradise of the Past, at the moment when Mo Yi's countdown ended. As soon as Wendy came into this world, she was forcibly transferred to the Paradise of the Past.

This is also the new plan that everyone discussed last night. With the participation of the pink goblin, this time the battle against Emperor Wen Tian is foolproof. Before, everyone was not worried about defeating Wendy. What they were worried about was that the other party would cause a collapse during the arrest. and use their power to cause global disaster.

But after being caught in the Paradise of the Past, and before the Paradise of the Past was broken, he didn't worry about affecting the real world.

The Pink Fairy's inherent barrier, the Land of the Past, is quite strong, and with the blessing of Starry Gracie, everyone can have a good fight inside with confidence.

Originally, according to Mo Yi's idea, during the simulation, everyone was asked to find a way to work hard. When it was time to go up, they were left to kill the opponent alone as quickly as possible. You couldn't just give everyone a chance to practice. Allowing the other party to harm innocent people.

But now that there is isolation in the Paradise of the Past, Mo Yi is assured of giving everyone a chance to practice. Although Chong Chong, Ya Ya, Cooking Woman and others, with Mo Yi's help, are much stronger than themselves at the same time in Beng 3. But they also lose the psychological growth and experience brought by actual combat. Sometimes the strength becomes stronger, but it does not mean that the strength really becomes stronger.

Now is a good opportunity to exercise.

"here it is?"

Emperor Wen Tian's head was still dizzy and she didn't know where she had gone, when she suddenly saw the people surrounding her.

There were many old acquaintances among them, such as the Yu San family who had gang-raped her not long ago, but not long ago they were Bai Lian, Crimson and Chariot. How could they change their appearance in the blink of an eye and still exude the same kind of aura?

Could it be that they are also Herrschers? This is too frivolous.

If it's true, why on earth do you want to gang up on me? We should all destroy human civilization together, Kouya!

In addition, there is Wendy's old friend Teacher Theresa. Of course, Theresa also changed into the exclusive God-killing armor Twilight Knight Yuehuang at this time.

Teresa: Hum, I didn't use my full strength last time... This time I must let everyone see the true power of the dean!

Under the pressure of Emperor Wen, Theresa once again broke through her own limits. With the help of Snake, Otto, Dr. Anti-Entropy and others, she finally mastered the ability of artificial collapse and evolved into the heartless Great Theresa at any time. . (From the perspective of the vertical painting, it seems that the Great Theresa is a flat plate? Or is it difficult to tell because of the vertical painting problem?)

In addition, there are pink goblins who are responsible for remote support, Mr. Ya who rides a dragon to harass, front-facing meat shields + nanny goose, Anna who is responsible for controlling enemies and applying various freezing buffs... and our little hero Mo Be at ease.

Well, Emperor Wen Tian didn't know that the death omen star above her head was already shining and was still expanding at this moment.

"Kiana, Raiden Mei, Bronya and Theresa-sensei——"

Standing in the sky, Wendy glanced at the people below. Unfortunately, she only knew these four people, so she could only read out their names, and then laughed wildly.

"Okay, that's really good...I didn't run away when I had the chance, but chose to come here and die."

"Looks like I have no choice but to kill you all, hahahaha..."

Mo Yi: "..."

Ah, this Wendy doesn't seem very smart. Mo Yi still thinks that the domestic training dog, Wendy, is much cuter.

Seeing that Wendy was about to talk a lot of nonsense when they met in the simulator, Mo Yi waved his hand to interrupt and said loudly:

"We're tired of hearing your dirty talk-"

In fact, none of the people present here knew how to listen to Emperor Wen Tian's dirty talk today. As a result, no matter how many of the other party's hidden lines were triggered, there was naturally nothing new and they were indeed tired of hearing it.

"Wendy, you are too dangerous, we must calm you down first!"

Following Mo Yi's words, everyone followed the plan and simultaneously launched a righteous group fight against Emperor Wen Tian.

The person responsible for starting the group is Anna. Because it is daytime, the Stigmata of the Moon Girl cannot exert its hidden power. Anna naturally relies on the newly acquired power of Herrscher of Ice. Driven by all her strength, she shoots sharp ice picks one after another. , like a reverse rainstorm, shooting towards Wendy rapidly, accompanied by extremely cold air currents. If one simply resists the ice cone, the invisible freezing wind will freeze it into an ice sculpture within a few seconds.

The Ice Herrscher's ability requires a certain duration to exert its maximum lethality, and it is easy to accidentally injure teammates, so Anna chooses to take the lead in controlling the group start. After all, someone has to be a support.

"It is indeed the power of the Herrscher. You, a traitor, actually stand on the side of mankind——"

Emperor Wen Tian was not happy with being forced to interrupt Mo Yi's talk. Now he found out that Anna, an unknown Herrscher, had chosen to help humans conquer him. Naturally, she fell into extreme anger, but of course she was very cautious in her actual actions.

"Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da!"

For some reason, she had a feeling that if she was careless, she would end up in a terrible situation.

"You guys are already on your way to death!"

Emperor Wen Tian used the power of wind to put several layers of rational fluid shield on himself, successfully isolating the ice cone and the cold air, and then stretched out his hand downwards, preparing to use his mother's coil——

It's a pity that Anna's first attack was to attract Wendy's attention and make her stand on the defensive. At this time, others had already attacked.

"Krishna, let's go!"

Tian Yuan Goose rode on his beloved Krishna, holding the Black Abyss White Flower in his hand, and launched an awesome traumatic attack on Emperor Wen Tian while carrying the ice cubes condensed in the air——

"The road to Tianyuan is opened here!"

"I can't fall behind either."

After seeing the stupid goose rushing out first, Firefly, who had already completed Kiana's fusion transformation with Firefly, dragged the Xinyan sword and turned into a burning meteor and rushed over.

"The time for the decisive battle has arrived."

The battle had just begun, but Firefly said it was time for a decisive battle, and that was a decisive battle. After all, others could struggle with full health, why couldn't Kiana raise her hand and the first blow would be the moment of decisive battle.

"Actually escaped?"

Yaya turned the accelerator of the heavily armored bunny motorcycle and rushed on the road paved by the Key of Truth——

Contestant Bronya rushed onto the track.

"This is the bond between Mo Yi and I, the golden rotating claw bullet that symbolizes infinity - Act4!"

In the state where the man and the car are integrated, Bronya reloads the rabbit and completes the golden turn at high speed at the same time. With the perfect superposition of the two, she successfully performs a cavalry turn with infinite energy. The spear (nail) stabbed Emperor Wen Tian who was standing in the storm.

The reloaded bunny is ready to go on the road. "Chirp Mimi" Wen Tiandi wrote a hundred pages: Reloaded bunny, I like the enemies who are closed in place and use absolute defense.

Mei Yi and Mr. Mei also followed, drawing their swords from opposite sides, preparing to use the combined skill ‘Wuxian·Dream True’.

As for Teresa?

Theresa, who was slow in sprinting, found that her teammates had run away all of a sudden, and she did not have similar acceleration skills. Then she looked silently at the pink fairy next to her, looking at the way the opponent bent the bow to charge up, and thought about whether to use it or not. Let the other person shoot themselves out.

Finally, there was Mo Yi, who held the Heavenly Fire Sword that he borrowed from his father-in-law, Siegfried, and merged it into the Heavenly Fire Sword. Then he took out the Silence Gem, Desire Gem, and Disease Gem that had been prepared in advance. Coupled with his own power of Laiyan Law, he directly enters the five-core sky fire extinction form.

"In order to protect this beautiful world, Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire, please rush with me again."

The pink fairy on the side heard Mo Yi's muttering to himself, and began to hesitate whether to throw the bow and arrow, took out the magic wand, and hit Mo Yi's head hard.

Damn it, where are you from being the Lawyer of the Wind?

I see that you clearly want to blow up my paradise, Kouga! !

PS: Xier Chapter (80):

Xi'er: Now I have the opportunity to watch Bronya's silk stocking killing technique again. I went back to study it before and found that there are still many things I didn't understand. I must learn it 100% this time.

So Xier used the ability obtained from the Quantum Sea and the ability of quantization to create an invisible mirror. Through the refraction of several mirrors, she could clearly see the situation above. She even had the ability to save the video and record it at any time. It is like the effect of observation and learning.

Xier, I have grown up and will not be like last time.

Hei Xixia: "..."

Wait, you got a hammer to grow up, Kou Ya! Why are you just watching? Have you really betrayed me, Xier?

Hei Xixia, who has tasted Mo Yi's taste, although she hasn't noticed it yet, she no longer wants to share it with others. Her desire for exclusivity has always been okay.

"But, but?"

Xi'er hesitated a little, thinking about some key points in the stockings killing technique that she had not yet understood. Xi'er had been trying to figure it out for who knows how long, but had never found an opportunity. Now that she finally caught such a good opportunity, she really wanted to destroy it. Yet?

After all, there is no way to prevent Bronya from stealing food from Mo Yi, and the situation will inevitably happen again in the future. But if you have the opportunity to observe Bronya's sister's silk stocking killing skills with your own eyes again, you may never find it again, Kou Ya!

"After I miss this time, I don't know when I will have it next time and I will learn from it."

Hei Xixia: "..."

What a steal!

Xi'er, you have to learn to use your strengths and avoid your weaknesses. You also have unique skills that Bronya can never learn, Kou Ya!

Chapter 279: Thousand Herrscher: Kiana, Mo Yi is dead, eh eh eh

"Please take it easy for me?~"

Alicia put down her bow and arrow, jumped to Mo Yi's side, knocked Mo Yi's head with her hand, and complained:

"Control your power. Neither the paradise nor the real world can bear it."

If the Paradise of the Past is blown up, it will take some time to be repaired automatically. However, if Mo Yi uses all five cores to fully activate the Skyfire Unsheath, the power may fall into the real world after exploding the Paradise of the Past. Emperor Wen Tian didn't destroy the world, but Mo Yi directly killed the filial son with a burst of heavenly fire from Mother Earth. Isn't it funny?

When Siegfried combined with Walter Yang, the Sky Fire struck Mother Earth with a splitting sword, but if it was replaced by Mo Yilai now, it would not really split the Earth.

"Ellie, you know me——"

Just when Mo Yi was about to quibble, his head was hit hard by the pink fairy again.

"If you don't listen, if you dare to do anything, I will kill you tonight."

The pink fairy, who had experienced "The Realization of Dreams" from the perspective of others, naturally refused to accept the words and spirits of the pair of Ai Li special attacks, directly interrupted Mo Yi's release, and suppressed Mo Yi forcefully.

"Okay, I will control the power——"

Having said that, Mo Yi still slapped the Silence Gem, Desire Gem, and Disease Gem on the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, then gathered his strength and looked for a suitable opportunity to strike hard at Emperor Wen Tian. However, in this process, he had to control the accidental damage range. Strength, that difficulty is even more difficult than unleashing the Skyfire attack with all its strength.

"It's good that you know, huh?~"

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