Starry Gracie: I didn’t learn this just because you like little sister Alicia, kitten... Aunt Mebius experimented on mice after learning, and she said the effect was very good.

"Brother Mo Yi, it's not like you don't know that I can easily pick up other people's colors. Sister Alicia has a greater influence on me -"

Big Gray Xiu began to talk nonsense seriously.

"But it doesn't matter. After some time, the colors belonging to other people will fade away, and then I will be all the colors of you, little kitty brother."

Mo Yi: "..."

Ah, why does this sound weird? I doubt you are driving, Gratius.

Mo Yi looked at Grexiu suspiciously, but couldn't see anything from the other person's innocent face. Could it be that he was too yellow, so everything sounded yellow?

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe Gracie you will get a new color soon——"

I learned from Chong Chong that 'the pen is too sharp', from Cook's 'brush, surrender to me and I can't draw anything', from Theresa's 'do you want to take a nap with Gracie?', YaYa It's 'Mr. Knight, Euler', See's is 'Please, another me', Goose is 'It hurts, it hurts too much, I raise my eyes to make changes, I lose my brush', and Rita is 'It's time to clean the studio'· ··

Just from Anna's words, Mo Yi suddenly couldn't think of what kind of mouth habit the other party had——

Don't give up, as long as the brush doesn't stop, the road will keep extending?

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Graciu smiled. Now she is not the fusion warrior Graciu. Naturally, she can perfectly control her own characteristics. However, she doesn't mind stealing other people's colors and superimposing all kinds of cuteness on herself. She just asks how other people can get along with her. Is she Grey's Dou?

"Speaking of Ellie, Gratius, do you see her often?"

Mo Yi didn't know what would happen to Gracie after he became the Constellation of the Stars. Would he really be a satellite in the Quantum Sea, unable to do anything? This would drive people crazy out of boredom.


Graciu heard the concern in Mo Yi's tone, so she explained to Mo Yi how she had been living these years.

When she first became the Principle of the Stars, Gracie couldn't control her power, but it got much better later. In addition, she has the ability to link time and space at any time, so when she can master her own abilities, she can return to When I met everyone at the pre-civilization time, even though there was an ordinary lolita version of Little Gracie, everyone was not alienated from the older Gracie. In this way, Gracie naturally became friends with the pink fairy. We met a lot.

The pink fairy has been asking Fanxing Graxiu if there is any news about Mo Yi, but naturally everything turns out to be a big surprise.

When she stays on the Starry Principle, Gracie will not be bored. She can observe the world and world bubbles at any time, and she can also do her favorite thing, 'drawing'.

"Kitty cat, this is my new work over the years."

Speaking of painting, Gratiu took out many drawing books from the fourth-dimensional skirt and invited Mo Yi to enjoy them together.

Once a work is created, it must be viewed by others to gain real value, and when Gratio created it, the audience she was thinking about was her kittens.

"Wanna see?"


In pre-civilization days, Mo Yi often read Gratitude's works and gave her opinions.

After hearing that Mo Yi wanted to take a look, Graciu reached out to the hem of her skirt.

Mo Yi: "??!"

"I'm talking about your new work, Kuoya!"

"Graxiu thought this was what you were talking about, little kitty, because he had been looking at it just now."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

This time Mo Yi was really wronged.

"I'm just curious;;;;; what exactly is the principle of this fourth-dimensional skirt?"

"As expected, you are still curious about Gracie's dress?~"

Then Graciu's head was struck by a shot of Mo Yi's Herrscher's Knife, and you could tell by the sound that it was a good head.

"If you don't learn from the good ones, just learn from bad things like Aili."

"I was just joking."

Graciu muttered, and then obediently read her comics with Mo Yi.

In terms of artistry and artistic conception, Graciu's comics are the best that Mo Yi has ever seen. He is able to switch to the most suitable style of painting according to different story styles. He is worthy of Gratiu, the god of painting.

The content of the story is still as weird as before. Forget it about Otome, there is also a lot of more astringent content, such as "If you go back in time and become a cat, you will not meet a talented beautiful girl painter", telling that The male protagonist is reincarnated into a cat, and then meets a painter who is a beautiful girl with no natural features, and then starts a daily life of various romantic comedy. As for the male protagonist to temporarily change back to a human first, he has to make the other person consume alcohol. This is What kind of Death God elementary school student script.

There is also a question worth pondering whether the future children of the hero and heroine will be humans or cats.

Another example is "Cat Yasha", which tells the story of a beautiful girl painter who accidentally came to the era of monsters through a dry well in her backyard, and then in order to survive, she solved a certain cat monster that was shot on the tree of the era. This is full of a sense of déjà vu. Gratius, aren't you afraid of being accused of plagiarism?

No one else can catch Gratius? That's okay.

Complaints are complaints, but Gracie's comics are indeed very good. After coming to the Honkai Impact world, Mo Yi has had enough of Walter Young's "The Adventures of Homu". I can really do it. , even Boruto is more popular than them.

"Kitten, how do you feel after reading this?"

Fanxing Graxiu relied on Mo Yi at this time, just like before, but now she is no longer a future wifeable lolita, but a magical girl who is already wifeable.

Big Gratius: The hint is already obvious. The heroine is a beautiful girl painter, the hero is a kitten, and the two finally get married and live a happy life.

"This is so beautiful 8~ Teacher Fanxing, don't worry, I will help you promote your work and make you the number one Eromanga teacher in the world!"

Mo Yi patted his heart and reassured.

Gracie: "???"

Is this what I’m talking about!

"Kitten, that's not what I'm talking about!"

Gratius thrust her waist angrily, but of course she only looked cute and pretty, not fierce at all.

"I'm angry. I want to punish you by turning into a kitten and sucking it for me."

Mo Yi: "..."

"But I won't turn into a kitten anymore."

Ah, Mo Yi didn't get the magic cat Yumi's stigmata, so naturally he couldn't turn back into a kitten. How about changing into a kewpie and sucking it for Gracie?

Um (⊙o⊙)..., after thinking about it, I might as well forget it. It’s better to keep things like Kyubey for self-destruction and as emergency food.

"But, I can't change anything."


Graciu glared at Mo Yi cutely, then emitted a burst of light and turned into a blue cat that looked very similar to Mo Yi's kitten.

Since Mo Yi couldn't turn into a kitten, then Grexiu turned into a kitten and tied it up for Mo Yi. This wave was a reversal of offense and defense, coupled with memories of the past.

As for why Gratius can turn into a kitten?

After Chongchong becomes the Gourd Little King Kong to connect to the Principle of the Stars, he can borrow the power of the heroic spirits. As the body of the Principle of the Stars, Graciu can naturally do similar things. Even Graciu does not need the consent of others at all. Can use the abilities of the heroic spirits recorded by her in the Law of the Stars.

The ability to transform into a cat naturally comes from the cute door-shy Phyllis.

Graceu, who turned into a kitten, jumped onto Mo Yi's lap with a deft jump, and then gave Mo Yi~o( =∩ω∩= )m, the meaning was already obvious.

In the past, it was always Grexiu who helped Mo Yi feel comfortable, but now it was Mo Yi's turn to suck the kitten.


Mo Yi: Is this a punishment or a reward?

Mo Yi is a master of cat sucking, and his cat sucking skills have already reached the ultimate level with his cats.

So a few minutes later, Gracie Kitty, who accepted Mo Yi's petting, had opened her mouth and closed her eyes, turned over half awake and half confused, and exposed her white belly to Mo Yi, expressing her submission. Of course, there was also a sideways expression. Turn around and let Mo Yi continue.

Grexiu Cricket, the mistake you made is turning into a kitten. No cat can have the power of cat law like me!

Just a few minutes ago, the cat and cat were still in Anna's room, having a meeting with Anna, Goose, Chongchong, Yaya, and Xi'er and Theresa who were mixed in, discussing how to deal with the invasive alien species 'Gratius' , suddenly I felt a chill, my head felt heavy, and I felt that things were not simple, as if my status as a pet wife was being stolen.

So the pink cat meowed and disappeared.

"Kitten, you are so awesome. Gracie finds that she can no longer leave you."

Under Mo Yi's cat petting technique, Gracie Kitty has taken on the shape of Mo Yi. At this time, she is coquettishly and cuddling with Mo Yi in her kitten form.

Then, a cat meow that did not belong to Grexiu sounded and fell in Mo Yi's ears, as if to say——

"It seems that I came at the wrong time."

This is what Mo Yi heard from the meow of the cat Lu Qi. Having been with the pink cat for so long, Mo Yi has easily heard Lu Qi's thoughts from a meow.

At this time, Mo Yi was naturally——

"No, you came just in time."

Then you can hug the left and right, the blue kitten on the left, the pink kitten on the right...

Unfortunately, this is just Mo Yi's imagination. The reality is that after the pink cat and the blue cat looked at each other for a few seconds, they jumped directly on the bed and started to 'fight dance'. You would use the cat claw magic fist, and her cat would fly away. Kick, the two cat supremes fought to the edge of the universe, the galaxy collapsed, and the avenue was wiped out. Every movement of his hands and feet is like the beginning of the universe, with the power of chaos surging——

Well, in fact, the two of them were dueling on the bed in the manner of cats. Neither of them used any special abilities. They just relied on the appearance of kittens to beat each other. It was said that they were fighting, but it was more like being cute.

"Don't fight anymore. If you want to fight, go to the dance studio and fight!"

Of course, Mo Yi couldn't keep watching. When the two kittens were not paying attention, he directly pinched the back of the fate of one kitten with one hand, making it impossible for the two to fight.

However, the two people who were held in mid-air were still waving their cat paws at each other, as if they were both together.

Qi Qi: I just went out for a meeting, and there is a new cat at home? Unforgivable, Kouga!

For Qi Qi, it doesn't matter if there is another Chong Chong in the house, a cook, etc. After all, she is unique. Can other people switch between cat and wife forms at will?

Now there is a pet girl of the same type as her, which directly threatens her family status. No matter how gentle she is, she cannot accept Gratius's 'provocative' behavior.

She just fired a shot of 'Sanctioned Gravel' without opening her mouth, which was already very good. (Sanctioning Gravel is the exclusive move of Arceus the alpaca.

Qi Maomao: It’s unforgivable, Gratius!

Gracie Cat: Why are you yelling so loudly? If you have the ability, go out and fight.

Under Mo Yi's comfort, the two kittens temporarily calmed down and did not continue to attack. However, the two kittens would directly look at each other in places that Mo Yi did not notice from his perspective.

After finally tricking the kitten out, Mo Yi touched the blue kitten and complained:

"Actually, Qi Qi is a very nice person. She was probably a little sensitive when she saw you taking her usual place to lie."

Cat Grace is now lying on Mo Yi's lap. This has always been Lu Qi's exclusive cat parking spot. It's understandable if you think about it from another person's perspective.

The blessing of Qi Mao is not so easy to enjoy.

So Mo Yi chose to do ideological work one by one.

"Kitten, you don't understand-"

Gracie Cat meowed at the cat, and then looked in the direction in which Ke Qi Cat walked out. Her purple eyes that could see through the past, future and various possibilities seemed to be able to reflect the stars in the sky, and she whispered intentionally or unintentionally:

"Zi Qi is not that simple. Kitty, please be careful with him."

Mo Yi: "??!"

Be careful with Lu Qi. What should you be careful about?

He won't turn into a magic cat now, so there's no need to worry about suddenly having a litter of kittens in a few months. As for the human form, Anna and Goose are looking at it a little closely these days, and it's worse than a certain pink fairy lady.


"Mo Yi, I'm ready."

There were still two days before Emperor Wen Tian's arrival. After everyone woke up and had breakfast, they continued to the simulation training room to continue attacking Emperor Wen——

Chongchong: I have never been so diligent in the final exam tomorrow, but it’s not a big problem. Firefly will be upgraded soon, and she should be able to come back the day after tomorrow. Let Emperor Wen become the villain boss of Kiana’s new form.

Mei Yi and Mo Yi are going to solve another copy of "The Killing of Paradise Ronin". According to the prompts, Mei Yi can also get a new tile in it.

At this time, the remaining members of the Yusan family were in a hurry. Chongchong and Mei Yi both had upgrade methods and clues, but she was the only one standing still. How could this work, Kou Ya!

At this moment, Graciu came out and said that there was a way for Yaya to discover the true power of the Herrscher of Reason.

Yaya hesitated for a long time. Graciu's 'candy' was not that delicious. To take advantage of Graciu, he had to become the opponent's person, at least an ally.

But if Yaya thinks about it carefully, her position in Mo Yi's family is quite embarrassing. Mo Yi's family has two major forces——

The girlfriend faction is headed by Anna, and the fiancée faction is headed by Goose.

Chongchong naturally belongs to the Dull Goose faction, while Mei chooses to join Anna, who is also an excellent cook, while Yaya has never decided which side to join. He wants to start a stove alone, but does not have such strength, so he can only Taking Xi'er to both sides.

But now the appearance of Gratitude has given Yaya new hope. The newly arrived Gratitude is naturally weaker than Anna and Goose, and she just happens to join forces with Gratius to join forces to keep warm.

It is indeed a good idea to unite the weak. It will not attract excessive attention from Anna and Goose, nor will they be afraid of being swallowed up by their allies, but it can also strengthen their own competitiveness.

Then there is only one answer——

"Bu has been wandering for half my life, and I only regret that I have never met my master. If I don't give up, I would like to become a good sister."

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