British writer

Chapter 204 A scholar with a truly internationalist spirit

Because "I Am Cat" was so popular, almost all the limelight in the publishing and newspaper industries was taken away.

The ordinary citizens of London did not notice that Lu had a new popular history book published——

"The Nature of Japanese Civilization."

But for politicians and professors, Lu Shi's every move is noteworthy.

Previously there was "Guns, Germs and Steel\

,"Later there was "The Fifteenth Year of Wanli\

,"Which one is not an innovative work?

Downing Street,

Prime Minister's Office.

Arthur James Balfour had been Prime Minister for several months, and the situation had stabilized.

Opposite him, sitting an old man,

The old man's hair is thinning and graying, and the years have carved deep wrinkles on his face, like ravines in a field.

Without prompting, no one would have guessed that this person was former Prime Minister Cecil.

The loss of power seemed to rob him of his strength,

Being smart and capable, getting stronger with age...

These words have nothing to do with Cecil now.

Fortunately, his slightly sunken eyes still shine with wisdom, indicating that he is still a trustworthy senior, just like "Yes!" Sir Arnold Robinson in Prime Minister.

"Have you read this book?"

Belfort shook the copy of "The Nature of Japanese Civilization" in his hand.

Cecil nodded,

"Well, I've finished reading."

He said, laughing,

"This is the benefit of retiring early. You have a lot of time to read and fish. What? What do you think of this book? Could it be that you are attracted by a can't be really attracted by it. Has it influenced your thinking?"

Belfort couldn't help falling silent.

It must be admitted that "The Nature of Japanese Civilization" is indeed very provocative.

He had to consider the possibility of Japan suddenly stabbing him in the back.

The so-called "hunting geese all day long, causing the geese to peck their eyes", stabbing someone with a knife, is something that only Great Britain can do.

Cecil raised his eyebrows,

"Have you ever thought that it was Lu Shi's plan to divorce?"

This is outrageous to say.

Balfour resisted the urge to laugh and said: "Uncle Robert, writing a historical monograph to drive a wedge between Japan and Britain is too... too inefficient..."

Cecil was speechless.


Balfour continued: "And what politician would be judged by a book?"

Cecil pouted,


"Pfft! Cough cough cough..."

Belfort was caught off guard and said quickly: "I think Professor Lu is really doing it for the good of Daying."

He lowered his voice,

"You should know that His Majesty the King is going to award him a medal. Of course, this is not the main reason why I say he is doing it for the good of Great Britain. After all, not every scholar will be bribed by false reputation. I think he is doing it for the good of Great Britain because he Really...well..."

I can't seem to find the right words for a while.

Cecil was puzzled;


Balfour pointed to his temple, lowered his voice and said, "Don't you think His Majesty the King has suddenly become normal?"

In the past, Edward VII had a lazy mind and many frivolous people around him.

However, he was manipulated by Lu Shiyitong and deceived him into working hard, and he was on the verge of becoming a wise king.

Doesn't this mean that Lu Shi is good to Daying?

Cecil muttered: "That's true."

He pondered for a moment and asked: "How do you judge Japan?"

Belfort flipped through the book, thinking while answering: "After reading this book, the first question I had is, where is Japan's ambition?"

I know the answer by thinking on my knees,

Cecil said:


Historically, every political leader who could unify Japan would set his sights on the Korean Peninsula.

After that, put it in China.

Belfort smiled and said,

"Yes, that is also my answer. But if Japan is that ambitious, it will inevitably conflict with Russia in the north."

This judgment is undoubtedly correct,

From 1904 to 1905, the Russo-Japanese War broke out between Japan and Russia in order to compete for the interests of the peninsula and Northeast China.

The child cannot help his mother when he is older.

If Japan really fought and won, how could it not stab the British?

It’s impossible to think about it!

What's more, the new President of the United States, Theodore, is a shameless double standard man. He misinterpreted the Monroe Doctrine as soon as he came to power, passed a formalistic draft in Congress, and then reached out to Latin America to prepare to dig the Panama Canal.

This guy is very likely to have a hand in the Japanese issue.

Belfort sighed;

"International politics is so complicated."

Cecil glanced at his nephew, but he understood clearly.


Being evaluated like this in person, Belfort lost face and said awkwardly: "Uncle Robert, why do you say that?"

Cecil said: "The main reason why you want to cool down with Japan is Chamberlain."

Because Britain was gradually losing the leading position in trade it had enjoyed since the Industrial Revolution, Joseph Chamberlain began to bring the issue of "imperial preferential tariffs" to the forefront, much to the dismay of the Conservative Party.

For this reason, Belfort had to find a way to counterattack,

Japan is a good entry point.

Balfour shrugged;

"I do not deny."

Cecil said helplessly: "I think you should have read "The Insignificant Year 1587". There is a word in it, 'Party Struggle'. Do you still remember it?"

He was obviously alluding to the current battle between the Conservatives and the Liberals.

It is getting worse and worse and will not do any good to Great Britain.

However, when Cecil said this, it seemed very unconvincing.

In order to deal with the Liberal Party, he insisted on doing more things.

Boer War,

Mainland's balance of power policy,

Opposition to Irish Home Rule,

This is more stubborn than Belfort.

Belfort sighed;

"Uncle Robert, if I want to stop at Bull's now..."

Before the words fell,

"Why stop!?"

Cecil seemed extremely excited and even coughed repeatedly.

Belfort quickly walked around the desk, poured a glass of water for the other party, and then said: "Look, I haven't finished speaking yet~"

Cecil finally recovered,

"You and I……"

His face turned red,

Apparently, he already knew the reason for his nephew's reference to the Boer War.

I saw Belfort walking to the window, holding the window sill with both hands, looking at the busy traffic outside,

"I heard that there is a saying in China, 'Using people as a mirror can help us understand gains and losses; using history as a mirror can help us understand ups and downs.' Thanks to Professor Lu's historical works, we can gain room for reflection and improvement."

Cecil's face darkened instantly.

It can be heard that Balfour wanted to solve the problem of the Boer War as soon as possible.

Once the emperor and the courtiers,

What more can be said?

Cecil sighed,

"Yes, it has indeed turned into a wound for Daying."

He could only say flattering things.

Belfort couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth,

Chaotic party struggle is internal friction, orderly party struggle is a ladder,

I will not let Britain become the Ming Dynasty.

Thinking like this, he glanced at "The Nature of Japanese Civilization" and remembered the sentence "Using history as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs", and then slowly said: "To be honest, we really want to thank Lu professor."

Cecil said "Uh..."

After a long moment, he admitted: "I really should be grateful."

"He is really good for us!"×2

The two said in unison.

Breya Road.

Hasegawa Tatsunosuke, Shimazaki Fujimura, Masaoka Shiki,

Three Japanese people gathered here.

They have also finished reading "The Nature of Japanese Civilization" and worship the insights in the book.

It's just that there are some opinions in it that still make the three of them a little awkward.

Shimazaki Fujimura asked: "Professor Lu, for some reason, I feel that your book contains some hostility and dwarfing towards Japan."

Natsume Soseki on the other side is teasing me,

He said with some dissatisfaction: "Shimazaki-kun, I advise you to think carefully before speaking. Lu is a famous historian, how can he not be objective?"

When Lu Shi heard this, he was speechless in his heart.

How could I not have the slightest bit of hostility towards Japan?

Despite his efforts to remain objective, there were emotions he couldn't quite shake off.

He shrugged and said, "Mr. Shimazaki, have you ever read my "Fifteen Years of Wanli"? Did you read my regret in it?"

Shimazaki Fujimura scratched his head,

"Frankly, not really."

He asked curiously: "Professor Lu, why do you ask that?"

Lu Shi replied with a smile: "But I did write the history of the Ming Dynasty with extreme regret at the time. Of course, it was more of a helplessness. Shen Shixing, Zhang Juzheng, Wanli... they couldn't do anything about the Ming Dynasty."

Masaoka Zigui on the side nodded,

"Indeed, it's hard not to feel regretful when you assume the identity of a Chinese."

Lu Shi continued to ask: "Then, why didn't Mr. Shimazaki read it out?"

Shimazaki Fujimura said: "I'm not China...well..."

He understood what Lu Shi wanted to say,

Reading "The Fifteenth Year of Wanli", one cannot read the regret in it;

Reading "The Nature of Japanese Civilization", you can read the hostility and disgust in it.

Why is there a difference between the two?

Ultimately, it’s the butt that determines the head.

Shimazaki Fujimura said: "Professor Lu, are you trying to say that I am too sensitive?"

Lu Shi smiled without saying anything.

It's best not to answer this question directly.

Shimazaki Fujimura sighed,


‘The Japanese religious concept is a contradiction. A Japanese can use many religions without any obstacles, such as going to a shrine when a child is born, going to a church when getting married, and seeking salvation from a monk when he dies. Shinto, Japan's state religion, is actually polytheistic, and in principle anyone can become a god. ’


It's such a long paragraph, it's easy to open your mouth.

Lu Shi was surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would even turn his back.

He said: "Isn't this wrong?"

Shimazaki Fujimura shook his head and explained: "There is nothing wrong. But I think there is something wrong with Professor Lu's way of writing. Your words will inevitably give people the idea that 'Japanese people's belief in religion is utilitarian', and may even make people think , 'The Japanese do not have a strong sense of good and evil'."

Lu Shi: "..."

I didn’t have those thoughts when I wrote this paragraph.

It's just an optimistic description. It's true that the other party is sensitive.

But it makes sense to think about it. Although Japan is greatly influenced by Chinese culture, it does not place special emphasis on the teachings of saints and moral standards.

Do you believe in Confucianism just because it is practical?

If that is the case, then the word "utilitarian" is not wrong.

Lu Shi glanced at Shimazaki Fujimura and said to himself that the Japanese still understand themselves.

He coughed lightly,

"Then, Mr. Shimazaki, what do you think should be written?"

Shimazaki Fujimura immediately became energetic and replied: "Professor Lu, have you ever heard of Sensoji Temple?"

Lu Shi nodded,

"Of course, legend has it that fishermen discovered a statue of Kannon in the Sumida River, and Sensoji Temple was built to enshrine the statue."

Shimazaki Fujimura couldn't help but feel proud,

He said: "It seems that even Professor Lu knows the name of Sensoji Temple. However, you must not know that there is an Asakusa Shrine next to Sensoji Temple."

Lu Shi felt slightly embarrassed,

"I know."

Shimazaki Fujimura was stunned,


Riku Shi said: "The god enshrined in Asakusa Shrine is the fisherman who fished out the Buddha statue in the river. Mr. Shimazaki, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Shimazaki Fujimura was really familiar with Japan when he saw Lu, and it was inevitable that he felt a little guilty.

He said cautiously: "Professor Lu, anyone can become a god. This is not to encourage everyone to believe in gods utilitarianally, but to encourage everyone to be pious. As long as you are pious, patient and serious, there is room for advancement."

Shente Meow’s “room for improvement”!

Lu Shi glanced at the other party,

"Mr. Shimazaki, do you believe this when considering it under the rule of the shogunate?"

"Ah this..."

Shimazaki Fujimura was speechless.

Lu Shi didn't care.

"Of course, you can hold different views with me and seek common ground while reserving differences~"

This is said very generously.

Shimazaki Fujimura said: "But..."

Before he finished speaking, he was scolded by Zhenggang Zigui:


Shimazaki Fujimura couldn't help but change his expression, suddenly put his hands on his knees, and bowed deeply to Lu Shi,

"A sensation in your private Marseille!"

Lu Shi was speechless,

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a normal academic exchange."

Hasegawa on the side said: "Professor Lu, let him apologize. You are willing to write a book for Japan, and do not hesitate to learn and give advice. How can we be so disrespectful to you? This book..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Professor Lu."

It sounds somewhat familiar.

Lu Shi recalled for a few seconds before he remembered the voice of Spencer Cavendish, Chancellor of Cambridge University.

He went to open the door.

Cavendish met him face to face and immediately said: "Professor Lu, long time no see."

Lu Shi let the door open.

"Principal, please come in. What do you want from me?"

Cavendish ducked into the room and said at the same time: "There were two scholars before, Sigmund Freud and Harold Gale. Their academic views were very different, so they wanted to borrow Let’s hold a debate for them in Cambridge.”

Lu Shi had a headache.

Sure enough, the two brothers found that teasing each other online was not enough, so they decided to make an appointment offline.

I knew my hunch was not wrong.

Just like writing novels and plays, there is a Chekhov's Gun principle:

If a gun is seen in the first act, it should be used in the third act in a story that follows a traditional three-act structure. Vice versa, the act of shooting in the third act should have been foreshadowed much earlier.

To put it simply, as long as the flag is set, it must be recycled.

Lu Shi's premonition was Chekhov's Gun.

He asked: "So?"

Cavendish smiled,

"Didn't I come to invite you to 'be a referee'? You may know that although they didn't say it explicitly, they both regarded your advertisement in the Mirror as...well..."

Cavendish stopped talking.

"have a guest?"

The three Japanese stood up quickly.

Masaoka Zigui said: "Professor Lu, we are here to express our gratitude to you and say goodbye to you and Natsume-kun. We are going back to Japan."

Lu Shi nodded,

"Okay, we'll see you later."

Natsume Soseki stood up,

"I'll give you one as a gift."

Masaoka Shiki shook his head repeatedly, said "No, no, no," and pulled Hasegawa Tatsunosuke and Shimazaki Fujimura away from Braya Road.

After exiting the gate, Hasegawa looked back and said,

"Just... was that the principal of Cambridge just now?"

Masaoka Zigui nodded,

"It seems so. I just heard the words 'Principal' and 'Cambridge', but my English has always been very weak and far away, so I can't be sure."

He turned to Shimazaki Fujimura and asked, "Did you hear that?"

Shimazaki Fujimura was thinking about something.

When asked, he suddenly came to his senses and nodded,

"He's the president of Cambridge, yes. I didn't expect that Professor Lu's acquaintances would be so broad. Even the president of Cambridge is his guest. It's really a great honor for him to spare the time to write "The Nature of Japanese Civilization"."

Masaoka Shiki said: "The most important thing is that the book contains a lot of criticism and encouragement of Japanese civilization. We must know our shame and then be brave."

If Lu Shi was present, it might be difficult to hold back.

Why do these Japanese people get more and more excited the more they are criticized?


Masaoka Shiki whispered: "Professor Lu, a truly internationalist scholar, worked hard to create "The Nature of Japanese Civilization". He is really doing it for our good!"

Hasegawa and Shimazaki Fujimura followed suit and nodded.

The three of them exchanged glances. Suddenly, they turned to the gate of Buriya Road and bowed deeply.

"Arigado is so good!"

The sound was loud enough to scare passers-by.

A drunken crew member happened to be passing by and saw three short Japanese men hunched over, bowing to Braya Road, and licked his lips curiously.

As a result, countless stories similar to "Lu Shigao helped others" were brewing in his mind.

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