Blue Sword

Chapter 299 War is Coming

After about two weeks, the leading troops of the Wolf family finally arrived at the outskirts of Innsbruck.

"Sure enough, the trenches were dug." Viscount Heinrich said, looking at the position in the distance.

After escaping from the Black Death last time, he went all the way south through the Free Territory of Verona, and then at the border of the Lombard Territory, he met the Wolf family army who was preparing to invade.

Then of course he was caught.

As the only guy in the mission who came back alive, the army believed that he had enough valuable information about Bavaria in his mind, and for this reason they forcibly recruited him to fight with the army.

Heinrich had no idea about this, because the military commander leading the team this time was the demigod Alberto of the Wolf family, nicknamed "The Hidden String".

It is said that the level of Lord Hidden String is around Lv. 20-25, which is considered a relatively weak level among demigods. However, no matter how weak a demigod is, he is still a demigod. At least he can destroy the city of Innsbruck with one slap, and there will be absolutely no problem.

Of course, considering that the upper limit of the level of the current demon tide is only Lv. 10, after wielding this slap that destroys the city, the demigod himself will probably lose spiritual control and fall. Therefore, His Excellency Hidden String's garrison is more of a The role of stabilizing morale will probably not be directly involved in combat.

This did not prevent Heinrich from currying favor with him.

"The person currently guarding the city of Innsbruck should be Count Sigmund of Tyrol." Heinrich said diligently. "This is an old-school nobleman with a dignified and stubborn character who is not easy to give in. However, he had military experience in his early years. , he is not a novice in war either, please pay more attention to His Excellency Hidden String."

"Hmm." Alberto said while pinching his moustache, "The other side dug so many trenches. It is obvious that they want to make Innsbruck a nail on our march route to the north."

"Yes." Heinrich said flatteringly, "Your Excellency, to the north from here is the Yagenau Mountains. We need to pass through the canyon at the foot of the Alps to reach Mingxing City, and the supply line into the mountainous areas will inevitably be very long. "

"If Innsbruck cannot be solved, but chooses to bypass them and continue north, then they can send troops at any time to cut off the supply line in our rear. Therefore, this nail must be removed."

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to pull out." Alberto sneered, "The opponent is obviously well prepared. That Lord of Filth...why didn't he destroy Innsbruck before?"

Heinrich cursed in his heart, you didn't tell me about the Lord of Filth before going on the mission, and now you come to ask me about his situation, how could I know?

He lowered his head deeply and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, the Lord of Filth, once spread a large number of rats and diseases in the city. As for why he failed to destroy the city, I don't know."

"After all, he comes from a pure-blood monastery, and he is used to being arrogant. I used to see that he spoke in a very orderly manner, and I thought he was a filthy master who rarely had reason, but now it seems that he is just an arrogant madman." Alberto thought. After a pause, "In any case, it is a fact that Innsbruck City suffered heavy losses, otherwise it would be impossible to assume a passive and defensive posture."

"Let the vanguard advance and occupy the trench in front of the city!"

"Yes!" the military adjutant beside him ordered.

The Wolf family army set off immediately. At the forefront were the physically stronger White Wolf swordsmen, named after the white color of the bulletproof ceramic coat. They had a bulletproof shield in their left hand and a broad sword in their right hand. They rushed forward in groups.

Inside the trench, Innsbruck's riflemen also started shooting. The intersecting lines of fire swept above the ground, streaking across the chest, abdomen, limbs and head of the White Wolf swordsman.

Except for the guys who were unfortunately shot in vital parts such as the heart, most of the White Wolf Swordsmen continued to charge without hesitation. When the physical strength reached a certain level, the lethality of ordinary bullets was already limited.

After rushing to the edge of the ditch, the White Wolf Swordsmen jumped down and started fighting with the riflemen inside - it soon turned into a one-sided massacre. Here the bullets could not break the defense, and over there the long swords were unparalleled in cutting the grass. So much so that the defenses of the outer trenches collapsed almost immediately.

The firepower on the battlefield quickly died down, followed by the gray wolf gunners, the common militia of Lombardy and Burgundy, named for their gray linen uniforms. In terms of physical strength, they are far weaker than the White Wolf Swordsmen, but they are better because of their large numbers. At this time, they rush up like a wave and are boundless, enough to make anyone who witnesses this scene despair.

"Let the fortress team open fire." Count Innsbruck ordered from the observation tower on the city wall.

"Understood." Alfred turned around and gave some instructions, and then persuaded, "Sir, it's better to come down. The city walls are easy targets for enemy artillery fire."

"At least they haven't moved out the artillery yet." The count said coldly, "Soon, they will pay the price for this."

In several bunkers above the trenches, ferocious steel firearms were suddenly set up. The fierce barrage swept into the crowd of Gray Wolf gunners, and the militiamen fell like wheat under a sickle, setting off a bloody storm.

"Let the White Wolf Swordsmen deal with those fortresses." Alberto ordered.

"Sir, I took a look." Heinrich said carefully, "The positions of those fortresses are very cleverly designed. If you want to go around to the rear entrance, you will be exposed to machine gun fire along the way. If I recognize Yes, that should be the "Black Swan W", a general-purpose machine gun specially manufactured by the Bavarian Weapons Bureau. The theoretical rate of fire can reach 1,200 rounds per minute. Even the White Wolf Swordsman cannot withstand such intensive fire."

"Send snipers to cover." Alberto said coldly.

Amidst the intermittent firing of machine guns, there was suddenly a unique explosion from a sniper rifle. Every sound was accompanied by a sudden misfire from a machine gun, and the White Wolf swordsmen took advantage of the situation and rushed towards the fortress.

However, within a few seconds, the rattling sound of the machine gun sounded again, and the White Wolf Swordsman who rushed at the front was instantly loaded with hundreds of rounds of bullets. The whole person was pushed back several meters by the thrust of the bullets, and he was knocked back several meters. The chest and abdomen were all bloody and bloody.

"They must have built a tunnel under the fortress." Heinrich said, "They can send people at any time to replace the machine gunners who were killed by snipers."

"Yeah." Alberto was noncommittal and suddenly raised his head. A slender sniper rifle bullet stopped thirty centimeters in front of his head, spinning in the air at an almost invisible high speed, but did not advance any distance.

"You can't be beaten to death." Mi'er said from a distance, putting down his rifle.

"As expected." Asik said to Sheila, who was holding a telescope next to him. "Did you see that this guy's main sequence is storm, and the law should also strengthen the abilities related to air pressure. Even the bullets of the sniper rifle can't shoot in. of."

"How are we going to kill him?" Eleanor asked.

"We'll talk about it when we have a chance." Asik looked at the stalemate battle ahead and suddenly felt inexplicably nostalgic.

Rifle charges, machine gun fire, trenches and barbed wire, the military technology of the Shinra Empire today is still at the level of World War I in real history. Although there are no airplanes, there are powered armors, snipers, artillerymen, etc., which is quite exciting for ordinary players.

However, for professional players, the difficulty is somewhat unsatisfactory, far less difficult and dangerous than the subsequent battle between Shinra and the Holy See: self-propelled robots, magnetic adsorption turrets, and anti-personnel mines emerge in endlessly, snipers have electronic optical camouflage, and artillery It has been withdrawn from active service, replaced by guided rockets, armed helicopters, and combat mobile fortresses everywhere.

Later, micro nuclear bombs were dropped everywhere, which was simply ruthless.

But to a certain extent, using this kind of low-intensity war to gradually adapt to the girls is currently a pretty good choice.

Just as Ask was thinking, an order came from Alfred, hoping that everyone from the Cangqing Sword would help clean up the White Wolf Swordsmen in the trenches.

"Okay then." Asik waved his hand, "Let's..."

"All hands on deck!" Hildrifa shouted.

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