American fame and fortune

Chapter 771 Conquer you on the spot

"Oh, David, have you studied him carefully?" Martin clapped his hands: "That's great."

David Fincher said briefly: "Before I directed and filmed "Fight Club," I did an in-depth study of Billy's life and medical history, and I also learned from some of the character's settings. In fact, it's not just me. There are many stories about schizophrenia in Hollywood. Movies like this often refer to Billy’s case.”

Martin said: "Billy's case naturally arouses curiosity, and I wanted to adapt '24 Billy' into a movie."

He said rather exaggeratedly: "No one in the world is more suitable to direct this film than you, David, can we collaborate again?"

David Fincher had already read the two biographies carefully and asked directly: "How do you plan to adapt it? What are your initial ideas and thoughts?"

"There are currently two thoughts and ideas." Martin said: "As you know, I am not very good at creating, so as soon as I returned to Los Angeles, I called you to ask for your opinion."

David Fincher was very interested in Billy. His dark and struggling life was so similar to his movie style, and he immediately signaled Martin to continue.

Martin said: "One is to focus on Billy as a person and revolve around Billy's robbery, kidnapping and rape of three girls, mainly showing his actions and struggles."

He paused for a moment and then said: "The other is to raise the perspective and focus on the Billy case itself. This is a judicial precedent and has a great impact."

"The second option is not suitable for me." David Fincher can imagine that if shot according to the second option, the film will be a standard award season movie, and various restrictions will limit the film.

Although this is good for the Oscar, it is not good for his personal performance.

At least until now, David Fincher's mind has not changed. "Escape from Tehran" is his last attempt to win an Oscar.

Regardless of whether he can win the Oscar or not, he will never play with the old guys in the academy again.

Martin asked: "What about the first option?"

David Fincher said: "I think the first option is more suitable. The plot focuses entirely on Billy himself, but this kind of multiple personalities requires very high acting skills."

Martin laughed: "David, can you have some confidence in me? Don't forget, I have played similar roles."

A terrifying image with white face and red lips flashed in front of David Fincher: "The Clown."

Martin also has thoughts about the Joker, but his relationship with Warner Pictures is currently relatively sensitive. Even if Warner Pictures replaced Daniel as president, there is still a lack of trust between the two parties.

Of course he wouldn't tell David Fincher these thoughts.

Martin asked directly: "Have we agreed on this project?"

David Fincher has collaborated with Martin several times. The process was pleasant and the results were good. Of course he would not refuse.

But there are some things he needs to say upfront: "I have signed a contract with Netflix. After the Oscars next year, I will start cooperating with Netflix as the director and producer of the "House of Cards" project, from preparation to shooting and production. , it will take at least a year, and your project can only wait until "House of Cards" is completed."

Martin responded: "No problem, I'm not in a hurry."

David Fincher asked: "Okay, let's find someone to adapt the script first, and then we can talk about other things after the script is finalized."

The matter was settled and Martin then approached Louise and the two discussed the project in detail.

Louise will register and establish the relevant studio as quickly as possible, inject start-up capital with Davis Studio, discuss suitable screenwriter candidates with Martin and David Fincher, and start adapting the script as soon as possible.

David Fincher himself was not good at writing scripts. He recommended Andrew Walker, the screenwriter of "Seven Deadly Sins", but Louise and Martin rejected it.

Because after "Seven Deadly Sins", Andrew Walker's decline has been very obvious, and he has never written an outstanding work again. His most recent movie "The Wolfman" was even worse.

Billy's story is very special. David Fincher also has the ability to turn this dark struggle story into a good movie. Martin's acting skills are also good, but now he lacks the most basic good script.

This model of having ideas and projects first and then writing scripts based on them is also the most common script writing method in Hollywood.


The next morning, when Martin went to practice piano and dance on the set of "La La Land", he met Mene.

"I passed the audition and will play your friend in the film." Menet came over specifically to find Martin: "It's the pop band singer Keith."

Martin asked: "Can you sing? I haven't seen you sing often."

Mene was full of confidence: "Of course I can sing!" He pointed at his not-so-black face: "Boss, you seem to have forgotten that I am a black man and I am born with a great sense of music. Whether it is singing or dancing, I am on a par. Above the line."

Bruce didn't quite believe it: "Just you?"

Mene took off his coat, threw it to Bruce, and said, "I will conquer you on the spot."

Martin sat at the piano and said, "Try?"

Menei responded: "Boss, let's play some music."

Martin moved his fingers and wrists and played a piece of music composed by Sebastian.

Mene cleared her throat and sang the lyrics written by Mia along with the music.

The song is not that kind of black rap, and Mene sings it pretty well.

Martin stopped playing.

Bruce clapped his palms a few times and said, "I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it."

Menei raised his head and raised his chest, reminding: "Old Bu, you seem to have forgotten what I am best at!"

Bruce suddenly realized: "You bastard, what you are best at is oral skills!"

The tongue is particularly flexible, and singing is also an advantage?

Bruce threw the coat back to Mene and said, "This aspect has been personally verified by Celine Dion, Emma Thomas and Isabelle Huppert."

He asked curiously: "Have you broken up with everyone else?"

Mene scratched his head and said sheepishly: "Two days ago, Emma asked me out again. I didn't go at first, but then she came to her. I...hey, I couldn't refuse."

Martin and Bruce raised their middle fingers at Mene at the same time: "Scumbag!"

Mene smiled happily, pulled up a stool and sat down, chatting with Martin and Bruce.

When he mentioned Emma Thomas just now, he continued the topic and said in a gossipy way: "I heard Emma talk about something about the Nolan brothers. They had a conflict."

Martin was very curious: "What is the specific situation."

Mene said: "Since Director Nolan came to Hollywood, Jonathan Nolan has been his dedicated screenwriter. He has written all the "Memento", "Daytime", "The Prestige", "Inception" and "Batman" series. It’s Jonathan, and now Director Nolan has become famous, and Jonathan has also become a gold medal screenwriter.”

Martin understood: "Jonathan is not satisfied with being a gold medal screenwriter, or Christopher Nolan's screenwriter brother?"

Mene responded: "Yes, that's roughly what happened. According to Emma, ​​"Interstellar" will be the last time the Nolan brothers collaborate, at least in the short term."

Martin then remembered "Memento" and asked, "Did they fall out?"

"No, there was no falling out, just some conflicts, far from the level of falling out." Mene thought about the wording carefully: "The meaning of Emma's words is that if the Nolan brothers continue to cooperate, there will be no more falling out in the future. After cooperation, the relationship will become better.”

Martin could understand that it was rare for brothers to do business together without falling out in the end.

The most typical example of Hollywood is the Weinstein brothers. Without Bob's stab in the back, Harvey would not have fallen so quickly and miserably.

Sebastian knocked on the door and came in, ready to guide Martin in piano practice.

Mene took his leave at the right time and left.

Martin put aside all the thoughts in his head and concentrated on practicing the piano.

After the one-hour piano lesson, he went to the dance studio on the other side to receive targeted dance training from Mandy Moore.

In the current filming plan, the male protagonist played by Martin will have a solo dance and a pas de deux with the female protagonist.

Mandy Moore's choreography is over.

Martin has a certain foundation in dance, coupled with long-term fighting training, his body flexibility is still good, so he can cope with filming without any problems.

After all, the filming can be edited from multiple shots, so he doesn't have to jump constantly.

After a short break at noon, Martin held a preparatory meeting with Louise and director Damien Chazelle.

This is a story that takes place entirely in Los Angeles. The crew will shoot the entire process in Los Angeles. The interior scenes have been arranged at the Disney Studio, and the location selection for the exterior scenes has also begun.

The meeting ended, and Martin and Louise left the small conference room together.

Martin said as he walked: "For the project about multiple personalities, I have a screenwriter candidate, Jonathan Nolan."

Of course Louise knows who Jonathan is: "Although the script of "Interstellar" has long been completed, Jonathan Nolan has only collaborated with Christopher Nolan in these years."

Martin said: "The exact news is that the cooperation between the Nolan brothers has come to an end for the time being. Jonathan wants to go out on his own. I think he is very suitable for adapting this theme."

He gave an example: ""Memento" originally came from Jonathan. Strong unstable mental factors have always been a feature of Jonathan's script creation. The main characters in many of Nolan's movies have very obvious manifestations. .”

Louise understands the thoughts of some people in the industry and said: "Jonathan left the Nolan team and wants to develop independently. He is definitely not satisfied with being just a screenwriter. He may also have ideas for a director."

Martin couldn’t remember any outstanding film works directed by Jonathan Nolan in addition to screenwriting. He said: "You contact Jonathan. If he is willing to be a screenwriter, we will invite him with a large sum of money. If he insists on seeking the position of director in addition to screenwriting, , no need to talk about it anymore.”

"Okay." Louise also felt that Jonathan was a very suitable candidate for screenwriting: "I will talk to Jonathan personally."

Martin followed Louise into her office, and her phone suddenly rang, but it was Musk calling, asking him to drink together in the evening.

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