American fame and fortune

Chapter 742 I want Depp to be completely destroyed

Under the night, a black business car drove out of Beverly Hills and headed straight for Burbank.

In the car, Martin flipped through the invitation letter with Tom Cruise's face and "Mission: Impossible 4" poster printed on the cover.

Nicholson asked: "Are you sure Megan Ellison will show up to Tom Cruise's celebration party?"

"There is no mistake." Martin said simply: "Skydance Pictures, founded by Meghan Ellison's brother David Ellison, invested in "Mission: Impossible 4" and the film was a huge success. , has reversed the decline of Tom Cruise in recent years. Among the guests invited by Tom Cruise, the Ellison brothers and sisters are the focus."

Leonardo patted Martin on the shoulder: "Fortunately, Jack and I followed you, otherwise you would have fought one against two, and if you lost, it would be a huge embarrassment to our trio."

The commercial vehicle arrived at the Burbank Hotel, and the three of them got out of the car, walked along the red carpet, and followed the signs into the banquet hall where the party was held.

Tom Cruise and director Brad Bird immediately came to greet him.

After shaking hands with Leonardo and Nicholson, the former opened his arms directly, gave Martin a hug, and said: "You helped me a lot to make "Mission: Impossible 4" a success. All the things you pointed out to me, It has become the best selling point of the film!”

"You're too kind, Tommy." Martin said with a smile: "Those are the selling points because you work hard enough."

Tom Cruise felt that Martin was too smart and said, "Please come in, we must have a drink later."

This year he will also send a cake to Martin.

The three of Martin entered the banquet hall.

Leonardo looked back at Tom Cruise and said, "Jack, why do I always feel that there is an affair between Martin and him?"

"Because Tom Cruise would give us the idea that Martin was cheating on the trio," Nicholson said.

Martin really didn't want to pay attention to these two idiots, so he simply pretended not to hear them.

His eyes quickly swept across the vast banquet hall, looking for tonight's target.

Martin saw David Ellison first.

When he first entered Hollywood, he was also very high-profile. When investing in movies, he claimed that for every additional plane in the picture, he would add an additional $1 million to the budget.

Skydance Pictures, founded by David Ellison, initially took the path of independent investment and production. However, after the failure of "Heroes of Air Combat", he stopped producing independently and became a more pure investor. .

Leonardo nudged Martin with his elbow and signaled with his eyes: "Over there, Megan Ellison."

Martin saw Megan Ellison talking to several people.

Nicholson shook his head at the two of them: "Follow me."

Each person got a glass of wine, and the three of them came to sit down not far from Megan Ellison, chatting as usual.

Looking at it, outsiders would think that these three bastards were extremely happy and joyful.

Nicholson raised his glass to signal to Martin and Leonardo, and said, "High-end hunters appear as prey."

Martin took a sip of wine: "It makes sense."

On the other side, Megan Ellison quickly noticed Martin. Seeing Martin chatting and laughing there, her already super-blocked mind suddenly stopped.

At this moment, her face turned red, her skin was clammy, she was irritable, her heart rate increased, she had difficulty breathing, and there was severe pain near her sternum, making her almost unsteady.

It's not that Megan Ellison's mental endurance isn't strong enough, but the loss is too great!

More than 300 million US dollars have been invested in various investments, and the final income may only be seven figures. Even if it were her father who came, she would not be able to bear it for a while.

Megan's eyes were glued to Martin, because she remembered clearly that this project was snatched from Martin Davis.

Now that the project has developed, she will inevitably have an idea, is this project really stolen?

Seeing Martin, Leonardo and Nicholson clinking glasses of champagne, even though Meghan knew that the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she would feel, the thoughts in her heart were still as tenacious as life force, piercing through the blocked cardiovascular system and emerging.

"Are those three bastards celebrating my failure?"

Meghan's temperament was such that she would not hide. She immediately walked over, pulled out the chair and sat across from Martin.

Martin snapped his fingers at the waiter and asked the waiter to bring him a glass of champagne.

Meghan looked at the champagne in front of her and asked directly: "What, celebrating the failure of "The Lone Ranger" that I invested in?"

This domineering female president looks very imposing.

Martin picked up the champagne glass and made no secret of his happiness: "It's really worth a drink."

Since the character of the other party was an unpredictable and domineering female CEO, he could just be a superficial villain who was beaming with joy. He took a sip of champagne and said, "Ms. Ellison, congratulations on the failure of your film."

Megan kept her expression unchanged, as if this failure was nothing.

But with the loss of hundreds of millions, even if the appearance of the character is not upbeat, the heart has changed after all. With a hoarse throat, she asked a question: "Did you do it on purpose?"

Although Martin's acting skills are not up to Nicholson's level, he can handle the situation at hand with ease.

He didn't seem to understand: "What?"

Megan asked: "Did you deliberately send the project "The Lone Ranger" to me?"

Martin drank the remaining champagne in the glass in one gulp and replied: "Are you mentally ill?"

He stared into Megan's eyes, and the anger he had accumulated for a long time spurted out: "Miss Ellison, this is the first time I have ever seen a top-notch person like you snatch someone else's project, ruin it yourself, and step on it." The horse resents the person who was robbed!”

Nicholson exclaimed: "In my fifty years in Hollywood, this is the first time I have seen such a thick-skinned person."

Meghan looked at Martin and then at Nicholson, nothing looked like a lie.

Martin touched Leonardo with his foot.

The three bastards have a tacit understanding. Leonardo said: "Martin spent a lot of effort to find the project of "The Lone Ranger" from the huge film library of Disney Pictures, and found Jerry Brookhay. Produced by Mo, a gold medal producer, he contacted Gore Verbinski, who has achieved many commercial successes, and found Johnny Depp..."

He seemed to be fighting for his best friend's injustice: "What's the result? Martin did all the preparations, and you took the project away midway. Now that you messed up, you come here to trouble Martin? You're not mentally ill, you're a human being There’s something wrong with the quality!”

Meghan Ellison certainly doesn't feel ashamed.

Martin sneered and said: "The reason for the failure of the project should be found in you. There is something wrong with your crew, there is something wrong with your ability..."

He shook his head: "A project with great prospects was wasted like this!"

People like Megan will not doubt that there is a problem with their abilities.

But the project actually failed because there was a problem with the crew.

What is the biggest problem for the crew? Johnny Depp's face immediately floated before Meghan's eyes.

Leonardo shook his head: "If your own abilities are not good enough, don't complain about the environment."

But Nicholson stood up: "I came here to attend Tom's celebration party, but these bad things happened. Let's leave."

Martin stood up: "Let's go, let's go."

The three men went directly to Tom Cruise and said goodbye.

Coming out of the banquet hall, Leonardo asked: "How am I cooperating?"

Martin is pragmatic: "It's a little blunt and exaggerated, but in terms of effect, it's enough."

Nicholson made a concluding speech: "Megan Ellison wants to throw the cause of failure on Martin. We stimulated her that she was not capable, but people like her will not admit that they are not capable. When they are annoyed, they will only look for Who is the easiest outlet for new reasons and excuses?"

Martin followed up: "Of course it's Johnny Depp, who has already had many conflicts with her."

Nicholson said: "Although the woman's face remains unchanged, based on my experience of reading hundreds of women, her anger is almost igniting herself."

Leonardo smiled so much that the fat on his face trembled: "In the end, Depp will bear everything."


Although her whole body seemed to be on fire, today was the day to celebrate the success of David Ellison's investment in "Mission: Impossible 4". Megan Ellison stayed here for a while longer before leaving the banquet hall.

When she arrived at the hotel door and got into the car, she said to the driver: "Go to Griffith Observatory."

The driver had been serving Megan Ellison for several years. He knew that she was a powder keg that could explode at any time. He didn't dare to say anything and started spinning on the road.

Megan Ellison took out her phone, looked up Amber Heard's number, and said, "Meet you at Griffith Observatory in half an hour."

The other side replied: "I'll be there right away."

Megan Ellison hung up the phone and was about to put the phone away when it vibrated.

She looked at the caller number and frowned, it was someone from the bank.

"This is Megan Ellison."

"Hello, Miss Ellison, I'm Judith." The voice over there sounded particularly pleasant: "That's it, the bank may officially notify you tomorrow. I just got the news, so I'll call you quickly. So you can be prepared."

Megan said: "What's the matter?"

Judith said: "The response to "The Lone Ranger" is not good, and the bank may take some measures, such as urging you to repay..."

Megan remained calm: "I understand, thank you."

The two quickly hung up the phone.

Meghan held the phone tightly, and the diamond-encrusted 4S seemed to be screaming.

At this moment, she thought of all the outrageous things Depp had done on set and in promotions.

Half an hour later, Megan Ellison met Amber Heard at the Griffith Observatory.

Meghan said without any nonsense: "Are you ready for what I asked you to do?"

Amber said: "Collected a lot."

Meghan looked down at the observatory and said to the lights of the city: "I want Johnny Depp to never appear in a Hollywood first-line production again, and I want him to regret all the excessive actions he made on the set of "The Lone Ranger" !”

Her last words were filled with endless anger and hatred: "I want Johnny Depp to be completely destroyed!"

Amber had never seen such a domineering female president and forgot to answer for a moment.

Megan asked, "Can you do it?"

Amber originally wanted to get another huge sum of money from Depp, but her financial backer Meghan urged her new love Musk to also have a request, and immediately gritted her teeth and said: "I can do it."

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