American fame and fortune

Chapter 635 Popular all over the world

The photos of Leonardo back then and the photos of Leonardo today are placed together, and the contrast is particularly sharp.

Lorraine said: "Leo is still as handsome as before."

Leonardo reminded: "You have to call Uncle Leo."

Nicholson and Martin were editing the video and quickly selected a section, cut it out and saved it.

Lorraine quickly took the storage disk over and smiled so brightly: "I really made a fortune this time. I have a month's pocket money."

Leonardo looked at the money-loving Lorraine, then at Martin and Nicholson who were whispering, and suddenly felt as if he was the only one who was hurt by this incident.

Are these bastards messing with him?

Martin said with a serious attitude of focusing on his work: "Jack, do you do social media?"

Nicholson shook his head: "Not interested."

"Give me a copy of these two photos." Martin pointed to the computer screen and said: "I have a lot of users on Twitter, Facebook, blog, and the official website of Coca-Cola Shenjiao. By the way, send me a copy. Help Leo attract attention."

Nicholson dealt with it immediately.

Leonardo scratched his head when he saw the two of them being so serious. He felt that it was true that these two bastards helped him win the Olympics, but it was also true that they used the opportunity to win the Olympics to mess with him.

For the sake of the Oscar for Best Actor, I have to endure it for the time being. When I get the statuette, melt it into juice and drink it for these two bastards!

Martin put away the USB drive and opened another computer.

Lorraine asked: "Which website should I send the video to?"

The most suitable? "

Martin was well prepared and said: "My team has done a special survey. Guess which website is the most visited by members of the academy?"

Lorraine was the first to say: "Rotten Tomatoes or MTC?"

"Wrong!" Martin gave the answer directly: "It's TMZ."

Nicholson said: "Yeah, it's TMZ, and we guys like it too."

"Get it on the front page of TMZ," Martin said.

Leonardo was already risking his life and asked, "You can be sure that it's just my water gun photo that will make the headlines."

Martin said to Lorraine: "You give the video to Lao Bu and let him sell it, and the money will be yours."

Lorraine ran out: "I'm going to find Lao Bu."

Martin first took to his official Twitter and posted a photo of Leonardo with a water gun showing his baby bump, with the caption: "This is the most handsome guy in Hollywood!"

Then he posted a photo of Leonardo when he played Jack: "The former most handsome guy in Hollywood!"

Leonardo looked down and saw that he was covered in fat and sat down on the sofa, not wanting to speak.

Martin posted the same content on his blog, Facebook and the official website of the Coke God Cult.

Nicholson came over and said: "Very good, very good. The text and pictures match very well." He pointed to the web page: "Look, someone has replied."

The person who replied was Annette Bening: "Oh my god, is this Leonardo?"

She also @female stars such as Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock: "Come and see your favorite male idol, Now he’s become a greasy uncle.”

Sandra Bullock quickly left a message, which was in line with her outspoken and silly big sister persona: "What has Leonardo experienced in these years? How did he get himself to be like this? This is still the Jack in my mind ?"

Martin took out his cell phone and sent a text message, calling for reinforcements.

Soon, Kate Winslet came to Martin's Twitter and replied to the comments: "In order to get rid of the inherent image and to hone his acting skills, these are the prices Leo has paid. He has been surpassing himself over the years. "

Annette Bening replied again: "Leonardo works much harder than outsiders think."

Martin greeted: "Leo, come and see, they praise you very much."

Leonardo came over to take a look and said: "It seems to be working. If I win the prize, Martin, I will find a group of Asian actresses to hold a party this time, and I will cover all the expenses!"

He mentioned one thing: "I know an investor from Malaysia who is similar to your Burmese investor. He has money and connections in Southeast Asia."

Martin thought for a while, but it seemed that he didn't know any actresses from Southeast Asia, and said, "Let's look for Korean actresses. The Korean chaebol's vision and appreciation of beauty are always online."

Leonardo vowed: "As long as I win the Best Actor, these won't be a problem."

Martin thought about it seriously, besides that nine-member girl group, what other high-quality female stars are there in South Korea in this era?

Zhang Yizhen? Jeon Ji Hyun? Song Hye Kyo?


After receiving a call from Bruce, TMZ deputy editor Jody came out of the company and drove to a parking lot not far away. When he saw the familiar Volkswagen, he got out of the car and got into the passenger seat.

Bruce gave her a USB flash drive: "Great news, Leonardo's."

Jody, who is very professional, immediately took the laptop, plugged in the USB flash drive and started reading.

She originally thought it was Leonardo's super black material, but when she opened it, it was indeed black material, but it was not black enough, and she was still wearing flowery pants.

Jody asked, "Nothing more exciting?"

"Isn't this exciting enough?" Bruce pointed to the video playing: "Look at this belly, look at this fat face, and look at this water gun, it will definitely be on the front page of TMZ."

After watching the video, Jody asked curiously: "Why are you posting these? I remember that your boss and Leonardo are best friends."

"Martin is helping Leo win the Oscar for Best Actor," Bruce said.

Jody simply couldn’t figure it out. What does this have to do with competing for an Oscar? However, the video does have enough news value, involving Leonardo, to even become popular gossip.

She said directly: "I want the video, please give me a price."

Before Bruce came, he asked Lorraine about her lowest price and said, "$3,000, plus the headline on the homepage of the website."

"Okay, I'll give you the check later." Jodi put away the USB drive and turned off the computer: "But Boo, if you want to make headlines, you have to pay something."

Bruce said quickly: "This time it's none of my business and I don't want to pay anything."

Jody's hand grabbed out like an eagle's talons, and his slender fingers grasped Bruce's vital part with precision, as if he was putting a manual car into gear, shaking it repeatedly.

Bruce was helpless: "At night, wait until night."

Jodi glanced at his watch and said, "I can't wait until night. There is a hotel nearby. Let's go there now."

In order to help Leonardo win the Oscar, Bruce went all out and followed Jody into the hotel. When he went upstairs, he was still complaining: "Can't you gain weight?"

Jodi is tall and as thin as a European model. She thinks her figure is particularly good and does not accept suggestions to gain weight at all.

When leaving the hotel, Bruce kept holding on to his waist. It wasn't that his waist couldn't bear it, but that the impact made his pelvis hurt.

Lorraine, with a series of "beautiful" photos of Leonardo, contacted many media.

It went to a lot of places in Los Angeles and sold for thousands of dollars in total.

Coupled with the $3,000 check Bruce gave her, her pocket money soared this month.

The next day, many entertainment media published trendy photos of Leonardo, including "The Hollywood Reporter" and "Entertainment Weekly", newspapers and magazines that have great influence in Hollywood.

"Vanity Fair", which is favored by Hollywood's top celebrities, directly uses Leonardo's water gun photo as the cover of its new issue!

The title page even published a soft article carefully prepared by Leonardo's professional public relations.

The core of the article is what Martin said.

"In order to make a breakthrough in the performing arts, Leonardo not only broke through his stereotyped image in the film, but also made huge changes in his life. Now he has become an absolutely powerful actor..."

This article is written with great confidence because the cover photo and the photo of Jack from that year are included below for comparison.

People who watch it will have the first impression that today's Leonardo is really a powerful actor who relies on his acting skills and ability to speak for himself!

Leonardo's water gun photos became popular all over the United States in one day and quickly spread to the world.

People who eat melons talk about it and keep forwarding it.

Just like Jack back then, the water gun photo became one of Leonardo's most widely circulated images.

In the subsequent "Time" magazine, Leonardo's water gun photo appeared on the cover again.

Of course, he's still far from being Man of the Year.

The candidates for this year’s Person of the Year are Zuckerberg and Harvey Weinstein.

The cover article of "Time" magazine said: "Leonardo has changed a long time ago and destroyed his inherent image in reality for the sake of art!"

The New Year is getting closer, and Oscar publicity and public relations are in full swing.

Martin's goal this year is to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor, so he is a little more relaxed. In addition to attending the "Gone Girl" screenings one after another and helping David Fincher canvass votes, he mainly works with Nicholson to support Leonardo DiCaprio. Make more plans.

Leonardo also spent huge sums of money on publicity and public relations.

"Shutter Island," which was released at the beginning of the year, has returned to theaters in major cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York.

Nicholson and Warren Beatty also helped circle the main competitors for this class.

Javier Bardem in "The Mistake", Jeff Bridges in "True Grit", James Franco in "127 Hours", etc.

The roles of these people are no more outstanding than Leonardo's, the film's influence is also slightly insufficient, and there is no operating master like Harvey Weinstein behind it.

The vacuum of Oscar power has made Leonardo the one with the highest reputation for Best Actor.

The one with the highest demand for Best Actress is Natalie Portman, who frequently attends various events with a big belly.

As a pregnant woman, she enjoyed various preferential treatment in all aspects.

During the awards season in the past twenty years, no female star has used similar publicity and public relations methods, so it is particularly easy to use.

Before Christmas, in order to further attract attention, Natalie Portman also held an engagement ceremony with Benjamin Millepied.

Martin also received an invitation and was prepared to attend for Ali Emmanuel's sake.

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