American fame and fortune

Chapter 585 Monster in the River

The area around the temporary set was still as chaotic as a flea market. I don’t know when a rumor started to spread, and it spread to everyone in a few minutes.

"I just heard some discussions from the production staff. The crew is going to separate some people to shoot a bikini scene in a nearby hot spring village."

"I also heard that they were looking for more than 20 young and beautiful girls."

"It is said that the scale is very large, and it is topless."

The more the news spreads, the more exaggerated it becomes. Every time it passes through someone's mouth, it will be exaggerated by half. By the time it spreads throughout the temporary set, it has almost changed.

"Martin Davis and Charlize Theron are going to Hot Springs Village to shoot a large-scale scene in the open air, and there will be more than 20 beautiful girls without clothes to help them in the first week."

"It seems that there is some special ceremony for the scenes in the film. Martin Davis and Charlize Theron both appeared naked during filming."

"The Hot Spring Village is an open place. If we follow it, won't we be able to feast our eyes on it?"

Not only men are interested, but also women.

Several young girls asked excitedly: "Can you see Martin's butt?"

The gray-haired aunt next to her refuted: "What's so interesting about Martin? I heard that his best friend named Mene is also going to star in this drama. I wonder if I can see his butt."

Just as the people were talking about it, the most conspicuous large trailer in the temporary set opened, and twenty women with good figures got out of the car one after another.

They were dressed coolly, and except for their shoes, they only had three-point bikinis.

The one walking at the front seemed to have an automatic spring machine in his headlights, and his steps seemed to have been specially trained. The headlights would always jump up and down as he walked.

Kate Upton, who is not yet 18 years old, although she looks slightly fat, her figure is really amazing.

As she walked towards a bus, most people's eyes turned away.

More than twenty bikini girls got on the bus one after another and blew kisses to the outside through the window, which immediately confirmed the news spread among the crowd.

Several utility vehicles and Cadillacs set off first, followed by buses.

The set immediately became more chaotic, and the melon-eaters left one after another and followed the convoy to the hot spring village.

The place is not far or near, even if there is no one driving there, you can walk there.

Even the media reporters were mostly gone.

Not long after, the temporary studio became quiet.

There are only a few dozen melon-eating people left, and media reporters can count them with one slap.

These people basically have no impact on the shooting.

On the set, David Fincher got off a trailer, picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "All departments will start preparing immediately."

The originally quiet temporary studio quickly became lively.

Everyone got off the trailer and got busy with the work at hand.

Martin took the storyboard, came to David Fincher, looked around, and said: "The effect is not bad."

David Fincher nodded: "Your method is very effective." He reminded: "Hurry up and prepare."

"I'm going to familiarize myself with the moves." Just as Martin was about to leave, he remembered something and reminded: "Everything that just happened can be recorded in the crew's behind-the-scenes and used for publicity later."

David Fincher was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and said to his assistant: "Write it down, write it down quickly."

Not to mention his own directing skills, Nolan can at least surpass David Fincher in terms of publicity and marketing hype.

There are three main scenes in this place. Nick Dunn, the scumbag actor, walks and chats by the river with his wife Amy, sister Margo and mistress Andy.

Weaving sweet words with the former, coaxing Amy to fight with him.

Discuss with her sister how to get Amy to provide money to open a bar.

I took my mistress here for a tryst and admired the pair of particularly bright car lights owned by Andy.

Not taking off your clothes is not artistic.

Without enough exciting artistic scenes, there would be no point in competing for Oscars.

The scene that the crew filmed today did include a large-scale scene between Martin and Charlize, but it was not in the hot spring village, but here.

The scene in the hot spring village was all about Amy hiding after she disappeared.

After Martin and Charlize were familiar with their moves, David Fincher gave the order and filming began.

Martin and Charlize were walking by the river. They had just said a few lines when a loud "bang" sound suddenly came from nearby. Something jumped out of the river and fell back down, making a huge splash.

Charlize was startled and quickly hid on Martin's side.

Martin caught a glimpse and said, "What a big fish."

If you read it correctly, it looks like carp or herring, which is collectively called Asian carp here in the United States.

It was said that the Mississippi River was overflowing with water.

David Fincher never stopped filming.

Martin and Charlize also reacted quickly on the spot, taking advantage of unexpected events to continue the performance.

Anyway, the final result of this scene will not change. The two of them got into the woods and ended up taking off their clothes and having fun.

For the sake of Oscar, there will definitely be more art scenes.

In David Fincher's shooting plan, there were more than 15 artistic scenes between Martin and Charlize alone.

Maybe not so much will be used after editing into the film, but if you are prepared when shooting, you will definitely have to shoot in more places.

The two neatly dressed people got into the woods, quickly frightened countless birds, and then came out disheveled.

Martin then has a scene where he goes to a trailer to put on makeup and change clothes.

Charlize goes to the trailer too.

Martin asked: "I heard that some people filmed this kind of scenes in the 1990s? Is it true?"

"Why, you want it too?" Charlize said with a cold face: "I won't play such crazy tricks with you!"

Martin spread his hands: "I'm just curious, just asking."

Charlize looked at him carefully and confirmed that he was simply asking, and said: "There are many rumors, but no one can tell clearly except the person involved."

Martin came to the trailer and remembered something: "Sally, are you going on a trip together this weekend?"

Charlize also wants to go, but doesn't have time: "An official South African World Cup film crew is coming over, and I need to cooperate with them to shoot some promotional videos."

She asked curiously: "What activities do you want to organize?"

Martin thought of the fish just now and came up with an idea: "I heard that there is a fish shooting project in the Mississippi River."

Charlize turned to look at the river: "Asian carp are overrun here. It seems that officials and environmental organizations are having a headache. It is said that they often jump on boats and hurt people."

"I have been to Asia, and they are very quiet in the river." Martin said it was all gossip: "Who knows what the Americans dumped into the river, and they turned into river monsters."

Charlize laughed: "When did you become a supporter of this conspiracy theory?"

Martin said seriously: "Ever since I came into contact with politics frequently."

Charlize waved her hand and went to her trailer.

Martin got in the car, changed his clothes and touched up his makeup, then returned to the set to meet Léa Seydoux to continue filming the scene of walking along the river.

The hero Nick relies on Amy for all his expenses.

House, car, daily life.

Even the money for my sister to open a bar came from Amy's fund.

In other words, Nick was a very successful man in the beginning.

In this scene, Nick and Margot, brother and sister, discuss how to get Amy to spend money to open a bar.

Unfortunately, there were carp swimming in the river again, but Martin could say that he dealt with it easily.

But Léa Seydoux's psychological quality and on-the-spot adaptability are not as good as Charlize's, and she is out of the show immediately.

David Fincher had no choice but to stop and start filming again.

Unexpectedly, the fish in the river turned into spirits. The crew stopped them to rest, and the crew started filming them to join in the scene. As soon as the script was recorded, they started popping water to play with.

After being NGed several times in a row, David Fincher was so angry that his face turned green.

Léa Seydoux went to him to apologize.

David Fincher waved his hand: "It has nothing to do with you."

Many actors will fall out of character when they are disturbed. You cannot blame the actors for this.

David Fincher didn't blame Léa Seydoux, he just annoyed the fish in the river.

Martin called some stage managers over and threw stones into the river. Some fish were scared away. Some big fish jumped onto the water to act as bombs, not knowing whether they were brave or frightened.

God knows how many giant Asian carp there are in this river.

Martin said in his heart, this is also in the United States. If you change places, you will definitely become a protected animal!

Taking advantage of the opportunity to scare the fish away, the crew quickly finished filming the scene.

Kate Upton then circled back to put on makeup and change clothes.

David Fincher walked to the viewing platform by the river that would be used for filming. He held on to the guardrail and looked down, and saw several swimming shadows.

Martin came from behind and said, "Have a weekend break and come out to relax?" He pointed to the big fish that could be seen in the river: "How about we hold a fish shooting competition? Let them know how powerful humans are."

David Finch said: "Great idea, I'm in!"

Martin waved to Bruce and asked him to be responsible for contacting the organization.

Bruce went directly to Gillian Flynn, who was from Missouri and had lived in Cape Girardeau for a while and knew the place well.

The crew quickly set up the slide rails and cameras here.

Kate Upton also came to the set.

David Finch called her over and talked for a while.

This girl is the breaking point of the conflict between Amy and Nick, and is also the trigger for Amy to really take off her cool girl disguise.

Charlize Theron has excellent looks and temperament, but her only flaw is her breasts.

In Gillian Flynn's original novel, when Amy cursed Andy in her mind, her words were also focused on her breasts, which were much larger than hers.

Therefore, in the shot of Kate Upton's first appearance, the focus is naturally on her breasts, not her face.

During the filming, Martin only needs to admire, not master, nor does he need to say or do much.

Kate Upton wanted Martin to try it out.

Isn’t it right for believers to dedicate themselves to the leader they worship?

But Bruce reminded him early on that Kate Upton is not yet eighteen years old.

How could Martin, who personally planned the nannygate, teachinggate and Harvey incidents, make a mistake in this regard?

When filming, Martin's part of the performance only needed to show Nick being attracted by the exaggerated headlights.

I have to go to the hospital today, and I may have to stay for a long time. There have been too many messy things recently.

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